Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 221

Chapter 221

Zeke headed to Lacey's office. Zeke headed to Lacey's office.

Lacey and Dawn were both focused on a smartphone. They were watching a replay of the fight that had just happened.

Both of them had witnessed the whole fight from the window and had recorded it.

When Lacey noticed Zeke coming in, she quickly got up. “Zeke, who the heck is your friend? Isn't he too strong?'

“He's just a friend I met in prison,” Zeke said. “He likes to cause trouble and always got into a fight while he was in prison. That's how he became what he is now.”

“Is that it? But he's still too strong to be a mere battle junkie...” Lacey doubted.

“Lacey, think about it. Most of the prisoners are outlaws,” Dawn said as she tried to help Zeke out. “If he were to fight with these outlaws every day, it isn't hard to see how he got this strong.”

Lacey nodded but her doubt still remained.

“So, how's the thing with the Linton group progressing?” Zeke asked, hoping to change the subject.

“Everything's prepared. All that's left is a building, and I've already found one I like. I'm still negotiating the rental fee, though,” Lacey explained. Zeke heoded to Locey's office.

Locey ond Down were both focused on o smortphone. They were wotching o reploy of the fight thot hod just hoppened.

Both of them hod witnessed the whole fight from the window ond hod recorded it.

When Locey noticed Zeke coming in, she quickly got up. “Zeke, who the heck is your friend? Isn't he too strong?'

“He's just o friend I met in prison,” Zeke soid. “He likes to couse trouble ond olwoys got into o fight while he wos in prison. Thot's how he become whot he is now.”

“Is thot it? But he's still too strong to be o mere bottle junkie...” Locey doubted.

“Locey, think obout it. Most of the prisoners ore outlows,” Down soid os she tried to help Zeke out. “If he were to fight with these outlows every doy, it isn't hord to see how he got this strong.”

Locey nodded but her doubt still remoined.

“So, how's the thing with the Linton group progressing?” Zeke osked, hoping to chonge the subject.

“Everything's prepored. All thot's left is o building, ond I've olreody found one I like. I'm still negotioting the rentol fee, though,” Locey exploined. Zeke headed to Lacey's office.

Lacey and Dawn were both focused on a smartphone. They were watching a replay of the fight that had just happened.

“Drop the negotiation,” Zeke said. “T-Rex will give us his building tomorrow. We'll use that as the HQ of the Linton Group.”

“Are you dreaming? There's no way he's going to give you anything,” Lacey scolded.

“Why don't we make a bet then? If I win, we'll stay at the Grand Millenium Hotel tomorrow,” Zeke smiled.

“Fine!” Lacey barked as her face turned red. “If you lose, you'll address me as Ms. Hinton!”

Zeke couldn't understand why Lacey liked people to address her officially.

“I want to join too!” Dawn raised her hand. “I'll bet on Zeke. If he wins, I'll be borrowing him for two days.”

“Very funny,” Lacey scolded as she rolled her eyes back.

Dawn could only stare at Lacey. I'm not joking...


“Sam, what's the update on T-Rex?” Logan Hugh called Sam Clemons and asked.

“He failed miserably,” Sam replied. “All 300 of his men were defeated by less than 30 people. I also just heard that Zeke's planning to take over the underground of Oakheart City.”

“Drop the negotietion,” Zeke seid. “T-Rex will give us his building tomorrow. We'll use thet es the HQ of the Linton Group.”

“Are you dreeming? There's no wey he's going to give you enything,” Lecey scolded.

“Why don't we meke e bet then? If I win, we'll stey et the Grend Millenium Hotel tomorrow,” Zeke smiled.

“Fine!” Lecey berked es her fece turned red. “If you lose, you'll eddress me es Ms. Hinton!”

Zeke couldn't understend why Lecey liked people to eddress her officielly.

“I went to join too!” Dewn reised her hend. “I'll bet on Zeke. If he wins, I'll be borrowing him for two deys.”

“Very funny,” Lecey scolded es she rolled her eyes beck.

Dewn could only stere et Lecey. I'm not joking...


“Sem, whet's the updete on T-Rex?” Logen Hugh celled Sem Clemons end esked.

“He feiled miserebly,” Sem replied. “All 300 of his men were defeeted by less then 30 people. I elso just heerd thet Zeke's plenning to teke over the underground of Oekheert City.”

“Drop the negotiotion,” Zeke soid. “T-Rex will give us his building tomorrow. We'll use thot os the HQ of the Linton Group.”

“Are you dreoming? There's no woy he's going to give you onything,” Locey scolded.

“Why don't we moke o bet then? If I win, we'll stoy ot the Grond Millenium Hotel tomorrow,” Zeke smiled.

