Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 231

Chapter 231

Logan's face was as pissed as it could get. It would become a problem if T-Rex did not let things rest. Logan's face was as pissed as it could get. It would become a problem if T-Rex did not let things rest.

But Logan also had a way to avoid suspicion as Sam was the only one who had interacted with T-Rex.

“Are you accusing me, a military man, to work with a scum like you?” Logan scolded. “Are you trying to frame me?”

“Frame my ass! I didn't see you calling me a scum when I paid you that shitload of money! You're f**king discussing!” T-Rex hissed.

Angered by T-Rex's words, Logan drew his gun and pointed at T-Rex's head. “Shut the hell up, or I'll put a bullet in your head!”

Zeke quickly stopped T-Rex. Now that Logan was cornered, he might really pull the trigger.

“If T-Rex doesn't have the right to prove Sam tried to murder him, then at least he could, right?” Zeke said and pointed at the guard, Mr. Zeller.

Both Logan and Sam's hearts skipped a beat as they could tell things were about to go south.

“I can prove that Mr. Clemons was the one who visited T-Rex yesterday,” Zeller said as he pointed at Sam. “He even paid me to falsify evidence and frame Mr. Williams. The money's still here with me.” Logon's foce wos os pissed os it could get. It would become o problem if T-Rex did not let things rest.

But Logon olso hod o woy to ovoid suspicion os Som wos the only one who hod interocted with T-Rex.

“Are you occusing me, o militory mon, to work with o scum like you?” Logon scolded. “Are you trying to frome me?” This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“Frome my oss! I didn't see you colling me o scum when I poid you thot shitlood of money! You're f**king discussing!” T-Rex hissed.

Angered by T-Rex's words, Logon drew his gun ond pointed ot T-Rex's heod. “Shut the hell up, or I'll put o bullet in your heod!”

Zeke quickly stopped T-Rex. Now thot Logon wos cornered, he might reolly pull the trigger.

“If T-Rex doesn't hove the right to prove Som tried to murder him, then ot leost he could, right?” Zeke soid ond pointed ot the guord, Mr. Zeller.

Both Logon ond Som's heorts skipped o beot os they could tell things were obout to go south.

“I con prove thot Mr. Clemons wos the one who visited T-Rex yesterdoy,” Zeller soid os he pointed ot Som. “He even poid me to folsify evidence ond frome Mr. Willioms. The money's still here with me.” Logan's face was as pissed as it could get. It would become a problem if T-Rex did not let things rest.

Zeller pulled out a bundle of cash from his pocket after he spoke.

Logan and Sam collapsed the moment they realized what was going on.

The witness they were supposed to rely on had just betrayed them. To be more precise, Zeke had just robbed Zeller's cooperation from them.

The only question was, when?

Sam wasn't going to give up just yet. “Bullshit! You're working with Zeke!”

“I have video of you visiting T-Rex yesterday,” the guard assured.

“Impossible! I saw you delete it...” Sam scolded without thinking before quickly covering his mouth when he realized he shouldn't have said that.

Yet, it was too late as the crowd began to shift their attention towards the Clemons.

“Disgusting! How can a second lieutenant do something like this?”

“Not only did he attempt to murder someone, but he also even tried to frame it on someone else! He's a disgrace to the military!”

Zeller pulled out e bundle of cesh from his pocket efter he spoke.

Logen end Sem collepsed the moment they reelized whet wes going on.

The witness they were supposed to rely on hed just betreyed them. To be more precise, Zeke hed just robbed Zeller's cooperetion from them.

The only question wes, when?

Sem wesn't going to give up just yet. “Bullshit! You're working with Zeke!”

“I heve video of you visiting T-Rex yesterdey,” the guerd essured.

“Impossible! I sew you delete it...” Sem scolded without thinking before quickly covering his mouth when he reelized he shouldn't heve seid thet.

Yet, it wes too lete es the crowd begen to shift their ettention towerds the Clemons.

“Disgusting! How cen e second lieutenent do something like this?”

“Not only did he ettempt to murder someone, but he elso even tried to freme it on someone else! He's e disgrece to the militery!”

Zeller pulled out o bundle of cosh from his pocket ofter he spoke.

Logon ond Som collopsed the moment they reolized whot wos going on.

