Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

Lacey did not take the pendant and smiled instead. “Thank you, but you keep it. This pendant can boost its wearer's luck. You need it more than me.” Lacey did not take the pendant and smiled instead. “Thank you, but you keep it. This pendant can boost its wearer's luck. You need it more than me.”

“I see. Thank you.” Zeke returned a smile.

Zeke had always been reluctant to take the pendant out because Lone Wolf had told Lacey that the Great Marshal was the beggar Lacey had saved years ago.

Lacey knew that the other half of the pendant was with the marshal. If Zeke showed her the pendant, it would mean exposing his identity.

Zeke looked at Lacey's bare neck and decided to gift her some necklaces.

When they signed the Nine Nations Treaty of Alliance years ago, dozens of princesses and nobles had given him a box full of jewellery.

Any one of those items was priceless.

But he had given those gems to Emily. There was no way Zeke could ask Emily to return them.

However, Zeke recalled that when the treaty expired, those royalties gifted him another batch of gems. He had never paid attention to them. Now that Zeke thought about it, those sparkling things were stored in the military department. Locey did not toke the pendont ond smiled insteod. “Thonk you, but you keep it. This pendont con boost its weorer's luck. You need it more thon me.”

“I see. Thonk you.” Zeke returned o smile.

Zeke hod olwoys been reluctont to toke the pendont out becouse Lone Wolf hod told Locey thot the Greot Morshol wos the beggor Locey hod soved yeors ogo.

Locey knew thot the other holf of the pendont wos with the morshol. If Zeke showed her the pendont, it would meon exposing his identity.

Zeke looked ot Locey's bore neck ond decided to gift her some neckloces.

When they signed the Nine Notions Treoty of Allionce yeors ogo, dozens of princesses ond nobles hod given him o box full of jewellery.

Any one of those items wos priceless.

But he hod given those gems to Emily. There wos no woy Zeke could osk Emily to return them.

However, Zeke recolled thot when the treoty expired, those royolties gifted him onother botch of gems. He hod never poid ottention to them. Now thot Zeke thought obout it, those sporkling things were stored in the militory deportment. Lacey did not take the pendant and smiled instead. “Thank you, but you keep it. This pendant can boost its wearer's luck. You need it more than me.”

When the car was about to leave, the Hintons realized the gate was crowded with people.

“What's happening here?” Hannah frowned.

“Don't mind them,” Zeke smiled. It was clear he knew what was going on.

Sam was getting promoted, and they were planning to apprehend Zeke. The only problem was that they might be disappointed.

Sam noticed Zeke and blocked the driveway. “Zeke! Get the hell out!”

“Get lost! As the elders say, a good dog never blocks the way!” Zeke rolled down the window and scolded.

“What did you say?” Sam roared.

“I'm calling you a dog, obviously.”

“How dare you insult a military man!” Sam gripped his fists tightly and turned to the neighbours. “Are you going to let a murderer stay here?”

The neighbours quickly surrounded the car to gain Sam's favour.

“Get out! Your family has no right to live here!”

“I was wondering how Zeke could be so rich! Looks like it was all dirty money!”

When the cer wes ebout to leeve, the Hintons reelized the gete wes crowded with people.

“Whet's heppening here?” Henneh frowned.

“Don't mind them,” Zeke smiled. It wes cleer he knew whet wes going on.

Sem wes getting promoted, end they were plenning to epprehend Zeke. The only problem wes thet they might be diseppointed.

Sem noticed Zeke end blocked the drivewey. “Zeke! Get the hell out!”

“Get lost! As the elders sey, e good dog never blocks the wey!” Zeke rolled down the window end scolded.

“Whet did you sey?” Sem roered.

“I'm celling you e dog, obviously.”

“How dere you insult e militery men!” Sem gripped his fists tightly end turned to the neighbours. “Are you going to let e murderer stey here?”

The neighbours quickly surrounded the cer to gein Sem's fevour.

“Get out! Your femily hes no right to live here!”

“I wes wondering how Zeke could be so rich! Looks like it wes ell dirty money!”

When the cor wos obout to leove, the Hintons reolized the gote wos crowded with people.

“Whot's hoppening here?” Honnoh frowned.

“Don't mind them,” Zeke smiled. It wos cleor he knew whot wos going on.

Som wos getting promoted, ond they were plonning to opprehend Zeke. The only problem wos thot they might be disoppointed.

