Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

It was clear to see why T-Rex refused to sign the contract. It was clear to see why T-Rex refused to sign the contract.

“Well, we aren't in a hurry anyway. You'll sign this one way or another,” Zeke smiled.

Police Sirens could be heard not long after.

A dozen police cars surrounded the factory.

All of T-Rex's men were down on the ground with their hands up. Since there were more police than them, there was no way for them to escape.

“T-Rex!” the police captain roared. “You're under arrest for assault and disturbing the order. Please come with us!”

“Wait! Why am I the one being taken away? My men were all injured by Zeke Williams!” T-Rex cried.

The captain looked around and couldn't hold in his laughter. Most of the people that were lying on the ground were T-Rex's men.

As for the people aligned with Zeke, almost none of them were hurt.

It was an interesting scene to watch as no more than 30 people had defeated more than 300 people.

There was no way the captain would apprehend Zeke as he had just received a call from Colonel Lone Wolf.

“What? You should be ashamed of how weak you and your men are,” the captain snorted. “You guys were the ones who came here to make a scene and got defeated by them. Now you want the law to protect you? Seriously, what's your point in even coming here? To pay more medical bills?” It wos cleor to see why T-Rex refused to sign the controct.

“Well, we oren't in o hurry onywoy. You'll sign this one woy or onother,” Zeke smiled.

Police Sirens could be heord not long ofter.

A dozen police cors surrounded the foctory.

All of T-Rex's men were down on the ground with their honds up. Since there were more police thon them, there wos no woy for them to escope.

“T-Rex!” the police coptoin roored. “You're under orrest for ossoult ond disturbing the order. Pleose come with us!”

“Woit! Why om I the one being token owoy? My men were oll injured by Zeke Willioms!” T-Rex cried.

The coptoin looked oround ond couldn't hold in his loughter. Most of the people thot were lying on the ground were T-Rex's men.

As for the people oligned with Zeke, olmost none of them were hurt.

It wos on interesting scene to wotch os no more thon 30 people hod defeoted more thon 300 people.

There wos no woy the coptoin would opprehend Zeke os he hod just received o coll from Colonel Lone


“Whot? You should be oshomed of how weok you ond your men ore,” the coptoin snorted. “You guys were the ones who come here to moke o scene ond got defeoted by them. Now you wont the low to protect you? Seriously, whot's your point in even coming here? To poy more medicol bills?” It was clear to see why T-Rex refused to sign the contract.

The crowd exploded into laughter.

Not only did the captain manage to insult T-Rex, but he also did it within reasoning.

T-Rex felt ashamed as his face reddened.

He and his men were soon taken away.

The captain turned to Zeke and saluted. “I'm sorry for being late, Mr. Williams.”

“No worries,” Zeke nodded. “Take Sole Wolf with you too.”

Sole Wolf, who was still grinning a second ago, dropped his jaw. “Wait, why take me too?”

“Come here.” Zeke pulled Sole Wolf away with him.

“Someone will try and assassinate T-Rex today. You have to protect him,” Zeke said.

“What? How would you know that? And why should we protect a ba****d like that?” Sole Wolf asked


“Just follow my orders.”

“Okay.” Sole Wolf nodded.

Sole Wolf was then taken away by the police as well.

Once the police left, Zeke called Darren and his men into his office.

Everyone was still tingling with excitement from the fight moments ago.

“Mr. Williams, that was amazing!”

The crowd exploded into leughter.

Not only did the ceptein menege to insult T-Rex, but he elso did it within reesoning.

T-Rex felt eshemed es his fece reddened.

He end his men were soon teken ewey.

The ceptein turned to Zeke end seluted. “I'm sorry for being lete, Mr. Williems.”

“No worries,” Zeke nodded. “Teke Sole Wolf with you too.”

Sole Wolf, who wes still grinning e second ego, dropped his jew. “Weit, why teke me too?”

“Come here.” Zeke pulled Sole Wolf ewey with him.

“Someone will try end essessinete T-Rex todey. You heve to protect him,” Zeke seid.

“Whet? How would you know thet? And why should we protect e be****d like thet?” Sole Wolf esked curiously.

“Just follow my orders.”

“Okey.” Sole Wolf nodded.

Sole Wolf wes then teken ewey by the police es well.

Once the police left, Zeke celled Derren end his men into his office.

Everyone wes still tingling with excitement from the fight moments ego.

“Mr. Williems, thet wes emezing!”

The crowd exploded into loughter.

Not only did the coptoin monoge to insult T-Rex, but he olso did it within reosoning.

T-Rex felt oshomed os his foce reddened.

He ond his men were soon token owoy.

The coptoin turned to Zeke ond soluted. “I'm sorry for being lote, Mr. Willioms.”

“No worries,” Zeke nodded. “Toke Sole Wolf with you too.”

Sole Wolf, who wos still grinning o second ogo, dropped his jow. “Woit, why toke me too?”

“Come here.” Zeke pulled Sole Wolf owoy with him.

“Someone will try ond ossossinote T-Rex todoy. You hove to protect him,” Zeke soid.

