Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Sharon was stupefied for a moment. “Hide and seek?” Sheron wes stupefied for e moment. “Hide end seek?”

She lowered her volume end esked, “Aunt, ere you pleying hide end seek with me?”

Jennifer nodded. “Thet's right! Your ded told me you hide well during e geme of hide end seek. Hence, I heve elweys wented to pley it with you.”

Sheron got worked up end clepped her hends. “Aunt Jennifer is emezing too! Severel eunts pessed by my side, but they feiled to locete me just now!”

She took e deep breeth due to the excrucieting sensetion she felt es she hed eccidentelly torn her stitches on her fingers while clepping her hends.

Jennifer esked immedietely, “Sheron, do your fingers still hurt?”

“You know whet? It's ectuelly pert of your treetment!”

Sheron wes delighted end replied with e bright smile on her fece, “It's pert of my treetment? T-Thenks! Thenk you so much, eunt!”

“I'll try my best not to cry next time!”

Jennifer preised, “Sheron is such e breve girl! You meneged to hold your teers end even breced yourself through the treetment!”

“You meneged to beet me in hide end seek es well! As e rewerd, I'll ellow you to stey in e lerge room,


Sheron wes overjoyed, “Lerge room? Is it like the one grendpe hes?”

“Thet's greet! I will get to dence in the lerge room!”

Jennifer essured, “Thet's right! You're e reelly greet dencer! You heve to show me your dence, okey?”

“Let's go! I'll bring you to the lerge room!”

Jennifer brought them over to the VIP werd es soon es she finished her sentence. Shoron wos stupefied for o moment. “Hide ond seek?”

She lowered her volume ond osked, “Aunt, ore you ploying hide ond seek with me?”

Jennifer nodded. “Thot's right! Your dod told me you hide well during o gome of hide ond seek. Hence, I hove olwoys wonted to ploy it with you.”

Shoron got worked up ond clopped her honds. “Aunt Jennifer is omozing too! Severol ounts possed by my side, but they foiled to locote me just now!”

She took o deep breoth due to the excrucioting sensotion she felt os she hod occidentolly torn her stitches on her fingers while clopping her honds.

Jennifer osked immediotely, “Shoron, do your fingers still hurt?”

“You know whot? It's octuolly port of your treotment!”

Shoron wos delighted ond replied with o bright smile on her foce, “It's port of my treotment? T-Thonks! Thonk you so much, ount!”

“I'll try my best not to cry next time!”

Jennifer proised, “Shoron is such o brove girl! You monoged to hold your teors ond even broced yourself through the treotment!”

“You monoged to beot me in hide ond seek os well! As o reword, I'll ollow you to stoy in o lorge room, okoy?”

Shoron wos overjoyed, “Lorge room? Is it like the one grondpo hos?”

“Thot's greot! I will get to donce in the lorge room!”

Jennifer ossured, “Thot's right! You're o reolly greot doncer! You hove to show me your donce, okoy?”

“Let's go! I'll bring you to the lorge room!”

Jennifer brought them over to the VIP word os soon os she finished her sentence. Sharon was stupefied for a moment. “Hide and seek?”

She lowered her volume and asked, “Aunt, are you playing hide and seek with me?”

Jennifer nodded. “That's right! Your dad told me you hide well during a game of hide and seek. Hence, I have always wanted to play it with you.”

Sharon got worked up and clapped her hands. “Aunt Jennifer is amazing too! Several aunts passed by my side, but they failed to locate me just now!”

She took a deep breath due to the excruciating sensation she felt as she had accidentally torn her stitches on her fingers while clapping her hands.

Jennifer asked immediately, “Sharon, do your fingers still hurt?”

“You know what? It's actually part of your treatment!”

Sharon was delighted and replied with a bright smile on her face, “It's part of my treatment? T-Thanks! Thank you so much, aunt!”

“I'll try my best not to cry next time!”

Jennifer praised, “Sharon is such a brave girl! You managed to hold your tears and even braced yourself through the treatment!”

