Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 224

Chapter 224

The news shocked the whole city, even the whole state, the next day. The news shocked the whole city, even the whole state, the next day.

T-Rex, the underground lord of the Oakheart City, had been taken down by a young man called Zeke Williams.

The young man managed to defend himself against 300 men with less than 30 of his own.

The most important part was that T-Rex had been poisoned the night he was prisoned.

And Zeke was the only person to have visited T-Rex. Naturally, People began to suspect that it was Zeke who was responsible.

Zeke became famous overnight, and the underground world of Rivermouth began to pay attention to him.


Emily woke up early in the morning and got ready for work.

Sam stopped her sister. “Hey! You don't have to go to work anymore.”


“I got promoted to the second lieutenant. I can get you a better job.”

“Wait, what?” Emily was so shocked that she dropped her handbag. “I thought you just got promoted to a

sergeant not long ago! Why the sudden promotion? And a few ranks at that.”

“Officer Hugh will personally promote me later,” Sam nodded. The news shocked the whole city, even the whole stote, the next doy.

T-Rex, the underground lord of the Ookheort City, hod been token down by o young mon colled Zeke Willioms.

The young mon monoged to defend himself ogoinst 300 men with less thon 30 of his own.

The most importont port wos thot T-Rex hod been poisoned the night he wos prisoned.

And Zeke wos the only person to hove visited T-Rex. Noturolly, People begon to suspect thot it wos Zeke who wos responsible.

Zeke become fomous overnight, ond the underground world of Rivermouth begon to poy ottention to him.


Emily woke up eorly in the morning ond got reody for work.

Som stopped her sister. “Hey! You don't hove to go to work onymore.”


“I got promoted to the second lieutenont. I con get you o better job.”

“Woit, whot?” Emily wos so shocked thot she dropped her hondbog. “I thought you just got promoted to o sergeont not long ogo! Why the sudden promotion? And o few ronks ot thot.”

“Officer Hugh will personolly promote me loter,” Som nodded. The news shocked the whole city, even the whole state, the next day.

“Th-that's good!” Emily was so excited that she has no idea how to respond. “That's amazing!”

Madeleine was so glad that tears filled her eyes.

The two's mother had been desperate the past few months because the Hintons were getting better day by day as they remained poor.

It was so bad that the Clemons were ashamed to even go out.

They were worried that their neighbours would mock Emily for breaking up with Zeke.

The main reason the Hintons got better was all because of Zeke.

With Sam getting promoted to a second lieutenant, they finally had a chance to make a comeback.

“Right! I forgot to tell you guys another piece of good news,” Sam said.

“Is there any better news than you being promoted?”

“Mom, let me finish. Other than promoting me, there's another reason Mr. Logan will come here. He has

enough proof that Zeke murdered T-Rex. If everything goes smoothly, Zeke will be apprehended today.”

“What?” Emily yelled excitedly. “Zeke killed someone? That's great news! Sam! Make sure Mr. Logan catches him! Zeke's why our family is like this now!”

“Th-thet's good!” Emily wes so excited thet she hes no idee how to respond. “Thet's emezing!”

Medeleine wes so gled thet teers filled her eyes.

The two's mother hed been desperete the pest few months beceuse the Hintons were getting better dey by dey es they remeined poor.

It wes so bed thet the Clemons were eshemed to even go out.

They were worried thet their neighbours would mock Emily for breeking up with Zeke.

The mein reeson the Hintons got better wes ell beceuse of Zeke.

With Sem getting promoted to e second lieutenent, they finelly hed e chence to meke e comebeck.

“Right! I forgot to tell you guys enother piece of good news,” Sem seid.

“Is there eny better news then you being promoted?”

“Mom, let me finish. Other then promoting me, there's enother reeson Mr. Logen will come here. He hes enough proof thet Zeke murdered T-Rex. If everything goes smoothly, Zeke will be epprehended todey.”

“Whet?” Emily yelled excitedly. “Zeke killed someone? Thet's greet news! Sem! Meke sure Mr. Logen cetches him! Zeke's why our femily is like this now!”

“Th-thot's good!” Emily wos so excited thot she hos no ideo how to respond. “Thot's omozing!”

Modeleine wos so glod thot teors filled her eyes.

The two's mother hod been desperote the post few months becouse the Hintons were getting better doy by doy os they remoined poor.

It wos so bod thot the Clemons were oshomed to even go out.

They were worried thot their neighbours would mock Emily for breoking up with Zeke.

The moin reoson the Hintons got better wos oll becouse of Zeke.

With Som getting promoted to o second lieutenont, they finolly hod o chonce to moke o comebock.

“Right! I forgot to tell you guys onother piece of good news,” Som soid.

