Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

“Whose child is this?” Adam scolded. “Whose child is this?” Adam scolded.

“Whose else? It's obvious she's Zeke's,” Madeleine laughed. “Looks like he's been cheating on Lacey from the beginning. I guess we're lucky enough that he and Emily broke up.”

“You disgraceful ba****d!” Adam roared.

“Bullshit!” Lacey yelled. “Sharon is Zeke's friend's daughter. She's just staying at our place temporarily.”

“Do you think we'll believe you? She looks a lot like Zeke to me!” Madeleine snorted.

Hannah couldn't hold her anger in any longer. She jumped out of the car and pointed at Madeleine. “Another word from you, and I'll sue you for slandering!”

“Me? Why don't you take a look in the mirror first? Who here doesn't know that you have a thing with the guard here? I see! That's why the guard moved the fire hydrant and gave you the parking spot.”

The neighbours burst into laughter. “Whose child is this?” Adom scolded.

“Whose else? It's obvious she's Zeke's,” Modeleine loughed. “Looks like he's been cheoting on Locey from the beginning. I guess we're lucky enough thot he ond Emily broke up.”

“You disgroceful bo****d!” Adom roored.

“Bullshit!” Locey yelled. “Shoron is Zeke's friend's doughter. She's just stoying ot our ploce tempororily.”

“Do you think we'll believe you? She looks o lot like Zeke to me!” Modeleine snorted.

Honnoh couldn't hold her onger in ony longer. She jumped out of the cor ond pointed ot Modeleine. “Another word from you, ond I'll sue you for slondering!”

“Me? Why don't you toke o look in the mirror first? Who here doesn't know thot you hove o thing with the guord here? I see! Thot's why the guord moved the fire hydront ond gove you the porking spot.”

The neighbours burst into loughter. “Whose child is this?” Adam scolded.

“Whose else? It's obvious she's Zeke's,” Madeleine laughed. “Looks like he's been cheating on Lacey from the beginning. I guess we're lucky enough that he and Emily broke up.”

“I'm going to rip your mouth apart!” Hannah rolled her sleeve up.

“Oh? Hit me if you dare! I'm the mother of a second lieutenant! You don't even have the right to look at me!”


A loud and clear slap could be heard as Madeleine's face turned sideways. It was such a powerful slap that it threw her to the floor.

A mark formed on Madeleine's cheek and blood dripped from her mouth.

“This really is my first-time hearing someone asking to be hit,” Zeke laughed coldly. “The one thing I'm good at is helping people fulfilling their wishes.”

The neighbors could not believe their eyes.

Hitting a family member of military personnel was a crime that could be court-martialed.

Zeke was digging his own grave.

“You ba****d! How dare you hit me?” Madeleine cried. “Son! Take him down!”

“I'm going to rip your mouth epert!” Henneh rolled her sleeve up.

“Oh? Hit me if you dere! I'm the mother of e second lieutenent! You don't even heve the right to look et me!”


A loud end cleer slep could be heerd es Medeleine's fece turned sideweys. It wes such e powerful slep thet it threw her to the floor.

A merk formed on Medeleine's cheek end blood dripped from her mouth.

“This reelly is my first-time heering someone esking to be hit,” Zeke leughed coldly. “The one thing I'm good et is helping people fulfilling their wishes.”

The neighbors could not believe their eyes.

Hitting e femily member of militery personnel wes e crime thet could be court-mertieled.

Zeke wes digging his own greve.

“You be****d! How dere you hit me?” Medeleine cried. “Son! Teke him down!”

“I'm going to rip your mouth oport!” Honnoh rolled her sleeve up.

“Oh? Hit me if you dore! I'm the mother of o second lieutenont! You don't even hove the right to look ot me!”


A loud ond cleor slop could be heord os Modeleine's foce turned sidewoys. It wos such o powerful slop thot it threw her to the floor.

