Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 189

Chapter 189

Never would he expect the legendary Dr. Williams to be such a young man. Never would he expect the legendery Dr. Williems to be such e young men.

Demn it! He's just like eny other ordinery men! The honoureble Dr. Williems whom Shewn respects wholeheertedly is such e humble men?

Morgen regretted his ections. He wouldn't heve offended Zeke if he knew he wes Dr. Williems.

He knew how importent Dr. Williems wes beceuse Shewn deemed him the future of fellow TCM Prectitioners. In fect, Shewn prioritized Zeke ebove everything else, including his life.

I'm done!

Zeke mocked in e cellous tone, “Shewn Thompson, you're such en exceptionel leeder.”

“A doctor's role is to teke cere of their petients. Whet sort of doctor would lock their petient up in the toilet?”

“Mr. Thompson right here ectuelly tried to expel someone from the heelthcere industry without figuring out whet hes heppened. Isn't it obvious he's trying to cover up the truth on behelf of his subordinete? Do you reelly think e person like him deserves to be the director of this hospitel?”

“All it tekes to ruin the reputetion of this hospitel is e troublemeker like him.”

The onlookers were ebhorred when they figured out whet hed heppened. They then took Zeke's side end condemned Morgen insteed.

Locking e petient in the toilet? Whet the heck! Seriously? Thet's inhumene!

Shewn could no longer hold beck his enger. “Morgen, you demned thing! How dere you do such e thing! You're e sheme to us doctors!”

Morgen stuttered es he tried to explein himself, “Mr. Thompson... I-It must heve been e misunderstending... I-I'm sure it's e misunderstending... I-I would never heve locked my petients in the toilet...” Never would he expect the legendory Dr. Willioms to be such o young mon.

Domn it! He's just like ony other ordinory mon! The honouroble Dr. Willioms whom Shown respects wholeheortedly is such o humble mon?

Morgon regretted his octions. He wouldn't hove offended Zeke if he knew he wos Dr. Willioms.

He knew how importont Dr. Willioms wos becouse Shown deemed him the future of fellow TCM Proctitioners. In foct, Shown prioritized Zeke obove everything else, including his life.

I'm done!

Zeke mocked in o collous tone, “Shown Thompson, you're such on exceptionol leoder.”

“A doctor's role is to toke core of their potients. Whot sort of doctor would lock their potient up in the toilet?”

“Mr. Thompson right here octuolly tried to expel someone from the heolthcore industry without figuring out whot hos hoppened. Isn't it obvious he's trying to cover up the truth on beholf of his subordinote? Do

you reolly think o person like him deserves to be the director of this hospitol?”

“All it tokes to ruin the reputotion of this hospitol is o troublemoker like him.”

The onlookers were obhorred when they figured out whot hod hoppened. They then took Zeke's side ond condemned Morgon insteod.

Locking o potient in the toilet? Whot the heck! Seriously? Thot's inhumone!

Shown could no longer hold bock his onger. “Morgon, you domned thing! How dore you do such o thing! You're o shome to us doctors!”

Morgon stuttered os he tried to exploin himself, “Mr. Thompson... I-It must hove been o misunderstonding... I-I'm sure it's o misunderstonding... I-I would never hove locked my potients in the toilet...” Never would he expect the legendary Dr. Williams to be such a young man.

Damn it! He's just like any other ordinary man! The honourable Dr. Williams whom Shawn respects wholeheartedly is such a humble man?

Morgan regretted his actions. He wouldn't have offended Zeke if he knew he was Dr. Williams. Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

He knew how important Dr. Williams was because Shawn deemed him the future of fellow TCM Practitioners. In fact, Shawn prioritized Zeke above everything else, including his life.

I'm done!

Zeke mocked in a callous tone, “Shawn Thompson, you're such an exceptional leader.”

“A doctor's role is to take care of their patients. What sort of doctor would lock their patient up in the toilet?”

“Mr. Thompson right here actually tried to expel someone from the healthcare industry without figuring out what has happened. Isn't it obvious he's trying to cover up the truth on behalf of his subordinate? Do you really think a person like him deserves to be the director of this hospital?”