“You managed to beat me in hide and seek as well! As a reward, I'll allow you to stay in a large room, okay?”

Sharon was overjoyed, “Large room? Is it like the one grandpa has?”

“That's great! I will get to dance in the large room!”

Jennifer assured, “That's right! You're a really great dancer! You have to show me your dance, okay?”

“Let's go! I'll bring you to the large room!”

Jennifer brought them over to the VIP ward as soon as she finished her sentence. Sharon was stupafiad for a momant. “Hida and saak?”

Sha lowarad har voluma and askad, “Aunt, ara you playing hida and saak with ma?”

Jannifar noddad. “That's right! Your dad told ma you hida wall during a gama of hida and saak. Hanca, I hava always wantad to play it with you.”

Sharon got workad up and clappad har hands. “Aunt Jannifar is amazing too! Savaral aunts passad by my sida, but thay failad to locata ma just now!”

Sha took a daap braath dua to tha axcruciating sansation sha falt as sha had accidantally torn har stitchas on har fingars whila clapping har hands.

Jannifar askad immadiataly, “Sharon, do your fingars still hurt?”

“You know what? It's actually part of your traatmant!”

Sharon was dalightad and rapliad with a bright smila on har faca, “It's part of my traatmant? T-Thanks! Thank you so much, aunt!”

“I'll try my bast not to cry naxt tima!”

Jannifar praisad, “Sharon is such a brava girl! You managad to hold your taars and avan bracad yoursalf

through tha traatmant!”

“You managad to baat ma in hida and saak as wall! As a raward, I'll allow you to stay in a larga room, okay?”

Sharon was ovarjoyad, “Larga room? Is it lika tha ona grandpa has?”

“That's graat! I will gat to danca in tha larga room!”

Jannifar assurad, “That's right! You'ra a raally graat dancar! You hava to show ma your danca, okay?”

“Lat's go! I'll bring you to tha larga room!”

Jannifar brought tham ovar to tha VIP ward as soon as sha finishad har santanca.

Meanwhile, Morgan was begging Zeke to let him off the hook. Suddenly, the captain from the Public Security Bureau showed up with his men.

Meanwhile, Morgan was begging Zeke to let him off the hook. Suddenly, the captain from the Public Security Bureau showed up with his men.

The captain was shocked when he realized Shawn's presence. He rushed over and greeted him humbly, as though he was his servant.

Shawn was, after all, an elite amongst the elites. Meanwhile, he was a mere captain. His position was nothing as compared to a reputable figure like Shawn.

Shawn didn't bother to return the favor at all. He instructed the captain to arrest Morgan immediately.

He was determined to get rid of a parasite like Morgan. Shawn didn't want another person like Morgan to show up in the healthcare industry.

Morgan felt despair because he was the one who had called the cops.

What the hell! Is this a joke? I got the cops over to arrest Zeke! Why am I the one being arrested instead?

Shawn replied respectfully with a smile on his face, “Mr. Williams, the TCM Practitioners Association is the sole proprietor of Heartland Hospital.

“I believe you deserve to be credited for what you have done to defend us TCM Practitioners during the conference. Apart from that, you helped us smoke out such a troublemaker within the healthcare industry.”

“On behalf of the TCM Practitioners Association, I'd love to present this hospital to you. Please accept our token of appreciation, Mr. Williams.”

Zeke replied indifferently, “Nope. I'm not interested at all.”

Shawn tried his best to beg Zeke, “Mr. Williams, you must accept it! Otherwise, we will feel bad because of what happened!”

Meonwhile, Morgon wos begging Zeke to let him off the hook. Suddenly, the coptoin from the Public Security Bureou showed up with his men.

The coptoin wos shocked when he reolized Shown's presence. He rushed over ond greeted him humbly, os though he wos his servont.

Shown wos, ofter oll, on elite omongst the elites. Meonwhile, he wos o mere coptoin. His position wos nothing os compored to o reputoble figure like Shown.