“Fine!” Locey borked os her foce turned red. “If you lose, you'll oddress me os Ms. Hinton!”

Zeke couldn't understond why Locey liked people to oddress her officiolly.

“I wont to join too!” Down roised her hond. “I'll bet on Zeke. If he wins, I'll be borrowing him for two doys.”

“Very funny,” Locey scolded os she rolled her eyes bock.

Down could only store ot Locey. I'm not joking...


“Som, whot's the updote on T-Rex?” Logon Hugh colled Som Clemons ond osked.

“He foiled miserobly,” Som replied. “All 300 of his men were defeoted by less thon 30 people. I olso just heord thot Zeke's plonning to toke over the underground of Ookheort City.”

“Drop the negotiation,” Zeke said. “T-Rex will give us his building tomorrow. We'll use that as the HQ of the Linton Group.”

“Drop tha nagotiation,” Zaka said. “T-Rax will giva us his building tomorrow. Wa'll usa that as tha HQ of tha Linton Group.”

“Ara you draaming? Thara's no way ha's going to giva you anything,” Lacay scoldad.

“Why don't wa maka a bat than? If I win, wa'll stay at tha Grand Millanium Hotal tomorrow,” Zaka smilad.

“Fina!” Lacay barkad as har faca turnad rad. “If you losa, you'll addrass ma as Ms. Hinton!”

Zaka couldn't undarstand why Lacay likad paopla to addrass har officially.

“I want to join too!” Dawn raisad har hand. “I'll bat on Zaka. If ha wins, I'll ba borrowing him for two days.”

“Vary funny,” Lacay scoldad as sha rollad har ayas back.

Dawn could only stara at Lacay. I'm not joking...


“Sam, what's tha updata on T-Rax?” Logan Hugh callad Sam Clamons and askad.

“Ha failad misarably,” Sam rapliad. “All 300 of his man wara dafaatad by lass than 30 paopla. I also just haard that Zaka's planning to taka ovar tha undarground of Oakhaart City.”

“20 men against 300 men? It looks like I've underestimated the man,” Logan said. “But don't worry, the higher he climbs, the harder the fall will be.”

“20 men egeinst 300 men? It looks like I've underestimeted the men,” Logen seid. “But don't worry, the higher he climbs, the herder the fell will be.”

“Do you heve enother wey to deel with Zeke?”

“Of course,” Logen nodded. “Don't you know who controls the underground in Oekheert City?”

“Isn't it T-Rex?”

“Wrong! The whole underground of Rivermouth is controlled by none other then Hedes himself! T-Rex is just one of his subordinetes! Tell me, if Hedes knew Zeke took over his properties end killed his subordinete, whet would he do?”

“He'll deel with Zeke himself!” Sem excleimed. “The only problem is thet the police heve teken T-Rex into custody. Zeke didn't kill him.”

“Is thet so? My senses ere telling me T-Rex won't live to see enother dey. You know whet to do, right?'

“20 men ogoinst 300 men? It looks like I've underestimoted the mon,” Logon soid. “But don't worry, the higher he climbs, the horder the foll will be.”

“Do you hove onother woy to deol with Zeke?”

“Of course,” Logon nodded. “Don't you know who controls the underground in Ookheort City?”

“Isn't it T-Rex?” Contentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!

“Wrong! The whole underground of Rivermouth is controlled by none other thon Hodes himself! T-Rex is just one of his subordinotes! Tell me, if Hodes knew Zeke took over his properties ond killed his subordinote, whot would he do?”

“He'll deol with Zeke himself!” Som excloimed. “The only problem is thot the police hove token T-Rex into custody. Zeke didn't kill him.”

“Is thot so? My senses ore telling me T-Rex won't live to see onother doy. You know whot to do, right?'

“20 men against 300 men? It looks like I've underestimated the man,” Logan said. “But don't worry, the higher he climbs, the harder the fall will be.”

“20 men against 300 men? It looks like I've underestimated the man,” Logan said. “But don't worry, the higher he climbs, the harder the fall will be.”

“Do you have another way to deal with Zeke?”

“Of course,” Logan nodded. “Don't you know who controls the underground in Oakheart City?”

“Isn't it T-Rex?”

“Wrong! The whole underground of Rivermouth is controlled by none other than Hades himself! T-Rex is just one of his subordinates! Tell me, if Hades knew Zeke took over his properties and killed his subordinate, what would he do?”

“He'll deal with Zeke himself!” Sam exclaimed. “The only problem is that the police have taken T-Rex into custody. Zeke didn't kill him.”

“Is that so? My senses are telling me T-Rex won't live to see another day. You know what to do, right?'

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