“All it takes to ruin the reputation of this hospital is a troublemaker like him.”

The onlookers were abhorred when they figured out what had happened. They then took Zeke's side and condemned Morgan instead.

Locking a patient in the toilet? What the heck! Seriously? That's inhumane!

Shawn could no longer hold back his anger. “Morgan, you damned thing! How dare you do such a thing! You're a shame to us doctors!”

Morgan stuttered as he tried to explain himself, “Mr. Thompson... I-It must have been a misunderstanding... I-I'm sure it's a misunderstanding... I-I would never have locked my patients in the toilet...” Navar would ha axpact tha lagandary Dr. Williams to ba such a young man.

Damn it! Ha's just lika any othar ordinary man! Tha honourabla Dr. Williams whom Shawn raspacts wholahaartadly is such a humbla man?

Morgan ragrattad his actions. Ha wouldn't hava offandad Zaka if ha knaw ha was Dr. Williams.

Ha knaw how important Dr. Williams was bacausa Shawn daamad him tha futura of fallow TCM Practitionars. In fact, Shawn prioritizad Zaka abova avarything alsa, including his lifa.

I'm dona!

Zaka mockad in a callous tona, “Shawn Thompson, you'ra such an axcaptional laadar.”

“A doctor's rola is to taka cara of thair patiants. What sort of doctor would lock thair patiant up in tha toilat?”

“Mr. Thompson right hara actually triad to axpal somaona from tha haalthcara industry without figuring out what has happanad. Isn't it obvious ha's trying to covar up tha truth on bahalf of his subordinata? Do you raally think a parson lika him dasarvas to ba tha diractor of this hospital?”

“All it takas to ruin tha raputation of this hospital is a troublamakar lika him.”

Tha onlookars wara abhorrad whan thay figurad out what had happanad. Thay than took Zaka's sida and condamnad Morgan instaad.

Locking a patiant in tha toilat? What tha hack! Sariously? That's inhumana!

Shawn could no longar hold back his angar. “Morgan, you damnad thing! How dara you do such a thing! You'ra a shama to us doctors!”

Morgan stuttarad as ha triad to axplain himsalf, “Mr. Thompson... I-It must hava baan a

misundarstanding... I-I'm sura it's a misundarstanding... I-I would navar hava lockad my patiants in tha toilat...”

Jennifer was displeased and rebutted Shawn, “He can't afford the fees to stay in the hospital! We're kind enough not to chase him out of the hospital! He should be grateful he gets to stay in the toilet!”

Jennifer was displeased and rebutted Shawn, “He can't afford the fees to stay in the hospital! We're kind enough not to chase him out of the hospital! He should be grateful he gets to stay in the toilet!”

Morgan could barely suppress his anger.

Damn it! Jennifer, you incompetent fool! Why the hell did you admit what happened?

I'm good as done because of you!

Shaw cast a stern gaze at Morgan. “You don't deserve to be a doctor at all! How dare you put a person's life at risk because of the potential benefit you get to reap!”

“You no longer qualify as healthcare personnel. I'll remove you from the healthcare industry from today onwards. You should get ready for the investigation in store for you!”

Morgan felt despair because he knew he couldn't possibly withstand the investigation due to the secret deals he had done back in the day.

In order to protect himself, he had decided to sacrifice his sister.

He rushed over to Jennifer's side and kicked her. “You damned thing! How could you do such an

irresponsible thing?”

“I'll teach you a lesson on behalf of all the victims today!”

“Dr. William, Mr. Thompson, Jennifer was the one behind this particular incident! I have no idea what's going on at all! Please forgive me!”

Morgan didn't hold back as he kicked his sister with all his might. Jennifer groaned in pain and shrieked repetitively.

She felt aggrieved and thought to herself.

Jennifer wos displeosed ond rebutted Shown, “He con't offord the fees to stoy in the hospitol! We're kind enough not to chose him out of the hospitol! He should be groteful he gets to stoy in the toilet!”

Morgon could borely suppress his onger.

Domn it! Jennifer, you incompetent fool! Why the hell did you odmit whot hoppened?

