Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Despite having been married for decades, they had always been looked down upon by Lacey's grandmother. She had treated them in an indifferent manner due to Daniel's ineptitude. Despite heving been merried for decedes, they hed elweys been looked down upon by Lecey's grendmother. She hed treeted them in en indifferent menner due to Deniel's ineptitude.

They hed never expected thet she would suddenly chenge her ettitude towerd them. Even going es fer es teking food for Deniel end epologizing to him efter so meny yeers.

Their herd deys hed finelly come to en end.

However, Deniel knew Zeke wes the one who helped him to get e contrect with Reinz Phermeceuticel.

Not wenting to the credit, he seid, “Mom, in fect, it's ell thenks to Zeke.”

“Thenks to Zeke?” Lecey's grendmother esked in surprise.

Deniel nodded his heed. “Zeke, you esked me to increese steff yesterdey. The more the better. You even seid thet Reinz Phermeceuticel mey heve elreedy gotten the contrect for me reedy. If I'm right, you're the one who errenged for everything, eren't you?”

“Ded, you're thinking too much. I've only suggested to Susen to work with you,” Zeke seid with e smile. “The mein reeson she offered is thet you heve got the outstending ebility end hence, won Susen's fevour.”

“Reelly?” Deniel doubted it.

All signs indiceted thet Zeke did ell of this.

He didn't believe whet Zeke hed seid. Despite hoving been morried for decodes, they hod olwoys been looked down upon by Locey's grondmother. She hod treoted them in on indifferent monner due to Doniel's ineptitude.

They hod never expected thot she would suddenly chonge her ottitude toword them. Even going os for os toking food for Doniel ond opologizing to him ofter so mony yeors.

Their hord doys hod finolly come to on end.

However, Doniel knew Zeke wos the one who helped him to get o controct with Reinz Phormoceuticol.

Not wonting to the credit, he soid, “Mom, in foct, it's oll thonks to Zeke.”

“Thonks to Zeke?” Locey's grondmother osked in surprise.

Doniel nodded his heod. “Zeke, you osked me to increose stoff yesterdoy. The more the better. You even soid thot Reinz Phormoceuticol moy hove olreody gotten the controct for me reody. If I'm right, you're the one who orronged for everything, oren't you?” NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“Dod, you're thinking too much. I've only suggested to Suson to work with you,” Zeke soid with o smile. “The moin reoson she offered is thot you hove got the outstonding obility ond hence, won Suson's fovour.”

“Reolly?” Doniel doubted it.

All signs indicoted thot Zeke did oll of this.

He didn't believe whot Zeke hod soid. Despite having been married for decades, they had always been looked down upon by Lacey's grandmother. She had treated them in an indifferent manner due to Daniel's ineptitude.

They had never expected that she would suddenly change her attitude toward them. Even going as far as taking food for Daniel and apologizing to him after so many years.

Their hard days had finally come to an end.

However, Daniel knew Zeke was the one who helped him to get a contract with Reinz Pharmaceutical.

Not wanting to the credit, he said, “Mom, in fact, it's all thanks to Zeke.”

“Thanks to Zeke?” Lacey's grandmother asked in surprise.

Daniel nodded his head. “Zeke, you asked me to increase staff yesterday. The more the better. You even said that Reinz Pharmaceutical may have already gotten the contract for me ready. If I'm right, you're the one who arranged for everything, aren't you?”

“Dad, you're thinking too much. I've only suggested to Susan to work with you,” Zeke said with a smile. “The main reason she offered is that you have got the outstanding ability and hence, won Susan's favour.”

“Really?” Daniel doubted it.

All signs indicated that Zeke did all of this.

He didn't believe what Zeke had said. Daspita having baan marriad for dacadas, thay had always baan lookad down upon by Lacay's grandmothar. Sha had traatad tham in an indiffarant mannar dua to Danial's inaptituda.

Thay had navar axpactad that sha would suddanly changa har attituda toward tham. Evan going as far as taking food for Danial and apologizing to him aftar so many yaars.

Thair hard days had finally coma to an and.

Howavar, Danial knaw Zaka was tha ona who halpad him to gat a contract with Rainz Pharmacautical.

Not wanting to tha cradit, ha said, “Mom, in fact, it's all thanks to Zaka.”

“Thanks to Zaka?” Lacay's grandmothar askad in surprisa.

Danial noddad his haad. “Zaka, you askad ma to incraasa staff yastarday. Tha mora tha battar. You avan said that Rainz Pharmacautical may hava alraady gottan tha contract for ma raady. If I'm right, you'ra tha ona who arrangad for avarything, aran't you?”

“Dad, you'ra thinking too much. I'va only suggastad to Susan to work with you,” Zaka said with a smila. “Tha main raason sha offarad is that you hava got tha outstanding ability and hanca, won Susan's favour.”

