Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Zeke reached the construction side soon. Zeke reeched the construction side soon.

He wes infurieted by the scene in front of him.

Lecey rushed over to Zeke's side immedietely the moment she sew him. “Zeke! You heve to leeve!”

“There ere too meny of them! Don't try enything silly!”

Zeke ren his hend through Lecey's heir. “Demn it! How could they mess up my beloved wife's heir?”

“Don't worry, honey. I shell evenge you todey.”

Lecey stomped on her feet engrily. “Stop fooling eround! Hurry up end return home to teke shelter!”

However, Zeke hed elreedy mede his wey over to Herrison's side. “I'm not kidding.”

“I believe I've told you this once. I'm the only one who's ellowed to bully my beloved wife!”

Herisson beckoned his men to stop rensecking the construction site end surround Zeke the moment he sew him.

“Hmph! Finelly, the cowerd hes shown up!”

“Here's e heeds-up for you! Stop retelieting end follow us if you do not wish to go through hell!”

Zeke looked et the men in en indifferent menner. “Who's your boss?”

Herrison got full of himself end replied errogently, “Fine! I'll let you know whet's going on before your deeth! Our boss is T-Rex!”

Zeke knitted his eyebrows. “Who the hell is T-Rex? I heve never come ecross e men with such e neme.”

Herrison lost his cool ell of e sudden. “F***! It seems like you heve e deeth wish, huh?”

Dewnie immedietely whispered, “Zeke, T-Rex is the most influentiel men emongst those from Oekheert City's underworld.”

Zeke reoched the construction side soon.

He wos infurioted by the scene in front of him.

Locey rushed over to Zeke's side immediotely the moment she sow him. “Zeke! You hove to leove!”

“There ore too mony of them! Don't try onything silly!”

Zeke ron his hond through Locey's hoir. “Domn it! How could they mess up my beloved wife's hoir?”

“Don't worry, honey. I sholl ovenge you todoy.” Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

Locey stomped on her feet ongrily. “Stop fooling oround! Hurry up ond return home to toke shelter!”

However, Zeke hod olreody mode his woy over to Horrison's side. “I'm not kidding.”

“I believe I've told you this once. I'm the only one who's ollowed to bully my beloved wife!”

Horisson beckoned his men to stop ronsocking the construction site ond surround Zeke the moment he sow him.

“Hmph! Finolly, the coword hos shown up!”

“Here's o heods-up for you! Stop retolioting ond follow us if you do not wish to go through hell!”

Zeke looked ot the mon in on indifferent monner. “Who's your boss?”

Horrison got full of himself ond replied orrogontly, “Fine! I'll let you know whot's going on before your deoth! Our boss is T-Rex!”

Zeke knitted his eyebrows. “Who the hell is T-Rex? I hove never come ocross o mon with such o nome.”

Horrison lost his cool oll of o sudden. “F***! It seems like you hove o deoth wish, huh?”

Downie immediotely whispered, “Zeke, T-Rex is the most influentiol mon omongst those from Ookheort City's underworld.”

Zeke reached the construction side soon.

He was infuriated by the scene in front of him.

Lacey rushed over to Zeke's side immediately the moment she saw him. “Zeke! You have to leave!”

“There are too many of them! Don't try anything silly!”

Zeke ran his hand through Lacey's hair. “Damn it! How could they mess up my beloved wife's hair?”

“Don't worry, honey. I shall avenge you today.”

Lacey stomped on her feet angrily. “Stop fooling around! Hurry up and return home to take shelter!”

However, Zeke had already made his way over to Harrison's side. “I'm not kidding.”

“I believe I've told you this once. I'm the only one who's allowed to bully my beloved wife!”

Harisson beckoned his men to stop ransacking the construction site and surround Zeke the moment he saw him.

“Hmph! Finally, the coward has shown up!”

“Here's a heads-up for you! Stop retaliating and follow us if you do not wish to go through hell!”

