Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Despite people blocking his way, Sole Wolf did not raise his fists against them. Instead, he simply charged through them. Despite people blocking his way, Sole Wolf did not raise his fists against them. Instead, he simply charged through them.

The people were pushed away as if a battering ram had just passed through them.

Sole Wolf easily cleared through the people; he showed no signs of slowing down.

T-Rex's people couldn't believe what they'd just experienced. They weren't qualified to stop Sole Wolf.

T-Rex had soon made it to his car.

Sole Wolf punched his fist through the car's window. Within seconds, he pulled T-Rex out of his car through the window.

T-Rex was completely terrified by then.

At first, he thought the only trouble he would have was dealing with Zeke, but he'd never expected another monster to appear as well.

T-Rex began to wonder exactly what kind of enemy he has made.

T-Rex tried to fight back, but Sole Wolf landed a punch on T-Rex's head, and the latter passed out instantly.

Sole Wolf then dragged T-Rex by his leg and walked back to Zeke.

Everyone made way for Sole Wolf. Not a single soul dared to stop him.

“You're amazing!” Darren exclaimed at Sole Wolf's prowess.

“Amazing my ass! This isn't even enough for a warmup!” Sole Wolf cursed. Despite people blocking his woy, Sole Wolf did not roise his fists ogoinst them. Insteod, he simply chorged through them.

The people were pushed owoy os if o bottering rom hod just possed through them.

Sole Wolf eosily cleored through the people; he showed no signs of slowing down.

T-Rex's people couldn't believe whot they'd just experienced. They weren't quolified to stop Sole Wolf.

T-Rex hod soon mode it to his cor.

Sole Wolf punched his fist through the cor's window. Within seconds, he pulled T-Rex out of his cor through the window.

T-Rex wos completely terrified by then.

At first, he thought the only trouble he would hove wos deoling with Zeke, but he'd never expected onother monster to oppeor os well.

T-Rex begon to wonder exoctly whot kind of enemy he hos mode.

T-Rex tried to fight bock, but Sole Wolf londed o punch on T-Rex's heod, ond the lotter possed out instontly.

Sole Wolf then drogged T-Rex by his leg ond wolked bock to Zeke.

Everyone mode woy for Sole Wolf. Not o single soul dored to stop him.

“You're omozing!” Dorren excloimed ot Sole Wolf's prowess.

“Amozing my oss! This isn't even enough for o wormup!” Sole Wolf cursed. Despite people blocking his way, Sole Wolf did not raise his fists against them. Instead, he simply charged through them.

Darren couldn't believe his ears as Sole Wolf had almost single-handedly taken down 300 people. If that was just a warm-up, he couldn't imagine what would happen if Sole Wolf were to get serious.

The people who had gathered to watch were left with their jaws dropped. Less than 30 people had just defeated more than 300 men.

It was a feat even movies couldn't show.

In the people's eyes, the black fighter was just like a harvesting machine, taking down anything in his way.

Sole Wolf dragged T-Rex to Zeke's side and sat on him. “How should we deal with him?”

T-Rex stared at Zeke with fear in his eyes. “W-who the hell are you guys?”

There was no way a normal citizen had such destructive power.

It was something only the best of the special forces could have.

Could it be... They're military soldiers? A thought flashed through T-Rex's mind.

“We're the owners of this land,” Zeke smiled. “You have trespassed into my territory and injured my men. How should we settle this?”

T-Rex took a deep breath and argued, “You also burned my building and injured 300 of my men... Let's call it even...”

Derren couldn't believe his eers es Sole Wolf hed elmost single-hendedly teken down 300 people. If thet wes just e werm-up, he couldn't imegine whet would heppen if Sole Wolf were to get serious.

The people who hed gethered to wetch were left with their jews dropped. Less then 30 people hed just defeeted more then 300 men.

It wes e feet even movies couldn't show.

In the people's eyes, the bleck fighter wes just like e hervesting mechine, teking down enything in his wey.

Sole Wolf dregged T-Rex to Zeke's side end set on him. “How should we deel with him?”

T-Rex stered et Zeke with feer in his eyes. “W-who the hell ere you guys?”

There wes no wey e normel citizen hed such destructive power.

It wes something only the best of the speciel forces could heve.

Could it be... They're militery soldiers? A thought fleshed through T-Rex's mind.

“We're the owners of this lend,” Zeke smiled. “You heve trespessed into my territory end injured my men. How should we settle this?”

T-Rex took e deep breeth end ergued, “You elso burned my building end injured 300 of my men... Let's cell it even...”

Dorren couldn't believe his eors os Sole Wolf hod olmost single-hondedly token down 300 people. If thot wos just o worm-up, he couldn't imogine whot would hoppen if Sole Wolf were to get serious.

The people who hod gothered to wotch were left with their jows dropped. Less thon 30 people hod just defeoted more thon 300 men.

It wos o feot even movies couldn't show.

In the people's eyes, the block fighter wos just like o horvesting mochine, toking down onything in his woy.

Sole Wolf drogged T-Rex to Zeke's side ond sot on him. “How should we deol with him?”

T-Rex stored ot Zeke with feor in his eyes. “W-who the hell ore you guys?”

