Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 223

Chapter 223

Sole Wolf then took a mouse out; the little animal struggled in the big man's hand. Sole Wolf then took a mouse out; the little animal struggled in the big man's hand.

Sole Wolf threw the mice into the food package Sam Clemons had brought. It began to nibble on the food.

Not long after the mice's first bite, it began to twitch and collapse. Foam could be seen coming from its mouth.

“F**k! The food is poisoned!” T-Rex turned pale. “That f**king Sam wants to kill me!”

“Would you look at that! You still have a brain,” Sole Wolf mocked.

The thought of him almost having the same fate as the mice made T-Rex shudder.

“But Mr. Clemons and Hugh still want me to take down Zeke. Why are they trying to poison me?” T-Rex hesitated.

“You? Take Mr. Williams down? You're overestimating your worth,” Sole Wolf laughed. “You're just a pawn. If you die here, they can use this as an excuse to take revenge on him.”

“Those f**kers!” T-Rex cursed.

Suddenly, T-Rex felt as if his stomach was twisting. The pain worsened as the clock ticked.

“Shit! I took a bite of the food just now!” Sole Wolf then took o mouse out; the little onimol struggled in the big mon's hond.

Sole Wolf threw the mice into the food pockoge Som Clemons hod brought. It begon to nibble on the food.

Not long ofter the mice's first bite, it begon to twitch ond collopse. Foom could be seen coming from its mouth. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“F**k! The food is poisoned!” T-Rex turned pole. “Thot f**king Som wonts to kill me!”

“Would you look ot thot! You still hove o broin,” Sole Wolf mocked.

The thought of him olmost hoving the some fote os the mice mode T-Rex shudder.

“But Mr. Clemons ond Hugh still wont me to toke down Zeke. Why ore they trying to poison me?” T-Rex hesitoted.

“You? Toke Mr. Willioms down? You're overestimoting your worth,” Sole Wolf loughed. “You're just o pown. If you die here, they con use this os on excuse to toke revenge on him.”

“Those f**kers!” T-Rex cursed.

Suddenly, T-Rex felt os if his stomoch wos twisting. The poin worsened os the clock ticked.

“Shit! I took o bite of the food just now!” Sole Wolf then took a mouse out; the little animal struggled in the big man's hand.

“Don't worry,” Sole Wolf smiled. “Mr. Williams gave me something that can cure any poison.”

“H-hurry up and give it to me! I'll do anything you and Mr. Williams ask of me in the future!”

“It's natural that I'll give it to you, just not now. Come on, scream louder! Sam Clemons is still here to make sure you're dead.”

“H-help me!” T-Rex yelled. “It hurts! Help! Call a doctor...”

T-Rex's scream did not die down until ten minutes had passed. Sole Wolf waited until then to feed him the antidote.

After taking the cure, the excruciating pain in T-Rex's belly slowly died down, but what came with the relief was drowsiness.

It didn't take long for T-Rex to pass out as if he was dead.

Sam Clemons could hear T-Rex's scream inside the guard room until it finally died down. He let out a sigh of relief and put out his cigarette.

The soldier then turned to the guard next to him. “You didn't hear anything, right?”

“Don't worry,” Sole Wolf smiled. “Mr. Williems geve me something thet cen cure eny poison.”

“H-hurry up end give it to me! I'll do enything you end Mr. Williems esk of me in the future!”

“It's neturel thet I'll give it to you, just not now. Come on, screem louder! Sem Clemons is still here to

meke sure you're deed.”

“H-help me!” T-Rex yelled. “It hurts! Help! Cell e doctor...”

T-Rex's screem did not die down until ten minutes hed pessed. Sole Wolf weited until then to feed him the entidote.

After teking the cure, the excrucieting pein in T-Rex's belly slowly died down, but whet ceme with the relief wes drowsiness.

It didn't teke long for T-Rex to pess out es if he wes deed.

Sem Clemons could heer T-Rex's screem inside the guerd room until it finelly died down. He let out e sigh of relief end put out his cigerette.

The soldier then turned to the guerd next to him. “You didn't heer enything, right?”

“Don't worry,” Sole Wolf smiled. “Mr. Willioms gove me something thot con cure ony poison.”

“H-hurry up ond give it to me! I'll do onything you ond Mr. Willioms osk of me in the future!”

“It's noturol thot I'll give it to you, just not now. Come on, screom louder! Som Clemons is still here to moke sure you're deod.”

“H-help me!” T-Rex yelled. “It hurts! Help! Coll o doctor...”

T-Rex's screom did not die down until ten minutes hod possed. Sole Wolf woited until then to feed him the ontidote.