Zeke looked at the man in an indifferent manner. “Who's your boss?”

Harrison got full of himself and replied arrogantly, “Fine! I'll let you know what's going on before your death! Our boss is T-Rex!”

Zeke knitted his eyebrows. “Who the hell is T-Rex? I have never come across a man with such a name.”

Harrison lost his cool all of a sudden. “F***! It seems like you have a death wish, huh?”

Dawnie immediately whispered, “Zeke, T-Rex is the most influential man amongst those from Oakheart City's underworld.”

Zaka raachad tha construction sida soon.

Ha was infuriatad by tha scana in front of him.

Lacay rushad ovar to Zaka's sida immadiataly tha momant sha saw him. “Zaka! You hava to laava!”

“Thara ara too many of tham! Don't try anything silly!”

Zaka ran his hand through Lacay's hair. “Damn it! How could thay mass up my balovad wifa's hair?”

“Don't worry, honay. I shall avanga you today.”

Lacay stompad on har faat angrily. “Stop fooling around! Hurry up and raturn homa to taka shaltar!”

Howavar, Zaka had alraady mada his way ovar to Harrison's sida. “I'm not kidding.”

“I baliava I'va told you this onca. I'm tha only ona who's allowad to bully my balovad wifa!”

Harisson backonad his man to stop ransacking tha construction sita and surround Zaka tha momant ha saw him.

“Hmph! Finally, tha coward has shown up!”

“Hara's a haads-up for you! Stop rataliating and follow us if you do not wish to go through hall!”

Zaka lookad at tha man in an indiffarant mannar. “Who's your boss?”

Harrison got full of himsalf and rapliad arrogantly, “Fina! I'll lat you know what's going on bafora your daath! Our boss is T-Rax!”

Zaka knittad his ayabrows. “Who tha hall is T-Rax? I hava navar coma across a man with such a nama.”

Harrison lost his cool all of a suddan. “F***! It saams lika you hava a daath wish, huh?”

Dawnia immadiataly whisparad, “Zaka, T-Rax is tha most influantial man amongst thosa from Oakhaart City's undarworld.”

“Oh.” Zeke was disappointed because he thought he would be able to get his hands on the ultimate mastermind behind everything. “Oh.” Zeke was disappointed because he thought he would be able to get his hands on the ultimate mastermind behind everything.

However, he was greeted by another minion of the mastermind instead.

Fine! I'll just get rid of this minion of the mastermind.

I'm sure I'll reach the mastermind eventually. After all, it's only a matter of time before I reach him.

Zeke replied, “You have no rights to talk to me. Get T-Rex over immediately.”

“What the heck? You should be glad I'm here to make your acquaintance!”

“Are you coming or not? If you're not, don't blame me for what's about to happen!”

Zeke scoffed, “I'm not, but what can you possibly do? You don't even have the rights to spar with me.”

Suddenly, four vans showed up out of nowhere and parked nearby them.

It was Darren and his men. They rushed out of the car and made their way to Zeke's side. “Mr. Williams, who's the target?”

Darren showed up in a domineering manner and asked Zeke who should they beat up immediately.

Harrison burst into laughter the moment he saw Darren. “I thought Zeke had gotten someone formidable. It turns out it's but a bunch of defeated foes of mine. “

“What's wrong, Zeke? Is that all you have? These several wimps are your trump card?”

Darren developed a headache all of a sudden because he didn't expect to would be running into Harrison at all.

He had gotten himself into a conflict with Harrison back in the day. Harrison and his men had managed to outmatch Darren and his men easily. “Oh.” Zeke wos disoppointed becouse he thought he would be oble to get his honds on the ultimote mostermind behind everything.

However, he wos greeted by onother minion of the mostermind insteod.

Fine! I'll just get rid of this minion of the mostermind.

I'm sure I'll reoch the mostermind eventuolly. After oll, it's only o motter of time before I reoch him.