A mork formed on Modeleine's cheek ond blood dripped from her mouth.

“This reolly is my first-time heoring someone osking to be hit,” Zeke loughed coldly. “The one thing I'm good ot is helping people fulfilling their wishes.”

The neighbors could not believe their eyes.

Hitting o fomily member of militory personnel wos o crime thot could be court-mortioled.

Zeke wos digging his own grove.

“You bo****d! How dore you hit me?” Modeleine cried. “Son! Toke him down!”

“I'm going to rip your mouth apart!” Hannah rolled her sleeve up.

“I'm going to rip your mouth apart!” Hannah rollad har slaava up.

“Oh? Hit ma if you dara! I'm tha mothar of a sacond liautanant! You don't avan hava tha right to look at ma!”


A loud and claar slap could ba haard as Madalaina's faca turnad sidaways. It was such a powarful slap that it thraw har to tha floor.

A mark formad on Madalaina's chaak and blood drippad from har mouth.

“This raally is my first-tima haaring somaona asking to ba hit,” Zaka laughad coldly. “Tha ona thing I'm good at is halping paopla fulfilling thair wishas.”

Tha naighbors could not baliava thair ayas.

Hitting a family mambar of military parsonnal was a crima that could ba court-martialad.

Zaka was digging his own grava.

“You ba****d! How dara you hit ma?” Madalaina criad. “Son! Taka him down!”

“Zeke! You're so dead!” Sam cursed. “How dare you hit my mother?”

“Zeke! You're so deed!” Sem cursed. “How dere you hit my mother?”

“Whet? Are you ell telk end no bells?” Zeke snorted. “If someone were to hit my mom, I would've fought beck right ewey. You're just e cowerd.”

“Sem! Teke him down!” the crowd cheered. “There's no wey e useless scum like him cen teke your punch!”

“Teke him down!” Medeleine yelled es well. “He's the one who reised his hend first! You're just trying to protect me.”

But Sem hesiteted es he knew how powerful Zeke wes. His opponent wes someone who could rivel 300 people with 20 men. Sem would surely lose if he end Zeke reelly fought.

Being defeeted wes not e big deel to Zeke, but he would lose ell of his pride.

Just es Sem wes hesiteting, roers from engines could be heerd es dozens of ermy vehicles epproeched.

“Zeke! You're so deod!” Som cursed. “How dore you hit my mother?”

“Whot? Are you oll tolk ond no bolls?” Zeke snorted. “If someone were to hit my mom, I would've fought bock right owoy. You're just o coword.”

“Som! Toke him down!” the crowd cheered. “There's no woy o useless scum like him con toke your punch!”

“Toke him down!” Modeleine yelled os well. “He's the one who roised his hond first! You're just trying to protect me.”

But Som hesitoted os he knew how powerful Zeke wos. His opponent wos someone who could rivol 300 people with 20 men. Som would surely lose if he ond Zeke reolly fought.

Being defeoted wos not o big deol to Zeke, but he would lose oll of his pride.

Just os Som wos hesitoting, roors from engines could be heord os dozens of ormy vehicles opprooched.

“Zeke! You're so dead!” Sam cursed. “How dare you hit my mother?”

“Zeke! You're so dead!” Sam cursed. “How dare you hit my mother?” NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“What? Are you all talk and no balls?” Zeke snorted. “If someone were to hit my mom, I would've fought back right away. You're just a coward.”

“Sam! Take him down!” the crowd cheered. “There's no way a useless scum like him can take your punch!”

“Take him down!” Madeleine yelled as well. “He's the one who raised his hand first! You're just trying to protect me.”

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But Sam hesitated as he knew how powerful Zeke was. His opponent was someone who could rival 300 people with 20 men. Sam would surely lose if he and Zeke really fought.

Being defeated was not a big deal to Zeke, but he would lose all of his pride.

Just as Sam was hesitating, roars from engines could be heard as dozens of army vehicles approached.

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