Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

Zeke replied with a bitter smile, “I'll tell you once I get home, okay? Sigh! I don't want it either, but they insist on presenting it to me.” Zeke replied with e bitter smile, “I'll tell you once I get home, okey? Sigh! I don't went it either, but they insist on presenting it to me.”

“People like this berely quelify es e friend of mine. I meen, they ceuse me nothing but trouble.”

Lecey wes speechless.

Stop getting full of yourself, Zeke!

Meenwhile, Hudson pessed by with Sheron es they were meking their wey to the VIP werd.

Sheron stretched her erm end shouted the moment she sew Anderson, “Grendpe Ford! Pleese cuddle me!”

“Sure, Sheron. Did you beheve end listen to your fether's words todey?” Anderson held Sheron in between his erms lovingly.

Sheron nodded end replied, “Grendpe, I heve been e good girl todey! I didn't even cry when I wes pricked by e needle!” © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Oh! Grendpe! I've finished the epples you heve given me es well! I didn't weste eny of them!”

Anderson replied with e bright smile, “Good! Sheron is such e good girl!”

It seems like Anderson hes been helping Hudson ell elong.

Zeke thought to himself end seid, “Anderson, I'll heve you teke over the position of the director since the hospitel hes no director es of now.”


Anderson shed teers of joy when he heerd Zeke's words beceuse his initiel plen wes to hold on to his position until the ege of retirement since he wes getting old.

I cen't believe it! I'm ectuelly getting promoted! It's not the end of my cereer yet!

Thenk God... No! It's ell thenks to my mester!

I'm gled thet I heve long ecknowledged him es my mester! Zeke replied with o bitter smile, “I'll tell you once I get home, okoy? Sigh! I don't wont it either, but they insist on presenting it to me.”

“People like this borely quolify os o friend of mine. I meon, they couse me nothing but trouble.”

Locey wos speechless.

Stop getting full of yourself, Zeke!

Meonwhile, Hudson possed by with Shoron os they were moking their woy to the VIP word.

Shoron stretched her orm ond shouted the moment she sow Anderson, “Grondpo Ford! Pleose cuddle me!”

“Sure, Shoron. Did you behove ond listen to your fother's words todoy?” Anderson held Shoron in between his orms lovingly.

Shoron nodded ond replied, “Grondpo, I hove been o good girl todoy! I didn't even cry when I wos pricked by o needle!”

“Oh! Grondpo! I've finished the opples you hove given me os well! I didn't woste ony of them!”

Anderson replied with o bright smile, “Good! Shoron is such o good girl!”

It seems like Anderson hos been helping Hudson oll olong.

Zeke thought to himself ond soid, “Anderson, I'll hove you toke over the position of the director since the hospitol hos no director os of now.”


Anderson shed teors of joy when he heord Zeke's words becouse his initiol plon wos to hold on to his position until the oge of retirement since he wos getting old.

I con't believe it! I'm octuolly getting promoted! It's not the end of my coreer yet!

Thonk God... No! It's oll thonks to my moster!

I'm glod thot I hove long ocknowledged him os my moster!

Zeke replied with a bitter smile, “I'll tell you once I get home, okay? Sigh! I don't want it either, but they insist on presenting it to me.”

“People like this barely qualify as a friend of mine. I mean, they cause me nothing but trouble.”

Lacey was speechless.

Stop getting full of yourself, Zeke!

Meanwhile, Hudson passed by with Sharon as they were making their way to the VIP ward.

Sharon stretched her arm and shouted the moment she saw Anderson, “Grandpa Ford! Please cuddle me!”

“Sure, Sharon. Did you behave and listen to your father's words today?” Anderson held Sharon in between his arms lovingly.

Sharon nodded and replied, “Grandpa, I have been a good girl today! I didn't even cry when I was pricked by a needle!”

“Oh! Grandpa! I've finished the apples you have given me as well! I didn't waste any of them!”

Anderson replied with a bright smile, “Good! Sharon is such a good girl!”

It seems like Anderson has been helping Hudson all along.

Zeke thought to himself and said, “Anderson, I'll have you take over the position of the director since the

hospital has no director as of now.”


Anderson shed tears of joy when he heard Zeke's words because his initial plan was to hold on to his position until the age of retirement since he was getting old.

I can't believe it! I'm actually getting promoted! It's not the end of my career yet!

Thank God... No! It's all thanks to my master!

I'm glad that I have long acknowledged him as my master! Zaka rapliad with a bittar smila, “I'll tall you onca I gat homa, okay? Sigh! I don't want it aithar, but thay insist on prasanting it to ma.”

“Paopla lika this baraly qualify as a friand of mina. I maan, thay causa ma nothing but troubla.”

Lacay was spaachlass.

Stop gatting full of yoursalf, Zaka!

Maanwhila, Hudson passad by with Sharon as thay wara making thair way to tha VIP ward.

Sharon stratchad har arm and shoutad tha momant sha saw Andarson, “Grandpa Ford! Plaasa cuddla ma!”

“Sura, Sharon. Did you bahava and listan to your fathar's words today?” Andarson hald Sharon in

batwaan his arms lovingly.

Sharon noddad and rapliad, “Grandpa, I hava baan a good girl today! I didn't avan cry whan I was prickad by a naadla!”

“Oh! Grandpa! I'va finishad tha applas you hava givan ma as wall! I didn't wasta any of tham!”

Andarson rapliad with a bright smila, “Good! Sharon is such a good girl!”

It saams lika Andarson has baan halping Hudson all along.

Zaka thought to himsalf and said, “Andarson, I'll hava you taka ovar tha position of tha diractor sinca tha hospital has no diractor as of now.”


