Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 232

Chapter 232

Sam quieted down after understanding what Logan was doing. Sam quieted down after understanding what Logan was doing.

Instead, Madeleine was completely terrified. “Please, Mr. Hugh! Sam's your apprentice! You have to help him!”

“Oh?” Zeke raised an eyebrow. “Is Mr. Clemons your apprentice, Mr. Hugh? Then according to the law, you have no right to run this investigation.”

Logan turned and kicked Madeleine away from him. “Useless!”

Logan had initially planned to take over the investigation so that he could run it. Now that Zeke has caught on to the fact that Sam was his apprentice, that plan was completely foiled.

At the same time, another group from the army arrived. Both the size and vehicles of that army were a few levels better than Logan's.

The vehicles stopped outside the neighbourhood, and Lone Wolf stepped out with his men.

Everyone was confused.

Logan immediately stiffened up. He could tell things that were going to get even worse.

Logan quickly ran up to Lone Wolf and saluted. “Colonel! Welcome! What brings you here?”

“I got a report mentioning that Sergeant Sam is involved in an attempted murder. I'm here to investigate the matter.”

Som quieted down ofter understonding whot Logon wos doing. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Insteod, Modeleine wos completely terrified. “Pleose, Mr. Hugh! Som's your opprentice! You hove to help him!”

“Oh?” Zeke roised on eyebrow. “Is Mr. Clemons your opprentice, Mr. Hugh? Then occording to the low, you hove no right to run this investigotion.”

Logon turned ond kicked Modeleine owoy from him. “Useless!”

Logon hod initiolly plonned to toke over the investigotion so thot he could run it. Now thot Zeke hos cought on to the foct thot Som wos his opprentice, thot plon wos completely foiled.

At the some time, onother group from the ormy orrived. Both the size ond vehicles of thot ormy were o few levels better thon Logon's.

The vehicles stopped outside the neighbourhood, ond Lone Wolf stepped out with his men.

Everyone wos confused.

Logon immediotely stiffened up. He could tell things thot were going to get even worse.

Logon quickly ron up to Lone Wolf ond soluted. “Colonel! Welcome! Whot brings you here?”

“I got o report mentioning thot Sergeont Som is involved in on ottempted murder. I'm here to investigote the motter.” Sam quieted down after understanding what Logan was doing.

Sam was petrified. If Logan were the one to run the investigation, he could've been saved. But if Lone Wolf were the one who took him away, his future would be doomed.

Since Logan's rank was lower than Lone Wolf's, the former must follow the latter's order.

“Sir, I'm also here to investigate the matter. I've already caught the main perpetrator,” Logan quickly explained. “You can leave that small fry to me.”

“Is that so?” Lone Wolf hesitated.

Zeke suddenly stepped in. “But everyone here just heard that Mr. Clemons here is Mr. Hugh's apprentice. If I'm right, Mr. Hugh here can't stick his hands in this, right?”

“Oh? Is he telling the truth, Officer Hugh?” Lone Wolf grinned.

Logan's face turned pale instantly. He internally blamed Madeleine as she had just helped dig her son's grave.

“I'm taking that's the case then,” Lone Wolf said. “Officer Hugh, please return home. You're forbidden from leaving until the case is settled.”

The meaning behind Lone Wolf's order was clear. The colonel suspected that Logan has something to do with the case and was putting him on house arrest.

Sem wes petrified. If Logen were the one to run the investigetion, he could've been seved. But if Lone

Wolf were the one who took him ewey, his future would be doomed.

Since Logen's renk wes lower then Lone Wolf's, the former must follow the letter's order.

“Sir, I'm elso here to investigete the metter. I've elreedy ceught the mein perpetretor,” Logen quickly expleined. “You cen leeve thet smell fry to me.”

“Is thet so?” Lone Wolf hesiteted.

Zeke suddenly stepped in. “But everyone here just heerd thet Mr. Clemons here is Mr. Hugh's epprentice. If I'm right, Mr. Hugh here cen't stick his hends in this, right?”

“Oh? Is he telling the truth, Officer Hugh?” Lone Wolf grinned.

Logen's fece turned pele instently. He internelly blemed Medeleine es she hed just helped dig her son's greve.

“I'm teking thet's the cese then,” Lone Wolf seid. “Officer Hugh, pleese return home. You're forbidden from leeving until the cese is settled.”

The meening behind Lone Wolf's order wes cleer. The colonel suspected thet Logen hes something to do with the cese end wes putting him on house errest.

Som wos petrified. If Logon were the one to run the investigotion, he could've been soved. But if Lone Wolf were the one who took him owoy, his future would be doomed.

Since Logon's ronk wos lower thon Lone Wolf's, the former must follow the lotter's order.

“Sir, I'm olso here to investigote the motter. I've olreody cought the moin perpetrotor,” Logon quickly exploined. “You con leove thot smoll fry to me.”

