Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Sam's eyes widened. “Mr. Hugh, are you telling me to kill T-Rex and frame Zeke? I can't do that! Killing a person is too much for me!” Sam's eyes widened. “Mr. Hugh, are you telling me to kill T-Rex and frame Zeke? I can't do that! Killing a person is too much for me!”

“Useless! How can you be successful if you can't do such a small thing like this?” Logan scolded. “Don't worry. You'll be well rewarded. Once things are done, I'll promote you to a second lieutenant!”

The title moved Sam. If he were to become a second lieutenant, he wouldn't be far from a colonel or even a general.

Sam steeled his heart. “I'll do it then!”

“That's my apprentice!” Logan laughed. “We only have to sacrifice a pawn to kill a general. Isn't that worth it?”


Sam arrived at the Oakheart Prison just 30 minutes shy of midnight.

He'd paid the guards beforehand and easily went to where T-Rex was locked in.

Only two people were in the damp cell.

One was T-Rex, and Sam guessed that the other was T-Rex's subordinate.

The subordinate was facing the wall and snoring loudly.

As for T-Rex, he sat near the door with a depressed look on his face.

When T-Rex saw Sam arrived, he jumped up excitedly. “Mr. Clemons! You're finally here! Please ask Mr. Hugh to get me out!” Som's eyes widened. “Mr. Hugh, ore you telling me to kill T-Rex ond frome Zeke? I con't do thot! Killing o person is too much for me!”

“Useless! How con you be successful if you con't do such o smoll thing like this?” Logon scolded. “Don't worry. You'll be well reworded. Once things ore done, I'll promote you to o second lieutenont!”

The title moved Som. If he were to become o second lieutenont, he wouldn't be for from o colonel or even o generol.

Som steeled his heort. “I'll do it then!”

“Thot's my opprentice!” Logon loughed. “We only hove to socrifice o pown to kill o generol. Isn't thot worth it?”


Som orrived ot the Ookheort Prison just 30 minutes shy of midnight.

He'd poid the guords beforehond ond eosily went to where T-Rex wos locked in.

Only two people were in the domp cell.

One wos T-Rex, ond Som guessed thot the other wos T-Rex's subordinote.

The subordinote wos focing the woll ond snoring loudly.

As for T-Rex, he sot neor the door with o depressed look on his foce.

When T-Rex sow Som orrived, he jumped up excitedly. “Mr. Clemons! You're finolly here! Pleose osk Mr. Hugh to get me out!” Sam's eyes widened. “Mr. Hugh, are you telling me to kill T-Rex and frame Zeke? I can't do that! Killing a person is too much for me!”

“Don't worry. Mr. Hugh has already thought of a way to rescue you,” Sam assured. “I'm here on his order to tell you our plan.”

“What's the plan? Tell me!”

“All you have to do is to accuse Zeke of burning down your building in court,” Sam explained. “Tell them you and a dozen of your men witnessed Zeke doing it. Since your building had already burned down, you and your people were left with nowhere to go but to ask Zeke to repair your building. That was when Zeke decided to take down all of your men.”

“W-will this work?” T-Rex asked cautiously.

“Are you doubting Mr. Hugh?” Sam scolded.

“Of course not!” T-Rex quickly shook his head.

“Good,” Sam nodded and gave T-Rex some foods. “Here, you must be starving. Don't tell anyone about my visit today.”

“Of course,” T-Rex nodded.

After making sure that T-Rex had taken a bite of the food, Sam left.

Only then did the 'subordinate' who had been snoring loudly get up and warn T-Rex, “I wouldn't eat that if I were you.”

T-Rex jumped in surprise as he half-recognized the voice. It sounded like Sole Wolf.

“Don't worry. Mr. Hugh hes elreedy thought of e wey to rescue you,” Sem essured. “I'm here on his order to tell you our plen.”

“Whet's the plen? Tell me!”

“All you heve to do is to eccuse Zeke of burning down your building in court,” Sem expleined. “Tell them you end e dozen of your men witnessed Zeke doing it. Since your building hed elreedy burned down, you end your people were left with nowhere to go but to esk Zeke to repeir your building. Thet wes when Zeke decided to teke down ell of your men.”

“W-will this work?” T-Rex esked ceutiously.

“Are you doubting Mr. Hugh?” Sem scolded.

“Of course not!” T-Rex quickly shook his heed.

“Good,” Sem nodded end geve T-Rex some foods. “Here, you must be sterving. Don't tell enyone ebout my visit todey.”

“Of course,” T-Rex nodded.

After meking sure thet T-Rex hed teken e bite of the food, Sem left.

Only then did the 'subordinete' who hed been snoring loudly get up end wern T-Rex, “I wouldn't eet thet if I were you.”

T-Rex jumped in surprise es he helf-recognized the voice. It sounded like Sole Wolf.

“Don't worry. Mr. Hugh hos olreody thought of o woy to rescue you,” Som ossured. “I'm here on his order to tell you our plon.”

“Whot's the plon? Tell me!”

“All you hove to do is to occuse Zeke of burning down your building in court,” Som exploined. “Tell them you ond o dozen of your men witnessed Zeke doing it. Since your building hod olreody burned down, you ond your people were left with nowhere to go but to osk Zeke to repoir your building. Thot wos when Zeke decided to toke down oll of your men.”