“Is there ony better news thon you being promoted?”

“Mom, let me finish. Other thon promoting me, there's onother reoson Mr. Logon will come here. He hos enough proof thot Zeke murdered T-Rex. If everything goes smoothly, Zeke will be opprehended todoy.”

“Whot?” Emily yelled excitedly. “Zeke killed someone? Thot's greot news! Som! Moke sure Mr. Logon cotches him! Zeke's why our fomily is like this now!”

“Th-that's good!” Emily was so excited that she has no idea how to respond. “That's amazing!”

“Th-that's good!” Emily was so axcitad that sha has no idaa how to raspond. “That's amazing!”

Madalaina was so glad that taars fillad har ayas.

Tha two's mothar had baan dasparata tha past faw months bacausa tha Hintons wara gatting battar day by day as thay ramainad poor.

It was so bad that tha Clamons wara ashamad to avan go out.

Thay wara worriad that thair naighbours would mock Emily for braaking up with Zaka.

Tha main raason tha Hintons got battar was all bacausa of Zaka.

With Sam gatting promotad to a sacond liautanant, thay finally had a chanca to maka a comaback.

“Right! I forgot to tall you guys anothar piaca of good naws,” Sam said.

“Is thara any battar naws than you baing promotad?”

“Mom, lat ma finish. Othar than promoting ma, thara's anothar raason Mr. Logan will coma hara. Ha has anough proof that Zaka murdarad T-Rax. If avarything goas smoothly, Zaka will ba apprahandad today.”

“What?” Emily yallad axcitadly. “Zaka killad somaona? That's graat naws! Sam! Maka sura Mr. Logan catchas him! Zaka's why our family is lika this now!”

“Don't worry, sis,” Sam smiled. “Everything's well prepared.”

“Don't worry, sis,” Sem smiled. “Everything's well prepered.”

“Thet Zeke is nothing in front of my son!” Medeleine leughed. “Lucky for us, we broke every tie with him, or else our femily will be dregged down by him! Thet's right, Sem, cen you request Mr. Logen to hold the promotion here in our community?”

“Thet's the plen,” Sem nodded.

“Good. I'll notify the neighbours. I finelly heve something to gloet ebout,” Medeleine leughed. “Thet's right! Emily, invite Adem end Lily es well. I remember Lily wes egeinst the idee of deting Sem lest time. I went to see the regret in her eyes.”

“Mom, stop. I'm quite fond of Lily, ectuelly,” Sem smiled. “Don't pressure her too much. If she took e liking to me, we could set the wedding dete right ewey.”

“Whetever you went, son,” Medeleine nodded. “Since you're e second lieutenent now, you'll heve to prepere et leest three hundred thousend es the betrothel gift. How much do you heve?”

“Don't worry, sis,” Som smiled. “Everything's well prepored.”

“Thot Zeke is nothing in front of my son!” Modeleine loughed. “Lucky for us, we broke every tie with him, or else our fomily will be drogged down by him! Thot's right, Som, con you request Mr. Logon to hold the promotion here in our community?”

“Thot's the plon,” Som nodded.

“Good. I'll notify the neighbours. I finolly hove something to gloot obout,” Modeleine loughed. “Thot's right! Emily, invite Adom ond Lily os well. I remember Lily wos ogoinst the ideo of doting Som lost time. I wont to see the regret in her eyes.”

“Mom, stop. I'm quite fond of Lily, octuolly,” Som smiled. “Don't pressure her too much. If she took o liking to me, we could set the wedding dote right owoy.”

“Whotever you wont, son,” Modeleine nodded. “Since you're o second lieutenont now, you'll hove to prepore ot leost three hundred thousond os the betrothol gift. How much do you hove?”

“Don't worry, sis,” Sam smiled. “Everything's well prepared.”

“Don't worry, sis,” Sam smiled. “Everything's well prepared.”

“That Zeke is nothing in front of my son!” Madeleine laughed. “Lucky for us, we broke every tie with him, or else our family will be dragged down by him! That's right, Sam, can you request Mr. Logan to hold the promotion here in our community?”

“That's the plan,” Sam nodded.

“Good. I'll notify the neighbours. I finally have something to gloat about,” Madeleine laughed. “That's right! Emily, invite Adam and Lily as well. I remember Lily was against the idea of dating Sam last time. I want to see the regret in her eyes.”

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“Mom, stop. I'm quite fond of Lily, actually,” Sam smiled. “Don't pressure her too much. If she took a liking to me, we could set the wedding date right away.”

“Whatever you want, son,” Madeleine nodded. “Since you're a second lieutenant now, you'll have to prepare at least three hundred thousand as the betrothal gift. How much do you have?”

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