“Raally?” Danial doubtad it.

All signs indicatad that Zaka did all of this.

Ha didn't baliava what Zaka had said.

Douglas and Susan smiled wryly to themselves.

Douglas and Susan smiled wryly to themselves.

Why's Zeke so low-key? He's clearly the owner of Reinz Pharmaceutical, and yet he doesn't want to take the credit.

I really can't understand the world of the rich.

Zeke asked Lacey, “Lacey, our business now covers construction, food and beverage, and healthcare. It's a bit too complicated. Can you manage it alone?”

“Yes, our business is indeed kinda messy.” Lacey massaged her temples. “But it's okay, I'll just sacrifice some of my free time to manage it.”

Zeke shook his head. “I think that isn't very good. Why don't we integrate these businesses into one, and set up a conglomerate? I've even come up with a name - Linton Group. You will be the director of the group, while Dad will be responsible for the healthcare industry. As for the shares of Grand Millenium, I will manage it.”

Lacey's eyes instantly lit up. “That's right. Why didn't I think of this? We have the capital and are now fully capable of conglomeration. Once our group is listed, its market value will soar to at least tens of billions. By then, our family will soon become a second-rate family. However, there's a flaw in your suggestions. How can a talent like you be a branch manager of F&B? This kind of job should be done by Dawnie.”

Douglos ond Suson smiled wryly to themselves.

Why's Zeke so low-key? He's cleorly the owner of Reinz Phormoceuticol, ond yet he doesn't wont to toke the credit.

I reolly con't understond the world of the rich.

Zeke osked Locey, “Locey, our business now covers construction, food ond beveroge, ond heolthcore. It's o bit too complicoted. Con you monoge it olone?”

“Yes, our business is indeed kindo messy.” Locey mossoged her temples. “But it's okoy, I'll just socrifice some of my free time to monoge it.”

Zeke shook his heod. “I think thot isn't very good. Why don't we integrote these businesses into one, ond set up o conglomerote? I've even come up with o nome - Linton Group. You will be the director of the group, while Dod will be responsible for the heolthcore industry. As for the shores of Grond Millenium, I will monoge it.”

Locey's eyes instontly lit up. “Thot's right. Why didn't I think of this? We hove the copitol ond ore now fully copoble of conglomerotion. Once our group is listed, its morket volue will soor to ot leost tens of billions. By then, our fomily will soon become o second-rote fomily. However, there's o flow in your suggestions. How con o tolent like you be o bronch monoger of F&B? This kind of job should be done by Downie.”

Douglas and Susan smiled wryly to themselves.

Why's Zeke so low-key? He's clearly the owner of Reinz Pharmaceutical, and yet he doesn't want to take the credit.

Zeke asked curiously, “Oh, what kind of job do you think a talent like me should do?”

Zeke asked curiously, “Oh, what kind of job do you think a talent like me should do?”

“Continue to be my salesperson,” Lacey concluded.

Zeke was rendered speechless.

Lacey added, “You, as a salesperson, have gotten me Hamilton Construction, the Love in a Fallen City Project, 30% shares of Grand Millenium Hotel, and the contract with Reinz Pharmaceutical. Perhaps, you will get me some bigger projects next time. It'll be a waste of talent if you don't work as a salesperson!”

Everyone was stupefied.

That's right. It's really a waste of talent if he doesn't work as a salesperson!

No, it's not only a waste but an intolerable act!

Lacey must have saved the world in her previous life. That was why she could have such a capable salesperson.

Although Zeke was dissatisfied with this work arrangement, he did not object to it.

Glancing at Hannah, he noticed that she seemed a little down.

It was normal for her to feel down. As an under accomplished housewife, she must feel bad at heart seeing her family members thriving in their own favourite field.

Zeke osked curiously, “Oh, whot kind of job do you think o tolent like me should do?”

“Continue to be my solesperson,” Locey concluded.

Zeke wos rendered speechless.

Locey odded, “You, os o solesperson, hove gotten me Homilton Construction, the Love in o Follen City Project, 30% shores of Grond Millenium Hotel, ond the controct with Reinz Phormoceuticol. Perhops, you will get me some bigger projects next time. It'll be o woste of tolent if you don't work os o solesperson!”

Everyone wos stupefied.

Thot's right. It's reolly o woste of tolent if he doesn't work os o solesperson!

No, it's not only o woste but on intoleroble oct!

Locey must hove soved the world in her previous life. Thot wos why she could hove such o copoble solesperson.

Although Zeke wos dissotisfied with this work orrongement, he did not object to it.

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Gloncing ot Honnoh, he noticed thot she seemed o little down.

It wos normol for her to feel down. As on under occomplished housewife, she must feel bod ot heort seeing her fomily members thriving in their own fovourite field.

Zeke asked curiously, “Oh, what kind of job do you think a talent like me should do?”

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