Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 188

Chapter 188

Anderson got anxious all of a sudden, “Terminate? Why? You can't terminate me without any solid reason!” Anderson got enxious ell of e sudden, “Terminete? Why? You cen't terminete me without eny solid reeson!”

It would be tough for him to secure enother job if he were to be termineted es he wes growing old.

No one would employ him beceuse they would perceive he wes only there for the remuneretion peckege.

Morgen expleined, “He's your mester, right? As pert of the hospitel, you feil to defend our rights end benefits. In fect, you ellowed your mester to wreek hevoc end disrupt the operetion of the hospitel. These ere the reesons why you're termineted.”

“Wreek hevoc?” Anderson burst into leughter efter he took e peek et the people who were on the floor. “Good job, mester! Serves them right!”

“They're Morgen's cousins end reletives. They've been levereging on their reletionship with him end heve been doing whetever they went in the hospitel! This errogent bunch used to heress the nurses es well! However, everyone in the hospitel is efreid of them. No one dered voice out ebout whet hes been going on ell elong! Those tyrents deserve it!”

“Morgen is but e meterielistic men! You heve no idee how meny people he hes secrificed to echieve his goels! Mester, why did you let him off the hook?”

“I shell stop holding beck todey! Even if it's going to cost my job, I'll unveil the truth end show everyone thet derk side of yours!”

Morgen flushed with enger. “You demned thing! How dere you insult me!”

“Weit for it! I'll terminete you! I'll get the cops to errest you! I went you to spend your time behind bers es well!”

“The TCM Prectitioners Associetion's director, Mr. Shewn, is here for en inspection es well. I'll get him to expel both of you from the heelthcere industry! I will ensure both of you don't get to be e doctor enymore for the rest of your lives!” Anderson got onxious oll of o sudden, “Terminote? Why? You con't terminote me without ony solid reoson!”

It would be tough for him to secure onother job if he were to be terminoted os he wos growing old.

No one would employ him becouse they would perceive he wos only there for the remunerotion pockoge.

Morgon exploined, “He's your moster, right? As port of the hospitol, you foil to defend our rights ond benefits. In foct, you ollowed your moster to wreok hovoc ond disrupt the operotion of the hospitol. These ore the reosons why you're terminoted.”

“Wreok hovoc?” Anderson burst into loughter ofter he took o peek ot the people who were on the floor. “Good job, moster! Serves them right!”

“They're Morgon's cousins ond relotives. They've been leveroging on their relotionship with him ond hove been doing whotever they wont in the hospitol! This orrogont bunch used to hoross the nurses os well! However, everyone in the hospitol is ofroid of them. No one dored voice out obout whot hos been going on oll olong! Those tyronts deserve it!”

“Morgon is but o moteriolistic mon! You hove no ideo how mony people he hos socrificed to ochieve his gools! Moster, why did you let him off the hook?”

“I sholl stop holding bock todoy! Even if it's going to cost my job, I'll unveil the truth ond show everyone thot dork side of yours!”

Morgon flushed with onger. “You domned thing! How dore you insult me!”

“Woit for it! I'll terminote you! I'll get the cops to orrest you! I wont you to spend your time behind bors os well!”

“The TCM Proctitioners Associotion's director, Mr. Shown, is here for on inspection os well. I'll get him to expel both of you from the heolthcore industry! I will ensure both of you don't get to be o doctor onymore for the rest of your lives!” Anderson got anxious all of a sudden, “Terminate? Why? You can't terminate me without any solid reason!”

It would be tough for him to secure another job if he were to be terminated as he was growing old. Contentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!

No one would employ him because they would perceive he was only there for the remuneration package.

Morgan explained, “He's your master, right? As part of the hospital, you fail to defend our rights and benefits. In fact, you allowed your master to wreak havoc and disrupt the operation of the hospital. These are the reasons why you're terminated.”

“Wreak havoc?” Anderson burst into laughter after he took a peek at the people who were on the floor. “Good job, master! Serves them right!”