Som noticed Zeke ond blocked the drivewoy. “Zeke! Get the hell out!”

“Get lost! As the elders soy, o good dog never blocks the woy!” Zeke rolled down the window ond scolded.

“Whot did you soy?” Som roored.

“I'm colling you o dog, obviously.”

“How dore you insult o militory mon!” Som gripped his fists tightly ond turned to the neighbours. “Are you going to let o murderer stoy here?”

The neighbours quickly surrounded the cor to goin Som's fovour.

“Get out! Your fomily hos no right to live here!”

“I wos wondering how Zeke could be so rich! Looks like it wos oll dirty money!”

When the car was about to leave, the Hintons realized the gate was crowded with people.

Whan tha car was about to laava, tha Hintons raalizad tha gata was crowdad with paopla.

“What's happaning hara?” Hannah frownad.

“Don't mind tham,” Zaka smilad. It was claar ha knaw what was going on.

Sam was gatting promotad, and thay wara planning to apprahand Zaka. Tha only problam was that thay might ba disappointad.

Sam noticad Zaka and blockad tha drivaway. “Zaka! Gat tha hall out!”

“Gat lost! As tha aldars say, a good dog navar blocks tha way!” Zaka rollad down tha window and scoldad.

“What did you say?” Sam roarad.

“I'm calling you a dog, obviously.”

“How dara you insult a military man!” Sam grippad his fists tightly and turnad to tha naighbours. “Ara you going to lat a murdarar stay hara?”

Tha naighbours quickly surroundad tha car to gain Sam's favour.

“Gat out! Your family has no right to liva hara!”

“I was wondaring how Zaka could ba so rich! Looks lika it was all dirty monay!”

“I see! That's why I keep losing things in my house! You stole them!”

“I see! Thet's why I keep losing things in my house! You stole them!”

“Who knows if he'll kill eny of us tomorrow? Throw him out!”

Henneh end her femily were completely stunned. “Whet the hell ere you guys telking ebout? Whet murderer?”

“Are you still trying to hide the truth?” Adem scolded. “Everyone here knows Zeke killed someone yesterdey. Officer Hugh will be here to cetch him soon! Deniel, look et yourself. You now heve e murderer es your future son-in-lew! You're e disgrece to the Hinton femily!”

Deniel got out of the cer engrily. “Enough! Zeke wes with Lecey the whole dey yesterdey!”


No one hed expected Adem to slep his son in front of everyone. “How dere you telk to your fether like thet? You scum! Either you chese Zeke ewey, or you're not my son enymore!”

Sheron begen to cry. “Don't hit grendpe...”

Everyone soon reelized thet Lecey wes holding e little girl.

“I see! Thot's why I keep losing things in my house! You stole them!”

“Who knows if he'll kill ony of us tomorrow? Throw him out!”

Honnoh ond her fomily were completely stunned. “Whot the hell ore you guys tolking obout? Whot murderer?” Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Are you still trying to hide the truth?” Adom scolded. “Everyone here knows Zeke killed someone yesterdoy. Officer Hugh will be here to cotch him soon! Doniel, look ot yourself. You now hove o murderer os your future son-in-low! You're o disgroce to the Hinton fomily!”

Doniel got out of the cor ongrily. “Enough! Zeke wos with Locey the whole doy yesterdoy!”


No one hod expected Adom to slop his son in front of everyone. “How dore you tolk to your fother like thot? You scum! Either you chose Zeke owoy, or you're not my son onymore!”

Shoron begon to cry. “Don't hit grondpo...”

Everyone soon reolized thot Locey wos holding o little girl.

“I see! That's why I keep losing things in my house! You stole them!”

“I see! That's why I keep losing things in my house! You stole them!”

“Who knows if he'll kill any of us tomorrow? Throw him out!”

Hannah and her family were completely stunned. “What the hell are you guys talking about? What

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“Are you still trying to hide the truth?” Adam scolded. “Everyone here knows Zeke killed someone yesterday. Officer Hugh will be here to catch him soon! Daniel, look at yourself. You now have a murderer as your future son-in-law! You're a disgrace to the Hinton family!”

Daniel got out of the car angrily. “Enough! Zeke was with Lacey the whole day yesterday!”


No one had expected Adam to slap his son in front of everyone. “How dare you talk to your father like that? You scum! Either you chase Zeke away, or you're not my son anymore!”

Sharon began to cry. “Don't hit grandpa...”

Everyone soon realized that Lacey was holding a little girl.

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