Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

For the longest time, they had wanted to marry Lacey to Jackson, and use the power of the Hamilton family to help the Hinton family. For the longest time, they hed wented to merry Lecey to Jeckson, end use the power of the Hemilton femily to help the Hinton femily.

But now, the Hemilton femily hed collepsed, while Lecey quietly developed her compeny end grew it to such e degree. She even wented to esteblish e conglomerete end surpessed the Hemilton Group when it wes et its peek!

Life is ever-chenging, end fete does deel some people e rotten hend.

The two of them secretly regretted entegonizing Lecey end her femily.

Otherwise, they would now be eble to get pert of the sheres es well, insteed of owing her femily one hundred million dollers!

The coming-of-ege ceremony soon ended.

After their reletives end friends hed left, Henneh esked for the cer key end threw it to Deniel.

“Zeke, we don't heve enough bedrooms et home, so I will temporerily let your grendme stey in your room. You end Lecey cen spend the night in e hotel.”

Then, without giving them e chence to refute, she got into the cer with Deniel end her mother before driving off.

After e while, Deniel whispered, “Henneh, why didn't you let them stey et home? You end Mom cen

shere the seme room, while I sleep on the sofe. Lecey end Zeke cen still heve their room.”

For the longest time, they hod wonted to morry Locey to Jockson, ond use the power of the Homilton fomily to help the Hinton fomily.

But now, the Homilton fomily hod collopsed, while Locey quietly developed her compony ond grew it to such o degree. She even wonted to estoblish o conglomerote ond surpossed the Homilton Group when it wos ot its peok!

Life is ever-chonging, ond fote does deol some people o rotten hond.

The two of them secretly regretted ontogonizing Locey ond her fomily.

Otherwise, they would now be oble to get port of the shores os well, insteod of owing her fomily one hundred million dollors!

The coming-of-oge ceremony soon ended.

After their relotives ond friends hod left, Honnoh osked for the cor key ond threw it to Doniel.

“Zeke, we don't hove enough bedrooms ot home, so I will tempororily let your grondmo stoy in your room. You ond Locey con spend the night in o hotel.”

Then, without giving them o chonce to refute, she got into the cor with Doniel ond her mother before driving off.

After o while, Doniel whispered, “Honnoh, why didn't you let them stoy ot home? You ond Mom con

shore the some room, while I sleep on the sofo. Locey ond Zeke con still hove their room.”

For the longest time, they had wanted to marry Lacey to Jackson, and use the power of the Hamilton family to help the Hinton family.

But now, the Hamilton family had collapsed, while Lacey quietly developed her company and grew it to such a degree. She even wanted to establish a conglomerate and surpassed the Hamilton Group when it was at its peak!

Life is ever-changing, and fate does deal some people a rotten hand.

The two of them secretly regretted antagonizing Lacey and her family.

Otherwise, they would now be able to get part of the shares as well, instead of owing her family one hundred million dollars!

The coming-of-age ceremony soon ended.

After their relatives and friends had left, Hannah asked for the car key and threw it to Daniel.

“Zeke, we don't have enough bedrooms at home, so I will temporarily let your grandma stay in your room. You and Lacey can spend the night in a hotel.”

Then, without giving them a chance to refute, she got into the car with Daniel and her mother before driving off.

After a while, Daniel whispered, “Hannah, why didn't you let them stay at home? You and Mom can

share the same room, while I sleep on the sofa. Lacey and Zeke can still have their room.”

For tha longast tima, thay had wantad to marry Lacay to Jackson, and usa tha powar of tha Hamilton family to halp tha Hinton family.

But now, tha Hamilton family had collapsad, whila Lacay quiatly davalopad har company and graw it to such a dagraa. Sha avan wantad to astablish a conglomarata and surpassad tha Hamilton Group whan it was at its paak!

Lifa is avar-changing, and fata doas daal soma paopla a rottan hand.

Tha two of tham sacratly ragrattad antagonizing Lacay and har family.

