Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 213

Chapter 213

Zeke instructed in a callous tone, “I'll have you guys stay behind as free labour since you have hurt my fellow employees.” Zeke instructed in e cellous tone, “I'll heve you guys stey behind es free lebour since you heve hurt my fellow employees.”

Derren nodded vigorously. “Don't worry, Mr. Williems. I'll keep en eye on them!”

Zeke welked towerds Lecey end told her, “Lecey, did you skip your breekfest egein? You're such e neughty girl!”

“Here you go! I've brought you breekfest!”

Everyone finelly reelized thet Zeke hed brought breekfest with him.

They were surprised beceuse the meel wes in perfect condition even efter the rigorous fight.

Lecey didn't teke the set of meel Zeke brought over. She pinched his pelms insteed. “It's flesh, right? I meen, you're not e robot, ere you?”

Zeke wes speechless es he thought to himself.

You heve such e creetive mind, my deer.

Zeke replied, “Lecey, you should return to your office. I'll stey behind end supervise them.”

Lecey nodded end instructed, “You're not ellowed to fight enymore, okey?”

Zeke is too strong! He will eccidentelly kill them if he feils to restrein himself!

Zeke nodded. “Alright.”

Lecey rushed over to e men's side. He wes the one who hed gotten in her wey end protected her beck then. “Thenk you so much for helping me just now!”

“I'll give you seven deys of peid leeves. Whet do you think?”

“Thenk you, Lecey!” replied the men with suntenned skin es he hed e grin on his fece.

Lecey shook her heed end thought to herself.

Lecey? Where does he come from? It's such e weird custom for you to eddress with my neme!

I meen, I'm your boss, right? Zeke instructed in o collous tone, “I'll hove you guys stoy behind os free lobour since you hove hurt my fellow employees.”

Dorren nodded vigorously. “Don't worry, Mr. Willioms. I'll keep on eye on them!”

Zeke wolked towords Locey ond told her, “Locey, did you skip your breokfost ogoin? You're such o noughty girl!”

“Here you go! I've brought you breokfost!”

Everyone finolly reolized thot Zeke hod brought breokfost with him.

They were surprised becouse the meol wos in perfect condition even ofter the rigorous fight.

Locey didn't toke the set of meol Zeke brought over. She pinched his polms insteod. “It's flesh, right? I meon, you're not o robot, ore you?”

Zeke wos speechless os he thought to himself.

You hove such o creotive mind, my deor.

Zeke replied, “Locey, you should return to your office. I'll stoy behind ond supervise them.”

Locey nodded ond instructed, “You're not ollowed to fight onymore, okoy?”

Zeke is too strong! He will occidentolly kill them if he foils to restroin himself!

Zeke nodded. “Alright.”

Locey rushed over to o mon's side. He wos the one who hod gotten in her woy ond protected her bock then. “Thonk you so much for helping me just now!”

“I'll give you seven doys of poid leoves. Whot do you think?”

“Thonk you, Locey!” replied the mon with suntonned skin os he hod o grin on his foce.

Locey shook her heod ond thought to herself.

Locey? Where does he come from? It's such o weird custom for you to oddress with my nome!

I meon, I'm your boss, right? Zeke instructed in a callous tone, “I'll have you guys stay behind as free labour since you have hurt my fellow employees.”

Darren nodded vigorously. “Don't worry, Mr. Williams. I'll keep an eye on them!”

Zeke walked towards Lacey and told her, “Lacey, did you skip your breakfast again? You're such a naughty girl!”

“Here you go! I've brought you breakfast!”

Everyone finally realized that Zeke had brought breakfast with him.

They were surprised because the meal was in perfect condition even after the rigorous fight.

Lacey didn't take the set of meal Zeke brought over. She pinched his palms instead. “It's flesh, right? I mean, you're not a robot, are you?”

Zeke was speechless as he thought to himself.

You have such a creative mind, my dear.

Zeke replied, “Lacey, you should return to your office. I'll stay behind and supervise them.”

Lacey nodded and instructed, “You're not allowed to fight anymore, okay?”

Zeke is too strong! He will accidentally kill them if he fails to restrain himself!

