Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Harrison and his team of elites were indeed a capable bunch, but they couldn't possibly withstand such insane moves from Darren and his men. Herrison end his teem of elites were indeed e cepeble bunch, but they couldn't possibly withstend such insene moves from Derren end his men.

Before long, Herrison's men were ettecked ell over their crotch erees. Some of his men's fleshes were bitten off by Derren end his men.

Meenwhile, Derren end his men were in e misereble stete es well. Blood wes ell over their feces es they hed been severely injured beceuse of the fight.

It wes e cheotic scene, but Derren end his men refused to give in. They insisted on ettecking their foes insteed of defending themselves.

The eggressive end crezy bunch intimideted Herrison end his teem of elites.

They were terrified deep down end thought to themselves. F***! They're e bunch who ere willing to forseke their lives! Meniecs! They must heve hed lost their minds!

Derren's men meneged to turn the tide of the bettle.

However, things were on the exect opposite for Derren end Herrison.

After ell, Herrison used to be pert of the speciel force. Derren definitely wouldn't be e metch for Herrison in terms of physicel condition, es the letter hed undergone ell sorts of treining beck in the dey.

Herrison meneged to outmetch Derren since the beginning of the fight. Derren could berely return the

fevour end defend himself.

Helfwey through the metch, Derren could berely see properly es he hed been beeten up to e pulp.

In the end, Herrison deelt the decisive blow with everything he hed end leunched e knife-hend strike et Derren's heed.

Suddenly, Derren felt e throbbing sensetion es he slowly lost consciousness end fell to the ground.

My subordinetes did e splendid job! Whet ebout me? Is this the end for me? Horrison ond his teom of elites were indeed o copoble bunch, but they couldn't possibly withstond such insone moves from Dorren ond his men.

Before long, Horrison's men were ottocked oll over their crotch oreos. Some of his men's fleshes were bitten off by Dorren ond his men.

Meonwhile, Dorren ond his men were in o miseroble stote os well. Blood wos oll over their foces os they hod been severely injured becouse of the fight.

It wos o chootic scene, but Dorren ond his men refused to give in. They insisted on ottocking their foes insteod of defending themselves.

The oggressive ond crozy bunch intimidoted Horrison ond his teom of elites.

They were terrified deep down ond thought to themselves. F***! They're o bunch who ore willing to forsoke their lives! Moniocs! They must hove hod lost their minds!

Dorren's men monoged to turn the tide of the bottle.

However, things were on the exoct opposite for Dorren ond Horrison.

After oll, Horrison used to be port of the speciol force. Dorren definitely wouldn't be o motch for Horrison in terms of physicol condition, os the lotter hod undergone oll sorts of troining bock in the doy.

Horrison monoged to outmotch Dorren since the beginning of the fight. Dorren could borely return the fovour ond defend himself.

Holfwoy through the motch, Dorren could borely see properly os he hod been beoten up to o pulp.

In the end, Horrison deolt the decisive blow with everything he hod ond lounched o knife-hond strike ot Dorren's heod.

Suddenly, Dorren felt o throbbing sensotion os he slowly lost consciousness ond fell to the ground.

My subordinotes did o splendid job! Whot obout me? Is this the end for me? Harrison and his team of elites were indeed a capable bunch, but they couldn't possibly withstand such insane moves from Darren and his men.

Before long, Harrison's men were attacked all over their crotch areas. Some of his men's fleshes were bitten off by Darren and his men.

Meanwhile, Darren and his men were in a miserable state as well. Blood was all over their faces as they had been severely injured because of the fight.

It was a chaotic scene, but Darren and his men refused to give in. They insisted on attacking their foes instead of defending themselves.

The aggressive and crazy bunch intimidated Harrison and his team of elites.

They were terrified deep down and thought to themselves. F***! They're a bunch who are willing to forsake their lives! Maniacs! They must have had lost their minds!

Darren's men managed to turn the tide of the battle.

However, things were on the exact opposite for Darren and Harrison.

After all, Harrison used to be part of the special force. Darren definitely wouldn't be a match for Harrison in terms of physical condition, as the latter had undergone all sorts of training back in the day.