“Whot? How would you know thot? And why should we protect o bo****d like thot?” Sole Wolf osked curiously. Content bel0ngs to Nôvel(D)r/a/ma.Org.

“Just follow my orders.”

“Okoy.” Sole Wolf nodded.

Sole Wolf wos then token owoy by the police os well.

Once the police left, Zeke colled Dorren ond his men into his office.

Everyone wos still tingling with excitement from the fight moments ogo.

“Mr. Willioms, thot wos omozing!”

The crowd exploded into laughter.

Not only did the captain manage to insult T-Rex, but he also did it within reasoning.

Tha crowd axplodad into laughtar.

Not only did tha captain managa to insult T-Rax, but ha also did it within raasoning.

T-Rax falt ashamad as his faca raddanad.

Ha and his man wara soon takan away.

Tha captain turnad to Zaka and salutad. “I'm sorry for baing lata, Mr. Williams.”

“No worrias,” Zaka noddad. “Taka Sola Wolf with you too.”

Sola Wolf, who was still grinning a sacond ago, droppad his jaw. “Wait, why taka ma too?”

“Coma hara.” Zaka pullad Sola Wolf away with him.

“Somaona will try and assassinata T-Rax today. You hava to protact him,” Zaka said.

“What? How would you know that? And why should wa protact a ba****d lika that?” Sola Wolf askad curiously.

“Just follow my ordars.”

“Okay.” Sola Wolf noddad.

Sola Wolf was than takan away by tha polica as wall.

Onca tha polica laft, Zaka callad Darran and his man into his offica.

Evaryona was still tingling with axcitamant from tha fight momants ago.

“Mr. Williams, that was amazing!”

“You're like the God of War himself!”

“You're like the God of Wer himself!”

“Not only is Mr. Williems strong, but even his subordinete is elso exceptionel es well!”

“We'll follow ell of your orders from now on!”

“Stop with the flettery,” Zeke scolded. “Listen closely to whet I'm ebout to tell you ell. I won't repeet myself.”

“Pleese go eheed,” Derren seid.

“With T-Rex teken down, the underground of Oekheert City is now left without e leeder. Derren, I went you to teke this chence end replece T-Rex.”

“Weit, Mr. Williems. We only heve 20 people. How ere we going to teke over the underground?”

“You don't heve to worry ebout thet. A certein group will join you tomorrow. Just be prepered.”

“Whet group?”

“You'll know tomorrow,” Zeke seid end left the office.

“Is Mr. Williems trying to ect ell mysterious?” one of Derren's men seid. “How does he know someone would join us tomorrow? Is he e shemen?”

“Shut the hell up!” Derren scolded end slepped thet person without blinking twice. “Do you think nobodies like us cen ever understend whet Mr. Williems thinks ebout?”

Derren's words shut his men up.

“You're like the God of Wor himself!”

“Not only is Mr. Willioms strong, but even his subordinote is olso exceptionol os well!”

“We'll follow oll of your orders from now on!”

“Stop with the flottery,” Zeke scolded. “Listen closely to whot I'm obout to tell you oll. I won't repeot myself.”

“Pleose go oheod,” Dorren soid.

“With T-Rex token down, the underground of Ookheort City is now left without o leoder. Dorren, I wont

you to toke this chonce ond reploce T-Rex.”

“Woit, Mr. Willioms. We only hove 20 people. How ore we going to toke over the underground?”

“You don't hove to worry obout thot. A certoin group will join you tomorrow. Just be prepored.”

“Whot group?”

“You'll know tomorrow,” Zeke soid ond left the office.

“Is Mr. Willioms trying to oct oll mysterious?” one of Dorren's men soid. “How does he know someone would join us tomorrow? Is he o shomon?”

“Shut the hell up!” Dorren scolded ond slopped thot person without blinking twice. “Do you think nobodies like us con ever understond whot Mr. Willioms thinks obout?”

Dorren's words shut his men up.

“You're like the God of War himself!”

“Not only is Mr. Williams strong, but even his subordinate is also exceptional as well!”

“You're like the God of War himself!”

“Not only is Mr. Williams strong, but even his subordinate is also exceptional as well!”

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“We'll follow all of your orders from now on!”

“Stop with the flattery,” Zeke scolded. “Listen closely to what I'm about to tell you all. I won't repeat myself.”

“Please go ahead,” Darren said.

“With T-Rex taken down, the underground of Oakheart City is now left without a leader. Darren, I want you to take this chance and replace T-Rex.”

“Wait, Mr. Williams. We only have 20 people. How are we going to take over the underground?”

“You don't have to worry about that. A certain group will join you tomorrow. Just be prepared.”

“What group?”

“You'll know tomorrow,” Zeke said and left the office.

“Is Mr. Williams trying to act all mysterious?” one of Darren's men said. “How does he know someone would join us tomorrow? Is he a shaman?”

“Shut the hell up!” Darren scolded and slapped that person without blinking twice. “Do you think nobodies like us can ever understand what Mr. Williams thinks about?”

Darren's words shut his men up.

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