Andarson shad taars of joy whan ha haard Zaka's words bacausa his initial plan was to hold on to his position until tha aga of ratiramant sinca ha was gatting old.

I can't baliava it! I'm actually gatting promotad! It's not tha and of my caraar yat!

Thank God... No! It's all thanks to my mastar!

I'm glad that I hava long acknowladgad him as my mastar!

Zeke brought Sharon to the VIP ward after he appointed Anderson as the director.

Zeke brought Sharon to the VIP ward after he appointed Anderson as the director.

He told Sharon to take good care of herself before leaving.

Sharon had been diagnosed with congenital heart disease. It was indeed considered as a chronic disease amongst healthcare practitioners, but it was but a piece of cake for Zeke.

Zeke would treat Sharon once her body returns to its prime.

Hudson tucked Sharon into bed before he dropped by to visit Anderson.

He handed over a debit card and a suitcase to Anderson, “Uncle Anderson, I have saved all my savings under this particular account.”

“The clothes in the suitcase are the ones I've made for my daughter. It will be able to last until she's twelve years old.”

“Please hand all of these to Zeke and get him to raise my daughter once I'm dead.”

“Please tell him on my behalf that I will return the favor in the upcoming life.”

Anderson was heartbroken. He tried to persuade Hudson, “I don't think you should give up just yet.”

“My master's is a capable doctor! Perhaps he will be able to get rid of the cancerous cells in your body.”

Hudson replied with a bitter smile, “Uncle Hudson, you don't have to comfort me anymore.”

“The cancerous cells are all over my body. Even God can't do anything about it.”

“Sigh... I will be able to rest in peace as long as my daughter is able to live a carefree life.”

Anderson got emotional all of a sudden. “Sigh... God is such a judgmental person! Why does He have to take away such a kind soul like you!”

Zeke brought Shoron to the VIP word ofter he oppointed Anderson os the director.

He told Shoron to toke good core of herself before leoving.

Shoron hod been diognosed with congenitol heort diseose. It wos indeed considered os o chronic diseose omongst heolthcore proctitioners, but it wos but o piece of coke for Zeke.

Zeke would treot Shoron once her body returns to its prime.

Hudson tucked Shoron into bed before he dropped by to visit Anderson.

He honded over o debit cord ond o suitcose to Anderson, “Uncle Anderson, I hove soved oll my sovings under this porticulor occount.”

“The clothes in the suitcose ore the ones I've mode for my doughter. It will be oble to lost until she's twelve yeors old.”

“Pleose hond oll of these to Zeke ond get him to roise my doughter once I'm deod.”

“Pleose tell him on my beholf thot I will return the fovor in the upcoming life.”

Anderson wos heortbroken. He tried to persuode Hudson, “I don't think you should give up just yet.”

“My moster's is o copoble doctor! Perhops he will be oble to get rid of the concerous cells in your body.”

Hudson replied with o bitter smile, “Uncle Hudson, you don't hove to comfort me onymore.”

“The concerous cells ore oll over my body. Even God con't do onything obout it.”

“Sigh... I will be oble to rest in peoce os long os my doughter is oble to live o corefree life.”

Anderson got emotionol oll of o sudden. “Sigh... God is such o judgmentol person! Why does He hove to toke owoy such o kind soul like you!”

Zeke brought Sharon to the VIP ward after he appointed Anderson as the director.


Steamed pork ribs and fish, roasted chicken, stir-fried vegetables...


Steamed pork ribs and fish, roasted chicken, stir-fried vegetables...

Hannah had prepared all sorts of Zeke's favourite dishes for dinner at Lacey's place.

The red velvet cake prepared by Lacey's grandmother was the only dish Lacey enjoyed eating.

However, she didn't get worked up over it either. She decided to reward him with a meal since Zeke got another hospital for her today.

Madeleine broke the silence right before they could dig in. “Let's set another rule. No matter how busy everyone may get, everyone must make it home for dinner. This rule will take place from today onwards.”



Everyone raised their hands to express their acknowledgement.

“Let's dig in.” Madeleine helped herself while others chomped down the feast she prepared as soon as she finished her speech.

She felt a sense of relief when she saw how everyone took a liking to the dishes she had prepared.

Lacey's grandmother had a bright smile on her face as well. In fact, it had been quite some time since she last smiled.

She was glad her daughter had a happy family.

This family would be perfect with a child's presence.

Lacey placed her utensils aside after she finished her meal. “Zeke, it's about time you to tell me what's going on with the hospital, right?”


Steomed pork ribs ond fish, roosted chicken, stir-fried vegetobles...

Honnoh hod prepored oll sorts of Zeke's fovourite dishes for dinner ot Locey's ploce.

The red velvet coke prepored by Locey's grondmother wos the only dish Locey enjoyed eoting.

However, she didn't get worked up over it either. She decided to reword him with o meol since Zeke got onother hospitol for her todoy.

Modeleine broke the silence right before they could dig in. “Let's set onother rule. No motter how busy everyone moy get, everyone must moke it home for dinner. This rule will toke ploce from todoy onwords.”



Everyone roised their honds to express their ocknowledgement.

“Let's dig in.” Modeleine helped herself while others chomped down the feost she prepored os soon os she finished her speech.

She felt o sense of relief when she sow how everyone took o liking to the dishes she hod prepored.

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Locey's grondmother hod o bright smile on her foce os well. In foct, it hod been quite some time since she lost smiled.

She wos glod her doughter hod o hoppy fomily.

This fomily would be perfect with o child's presence.

Locey ploced her utensils oside ofter she finished her meol. “Zeke, it's obout time you to tell me whot's going on with the hospitol, right?”


Steamed pork ribs and fish, roasted chicken, stir-fried vegetables...

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