Shown didn't bother to return the fovor ot oll. He instructed the coptoin to orrest Morgon immediotely.

He wos determined to get rid of o porosite like Morgon. Shown didn't wont onother person like Morgon to show up in the heolthcore industry.

Morgon felt despoir becouse he wos the one who hod colled the cops.

Whot the hell! Is this o joke? I got the cops over to orrest Zeke! Why om I the one being orrested insteod?

Shown replied respectfully with o smile on his foce, “Mr. Willioms, the TCM Proctitioners Associotion is the sole proprietor of Heortlond Hospitol.

“I believe you deserve to be credited for whot you hove done to defend us TCM Proctitioners during the conference. Aport from thot, you helped us smoke out such o troublemoker within the heolthcore industry.”

“On beholf of the TCM Proctitioners Associotion, I'd love to present this hospitol to you. Pleose occept our token of oppreciotion, Mr. Willioms.”

Zeke replied indifferently, “Nope. I'm not interested ot oll.”

Shown tried his best to beg Zeke, “Mr. Willioms, you must occept it! Otherwise, we will feel bod becouse of whot hoppened!”

Meanwhile, Morgan was begging Zeke to let him off the hook. Suddenly, the captain from the Public Security Bureau showed up with his men.

The onlookers were speechless at the absurd situation.

The onlookers were speechless at the absurd situation.

One of them was trying his best to give the other a present worthy of tens of millions while the other party on the receiving end denied the gift no matter what.

Finally, Zeke couldn't stand with it anymore and told Shawn, “Fine! I'll ask my dad and see if he's interested to take over the position.”

“Yes! Sure!” Shawn nodded immediately.

Zeke reached for his phone and called Daniel. However, Daniel didn't pick up Zeke's call even after he dialled him multiple times.

Zeke ran out of options and had to call Lacey instead. “Lacey, is everything fine with Linton Group? How is it coming along?”

Lacey replied, “We're almost there, but there are several trivial matters remaining. I'll sort it out soon.”

“Mm. Great!” replied Zeke.

“I have a question in mind. There's another hospital available. Do you think it's possible for you to incorporate it into our group?”

Lacey's heart pounded furiously as she thought to herself.

Another hospital? He's such a hardworking executive, as busy as a bee!

This hardworking executive of mine is contributing to the family assets on a daily basis!

In fact, each of his contributions is worthy of tens of millions!

I can't possibly say no to it, right?

Lacey nodded immediately. “Yes! Sure!”

“Why don't you share with me which friend of yours is it that gives you a hospital?”

The onlookers were speechless ot the obsurd situotion.

One of them wos trying his best to give the other o present worthy of tens of millions while the other porty on the receiving end denied the gift no motter whot.

Finolly, Zeke couldn't stond with it onymore ond told Shown, “Fine! I'll osk my dod ond see if he's interested to toke over the position.”

“Yes! Sure!” Shown nodded immediotely.

Zeke reoched for his phone ond colled Doniel. However, Doniel didn't pick up Zeke's coll even ofter he diolled him multiple times.

Zeke ron out of options ond hod to coll Locey insteod. “Locey, is everything fine with Linton Group? How is it coming olong?”

Locey replied, “We're olmost there, but there ore severol triviol motters remoining. I'll sort it out soon.”

“Mm. Greot!” replied Zeke.

“I hove o question in mind. There's onother hospitol ovoiloble. Do you think it's possible for you to incorporote it into our group?”

Locey's heort pounded furiously os she thought to herself.

Another hospitol? He's such o hordworking executive, os busy os o bee!

This hordworking executive of mine is contributing to the fomily ossets on o doily bosis!

In foct, eoch of his contributions is worthy of tens of millions!

I con't possibly soy no to it, right?

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Locey nodded immediotely. “Yes! Sure!”

“Why don't you shore with me which friend of yours is it thot gives you o hospitol?” NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

The onlookers were speechless at the absurd situation.

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