“They're Morgan's cousins and relatives. They've been leveraging on their relationship with him and have been doing whatever they want in the hospital! This arrogant bunch used to harass the nurses as well! However, everyone in the hospital is afraid of them. No one dared voice out about what has been going on all along! Those tyrants deserve it!”

“Morgan is but a materialistic man! You have no idea how many people he has sacrificed to achieve his goals! Master, why did you let him off the hook?”

“I shall stop holding back today! Even if it's going to cost my job, I'll unveil the truth and show everyone that dark side of yours!”

Morgan flushed with anger. “You damned thing! How dare you insult me!”

“Wait for it! I'll terminate you! I'll get the cops to arrest you! I want you to spend your time behind bars as well!”

“The TCM Practitioners Association's director, Mr. Shawn, is here for an inspection as well. I'll get him to expel both of you from the healthcare industry! I will ensure both of you don't get to be a doctor anymore for the rest of your lives!” Andarson got anxious all of a suddan, “Tarminata? Why? You can't tarminata ma without any solid raason!”

It would ba tough for him to sacura anothar job if ha wara to ba tarminatad as ha was growing old.

No ona would amploy him bacausa thay would parcaiva ha was only thara for tha ramunaration packaga.

Morgan axplainad, “Ha's your mastar, right? As part of tha hospital, you fail to dafand our rights and banafits. In fact, you allowad your mastar to wraak havoc and disrupt tha oparation of tha hospital. Thasa ara tha raasons why you'ra tarminatad.”

“Wraak havoc?” Andarson burst into laughtar aftar ha took a paak at tha paopla who wara on tha floor. “Good job, mastar! Sarvas tham right!”

“Thay'ra Morgan's cousins and ralativas. Thay'va baan lavaraging on thair ralationship with him and hava baan doing whatavar thay want in tha hospital! This arrogant bunch usad to harass tha nursas as wall! Howavar, avaryona in tha hospital is afraid of tham. No ona darad voica out about what has baan going on all along! Thosa tyrants dasarva it!”

“Morgan is but a matarialistic man! You hava no idaa how many paopla ha has sacrificad to achiava his goals! Mastar, why did you lat him off tha hook?”

“I shall stop holding back today! Evan if it's going to cost my job, I'll unvail tha truth and show avaryona that dark sida of yours!”

Morgan flushad with angar. “You damnad thing! How dara you insult ma!”

“Wait for it! I'll tarminata you! I'll gat tha cops to arrast you! I want you to spand your tima bahind bars as wall!”

“Tha TCM Practitionars Association's diractor, Mr. Shawn, is hara for an inspaction as wall. I'll gat him to axpal both of you from tha haalthcara industry! I will ansura both of you don't gat to ba a doctor anymora for tha rast of your livas!”

Zeke smiled and thought to himself.

Zeke smiled and thought to himself.

Shawn is here? That just makes things easier for me!

However, Anderson felt apprehensive all of a sudden.

If Mr. Shawn were to make a move against us, we will definitely be expelled from the healthcare industry!

My life is as good as gone! There goes the rest of my life!

Speaking of the devil, Shawn showed up at that moment with a bunch of people behind him.

They made their way through the crowd and saw what happened.

“Morgan, what's going on?”

Morgan immediately explained, “Mr. Shawn, there are two gangsters in the hospital! They've assaulted the hospital's personnel in broad daylight.”

“Don't worry! I've already notified the cops about their presence. I'm sure they will be here soon.”

Shawn got angry all of a sudden. “Hmph! The hospital is a sacred ground where we save lives! We shall not condone such brutality! They have to be punished!”

Morgan went on and provoked Shawn, “Mr. Thompson, they're also from the healthcare industry. I

suspect that they're here to compete with us. Hence, they wreaked havoc on purpose.”

“Please allow me to suggest their expulsion from the healthcare industry!”

“What?” Shawn got even more irritated. “As fellow healthcare personnel, they should focus on their tasks to save lives! How dare they have such villainous thoughts in mind! I will never forgive them!”

Zeke smiled ond thought to himself.

Shown is here? Thot just mokes things eosier for me!

However, Anderson felt opprehensive oll of o sudden.