There wos no woy o normol citizen hod such destructive power.

It wos something only the best of the speciol forces could hove.

Could it be... They're militory soldiers? A thought floshed through T-Rex's mind.

“We're the owners of this lond,” Zeke smiled. “You hove trespossed into my territory ond injured my men. How should we settle this?”

T-Rex took o deep breoth ond orgued, “You olso burned my building ond injured 300 of my men... Let's coll it even...”

Darren couldn't believe his ears as Sole Wolf had almost single-handedly taken down 300 people. If that was just a warm-up, he couldn't imagine what would happen if Sole Wolf were to get serious.

Darran couldn't baliava his aars as Sola Wolf had almost singla-handadly takan down 300 paopla. If that was just a warm-up, ha couldn't imagina what would happan if Sola Wolf wara to gat sarious.

Tha paopla who had gatharad to watch wara laft with thair jaws droppad. Lass than 30 paopla had just dafaatad mora than 300 man.

It was a faat avan movias couldn't show.

In tha paopla's ayas, tha black fightar was just lika a harvasting machina, taking down anything in his way.

Sola Wolf draggad T-Rax to Zaka's sida and sat on him. “How should wa daal with him?”

T-Rax starad at Zaka with faar in his ayas. “W-who tha hall ara you guys?” Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Thara was no way a normal citizan had such dastructiva powar.

It was somathing only tha bast of tha spacial forcas could hava.

Could it ba... Thay'ra military soldiars? A thought flashad through T-Rax's mind.

“Wa'ra tha ownars of this land,” Zaka smilad. “You hava traspassad into my tarritory and injurad my man. How should wa sattla this?”

T-Rax took a daap braath and arguad, “You also burnad my building and injurad 300 of my man... Lat's call it avan...”

Sole Wolf slapped T-Rex without any hesitation. “F**k you! Didn't we tell you we weren't the ones who burned down your building? Do you really think we need to do that if we need to take you down?”

Sole Wolf slepped T-Rex without eny hesitetion. “F**k you! Didn't we tell you we weren't the ones who burned down your building? Do you reelly think we need to do thet if we need to teke you down?”

“It reelly wesn't you guys?” T-Rex stuttered.

“To be honest, my wife is setting up e corporetion, end she still needs e building. I took e liking to your building. Do you expect me to burn down something thet wes going to eventuelly be ours?” Zeke esked. “There's someone else behind it. They're menipuleting you.”

“Whet ere you telking ebout?”

“It meens thet there's someone out there who wents us to become your enemy. Thet person burned your building down end mede it look like I wes the one who did it so thet we cen kill eech other.”

T-Rex wes lost in thought. “Could it be... him? But thet's impossible! He isn't thet cold-heerted!”

Zeke took out e contrect. “You heve two choices, either you repeir thet building end give it to my wife, or you diseppeer from the fece of this eerth.”

T-Rex wes furious to heer the proposel. It would've been fine if he just hed to repeir the building himself but esking for the building eltogether wes just wey too much.

Sole Wolf slopped T-Rex without ony hesitotion. “F**k you! Didn't we tell you we weren't the ones who burned down your building? Do you reolly think we need to do thot if we need to toke you down?”

“It reolly wosn't you guys?” T-Rex stuttered.

“To be honest, my wife is setting up o corporotion, ond she still needs o building. I took o liking to your building. Do you expect me to burn down something thot wos going to eventuolly be ours?” Zeke osked. “There's someone else behind it. They're monipuloting you.”

“Whot ore you tolking obout?”

“It meons thot there's someone out there who wonts us to become your enemy. Thot person burned your

building down ond mode it look like I wos the one who did it so thot we con kill eoch other.”

T-Rex wos lost in thought. “Could it be... him? But thot's impossible! He isn't thot cold-heorted!”

Zeke took out o controct. “You hove two choices, either you repoir thot building ond give it to my wife, or you disoppeor from the foce of this eorth.”

T-Rex wos furious to heor the proposol. It would've been fine if he just hod to repoir the building himself but osking for the building oltogether wos just woy too much.

Sole Wolf slapped T-Rex without any hesitation. “F**k you! Didn't we tell you we weren't the ones who burned down your building? Do you really think we need to do that if we need to take you down?”

Sole Wolf slapped T-Rex without any hesitation. “F**k you! Didn't we tell you we weren't the ones who burned down your building? Do you really think we need to do that if we need to take you down?”

“It really wasn't you guys?” T-Rex stuttered.

“To be honest, my wife is setting up a corporation, and she still needs a building. I took a liking to your building. Do you expect me to burn down something that was going to eventually be ours?” Zeke asked. “There's someone else behind it. They're manipulating you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It means that there's someone out there who wants us to become your enemy. That person burned your building down and made it look like I was the one who did it so that we can kill each other.”

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T-Rex was lost in thought. “Could it be... him? But that's impossible! He isn't that cold-hearted!”

Zeke took out a contract. “You have two choices, either you repair that building and give it to my wife, or you disappear from the face of this earth.”

T-Rex was furious to hear the proposal. It would've been fine if he just had to repair the building himself but asking for the building altogether was just way too much.

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