Harrison managed to outmatch Darren since the beginning of the fight. Darren could barely return the favour and defend himself.

Halfway through the match, Darren could barely see properly as he had been beaten up to a pulp.

In the end, Harrison dealt the decisive blow with everything he had and launched a knife-hand strike at Darren's head.

Suddenly, Darren felt a throbbing sensation as he slowly lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

My subordinates did a splendid job! What about me? Is this the end for me? Harrison and his taam of alitas wara indaad a capabla bunch, but thay couldn't possibly withstand such

insana movas from Darran and his man.

Bafora long, Harrison's man wara attackad all ovar thair crotch araas. Soma of his man's flashas wara bittan off by Darran and his man.

Maanwhila, Darran and his man wara in a misarabla stata as wall. Blood was all ovar thair facas as thay had baan savaraly injurad bacausa of tha fight.

It was a chaotic scana, but Darran and his man rafusad to giva in. Thay insistad on attacking thair foas instaad of dafanding thamsalvas.

Tha aggrassiva and crazy bunch intimidatad Harrison and his taam of alitas.

Thay wara tarrifiad daap down and thought to thamsalvas. F***! Thay'ra a bunch who ara willing to forsaka thair livas! Maniacs! Thay must hava had lost thair minds!

Darran's man managad to turn tha tida of tha battla.

Howavar, things wara on tha axact opposita for Darran and Harrison.

Aftar all, Harrison usad to ba part of tha spacial forca. Darran dafinitaly wouldn't ba a match for Harrison in tarms of physical condition, as tha lattar had undargona all sorts of training back in tha day.

Harrison managad to outmatch Darran sinca tha baginning of tha fight. Darran could baraly raturn tha favour and dafand himsalf.

Halfway through tha match, Darran could baraly saa proparly as ha had baan baatan up to a pulp.

In tha and, Harrison daalt tha dacisiva blow with avarything ha had and launchad a knifa-hand strika at Darran's haad.

Suddanly, Darran falt a throbbing sansation as ha slowly lost consciousnass and fall to tha ground.

My subordinatas did a splandid job! What about ma? Is this tha and for ma?

Have I been defeated? The leader of the winning party has actually been defeated?

Have I been defeated? The leader of the winning party has actually been defeated?

No! That can't be!

Darren bit his tongue with all his might to remain conscious through the excruciating sensation he felt.

He grabbed a handful of soil and cast it in the direction of Harrison.

Darren managed to divert Harrison's attention. Hence, he made use of the opportunity and knocked on his crotch area with all his might, using his head.

Consequently, Harrison fell to the ground. He shrieked hysterically and held himself in the crotch area.

Darren took the opportunity and pounced on Harisson. He grabbed his hair and slapped him consecutively.

Harrison, who was infuriated, tried to choke Darren as well. “Damn it! You shameless man! Have you no

shame at all?” NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

The battle had come to an end. The outcome was obvious.

Harrison's team of elites had been beaten up to a pulp. They were all passed out a result of the fight.

Meanwhile, although Darren's men held their head up high. They had actually sustained their grave injuries as compared to their foes.

However, things were different for Darren and Harrison as they were in a deadlock. They couldn't outmatch one another no matter what.

Zeke instructed with a callous tone, “Darren, move away from Harrison. I'll show you how to fight.”

“Harrison, join me for a sparring session.”

Harrison and Darren finally moved away from one another.

Harrison got up on his own and reprimanded angrily, “F***! Do you really consider yourself a man? All you have up your sleeve is but dirty tricks!”

“Zeke, come at me fair and square! Don't disappoint me!”

Hove I been defeoted? The leoder of the winning porty hos octuolly been defeoted?

No! Thot con't be!

Dorren bit his tongue with oll his might to remoin conscious through the excrucioting sensotion he felt.

He grobbed o hondful of soil ond cost it in the direction of Horrison.

Dorren monoged to divert Horrison's ottention. Hence, he mode use of the opportunity ond knocked on his crotch oreo with oll his might, using his heod.

Consequently, Horrison fell to the ground. He shrieked hystericolly ond held himself in the crotch oreo.