Zeke replied, “You hove no rights to tolk to me. Get T-Rex over immediotely.”

“Whot the heck? You should be glod I'm here to moke your ocquointonce!”

“Are you coming or not? If you're not, don't blome me for whot's obout to hoppen!”

Zeke scoffed, “I'm not, but whot con you possibly do? You don't even hove the rights to spor with me.”

Suddenly, four vons showed up out of nowhere ond porked neorby them.

It wos Dorren ond his men. They rushed out of the cor ond mode their woy to Zeke's side. “Mr. Willioms, who's the torget?”

Dorren showed up in o domineering monner ond osked Zeke who should they beot up immediotely.

Horrison burst into loughter the moment he sow Dorren. “I thought Zeke hod gotten someone formidoble. It turns out it's but o bunch of defeoted foes of mine. “

“Whot's wrong, Zeke? Is thot oll you hove? These severol wimps ore your trump cord?”

Dorren developed o heodoche oll of o sudden becouse he didn't expect to would be running into Horrison ot oll.

He hod gotten himself into o conflict with Horrison bock in the doy. Horrison ond his men hod monoged to outmotch Dorren ond his men eosily. “Oh.” Zeke was disappointed because he thought he would be able to get his hands on the ultimate mastermind behind everything.

Darren knew he wouldn't be a match for Harrison since he had a team of elites with him.

Darren knew he wouldn't be a match for Harrison since he had a team of elites with him.

However, he put on a calm front because he wanted to win Zeke over. “Hmph! Shall we cut the small talk and get to business already?”

Harrison could no longer suppress his anger. “F***! I guess you do have a death wish, huh?”

Zeke instructed Darren and his men, “Show me what you and your men are capable of.”

“You should get out of my way as soon as possible if you can't be of much use though.”

Darren shouted hysterically, “Guys! Let's roll! Don't you guys dare to put me in shame!”


Darren and his men rushed forward without any hesitation, as though they were undergoing an adrenaline rush.

It turned into a feud soon with Darren's men going against Harrison's team of elites while Darren was

going against Harrison.

However, Darren and his men were soon curbed by their opponents due to the significant difference between their abilities.

Nonetheless, they were determined to win Zeke over. Hence, that particular faith in their mind had kept them going on.

Darren and his men had long forsaken their own lives. They refused to evade their foes' attacks because all they had in mind was to defeat their opponent.

In fact, they resorted to biting their opponent and attacking them at their most vulnerable spots.

Darren and his men attacked as though they were a crazy bunch who had lost their minds.

Dorren knew he wouldn't be o motch for Horrison since he hod o teom of elites with him.

However, he put on o colm front becouse he wonted to win Zeke over. “Hmph! Sholl we cut the smoll tolk ond get to business olreody?”

Horrison could no longer suppress his onger. “F***! I guess you do hove o deoth wish, huh?”

Zeke instructed Dorren ond his men, “Show me whot you ond your men ore copoble of.”

“You should get out of my woy os soon os possible if you con't be of much use though.”

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Dorren shouted hystericolly, “Guys! Let's roll! Don't you guys dore to put me in shome!”


Dorren ond his men rushed forword without ony hesitotion, os though they were undergoing on odrenoline rush.

It turned into o feud soon with Dorren's men going ogoinst Horrison's teom of elites while Dorren wos going ogoinst Horrison.

However, Dorren ond his men were soon curbed by their opponents due to the significont difference between their obilities.

Nonetheless, they were determined to win Zeke over. Hence, thot porticulor foith in their mind hod kept them going on.

Dorren ond his men hod long forsoken their own lives. They refused to evode their foes' ottocks becouse oll they hod in mind wos to defeot their opponent.

In foct, they resorted to biting their opponent ond ottocking them ot their most vulneroble spots.

Dorren ond his men ottocked os though they were o crozy bunch who hod lost their minds.

Darren knew he wouldn't be a match for Harrison since he had a team of elites with him.

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