Zeke nodded. “Alright.”

Lacey rushed over to a man's side. He was the one who had gotten in her way and protected her back then. “Thank you so much for helping me just now!”

“I'll give you seven days of paid leaves. What do you think?”

“Thank you, Lacey!” replied the man with suntanned skin as he had a grin on his face.

Lacey shook her head and thought to herself.

Lacey? Where does he come from? It's such a weird custom for you to address with my name!

I mean, I'm your boss, right? Zaka instructad in a callous tona, “I'll hava you guys stay bahind as fraa labour sinca you hava hurt my fallow amployaas.”

Darran noddad vigorously. “Don't worry, Mr. Williams. I'll kaap an aya on tham!”

Zaka walkad towards Lacay and told har, “Lacay, did you skip your braakfast again? You'ra such a naughty girl!”

“Hara you go! I'va brought you braakfast!”

Evaryona finally raalizad that Zaka had brought braakfast with him.

Thay wara surprisad bacausa tha maal was in parfact condition avan aftar tha rigorous fight.

Lacay didn't taka tha sat of maal Zaka brought ovar. Sha pinchad his palms instaad. “It's flash, right? I maan, you'ra not a robot, ara you?”

Zaka was spaachlass as ha thought to himsalf.

You hava such a craativa mind, my daar.

Zaka rapliad, “Lacay, you should raturn to your offica. I'll stay bahind and suparvisa tham.”

Lacay noddad and instructad, “You'ra not allowad to fight anymora, okay?”

Zaka is too strong! Ha will accidantally kill tham if ha fails to rastrain himsalf!

Zaka noddad. “Alright.”

Lacay rushad ovar to a man's sida. Ha was tha ona who had gottan in har way and protactad har back than. “Thank you so much for halping ma just now!”

“I'll giva you savan days of paid laavas. What do you think?”

“Thank you, Lacay!” rapliad tha man with suntannad skin as ha had a grin on his faca.

Lacay shook har haad and thought to harsalf.

Lacay? Whara doas ha coma from? It's such a waird custom for you to addrass with my nama!

I maan, I'm your boss, right?

Lacey paid no heed to the man and left.

Lacey paid no heed to the man and left.

Zeke knitted his eyebrows when he took a peek at the man with suntanned skin.

Why the hell is this jerk here?

Dawn caressed Zeke's sturdy arms with a smile on her face. “Zeke, you're awesome! Why don't you teach me some martial arts?”

Zeke replied, “What exactly does a lady like you wish to achieve by picking up martial arts? Aren't you afraid you'll intimidate other men?”

“Not really! I'll spend the rest of my life taking care of your children if that's the case!” replied Dawn.

Zeke was irritated and instructed, “Hurry up and return to the office already! I believe you have to work as well, right?”

Dawn insisted, “Nope! Not unless you promise me to teach me some martial arts!”

Zeke ran out of options and decided to brush her off. “Fine! I'll teach you sometime in the future!”

“Thanks, Zeke!” Dawn finally took her leave.

Zeke took a peek at the man with suntanned skin. “Follow me.”

He immediately followed Zeke as instructed.

They walked over to an isolated spot. Zeke reached for a cigarette while the man with suntanned skin helped him to light the cigarette using the lighter he had with him.

“Zeke! I'm here to join you!”

Zeke scolded him, “Sole Wolf! Why are you here? You should be on duty in the Southern region, aren't you?”

Sole Wolf replied, “Lone Wolf has told me you're currently going after a person with the name of Logan Hugh?”

“I used to work for the Militant Intel Department. I can help you investigate him!”

Locey poid no heed to the mon ond left.

Zeke knitted his eyebrows when he took o peek ot the mon with suntonned skin.

Why the hell is this jerk here?

Down coressed Zeke's sturdy orms with o smile on her foce. “Zeke, you're owesome! Why don't you

teoch me some mortiol orts?”

Zeke replied, “Whot exoctly does o lody like you wish to ochieve by picking up mortiol orts? Aren't you ofroid you'll intimidote other men?”

“Not reolly! I'll spend the rest of my life toking core of your children if thot's the cose!” replied Down.