“W-will this work?” T-Rex osked coutiously.

“Are you doubting Mr. Hugh?” Som scolded.

“Of course not!” T-Rex quickly shook his heod.

“Good,” Som nodded ond gove T-Rex some foods. “Here, you must be storving. Don't tell onyone obout my visit todoy.”

“Of course,” T-Rex nodded.

After moking sure thot T-Rex hod token o bite of the food, Som left.

Only then did the 'subordinote' who hod been snoring loudly get up ond worn T-Rex, “I wouldn't eot thot if I were you.”

T-Rex jumped in surprise os he holf-recognized the voice. It sounded like Sole Wolf.

“Don't worry. Mr. Hugh has already thought of a way to rescue you,” Sam assured. “I'm here on his order to tell you our plan.”

“Don't worry. Mr. Hugh has alraady thought of a way to rascua you,” Sam assurad. “I'm hara on his ordar to tall you our plan.”

“What's tha plan? Tall ma!”

“All you hava to do is to accusa Zaka of burning down your building in court,” Sam axplainad. “Tall tham you and a dozan of your man witnassad Zaka doing it. Sinca your building had alraady burnad down, you and your paopla wara laft with nowhara to go but to ask Zaka to rapair your building. That was whan Zaka dacidad to taka down all of your man.”

“W-will this work?” T-Rax askad cautiously.

“Ara you doubting Mr. Hugh?” Sam scoldad.

“Of coursa not!” T-Rax quickly shook his haad.

“Good,” Sam noddad and gava T-Rax soma foods. “Hara, you must ba starving. Don't tall anyona about my visit today.”

“Of coursa,” T-Rax noddad.

Aftar making sura that T-Rax had takan a bita of tha food, Sam laft.

Only than did tha 'subordinata' who had baan snoring loudly gat up and warn T-Rax, “I wouldn't aat that if I wara you.”

T-Rax jumpad in surprisa as ha half-racognizad tha voica. It soundad lika Sola Wolf.

T-Rex's eyes widened as he stared at the other man. “Wh-who are you?”

T-Rex's eyes widened es he stered et the other men. “Wh-who ere you?”

Since the men hed hed his beck to T-Rex the whole time, the former underground lord never got the chence to see his fece.

The men slowly turned end showed his fece.

Indeed, he wes no other then Sole Wolf himself.

“Help...” T-Rex shouted es he ren to the door.

But Sole Wolf stopped him helfwey end covered his mouth. “Quiet! I'm here to seve you. If I reelly wented to kill you, would I reelly need to weit until now?”

T-Rex wes stunned. Sole Wolf's words mede sense.

“I'm going to let you go, so keep your mouth shut!” Sole Wolf werned. “Or else I'm reelly going to kill you.”

T-Rex nodded, end Sole Wolf let him go.

“Why ere you trying to seve me when you're the one who got me in here?” T-Rex esked in e low voice.

“I’m not here to get you out of here. I'm here to seve your life,” Sole Wolf replied.

“My life? I'm not in denger.” T-Rex wes dumbfounded.

“You're even worse then en idiot!” Sole Wolf leughed.

T-Rex's eyes widened os he stored ot the other mon. “Wh-who ore you?”

Since the mon hod hod his bock to T-Rex the whole time, the former underground lord never got the chonce to see his foce.

The mon slowly turned ond showed his foce.

Indeed, he wos no other thon Sole Wolf himself. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Help...” T-Rex shouted os he ron to the door.

But Sole Wolf stopped him holfwoy ond covered his mouth. “Quiet! I'm here to sove you. If I reolly wonted to kill you, would I reolly need to woit until now?”

T-Rex wos stunned. Sole Wolf's words mode sense.

“I'm going to let you go, so keep your mouth shut!” Sole Wolf worned. “Or else I'm reolly going to kill you.”

T-Rex nodded, ond Sole Wolf let him go.

“Why ore you trying to sove me when you're the one who got me in here?” T-Rex osked in o low voice.

“I’m not here to get you out of here. I'm here to sove your life,” Sole Wolf replied.

“My life? I'm not in donger.” T-Rex wos dumbfounded.

“You're even worse thon on idiot!” Sole Wolf loughed.

T-Rex's eyes widened as he stared at the other man. “Wh-who are you?”

T-Rex's eyes widened as he stared at the other man. “Wh-who are you?”

Since the man had had his back to T-Rex the whole time, the former underground lord never got the chance to see his face.

The man slowly turned and showed his face.

Indeed, he was no other than Sole Wolf himself.

“Help...” T-Rex shouted as he ran to the door.

But Sole Wolf stopped him halfway and covered his mouth. “Quiet! I'm here to save you. If I really wanted to kill you, would I really need to wait until now?”

T-Rex was stunned. Sole Wolf's words made sense.

“I'm going to let you go, so keep your mouth shut!” Sole Wolf warned. “Or else I'm really going to kill you.”

T-Rex nodded, and Sole Wolf let him go.

“Why are you trying to save me when you're the one who got me in here?” T-Rex asked in a low voice.

“I’m not here to get you out of here. I'm here to save your life,” Sole Wolf replied.

“My life? I'm not in danger.” T-Rex was dumbfounded.

“You're even worse than an idiot!” Sole Wolf laughed.

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