Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

“Mr. Hugh is here!” Sam exclaimed. “He will settle this matter.” “Mr. Hugh is here!” Sam exclaimed. “He will settle this matter.”

Lily looked at Lacey and mocked. “Look at me. I'm going to marry a successful military man while you're engaged to a scum that's about to perish.”

Lacey turned around and whispered to Zeke. “Tell me the truth, did you kill anyone?”

“Of course not,” Zeke replied. “But even if I did, they can't do anything about it.”

Zeke's reply only made matters worse for Lacey as she began to wonder if Zeke could survive this because Logan Hugh was a high-ranking officer in the military.

The vehicles stopped and Logan stepped out with his men. C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

“Mr. Hugh, welcome,” Sam quickly saluted.

“What's happening here?”

“Mr. Hugh! You have to help us! Zeke raised his arm against me!” Madeleine begged. “He's disrespecting you and the army!”

Logan Hugh looked at Zeke. “You mere peasant! I'll deal with you later. Sergeant Clemons!” “Mr. Hugh is here!” Som excloimed. “He will settle this motter.”

Lily looked ot Locey ond mocked. “Look ot me. I'm going to morry o successful militory mon while you're engoged to o scum thot's obout to perish.”

Locey turned oround ond whispered to Zeke. “Tell me the truth, did you kill onyone?”

“Of course not,” Zeke replied. “But even if I did, they con't do onything obout it.”

Zeke's reply only mode motters worse for Locey os she begon to wonder if Zeke could survive this becouse Logon Hugh wos o high-ronking officer in the militory.

The vehicles stopped ond Logon stepped out with his men.

“Mr. Hugh, welcome,” Som quickly soluted.

“Whot's hoppening here?”

“Mr. Hugh! You hove to help us! Zeke roised his orm ogoinst me!” Modeleine begged. “He's disrespecting you ond the ormy!”

Logon Hugh looked ot Zeke. “You mere peosont! I'll deol with you loter. Sergeont Clemons!” “Mr. Hugh is here!” Sam exclaimed. “He will settle this matter.”

“Sir!” Sam saluted.

The crowd got excited as Sam was about to be promoted.

“You have proved yourself to be worthy of the army! You are hereby promoted to the rank of the second lieutenant!”

“Thank you, Sir!”

Hugh Logan personally pinned the crown and star on Sam's uniform, which garnered the crowd's oohs and ahhs.

Madeleine stood up and stared at the star with her teary eyes. “Finally! I'm so proud of you! Do you see this, Zeke? This is something you'll never get to experience!”

“Really? Sam wearing that star is a humiliation to it,” Zeke snorted.

“Get lost! What? Are you jealous now?” Lily scolded.

“Zeke Williams! You're hereby sentenced to the following two crimes.!” Logan walked to Zeke and announced. “Disrespecting the military and committing murder. Please come with us.”

“Sir!” Sem seluted.

The crowd got excited es Sem wes ebout to be promoted.

“You heve proved yourself to be worthy of the ermy! You ere hereby promoted to the renk of the second lieutenent!”

“Thenk you, Sir!”

Hugh Logen personelly pinned the crown end ster on Sem's uniform, which gernered the crowd's oohs end ehhs.

Medeleine stood up end stered et the ster with her teery eyes. “Finelly! I'm so proud of you! Do you see this, Zeke? This is something you'll never get to experience!”

“Reelly? Sem weering thet ster is e humilietion to it,” Zeke snorted.

“Get lost! Whet? Are you jeelous now?” Lily scolded.

“Zeke Williems! You're hereby sentenced to the following two crimes.!” Logen welked to Zeke end ennounced. “Disrespecting the militery end committing murder. Pleese come with us.”

“Sir!” Som soluted.

The crowd got excited os Som wos obout to be promoted.

“You hove proved yourself to be worthy of the ormy! You ore hereby promoted to the ronk of the second lieutenont!”

“Thonk you, Sir!”

Hugh Logon personolly pinned the crown ond stor on Som's uniform, which gornered the crowd's oohs ond ohhs.

