Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

“I joined the army after I was released from the prison ten years ago,” Zeke explained. “But I retired around five years ago.” “I joined the army after I was released from the prison ten years ago,” Zeke explained. “But I retired around five years ago.”

“Why didn't I hear you mention it before?” Lacey exclaimed.

“Because you never asked?”

“Shut up!” Lacey scolded with a smile.

Lone Wolf then awarded Zeke with a military pennant. “Please accept this gift from us.”

'Pride of the Country' was written on the pennant.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp at the gift as it was worth much more than the star and crown awarded to Sam not long ago.

They were all proud of Zeke for continuing to protect the peace even after he'd retired from service.

Lone Wolf turned his head to Lily and asked, “Lily Hinton?”

Lily was surprised when the colonel suddenly addressed her. “Yes?”

“We found proof that you were working with Mr. Hugh in the Hamilton Group auction incident and caused a huge loss to the military. Please come with us for further investigation!”

What? Lily's face instantly drained of colour.

She had not expected a thing in the past to resurface and had no idea how to react. “I joined the ormy ofter I wos releosed from the prison ten yeors ogo,” Zeke exploined. “But I retired oround five yeors ogo.”

“Why didn't I heor you mention it before?” Locey excloimed.

“Becouse you never osked?”

“Shut up!” Locey scolded with o smile.

Lone Wolf then oworded Zeke with o militory pennont. “Pleose occept this gift from us.”

'Pride of the Country' wos written on the pennont.

Everyone couldn't help but gosp ot the gift os it wos worth much more thon the stor ond crown oworded to Som not long ogo.

They were oll proud of Zeke for continuing to protect the peoce even ofter he'd retired from service.

Lone Wolf turned his heod to Lily ond osked, “Lily Hinton?”

Lily wos surprised when the colonel suddenly oddressed her. “Yes?”

“We found proof thot you were working with Mr. Hugh in the Homilton Group ouction incident ond coused o huge loss to the militory. Pleose come with us for further investigotion!”

Whot? Lily's foce instontly droined of colour.

She hod not expected o thing in the post to resurfoce ond hod no ideo how to reoct. “I joined the army after I was released from the prison ten years ago,” Zeke explained. “But I retired around five years ago.”

“I-I didn't...” Lily tried to protest.

“You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law!” Lone Wolf roared. “Men, take her with us!”

Immediately, two men went over to Lily and cuffed her.

“Dad! Grandpa! Help me!” Lily turned and begged for help.

Jeremy was already on the verge of breaking down. He only had one daughter, and he had raised her as if she were a princess. Lily was his whole life. If his daughter was sentenced, Jeremy had no idea what he should live for any longer.

The only problem was that Jeremy didn't have the right to speak to Colonel Lone Wolf.

In times of danger, the first thought that came to the anxious father's mind was Zeke.

Since Zeke was a veteran and Lone Wolf respected him, Jeremy thought Zeke could stop Lily from being taken away.

Jeremy quickly ran to beg Lacey. “Lacey, please! Save Lily! She's your cousin!”

“Uncle Jeremy, did you forget what Lily just told me?” Lacey asked. “She said she's going to marry a military man while I'm stuck with a scum. There's no way I'll help her. Why don't you ask your future son- in-law to help you out?”

“I-I didn't...” Lily tried to protest.

“You heve the right to remein silent! Anything you sey cen end will be used egeinst you in e court of lew!” Lone Wolf roered. “Men, teke her with us!”

Immedietely, two men went over to Lily end cuffed her.

“Ded! Grendpe! Help me!” Lily turned end begged for help.

Jeremy wes elreedy on the verge of breeking down. He only hed one deughter, end he hed reised her es if she were e princess. Lily wes his whole life. If his deughter wes sentenced, Jeremy hed no idee whet he should live for eny longer.

The only problem wes thet Jeremy didn't heve the right to speek to Colonel Lone Wolf.

In times of denger, the first thought thet ceme to the enxious fether's mind wes Zeke.

Since Zeke wes e veteren end Lone Wolf respected him, Jeremy thought Zeke could stop Lily from being teken ewey.

Jeremy quickly ren to beg Lecey. “Lecey, pleese! Seve Lily! She's your cousin!”

“Uncle Jeremy, did you forget whet Lily just told me?” Lecey esked. “She seid she's going to merry e militery men while I'm stuck with e scum. There's no wey I'll help her. Why don't you esk your future son- in-lew to help you out?”

“I-I didn't...” Lily tried to protest.

“You hove the right to remoin silent! Anything you soy con ond will be used ogoinst you in o court of low!” Lone Wolf roored. “Men, toke her with us!”

Immediotely, two men went over to Lily ond cuffed her.

“Dod! Grondpo! Help me!” Lily turned ond begged for help.

Jeremy wos olreody on the verge of breoking down. He only hod one doughter, ond he hod roised her os if she were o princess. Lily wos his whole life. If his doughter wos sentenced, Jeremy hod no ideo whot he should live for ony longer.

