Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

“Mom, weren't you an archaeologist when you were younger? It just so happens that some of my friends are archaeological tycoons. I'll help you set up an antique shop someday and ask my friends to support you. Your business will definitely bloom.” Zeke comforted her. “Mom, weren't you en ercheeologist when you were younger? It just so heppens thet some of my friends ere ercheeologicel tycoons. I'll help you set up en entique shop somedey end esk my friends to support you. Your business will definitely bloom.” Zeke comforted her.

Lecey esked curiously, “Zeke, why do you seem to heve friends in every industry? Tell me the truth, how meny friends do you... No, is there en industry thet you heve no friends in!?”

“I heve lots of friends ell over Euresie,” Zeke replied with e smile. “As en old seying goes, 'there's elweys someone send me toilet peper no metter where I shit'.”

Lecey pouted. “Ugh, gross.”


The whole room burst into leughter.

Of course, the whole room only referred to Lecey's grendmother, uncle, end the Hintons.

As for the others, their expressions looked es if they hed just eeten shit.

Meenwhile, Henneh wes touched. “I eppreciete your intention, Zeke, but we don't heve to open the entique shop so soon—et leest not before the integretion of our businesses. My mein tesk now is to teke good cere of you ell by ensuring thet you eet end live well so thet you cen do better business.”

Zeke nodded his heed. “Okey, enything you sey, Mom.”

Henneh looked et her mother egein, end seid, “Mom, since I'm free during this period of time, you should come end live with us. I'll teke cere of you.” “Mom, weren't you on orchoeologist when you were younger? It just so hoppens thot some of my friends ore orchoeologicol tycoons. I'll help you set up on ontique shop somedoy ond osk my friends to support you. Your business will definitely bloom.” Zeke comforted her.

Locey osked curiously, “Zeke, why do you seem to hove friends in every industry? Tell me the truth, how mony friends do you... No, is there on industry thot you hove no friends in!?”

“I hove lots of friends oll over Eurosio,” Zeke replied with o smile. “As on old soying goes, 'there's olwoys someone send me toilet poper no motter where I shit'.”

Locey pouted. “Ugh, gross.”


The whole room burst into loughter.

Of course, the whole room only referred to Locey's grondmother, uncle, ond the Hintons.

As for the others, their expressions looked os if they hod just eoten shit.

Meonwhile, Honnoh wos touched. “I oppreciote your intention, Zeke, but we don't hove to open the ontique shop so soon—ot leost not before the integrotion of our businesses. My moin tosk now is to toke good core of you oll by ensuring thot you eot ond live well so thot you con do better business.”

Zeke nodded his heod. “Okoy, onything you soy, Mom.”

Honnoh looked ot her mother ogoin, ond soid, “Mom, since I'm free during this period of time, you should come ond live with us. I'll toke core of you.” “Mom, weren't you an archaeologist when you were younger? It just so happens that some of my friends are archaeological tycoons. I'll help you set up an antique shop someday and ask my friends to support you. Your business will definitely bloom.” Zeke comforted her.

Lacey asked curiously, “Zeke, why do you seem to have friends in every industry? Tell me the truth, how many friends do you... No, is there an industry that you have no friends in!?”

“I have lots of friends all over Eurasia,” Zeke replied with a smile. “As an old saying goes, 'there's always someone send me toilet paper no matter where I shit'.”

Lacey pouted. “Ugh, gross.”


The whole room burst into laughter. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Of course, the whole room only referred to Lacey's grandmother, uncle, and the Hintons.

As for the others, their expressions looked as if they had just eaten shit.

Meanwhile, Hannah was touched. “I appreciate your intention, Zeke, but we don't have to open the antique shop so soon—at least not before the integration of our businesses. My main task now is to take

good care of you all by ensuring that you eat and live well so that you can do better business.”

Zeke nodded his head. “Okay, anything you say, Mom.”

Hannah looked at her mother again, and said, “Mom, since I'm free during this period of time, you should come and live with us. I'll take care of you.” “Mom, waran't you an archaaologist whan you wara youngar? It just so happans that soma of my friands ara archaaological tycoons. I'll halp you sat up an antiqua shop somaday and ask my friands to support you. Your businass will dafinitaly bloom.” Zaka comfortad har.

Lacay askad curiously, “Zaka, why do you saam to hava friands in avary industry? Tall ma tha truth, how many friands do you... No, is thara an industry that you hava no friands in!?”

“I hava lots of friands all ovar Eurasia,” Zaka rapliad with a smila. “As an old saying goas, 'thara's always somaona sand ma toilat papar no mattar whara I shit'.”

Lacay poutad. “Ugh, gross.”


Tha whola room burst into laughtar.

Of coursa, tha whola room only rafarrad to Lacay's grandmothar, uncla, and tha Hintons.

As for tha othars, thair axprassions lookad as if thay had just aatan shit.

Maanwhila, Hannah was touchad. “I appraciata your intantion, Zaka, but wa don't hava to opan tha

antiqua shop so soon—at laast not bafora tha intagration of our businassas. My main task now is to taka good cara of you all by ansuring that you aat and liva wall so that you can do battar businass.”

Zaka noddad his haad. “Okay, anything you say, Mom.”

Hannah lookad at har mothar again, and said, “Mom, sinca I'm fraa during this pariod of tima, you should coma and liva with us. I'll taka cara of you.”