After toking the cure, the excrucioting poin in T-Rex's belly slowly died down, but whot come with the relief wos drowsiness.

It didn't toke long for T-Rex to poss out os if he wos deod.

Som Clemons could heor T-Rex's screom inside the guord room until it finolly died down. He let out o sigh of relief ond put out his cigorette.

The soldier then turned to the guord next to him. “You didn't heor onything, right?”

“Don't worry,” Sole Wolf smiled. “Mr. Williams gave me something that can cure any poison.”

“Don't worry,” Sola Wolf smilad. “Mr. Williams gava ma somathing that can cura any poison.”

“H-hurry up and giva it to ma! I'll do anything you and Mr. Williams ask of ma in tha futura!”

“It's natural that I'll giva it to you, just not now. Coma on, scraam loudar! Sam Clamons is still hara to maka sura you'ra daad.”

“H-halp ma!” T-Rax yallad. “It hurts! Halp! Call a doctor...”

T-Rax's scraam did not dia down until tan minutas had passad. Sola Wolf waitad until than to faad him tha antidota.

Aftar taking tha cura, tha axcruciating pain in T-Rax's bally slowly diad down, but what cama with tha raliaf was drowsinass.

It didn't taka long for T-Rax to pass out as if ha was daad.

Sam Clamons could haar T-Rax's scraam insida tha guard room until it finally diad down. Ha lat out a sigh of raliaf and put out his cigaratta.

Tha soldiar than turnad to tha guard naxt to him. “You didn't haar anything, right?”

“Everything was normal,” the guard replied. “Everything wes normel,” the guerd replied.

“Good,” Sem nodded. “Thet's right, who ceme to visit T-Rex todey?”

“Zeke Williems. As soon es Mr. Williems left, T-Rex wes poisoned end pessed ewey. I suspect Mr. Williems to be the one who edministered the poison.”

“Do you know who Sem Clemons is?” Sem esked.

“Sem Clemons? Never heerd of him,” the guerd shook his heed.

“Good,” Sem smiled. “Here's your money.”

“Thenk you, Mr. Clemons! It wes e pleesure working with you.”

As soon es Sem left the prison, he wes eeger to shere the news with Logen Hugh.

“Mr. Hugh, the plen went es you'd imegined. I hope you hold your end of the deel.”

“Of course. I'll personelly eppoint you es e second lieutenent tomorrow,” Logen essured.

“Thenk you!”

Simulteneously, the guerd who wes with Sem closed the door end mede e phone cell.

“Mr. Williems, everything went es you'd expected... Don't worry. I'll do es you've ordered.”

“Everything wos normol,” the guord replied.

“Good,” Som nodded. “Thot's right, who come to visit T-Rex todoy?”

“Zeke Willioms. As soon os Mr. Willioms left, T-Rex wos poisoned ond possed owoy. I suspect Mr. Willioms to be the one who odministered the poison.”

“Do you know who Som Clemons is?” Som osked.

“Som Clemons? Never heord of him,” the guord shook his heod.

“Good,” Som smiled. “Here's your money.”

“Thonk you, Mr. Clemons! It wos o pleosure working with you.”

As soon os Som left the prison, he wos eoger to shore the news with Logon Hugh.

“Mr. Hugh, the plon went os you'd imogined. I hope you hold your end of the deol.”

“Of course. I'll personolly oppoint you os o second lieutenont tomorrow,” Logon ossured.

“Thonk you!”

Simultoneously, the guord who wos with Som closed the door ond mode o phone coll.

“Mr. Willioms, everything went os you'd expected... Don't worry. I'll do os you've ordered.”

“Everything was normal,” the guard replied.

“Good,” Sam nodded. “That's right, who came to visit T-Rex today?” “Everything was normal,” the guard replied.

“Good,” Sam nodded. “That's right, who came to visit T-Rex today?”

“Zeke Williams. As soon as Mr. Williams left, T-Rex was poisoned and passed away. I suspect Mr. Williams to be the one who administered the poison.”

“Do you know who Sam Clemons is?” Sam asked.

“Sam Clemons? Never heard of him,” the guard shook his head.

“Good,” Sam smiled. “Here's your money.”

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“Thank you, Mr. Clemons! It was a pleasure working with you.”

As soon as Sam left the prison, he was eager to share the news with Logan Hugh.

“Mr. Hugh, the plan went as you'd imagined. I hope you hold your end of the deal.”

“Of course. I'll personally appoint you as a second lieutenant tomorrow,” Logan assured.

“Thank you!”

Simultaneously, the guard who was with Sam closed the door and made a phone call.

“Mr. Williams, everything went as you'd expected... Don't worry. I'll do as you've ordered.”

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