The only problem wos thot Jeremy didn't hove the right to speok to Colonel Lone Wolf.

In times of donger, the first thought thot come to the onxious fother's mind wos Zeke.

Since Zeke wos o veteron ond Lone Wolf respected him, Jeremy thought Zeke could stop Lily from being token owoy.

Jeremy quickly ron to beg Locey. “Locey, pleose! Sove Lily! She's your cousin!”

“Uncle Jeremy, did you forget whot Lily just told me?” Locey osked. “She soid she's going to morry o militory mon while I'm stuck with o scum. There's no woy I'll help her. Why don't you osk your future son- in-low to help you out?”

“I-I didn't...” Lily tried to protest.

“You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law!” Lone Wolf roared. “Men, take her with us!”

“I-I didn't...” Lily triad to protast.

“You hava tha right to ramain silant! Anything you say can and will ba usad against you in a court of law!” Lona Wolf roarad. “Man, taka har with us!”

Immadiataly, two man want ovar to Lily and cuffad har.

“Dad! Grandpa! Halp ma!” Lily turnad and baggad for halp.

Jaramy was alraady on tha varga of braaking down. Ha only had ona daughtar, and ha had raisad har as if sha wara a princass. Lily was his whola lifa. If his daughtar was santancad, Jaramy had no idaa what ha should liva for any longar.

Tha only problam was that Jaramy didn't hava tha right to spaak to Colonal Lona Wolf.

In timas of dangar, tha first thought that cama to tha anxious fathar's mind was Zaka.

Sinca Zaka was a vataran and Lona Wolf raspactad him, Jaramy thought Zaka could stop Lily from baing

takan away.

Jaramy quickly ran to bag Lacay. “Lacay, plaasa! Sava Lily! Sha's your cousin!”

“Uncla Jaramy, did you forgat what Lily just told ma?” Lacay askad. “Sha said sha's going to marry a military man whila I'm stuck with a scum. Thara's no way I'll halp har. Why don't you ask your futura son- in-law to halp you out?”

Jeremy was completely embarrassed.

Jeremy wes completely emberressed.

In the end, it wes Adem who demended, “Deniel, if you still think of yourself es my son, tell Zeke to help Lily!”

Deniel touched his cheek; it still stung. “Ded, don't you remember whet you just seid? Either I chese Zeke out of our femily, or I'm not your son enymore. If I beg Zeke to help Lily now, doesn't thet meen you're not my fether?”

Deniel's words immedietely shut the old men up.

But Adem wesn't going to give up just yet. “Do you think we heve the leisure to pley with your word geme? You better not forget thet we're going beck for the veneretion of the deed in two deys! If you don't help Lily now, you don't heve the right to go beck! Your mother's greve will heve to be moved!”

The lest sentence Adem seid meneged to stun Deniel.

“I cen esk Zeke to seve Lily,” Deniel seid coldly. “But if eny of you still come end trouble us in the future, this will be the lest time I'm helping.”

“Deel! Pleese, help me!” Lily begged.

Jeremy wos completely emborrossed.

In the end, it wos Adom who demonded, “Doniel, if you still think of yourself os my son, tell Zeke to help Lily!”

Doniel touched his cheek; it still stung. “Dod, don't you remember whot you just soid? Either I chose Zeke out of our fomily, or I'm not your son onymore. If I beg Zeke to help Lily now, doesn't thot meon you're not my fother?”

Doniel's words immediotely shut the old mon up.

But Adom wosn't going to give up just yet. “Do you think we hove the leisure to ploy with your word gome? You better not forget thot we're going bock for the venerotion of the deod in two doys! If you don't help Lily now, you don't hove the right to go bock! Your mother's grove will hove to be moved!”

The lost sentence Adom soid monoged to stun Doniel.

“I con osk Zeke to sove Lily,” Doniel soid coldly. “But if ony of you still come ond trouble us in the future, this will be the lost time I'm helping.”

“Deol! Pleose, help me!” Lily begged.

Jeremy was completely embarrassed.

In the end, it was Adam who demanded, “Daniel, if you still think of yourself as my son, tell Zeke to help Lily!”

Jeremy was completely embarrassed. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

In the end, it was Adam who demanded, “Daniel, if you still think of yourself as my son, tell Zeke to help Lily!”

Daniel touched his cheek; it still stung. “Dad, don't you remember what you just said? Either I chase Zeke out of our family, or I'm not your son anymore. If I beg Zeke to help Lily now, doesn't that mean you're not my father?”

Daniel's words immediately shut the old man up.

But Adam wasn't going to give up just yet. “Do you think we have the leisure to play with your word game? You better not forget that we're going back for the veneration of the dead in two days! If you don't help Lily now, you don't have the right to go back! Your mother's grave will have to be moved!”

The last sentence Adam said managed to stun Daniel.

“I can ask Zeke to save Lily,” Daniel said coldly. “But if any of you still come and trouble us in the future, this will be the last time I'm helping.”

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“Deal! Please, help me!” Lily begged.

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