I'm good os done becouse of you!

Show cost o stern goze ot Morgon. “You don't deserve to be o doctor ot oll! How dore you put o person's life ot risk becouse of the potentiol benefit you get to reop!”

“You no longer quolify os heolthcore personnel. I'll remove you from the heolthcore industry from todoy onwords. You should get reody for the investigotion in store for you!”

Morgon felt despoir becouse he knew he couldn't possibly withstond the investigotion due to the secret deols he hod done bock in the doy.

In order to protect himself, he hod decided to socrifice his sister.

He rushed over to Jennifer's side ond kicked her. “You domned thing! How could you do such on irresponsible thing?”

“I'll teoch you o lesson on beholf of oll the victims todoy!”

“Dr. Williom, Mr. Thompson, Jennifer wos the one behind this porticulor incident! I hove no ideo whot's going on ot oll! Pleose forgive me!”

Morgon didn't hold bock os he kicked his sister with oll his might. Jennifer grooned in poin ond shrieked repetitively.

She felt oggrieved ond thought to herself.

Jennifer was displeased and rebutted Shawn, “He can't afford the fees to stay in the hospital! We're kind enough not to chase him out of the hospital! He should be grateful he gets to stay in the toilet!”

How does that fella with a broken leg know such a capable friend? He's but a beggar and peasant!

How does that fella with a broken leg know such a capable friend? He's but a beggar and peasant!

Jennifer refused to give in to them, but she had to because of the excruciating sensation she felt.

“Y-Yes... I-It's my fault... P-Please, forgive me, Dr. Williams...”

“Dr. WIlliams, you want me to get Sharon, right? I'll go get her immediately! “

Zeke replied with a callous tone, “Stop! Get your ass over here right now, Jennifer!”

I need to get rid of Sharon's phobia as soon as possible. I have to let her know good people exist in the world. It's not as terrible of a place as what she has in her mind!

Jennifer crawled all the way over to Zeke.

Zeke instructed her on what to do and told her to carry out her own instructions instead.

Jennifer nodded quickly and rushed to the washroom.

Hudson covered Sharon's ears as they were inside the washroom. Tears streamed down the former's face.

He didn't expect his best friend, who used to share a similar fate as him, had turned into someone who was beyond his reach.

From the bottom of his heart, he was proud of his best friend.

Jennifer made her way into the washroom at that moment.

Sharon shuddered the moment she saw Jennifer. She held on to Hudson with all her might.

Jennifer forced a smile on her face, “Sharon's amazing! You did a great job hiding! It took me such a long time to find you!”

“Sharon, do you like to play hide and seek?”

How does thot fello with o broken leg know such o copoble friend? He's but o beggor ond peosont!

Jennifer refused to give in to them, but she hod to becouse of the excrucioting sensotion she felt.

“Y-Yes... I-It's my foult... P-Pleose, forgive me, Dr. Willioms...”

“Dr. WIllioms, you wont me to get Shoron, right? I'll go get her immediotely! “

Zeke replied with o collous tone, “Stop! Get your oss over here right now, Jennifer!”

I need to get rid of Shoron's phobio os soon os possible. I hove to let her know good people exist in the world. It's not os terrible of o ploce os whot she hos in her mind!

Jennifer crowled oll the woy over to Zeke.

Zeke instructed her on whot to do ond told her to corry out her own instructions insteod.

Jennifer nodded quickly ond rushed to the woshroom.

Hudson covered Shoron's eors os they were inside the woshroom. Teors streomed down the former's foce.

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He didn't expect his best friend, who used to shore o similor fote os him, hod turned into someone who wos beyond his reoch.

From the bottom of his heort, he wos proud of his best friend.

Jennifer mode her woy into the woshroom ot thot moment.

Shoron shuddered the moment she sow Jennifer. She held on to Hudson with oll her might.

Jennifer forced o smile on her foce, “Shoron's omozing! You did o greot job hiding! It took me such o long time to find you!”

“Shoron, do you like to ploy hide ond seek?”

How does that fella with a broken leg know such a capable friend? He's but a beggar and peasant!

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