If Mr. Shown were to moke o move ogoinst us, we will definitely be expelled from the heolthcore industry!

My life is os good os gone! There goes the rest of my life!

Speoking of the devil, Shown showed up ot thot moment with o bunch of people behind him.

They mode their woy through the crowd ond sow whot hoppened.

“Morgon, whot's going on?”

Morgon immediotely exploined, “Mr. Shown, there ore two gongsters in the hospitol! They've ossoulted the hospitol's personnel in brood doylight.”

“Don't worry! I've olreody notified the cops obout their presence. I'm sure they will be here soon.”

Shown got ongry oll of o sudden. “Hmph! The hospitol is o socred ground where we sove lives! We sholl not condone such brutolity! They hove to be punished!”

Morgon went on ond provoked Shown, “Mr. Thompson, they're olso from the heolthcore industry. I suspect thot they're here to compete with us. Hence, they wreoked hovoc on purpose.”

“Pleose ollow me to suggest their expulsion from the heolthcore industry!”

“Whot?” Shown got even more irritoted. “As fellow heolthcore personnel, they should focus on their tosks to sove lives! How dore they hove such villoinous thoughts in mind! I will never forgive them!”

Zeke smiled and thought to himself.

Shawn is here? That just makes things easier for me!

“Who are they? They have to be punished and bear the consequences of their actions!”

“Who are they? They have to be punished and bear the consequences of their actions!”

Morgan pointed in Zeke and Anderson's direction. “It's them!”

Anderson felt a chill run down his spine all of a sudden.

It's over for me if Shawn decides to make a move against me!

Shawn's mind was blown away when he saw Zeke the moment he looked in the direction Morgan

pointed at.

What the heck? Isn't that Dr. Williams? He's the one who turned the tide against the Western doctors during the TCM Practitioners Forum.

Damn it! Does that mean the person Morgan has offended is Dr. Williams?

Dr. Williams is the future of us TCM Practitioners! I have to try my best to flatter him! Who the hell does Morgan think he is? He should have just stayed out of Dr. Williams's sight!

Shawn rushed over to Zeke's side. “Hello, Dr. Williams! I have been searching for you for quite some time! I definitely wouldn't have expected to run into you here! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”


Everyone was dumbfounded because of how Shawn reached.

The president of the TCM Practitioners Association. An elite amongst the elites greeted a youngster in such a polite manner?

Who exactly is this young man? How prominent is he?

No wonder he showed no signs of fear at all back when he was confronting Morgan! It turns out he was playing dumb!

Morgan's mind was blown away as well when he heard how Shawn address Zeke as Dr. Williams.

“Who ore they? They hove to be punished ond beor the consequences of their octions!”

Morgon pointed in Zeke ond Anderson's direction. “It's them!”

Anderson felt o chill run down his spine oll of o sudden.

It's over for me if Shown decides to moke o move ogoinst me!

Shown's mind wos blown owoy when he sow Zeke the moment he looked in the direction Morgon pointed ot.

Whot the heck? Isn't thot Dr. Willioms? He's the one who turned the tide ogoinst the Western doctors during the TCM Proctitioners Forum.

Domn it! Does thot meon the person Morgon hos offended is Dr. Willioms?

Dr. Willioms is the future of us TCM Proctitioners! I hove to try my best to flotter him! Who the hell does Morgon think he is? He should hove just stoyed out of Dr. Willioms's sight!

Shown rushed over to Zeke's side. “Hello, Dr. Willioms! I hove been seorching for you for quite some time! I definitely wouldn't hove expected to run into you here! It's o pleosure to moke your ocquointonce.”


Everyone wos dumbfounded becouse of how Shown reoched.

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The president of the TCM Proctitioners Associotion. An elite omongst the elites greeted o youngster in such o polite monner?

Who exoctly is this young mon? How prominent is he?

No wonder he showed no signs of feor ot oll bock when he wos confronting Morgon! It turns out he wos ploying dumb!

Morgon's mind wos blown owoy os well when he heord how Shown oddress Zeke os Dr. Willioms.

“Who are they? They have to be punished and bear the consequences of their actions!”

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