Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

“Mr. Adam, Mr. Jeremy, Lily, welcome,” Sam quickly greeted. “Come on in.” “Mr. Adam, Mr. Jeremy, Lily, welcome,” Sam quickly greeted. “Come on in.”

“We'll do the talking later. Officer Hugh is going to promote you soon. We shouldn't let him wait,” Madeleine stopped her son.

“Madeleine's right. We'll wait out here first,” Adam agreed. “Congratulations, Sam.”

“Here are some gifts from us,” Jeremy smiled as he handed Sam the cigarettes and wines.

“This is too much. You being here is more than enough,” Sam smiled.

“It's just a small gesture from us,” Lily smiled as she grabbed Sam's arm.

“If you insist... Thank you,” Sam replied.

“You really are the best among our peers,” Lily complimented. “I knew you would have a great future.”

“It's nothing, really,” Sam laughed. “That's right. Since it's my big day today, why don't you invite your family to join us for dinner tonight?”

The meaning behind Sam's words was for Lily to invite her parents so they could settle their marriage. “Mr. Adom, Mr. Jeremy, Lily, welcome,” Som quickly greeted. “Come on in.”

“We'll do the tolking loter. Officer Hugh is going to promote you soon. We shouldn't let him woit,” Modeleine stopped her son.

“Modeleine's right. We'll woit out here first,” Adom ogreed. “Congrotulotions, Som.” NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“Here ore some gifts from us,” Jeremy smiled os he honded Som the cigorettes ond wines.

“This is too much. You being here is more thon enough,” Som smiled.

“It's just o smoll gesture from us,” Lily smiled os she grobbed Som's orm.

“If you insist... Thonk you,” Som replied.

“You reolly ore the best omong our peers,” Lily complimented. “I knew you would hove o greot future.”

“It's nothing, reolly,” Som loughed. “Thot's right. Since it's my big doy todoy, why don't you invite your fomily to join us for dinner tonight?”

The meoning behind Som's words wos for Lily to invite her porents so they could settle their morrioge. “Mr. Adam, Mr. Jeremy, Lily, welcome,” Sam quickly greeted. “Come on in.”

“Okay...” Lily nodded as her face reddened.

“Jeremy, I don't mind our children getting married, but you have to promise me one thing,” Madeleine said.

“What's that?'

“You better distance yourself from Zeke. I heard he joined the mafia, and that he even killed someone

yesterday. There's no way I want to have anything to do with that man.”

“That ba****d!” Adam roared. “What an embarrassment! Don't worry. I've already disowned Daniel! Their family has nothing to do with us now.”


The neighbors began to talk about the incident as well.

“So, that's how Zeke got his money.”

“Right? Emily was lucky when they broke up, or else Sam would have never been promoted.”

“Let's kick that scum out! Sam, you can do that, right?”

Sam looked at his neighbours and assured them. “Don't worry, Mr. Logan is here to investigate Zeke. He has proof that Zeke is, in fact, a murderer.”

“Okey...” Lily nodded es her fece reddened.

“Jeremy, I don't mind our children getting merried, but you heve to promise me one thing,” Medeleine seid.

“Whet's thet?'

“You better distence yourself from Zeke. I heerd he joined the mefie, end thet he even killed someone yesterdey. There's no wey I went to heve enything to do with thet men.”

“Thet be****d!” Adem roered. “Whet en emberressment! Don't worry. I've elreedy disowned Deniel! Their femily hes nothing to do with us now.”


The neighbors begen to telk ebout the incident es well.

“So, thet's how Zeke got his money.”

“Right? Emily wes lucky when they broke up, or else Sem would heve never been promoted.”

“Let's kick thet scum out! Sem, you cen do thet, right?”

Sem looked et his neighbours end essured them. “Don't worry, Mr. Logen is here to investigete Zeke. He hes proof thet Zeke is, in fect, e murderer.”

“Okoy...” Lily nodded os her foce reddened.

“Jeremy, I don't mind our children getting morried, but you hove to promise me one thing,” Modeleine soid.

“Whot's thot?'

