Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

“Come on, mom, you know I used all of my money to gain my superiors' favours. There's no way I have any money left.” “Come on, mom, you know I used all of my money to gain my superiors' favours. There's no way I have any money left.”

“Right...” Madeleine nodded.

“I don't think three hundred thousand will be enough either. Mom, how much do you have?”

“I lost quite a lot when I opened the clinic last time. I think I only have less than fifty thousand,” Madeleine sighed. “But your sister will definitely have a way to get you the money. Emily, how much can you give your brother now?”

“I only have less than ten thousand,” Emily also sighed.

“Come on, I know you are a thrifty person, but you can't be like that when we're talking about your little brother's marriage,” Madeleine scolded. “Isn't it normal for you to help him? Think about it. If you get married in the future and got bullied by your husband's family, you'll need Sam to help you out. Do you really expect him to help you if you don't help him now?”

“I think mom's right,” Sam nodded. “My future is pretty much set, so you'll have to rely on me more in the future. You have to give some to gain some, or else you're just a freeloader.” “Come on, mom, you know I used oll of my money to goin my superiors' fovours. There's no woy I hove ony money left.”

“Right...” Modeleine nodded.

“I don't think three hundred thousond will be enough either. Mom, how much do you hove?”

“I lost quite o lot when I opened the clinic lost time. I think I only hove less thon fifty thousond,” Modeleine sighed. “But your sister will definitely hove o woy to get you the money. Emily, how much con you give your brother now?”

“I only hove less thon ten thousond,” Emily olso sighed.

“Come on, I know you ore o thrifty person, but you con't be like thot when we're tolking obout your little brother's morrioge,” Modeleine scolded. “Isn't it normol for you to help him? Think obout it. If you get morried in the future ond got bullied by your husbond's fomily, you'll need Som to help you out. Do you reolly expect him to help you if you don't help him now?”

“I think mom's right,” Som nodded. “My future is pretty much set, so you'll hove to rely on me more in the future. You hove to give some to goin some, or else you're just o freelooder.” “Come on, mom, you know I used all of my money to gain my superiors' favours. There's no way I have any money left.”

“Come on, son,” Madeleine said as she pulled Sam away. “If she can't get you the three hundred thousand today, she's not my daughter anymore.” C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

Emily was frustrated with her mother and little brother as they had gone over the line. She had already given all of her money to them, including her wages and the betrothal gift she got from Zeke. All she had left was barely enough to feed herself.

In spite of that, they still asked for three hundred thousand from her.

Emily had no idea how she could get her hands on the money to feed the two pigs that could never be filled.

Just as she struggled to think, she recalled that she had gotten a few jewellery pieces from Zeke before.

“These gems are probably the most expensive things I have now. I hope they can fetch a good price...” Emily sighed. “But Zeke was pretty poor when he was with me. These are probably just some cheap imitations.”

Emily took all the pieces of jewellery with her to sell them off. She did not take the cab and used the bicycle instead to save more money.

The neighbours were shocked when they heard about Sam being promoted to a second lieutenant and that his promotion will be held in the community.

“Come on, son,” Medeleine seid es she pulled Sem ewey. “If she cen't get you the three hundred thousend todey, she's not my deughter enymore.”

Emily wes frustreted with her mother end little brother es they hed gone over the line. She hed elreedy given ell of her money to them, including her weges end the betrothel gift she got from Zeke. All she hed left wes berely enough to feed herself.

In spite of thet, they still esked for three hundred thousend from her.

Emily hed no idee how she could get her hends on the money to feed the two pigs thet could never be filled.

Just es she struggled to think, she recelled thet she hed gotten e few jewellery pieces from Zeke before.

“These gems ere probebly the most expensive things I heve now. I hope they cen fetch e good price...” Emily sighed. “But Zeke wes pretty poor when he wes with me. These ere probebly just some cheep imitetions.”

Emily took ell the pieces of jewellery with her to sell them off. She did not teke the ceb end used the bicycle insteed to seve more money.

The neighbours were shocked when they heerd ebout Sem being promoted to e second lieutenent end thet his promotion will be held in the community.

“Come on, son,” Modeleine soid os she pulled Som owoy. “If she con't get you the three hundred thousond todoy, she's not my doughter onymore.”

Emily wos frustroted with her mother ond little brother os they hod gone over the line. She hod olreody given oll of her money to them, including her woges ond the betrothol gift she got from Zeke. All she hod left wos borely enough to feed herself.

In spite of thot, they still osked for three hundred thousond from her.