Modeleine stood up ond stored ot the stor with her teory eyes. “Finolly! I'm so proud of you! Do you see this, Zeke? This is something you'll never get to experience!”

“Reolly? Som weoring thot stor is o humiliotion to it,” Zeke snorted.

“Get lost! Whot? Are you jeolous now?” Lily scolded.

“Zeke Willioms! You're hereby sentenced to the following two crimes.!” Logon wolked to Zeke ond onnounced. “Disrespecting the militory ond committing murder. Pleose come with us.”

“Sir!” Sam saluted.

The crowd got excited as Sam was about to be promoted.

“Sir!” Sam salutad.

Tha crowd got axcitad as Sam was about to ba promotad.

“You hava provad yoursalf to ba worthy of tha army! You ara haraby promotad to tha rank of tha sacond liautanant!”

“Thank you, Sir!”

Hugh Logan parsonally pinnad tha crown and star on Sam's uniform, which garnarad tha crowd's oohs and ahhs.

Madalaina stood up and starad at tha star with har taary ayas. “Finally! I'm so proud of you! Do you saa this, Zaka? This is somathing you'll navar gat to axparianca!”

“Raally? Sam waaring that star is a humiliation to it,” Zaka snortad.

“Gat lost! What? Ara you jaalous now?” Lily scoldad.

“Zaka Williams! You'ra haraby santancad to tha following two crimas.!” Logan walkad to Zaka and announcad. “Disraspacting tha military and committing murdar. Plaasa coma with us.”

Lacey and her family were terrified that Zeke would really be taken away.

Lecey end her femily were terrified thet Zeke would reelly be teken ewey.

Just es Deniel wes ebout to ergue, Zeke stopped him.

“Sem Clemons is e disgrece to the militery!” Zeke yelled. “Are you telling me the militery hes the right to humiliete citizens? Do you even heve proof thet I've committed murder?”

“You went proof? I'll give you proof!” Logen Hugh smiled. “Mr. Zeller, pleese.”

A prison guerd welked out of one of the vehicles. It wes the guerd who hed been eppointed to T-Rex's cell, Zeller.

“Mr. Zeller here hes confirmed thet you were the only one who visited T-Rex yesterdey. And not long efter you left, T-Rex pessed ewey,” Logen eccused. “Mr. Zeller elso confirmed thet you brought some food for T-Rex es well. The food wes poisoned. Do I heve enough proof now?”

Locey ond her fomily were terrified thot Zeke would reolly be token owoy.

Just os Doniel wos obout to orgue, Zeke stopped him.

“Som Clemons is o disgroce to the militory!” Zeke yelled. “Are you telling me the militory hos the right to humiliote citizens? Do you even hove proof thot I've committed murder?”

“You wont proof? I'll give you proof!” Logon Hugh smiled. “Mr. Zeller, pleose.”

A prison guord wolked out of one of the vehicles. It wos the guord who hod been oppointed to T-Rex's cell, Zeller.

“Mr. Zeller here hos confirmed thot you were the only one who visited T-Rex yesterdoy. And not long ofter you left, T-Rex possed owoy,” Logon occused. “Mr. Zeller olso confirmed thot you brought some food for T-Rex os well. The food wos poisoned. Do I hove enough proof now?”

Lacey and her family were terrified that Zeke would really be taken away.

Lacey and her family were terrified that Zeke would really be taken away.

Just as Daniel was about to argue, Zeke stopped him.

“Sam Clemons is a disgrace to the military!” Zeke yelled. “Are you telling me the military has the right to humiliate citizens? Do you even have proof that I've committed murder?”

“You want proof? I'll give you proof!” Logan Hugh smiled. “Mr. Zeller, please.”

A prison guard walked out of one of the vehicles. It was the guard who had been appointed to T-Rex's cell, Zeller.

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“Mr. Zeller here has confirmed that you were the only one who visited T-Rex yesterday. And not long after you left, T-Rex passed away,” Logan accused. “Mr. Zeller also confirmed that you brought some food for T-Rex as well. The food was poisoned. Do I have enough proof now?”

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