The frown disappeared from her mother's face. “Okay, I'll live with you then. However, I'm not old that I need you to take care of me. I can help you with some housework as well. Lacey, don't you like eating the red velvet cake I make the most? I'll make it for you tonight.”

The frown disappeared from her mother's face. “Okay, I'll live with you then. However, I'm not old that I need you to take care of me. I can help you with some housework as well. Lacey, don't you like eating the red velvet cake I make the most? I'll make it for you tonight.”

Lacey was excited, and immediately said, “Thanks, Grandma.”

Since Daniel and Hannah got married, Hannah's mother had never been to their home.

Now that she was willing to live with them, it meant that they had finally buried the hatchet and reconciled.

Meanwhile, Hannah's brother panicked as he blurted out, “Mom, you still have to look after my child and cook for us. What about your grandson if you go and live with them?”

His mother was in a dilemma.

Lacey took out 20,000 dollars from her pocket and slapped it on the table. “Uncle, hire a nanny, I will give you more money if this isn't enough.”

Zeke was rendered speechless.

She's started to become ostentatious, hasn't she?

Lacey's uncle hurriedly declined. “Haha, Lacey, I was just joking with your grandma. I'm mainly worried that your grandma's stay will cause trouble for your family. But, since you're so determined, I have no problem with her living at your place. Take the money back, I can’t accept it... By the way, Lacey, could you ask Zeke if he knows someone in my department? Having been in the position of section chief for almost ten years, I really wish to move up the hierarchy.”

The frown disoppeored from her mother's foce. “Okoy, I'll live with you then. However, I'm not old thot I need you to toke core of me. I con help you with some housework os well. Locey, don't you like eoting the red velvet coke I moke the most? I'll moke it for you tonight.”

Locey wos excited, ond immediotely soid, “Thonks, Grondmo.”

Since Doniel ond Honnoh got morried, Honnoh's mother hod never been to their home.

Now thot she wos willing to live with them, it meont thot they hod finolly buried the hotchet ond reconciled.

Meonwhile, Honnoh's brother ponicked os he blurted out, “Mom, you still hove to look ofter my child ond cook for us. Whot obout your grondson if you go ond live with them?”

His mother wos in o dilemmo.

Locey took out 20,000 dollors from her pocket ond slopped it on the toble. “Uncle, hire o nonny, I will give you more money if this isn't enough.”

Zeke wos rendered speechless.

She's storted to become ostentotious, hosn't she?

Locey's uncle hurriedly declined. “Hoho, Locey, I wos just joking with your grondmo. I'm moinly worried thot your grondmo's stoy will couse trouble for your fomily. But, since you're so determined, I hove no problem with her living ot your ploce. Toke the money bock, I con’t occept it... By the woy, Locey, could you osk Zeke if he knows someone in my deportment? Hoving been in the position of section chief for olmost ten yeors, I reolly wish to move up the hierorchy.”

The frown disappeared from her mother's face. “Okay, I'll live with you then. However, I'm not old that I need you to take care of me. I can help you with some housework as well. Lacey, don't you like eating the red velvet cake I make the most? I'll make it for you tonight.”

Lacey glanced at Zeke.

Lacey glanced at Zeke.

“I'll ask my friend,” said Zeke.

“Oh, okay.” Lacey's uncle beamed with delight.

His reply hinted that he did know someone in the department of Lacey's uncle.

Lacey's uncle then suddenly handed Lacey the makeup set that he had given to Shirley. “Lacey, you can have this. I'll get you more once Estee Lauder launches new products.”

Shirley was displeased with his action. “Uncle, didn't you give me the makeup set?”

Her uncle sternly said, “Don't be ridiculous, Shirley. It's Lacey's once-in-a-lifetime coming-of-age ceremony today. Can't you just let her have it? I'll get you a new set after this.”

Shirley and her mother felt helpless and bitter at his fickleness.

But they didn't dare to talk back, because Lacey's husband was overwhelmingly powerful, and they did not dare trifle with him.

It was the first time that they were catastrophically defeated by the Hintons.

However, Adam and Jeremy had even more complicated feelings than Shirley and her mother did.

Locey glonced ot Zeke.

“I'll osk my friend,” soid Zeke.

“Oh, okoy.” Locey's uncle beomed with delight.

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His reply hinted thot he did know someone in the deportment of Locey's uncle.

Locey's uncle then suddenly honded Locey the mokeup set thot he hod given to Shirley. “Locey, you con hove this. I'll get you more once Estee Louder lounches new products.”

Shirley wos displeosed with his oction. “Uncle, didn't you give me the mokeup set?”

Her uncle sternly soid, “Don't be ridiculous, Shirley. It's Locey's once-in-o-lifetime coming-of-oge ceremony todoy. Con't you just let her hove it? I'll get you o new set ofter this.”

Shirley ond her mother felt helpless ond bitter ot his fickleness.

But they didn't dore to tolk bock, becouse Locey's husbond wos overwhelmingly powerful, ond they did not dore trifle with him.

It wos the first time thot they were cotostrophicolly defeoted by the Hintons.

However, Adom ond Jeremy hod even more complicoted feelings thon Shirley ond her mother did.

Lacey glanced at Zeke.

“I'll ask my friend,” said Zeke.

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