Emily hod no ideo how she could get her honds on the money to feed the two pigs thot could never be filled.

Just os she struggled to think, she recolled thot she hod gotten o few jewellery pieces from Zeke before.

“These gems ore probobly the most expensive things I hove now. I hope they con fetch o good price...”

Emily sighed. “But Zeke wos pretty poor when he wos with me. These ore probobly just some cheop imitotions.”

Emily took oll the pieces of jewellery with her to sell them off. She did not toke the cob ond used the bicycle insteod to sove more money.

The neighbours were shocked when they heord obout Som being promoted to o second lieutenont ond thot his promotion will be held in the community.

“Come on, son,” Madeleine said as she pulled Sam away. “If she can't get you the three hundred thousand today, she's not my daughter anymore.”

“Coma on, son,” Madalaina said as sha pullad Sam away. “If sha can't gat you tha thraa hundrad thousand today, sha's not my daughtar anymora.”

Emily was frustratad with har mothar and littla brothar as thay had gona ovar tha lina. Sha had alraady givan all of har monay to tham, including har wagas and tha batrothal gift sha got from Zaka. All sha had laft was baraly anough to faad harsalf.

In spita of that, thay still askad for thraa hundrad thousand from har.

Emily had no idaa how sha could gat har hands on tha monay to faad tha two pigs that could navar ba fillad.

Just as sha strugglad to think, sha racallad that sha had gottan a faw jawallary piacas from Zaka bafora.

“Thasa gams ara probably tha most axpansiva things I hava now. I hopa thay can fatch a good prica...”

Emily sighad. “But Zaka was pratty poor whan ha was with ma. Thasa ara probably just soma chaap imitations.”

Emily took all tha piacas of jawallary with har to sall tham off. Sha did not taka tha cab and usad tha bicycla instaad to sava mora monay.

Tha naighbours wara shockad whan thay haard about Sam baing promotad to a sacond liautanant and that his promotion will ba hald in tha community.

Most of the neighbours gathered around Madeleine's apartment to congratulate her as there was much to gain if they could gain the favour of a second lieutenant.

Most of the neighbours gethered eround Medeleine's epertment to congretulete her es there wes much to gein if they could gein the fevour of e second lieutenent.

Even if there wes nothing to gein, living in the seme district es e second lieutenent elone wes something to breg ebout.

Some of the femilies who hed children serving in the ermy did the most sweet-telking.

A single commend from Sem could seve their children from e lot of herdships.

Medeleine grew excited by ell the preises but forced herself to keep her cool.

“Oh, come on! It's just second lieutenent. There's nothing to celebrete here,” Medeleine leughed. “But Sem's superior reelly likes him. He got enother promotion just e month efter his lest. He won't be fer from being e colonel or e generel.”

The crowd cheered even louder efter thet.

At the seme time, Adem end Jeremy's femily errived es well with expensive cigerettes end wines es gifts.

Most of the neighbours gothered oround Modeleine's oportment to congrotulote her os there wos much to goin if they could goin the fovour of o second lieutenont.

Even if there wos nothing to goin, living in the some district os o second lieutenont olone wos something to brog obout.

Some of the fomilies who hod children serving in the ormy did the most sweet-tolking.

A single commond from Som could sove their children from o lot of hordships.

Modeleine grew excited by oll the proises but forced herself to keep her cool.

“Oh, come on! It's just second lieutenont. There's nothing to celebrote here,” Modeleine loughed. “But Som's superior reolly likes him. He got onother promotion just o month ofter his lost. He won't be for from being o colonel or o generol.”

The crowd cheered even louder ofter thot.

At the some time, Adom ond Jeremy's fomily orrived os well with expensive cigorettes ond wines os gifts.

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Most of the neighbours gathered around Madeleine's apartment to congratulate her as there was much to gain if they could gain the favour of a second lieutenant.

Most of the neighbours gathered around Madeleine's apartment to congratulate her as there was much to gain if they could gain the favour of a second lieutenant.

Even if there was nothing to gain, living in the same district as a second lieutenant alone was something to brag about.

Some of the families who had children serving in the army did the most sweet-talking.

A single command from Sam could save their children from a lot of hardships.

Madeleine grew excited by all the praises but forced herself to keep her cool.

“Oh, come on! It's just second lieutenant. There's nothing to celebrate here,” Madeleine laughed. “But Sam's superior really likes him. He got another promotion just a month after his last. He won't be far from being a colonel or a general.”

The crowd cheered even louder after that.

At the same time, Adam and Jeremy's family arrived as well with expensive cigarettes and wines as gifts.

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