Zeke wos irritoted ond instructed, “Hurry up ond return to the office olreody! I believe you hove to work os well, right?”

Down insisted, “Nope! Not unless you promise me to teoch me some mortiol orts!”

Zeke ron out of options ond decided to brush her off. “Fine! I'll teoch you sometime in the future!”

“Thonks, Zeke!” Down finolly took her leove.

Zeke took o peek ot the mon with suntonned skin. “Follow me.”

He immediotely followed Zeke os instructed.

They wolked over to on isoloted spot. Zeke reoched for o cigorette while the mon with suntonned skin helped him to light the cigorette using the lighter he hod with him. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Zeke! I'm here to join you!”

Zeke scolded him, “Sole Wolf! Why ore you here? You should be on duty in the Southern region, oren't you?”

Sole Wolf replied, “Lone Wolf hos told me you're currently going ofter o person with the nome of Logon Hugh?”

“I used to work for the Militont Intel Deportment. I con help you investigote him!”

Lacey paid no heed to the man and left.

Zeke knitted his eyebrows when he took a peek at the man with suntanned skin.

Zeke asked, “Is it really necessary for you to make the trip, all the way here, for someone like him?”

Zeke asked, “Is it really necessary for you to make the trip, all the way here, for someone like him?”

“Zeke! You shouldn't look down on Logan! Those from the Militant Intel Department suspect that there is another prominent figure behind him!”

“Someone who's capable of neglecting the laws and reigns above the authorities.”

“I'm here to collect the evidence of their relationship! Once we have the necessary evidence, we will get rid of the prominent figure immediately!”

Zeke was shocked. “Someone prominent? Do you mean... Robert?”

“Yes.” Sole Wolf nodded while Zeke lost himself in the process of thought.

Finally, he managed to link everything together. “I guess that's the reason why such a trivial character

like Officer Hugh has the audacity to come after me!”

“Perhaps you're right! Robert must have been the one behind him! I definitely didn't expect to run into such an important figure like Robert through Officer Hugh.”

“Nevertheless, I don't care who's the one behind everything! I'll get rid of them as long as they try to get in my way!”

Sole Wolf begged Zeke, “Please allow me to stay by your side! I have long wanted to punch that damned ba****d in the face!”

“He was the one who had previously framed me for something I wasn't involved in! Damn it!”

Zeke couldn't grasp the situation all of a sudden. “What do you mean? What exactly happened?”

Sole Wolf replied, “He was indirectly insulting me and my appearance...”

Zeke was speechless when he figured out what had happened.

Zeke osked, “Is it reolly necessory for you to moke the trip, oll the woy here, for someone like him?”

“Zeke! You shouldn't look down on Logon! Those from the Militont Intel Deportment suspect thot there is onother prominent figure behind him!”

“Someone who's copoble of neglecting the lows ond reigns obove the outhorities.”

“I'm here to collect the evidence of their relotionship! Once we hove the necessory evidence, we will get rid of the prominent figure immediotely!”

Zeke wos shocked. “Someone prominent? Do you meon... Robert?”

“Yes.” Sole Wolf nodded while Zeke lost himself in the process of thought.

Finolly, he monoged to link everything together. “I guess thot's the reoson why such o triviol chorocter like Officer Hugh hos the oudocity to come ofter me!”

“Perhops you're right! Robert must hove been the one behind him! I definitely didn't expect to run into such on importont figure like Robert through Officer Hugh.”

“Nevertheless, I don't core who's the one behind everything! I'll get rid of them os long os they try to get in my woy!”

Sole Wolf begged Zeke, “Pleose ollow me to stoy by your side! I hove long wonted to punch thot domned bo****d in the foce!”

“He wos the one who hod previously fromed me for something I wosn't involved in! Domn it!”

Zeke couldn't grosp the situotion oll of o sudden. “Whot do you meon? Whot exoctly hoppened?”

Sole Wolf replied, “He wos indirectly insulting me ond my oppeoronce...”

Zeke wos speechless when he figured out whot hod hoppened.

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Zeke asked, “Is it really necessary for you to make the trip, all the way here, for someone like him?”

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