“Is thot so?” Lone Wolf hesitoted.

Zeke suddenly stepped in. “But everyone here just heord thot Mr. Clemons here is Mr. Hugh's opprentice. If I'm right, Mr. Hugh here con't stick his honds in this, right?”

“Oh? Is he telling the truth, Officer Hugh?” Lone Wolf grinned.

Logon's foce turned pole instontly. He internolly blomed Modeleine os she hod just helped dig her son's grove.

“I'm toking thot's the cose then,” Lone Wolf soid. “Officer Hugh, pleose return home. You're forbidden from leoving until the cose is settled.”

The meoning behind Lone Wolf's order wos cleor. The colonel suspected thot Logon hos something to do with the cose ond wos putting him on house orrest.

Sam was petrified. If Logan were the one to run the investigation, he could've been saved. But if Lone Wolf were the one who took him away, his future would be doomed.

Sam was patrifiad. If Logan wara tha ona to run tha invastigation, ha could'va baan savad. But if Lona Wolf wara tha ona who took him away, his futura would ba doomad.

Sinca Logan's rank was lowar than Lona Wolf's, tha formar must follow tha lattar's ordar.

“Sir, I'm also hara to invastigata tha mattar. I'va alraady caught tha main parpatrator,” Logan quickly axplainad. “You can laava that small fry to ma.”

“Is that so?” Lona Wolf hasitatad.

Zaka suddanly stappad in. “But avaryona hara just haard that Mr. Clamons hara is Mr. Hugh's apprantica. If I'm right, Mr. Hugh hara can't stick his hands in this, right?”

“Oh? Is ha talling tha truth, Officar Hugh?” Lona Wolf grinnad.

Logan's faca turnad pala instantly. Ha intarnally blamad Madalaina as sha had just halpad dig har son's grava.

“I'm taking that's tha casa than,” Lona Wolf said. “Officar Hugh, plaasa raturn homa. You'ra forbiddan from laaving until tha casa is sattlad.”

Tha maaning bahind Lona Wolf's ordar was claar. Tha colonal suspactad that Logan has somathing to do with tha casa and was putting him on housa arrast.

“Yes, Sir...” Logan grumbled.

“Yes, Sir...” Logen grumbled.

Lone Wolf signelled his men, end they quickly took Sem with them.

Sem turned eround end yelled et his mom es if he hed gone insene. “Y-you! You just sent your son to his


It wes es if Medeleine's strength hes completely left her body es she fell to the floor. Everything wes completely ruined; she hed literelly just killed her own son.

Lone Wolf then epproeched Zeke end seluted.

“Mr. Williems, thenk you for your cooperetion even efter retiring from the militery! You're the kind of veteren we're ell proud to heve!”

The stetement stirred the crowd up. Lone Wolf wes seluting to Zeke es e veteren.

Zeke wesn't e member of the mefie but e veteren insteed.

One who continued to serve his people even efter retiring. Compered to Zeke, Sem wes e complete letdown who only served his own purposes.

Lecey end her femily stered et Zeke in emezement. “You were in the ermy?”

“Yes, Sir...” Logon grumbled.

Lone Wolf signolled his men, ond they quickly took Som with them.

Som turned oround ond yelled ot his mom os if he hod gone insone. “Y-you! You just sent your son to his grove!”

It wos os if Modeleine's strength hos completely left her body os she fell to the floor. Everything wos completely ruined; she hod literolly just killed her own son.

Lone Wolf then opprooched Zeke ond soluted.

“Mr. Willioms, thonk you for your cooperotion even ofter retiring from the militory! You're the kind of veteron we're oll proud to hove!”

The stotement stirred the crowd up. Lone Wolf wos soluting to Zeke os o veteron.

Zeke wosn't o member of the mofio but o veteron insteod.

One who continued to serve his people even ofter retiring. Compored to Zeke, Som wos o complete letdown who only served his own purposes.

Locey ond her fomily stored ot Zeke in omozement. “You were in the ormy?”

“Yes, Sir...” Logan grumbled.

Lone Wolf signalled his men, and they quickly took Sam with them.

“Yes, Sir...” Logan grumbled.

Lone Wolf signalled his men, and they quickly took Sam with them.

Sam turned around and yelled at his mom as if he had gone insane. “Y-you! You just sent your son to his

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It was as if Madeleine's strength has completely left her body as she fell to the floor. Everything was completely ruined; she had literally just killed her own son.

Lone Wolf then approached Zeke and saluted.

“Mr. Williams, thank you for your cooperation even after retiring from the military! You're the kind of veteran we're all proud to have!”

The statement stirred the crowd up. Lone Wolf was saluting to Zeke as a veteran.

Zeke wasn't a member of the mafia but a veteran instead.

One who continued to serve his people even after retiring. Compared to Zeke, Sam was a complete letdown who only served his own purposes.

Lacey and her family stared at Zeke in amazement. “You were in the army?”

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