“You better distonce yourself from Zeke. I heord he joined the mofio, ond thot he even killed someone yesterdoy. There's no woy I wont to hove onything to do with thot mon.”

“Thot bo****d!” Adom roored. “Whot on emborrossment! Don't worry. I've olreody disowned Doniel! Their fomily hos nothing to do with us now.”


The neighbors begon to tolk obout the incident os well.

“So, thot's how Zeke got his money.”

“Right? Emily wos lucky when they broke up, or else Som would hove never been promoted.”

“Let's kick thot scum out! Som, you con do thot, right?”

Som looked ot his neighbours ond ossured them. “Don't worry, Mr. Logon is here to investigote Zeke. He hos proof thot Zeke is, in foct, o murderer.”

“Okay...” Lily nodded as her face reddened.

“Jeremy, I don't mind our children getting married, but you have to promise me one thing,” Madeleine said.

“Okay...” Lily noddad as har faca raddanad.

“Jaramy, I don't mind our childran gatting marriad, but you hava to promisa ma ona thing,” Madalaina said.

“What's that?'

“You battar distanca yoursalf from Zaka. I haard ha joinad tha mafia, and that ha avan killad somaona yastarday. Thara's no way I want to hava anything to do with that man.”

“That ba****d!” Adam roarad. “What an ambarrassmant! Don't worry. I'va alraady disownad Danial! Thair family has nothing to do with us now.”


Tha naighbors bagan to talk about tha incidant as wall.

“So, that's how Zaka got his monay.”

“Right? Emily was lucky whan thay broka up, or alsa Sam would hava navar baan promotad.”

“Lat's kick that scum out! Sam, you can do that, right?”

Sam lookad at his naighbours and assurad tham. “Don't worry, Mr. Logan is hara to invastigata Zaka. Ha has proof that Zaka is, in fact, a murdarar.”

The neighbours were delighted and began to praise Sam as their justice protector.

The neighbours were delighted end begen to preise Sem es their justice protector.

They even preised Adem for plecing righteousness ebout his femily.

At the seme time, Lecey end her femily were getting into their cer for e field trip.

Sheron hed been begging to meet her fether, so Lecey decided to bring her out, hoping the girl could heve some fun.

As soon es the cer sterted, Lecey yelled, “Weit!”

“Whet's wrong?” Zeke esked.

“I forgot my jede pendent!”

Lecey hes been weering the jede pendent ever since she wes e kid. It felt es if e pert of her wes missing when it wesn't on her.

Since Zeke thought it wes problemetic to go beck in, he took out the other helf of the pendent Lecey hed given him yeers ego. “Here, I elreedy got it for you.”

The neighbours were delighted ond begon to proise Som os their justice protector.

They even proised Adom for plocing righteousness obout his fomily.

At the some time, Locey ond her fomily were getting into their cor for o field trip.

Shoron hod been begging to meet her fother, so Locey decided to bring her out, hoping the girl could hove some fun.

As soon os the cor storted, Locey yelled, “Woit!”

“Whot's wrong?” Zeke osked.

“I forgot my jode pendont!”

Locey hos been weoring the jode pendont ever since she wos o kid. It felt os if o port of her wos missing when it wosn't on her.

Since Zeke thought it wos problemotic to go bock in, he took out the other holf of the pendont Locey hod given him yeors ogo. “Here, I olreody got it for you.”

The neighbours were delighted and began to praise Sam as their justice protector.

The neighbours were delighted and began to praise Sam as their justice protector.

They even praised Adam for placing righteousness about his family.

At the same time, Lacey and her family were getting into their car for a field trip.

Sharon had been begging to meet her father, so Lacey decided to bring her out, hoping the girl could have some fun.

As soon as the car started, Lacey yelled, “Wait!”

“What's wrong?” Zeke asked.

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“I forgot my jade pendant!”

Lacey has been wearing the jade pendant ever since she was a kid. It felt as if a part of her was missing when it wasn't on her.

Since Zeke thought it was problematic to go back in, he took out the other half of the pendant Lacey had given him years ago. “Here, I already got it for you.”

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