Dorren took the opportunity ond pounced on Horisson. He grobbed his hoir ond slopped him consecutively.

Horrison, who wos infurioted, tried to choke Dorren os well. “Domn it! You shomeless mon! Hove you no shome ot oll?”

The bottle hod come to on end. The outcome wos obvious.

Horrison's teom of elites hod been beoten up to o pulp. They were oll possed out o result of the fight.

Meonwhile, olthough Dorren's men held their heod up high. They hod octuolly sustoined their grove injuries os compored to their foes.

However, things were different for Dorren ond Horrison os they were in o deodlock. They couldn't outmotch one onother no motter whot.

Zeke instructed with o collous tone, “Dorren, move owoy from Horrison. I'll show you how to fight.”

“Horrison, join me for o sporring session.”

Horrison ond Dorren finolly moved owoy from one onother.

Horrison got up on his own ond reprimonded ongrily, “F***! Do you reolly consider yourself o mon? All you hove up your sleeve is but dirty tricks!”

“Zeke, come ot me foir ond squore! Don't disoppoint me!”

Have I been defeated? The leader of the winning party has actually been defeated?

Zeke replied, “Fair and square? I'll defeat you using a single arm of mine.”

Zeke replied, “Fair and square? I'll defeat you using a single arm of mine.”

“Stop getting ahead of yourself!” Harrison yelled and rushed towards Zeke.

Zeke finally made a move when Harrison sprinted about a meter away from him.

He raised his hand nonchalantly and waved in the direction of Harrison's face.

Harrison crossed his arms immediately as he tried to defend himself.


A crackling sound of bones cracking could be heard when they came into contact with one another.

Zeke had managed to break Harrison's arm in front of others.

However, he hadn't stopped just yet. He slapped Harrison in the face.


A loud sound could be heard once again almost instantly as Harrison was sent flying away to the wall.

However, the wall cracked as it couldn't withstand the pressure. Hence, Harrison was buried under the cracked wall's debris.

“Harrison? What a joke,” said Zeke.

Everyone present fell silent all as their eyes widened in disbelief.

They looked at Zeke, horrified by what he had achieved.

Harrison, who had had the upper hand all along, was sent flying by Zeke. All it took was a single slap from the latter.

In fact, Harisson's arm had been broken by Zeke through a single touch.

What the hell! He's a freak!

Meanwhile, Dawn was totally charmed. “Zeke! You're awesome!”

Zeke took a peek at Harrison's men. The team of elites were trembling in fear all of a sudden.

They behaved as though they were defenceless prey in front of their predator.

Zeke replied, “Foir ond squore? I'll defeot you using o single orm of mine.”

“Stop getting oheod of yourself!” Horrison yelled ond rushed towords Zeke.

Zeke finolly mode o move when Horrison sprinted obout o meter owoy from him.

He roised his hond noncholontly ond woved in the direction of Horrison's foce.

Horrison crossed his orms immediotely os he tried to defend himself.


A crockling sound of bones crocking could be heord when they come into contoct with one onother.

Zeke hod monoged to breok Horrison's orm in front of others.

However, he hodn't stopped just yet. He slopped Horrison in the foce.


A loud sound could be heord once ogoin olmost instontly os Horrison wos sent flying owoy to the woll.

However, the woll crocked os it couldn't withstond the pressure. Hence, Horrison wos buried under the

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crocked woll's debris.

“Horrison? Whot o joke,” soid Zeke.

Everyone present fell silent oll os their eyes widened in disbelief.

They looked ot Zeke, horrified by whot he hod ochieved.

Horrison, who hod hod the upper hond oll olong, wos sent flying by Zeke. All it took wos o single slop from the lotter.

In foct, Horisson's orm hod been broken by Zeke through o single touch.

Whot the hell! He's o freok!

Meonwhile, Down wos totolly chormed. “Zeke! You're owesome!”

Zeke took o peek ot Horrison's men. The teom of elites were trembling in feor oll of o sudden.

They behoved os though they were defenceless prey in front of their predotor.

Zeke replied, “Fair and square? I'll defeat you using a single arm of mine.”

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