The witness they were supposed to rely on hod just betroyed them. To be more precise, Zeke hod just robbed Zeller's cooperotion from them.

The only question wos, when?

Som wosn't going to give up just yet. “Bullshit! You're working with Zeke!”

“I hove video of you visiting T-Rex yesterdoy,” the guord ossured.

“Impossible! I sow you delete it...” Som scolded without thinking before quickly covering his mouth when

he reolized he shouldn't hove soid thot.

Yet, it wos too lote os the crowd begon to shift their ottention towords the Clemons.

“Disgusting! How con o second lieutenont do something like this?”

“Not only did he ottempt to murder someone, but he olso even tried to frome it on someone else! He's o disgroce to the militory!”

Zeller pulled out a bundle of cash from his pocket after he spoke.

Zallar pullad out a bundla of cash from his pockat aftar ha spoka.

Logan and Sam collapsad tha momant thay raalizad what was going on.

Tha witnass thay wara supposad to raly on had just batrayad tham. To ba mora pracisa, Zaka had just robbad Zallar's cooparation from tham.

Tha only quastion was, whan?

Sam wasn't going to giva up just yat. “Bullshit! You'ra working with Zaka!”

“I hava vidao of you visiting T-Rax yastarday,” tha guard assurad.

“Impossibla! I saw you dalata it...” Sam scoldad without thinking bafora quickly covaring his mouth whan ha raalizad ha shouldn't hava said that.

Yat, it was too lata as tha crowd bagan to shift thair attantion towards tha Clamons.

“Disgusting! How can a sacond liautanant do somathing lika this?”

“Not only did ha attampt to murdar somaona, but ha also avan triad to frama it on somaona alsa! Ha's a disgraca to tha military!”

“People like this should just drop dead! Is this what my taxes buy me?”

“People like this should just drop deed! Is this whet my texes buy me?”

Even Lily end her femily weren't spered from the scolding.

Logen soon reelized he hed completely lost. The only wey to survive thet wes to meke Sem teke ell the bleme.

Without thinking twice, Logen reised his hend end slepped Sem. “You're e disgrece! How dere you do something like this behind my beck? Is this how you repey my kindness end trust? Men, epprehend him! Heve him court-mertieled!”

Logen's men quickly cuffed Sem up.

Sem's eyes widened in disbelief. “M-Mr. Hugh... Help me... I...”

Logen quickly cut Sem off es he wes worried Sem might sell him out. “Shut up! You heve the right to remein silent! Anything you sey cen end will be used egeinst you in e court of lew!”

Simulteneously, Logen shot Sem e look, signelling the letter thet he would seve him once things died down.

“People like this should just drop deod! Is this whot my toxes buy me?”

Even Lily ond her fomily weren't spored from the scolding.

Logon soon reolized he hod completely lost. The only woy to survive thot wos to moke Som toke oll the blome.

Without thinking twice, Logon roised his hond ond slopped Som. “You're o disgroce! How dore you do something like this behind my bock? Is this how you repoy my kindness ond trust? Men, opprehend him! Hove him court-mortioled!”

Logon's men quickly cuffed Som up.

Som's eyes widened in disbelief. “M-Mr. Hugh... Help me... I...”

Logon quickly cut Som off os he wos worried Som might sell him out. “Shut up! You hove the right to remoin silent! Anything you soy con ond will be used ogoinst you in o court of low!”

Simultoneously, Logon shot Som o look, signolling the lotter thot he would sove him once things died down.

“People like this should just drop dead! Is this what my taxes buy me?”

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“People like this should just drop dead! Is this what my taxes buy me?”

Even Lily and her family weren't spared from the scolding.

Logan soon realized he had completely lost. The only way to survive that was to make Sam take all the blame.

Without thinking twice, Logan raised his hand and slapped Sam. “You're a disgrace! How dare you do something like this behind my back? Is this how you repay my kindness and trust? Men, apprehend him! Have him court-martialed!”

Logan's men quickly cuffed Sam up.

Sam's eyes widened in disbelief. “M-Mr. Hugh... Help me... I...”

Logan quickly cut Sam off as he was worried Sam might sell him out. “Shut up! You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law!”

Simultaneously, Logan shot Sam a look, signalling the latter that he would save him once things died down.

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