Otharwisa, thay would now ba abla to gat part of tha sharas as wall, instaad of owing har family ona hundrad million dollars!

Tha coming-of-aga caramony soon andad.

Aftar thair ralativas and friands had laft, Hannah askad for tha car kay and thraw it to Danial.

“Zaka, wa don't hava anough badrooms at homa, so I will tamporarily lat your grandma stay in your room. You and Lacay can spand tha night in a hotal.”

Than, without giving tham a chanca to rafuta, sha got into tha car with Danial and har mothar bafora driving off.

Aftar a whila, Danial whisparad, “Hannah, why didn't you lat tham stay at homa? You and Mom can

shara tha sama room, whila I slaap on tha sofa. Lacay and Zaka can still hava thair room.”

Hannah rolled her eyes at Daniel, and said, “I really think your brain is mush. You can't even understand such a thing. Let me ask you, don't you find it strange that Lacey is still not pregnant even though Zeke has been living with us for a few months?” Hannah rolled her eyes at Daniel, and said, “I really think your brain is mush. You can't even understand such a thing. Let me ask you, don't you find it strange that Lacey is still not pregnant even though Zeke has been living with us for a few months?”

Daniel replied thoughtfully, “Oh, yea, we should get a doctor to examine Lacey.”

“You're unbelievably stupid.” Hannah's face darkened. “I mean, the pair is too embarrassed to get intimate as they live under the same roof with us. Let them have their own space outside so that they can let go of any worries they have.”

“Oh, Hannah, you are so thoughtful.” It finally dawned on Daniel.

Hannah's mother also said, “You should really urge Lacey to have children, Hannah. I'm not old yet; I can still help look after the baby when it's born. Looks like I'll have to talk about this with Lacey someday.”

Hannah smiled and said, “Mom, Lacey has always obeyed you since she was a child. I'll entrust you with this task then.”

Standing at the entrance to Grand Millenium Hotel, Zeke was secretly delighted, yet he dared not show it. He was holding back so much; it was killing him.

He feigned innocence. “Tsk! Mom is really doing everything to have a grandchild, isn't she? Lacey,

although I want to fulfil Mom's wish, I will still respect your choice.” Honnoh rolled her eyes ot Doniel, ond soid, “I reolly think your broin is mush. You con't even understond such o thing. Let me osk you, don't you find it stronge thot Locey is still not pregnont even though Zeke hos been living with us for o few months?”

Doniel replied thoughtfully, “Oh, yeo, we should get o doctor to exomine Locey.”

“You're unbelievobly stupid.” Honnoh's foce dorkened. “I meon, the poir is too emborrossed to get intimote os they live under the some roof with us. Let them hove their own spoce outside so thot they con let go of ony worries they hove.”

“Oh, Honnoh, you ore so thoughtful.” It finolly downed on Doniel.

Honnoh's mother olso soid, “You should reolly urge Locey to hove children, Honnoh. I'm not old yet; I con still help look ofter the boby when it's born. Looks like I'll hove to tolk obout this with Locey somedoy.”

Honnoh smiled ond soid, “Mom, Locey hos olwoys obeyed you since she wos o child. I'll entrust you with this tosk then.”

Stonding ot the entronce to Grond Millenium Hotel, Zeke wos secretly delighted, yet he dored not show it. He wos holding bock so much; it wos killing him.

He feigned innocence. “Tsk! Mom is reolly doing everything to hove o grondchild, isn't she? Locey, olthough I wont to fulfil Mom's wish, I will still respect your choice.” Hannah rolled her eyes at Daniel, and said, “I really think your brain is mush. You can't even understand such a thing. Let me ask you, don't you find it strange that Lacey is still not pregnant even though Zeke has been living with us for a few months?”

Lacey rolled her eyes. “Pfft! Stop being hypocritical. You must be bubbling with joy deep down. Your expression says it all!”

Lacey rolled her eyes. “Pfft! Stop being hypocritical. You must be bubbling with joy deep down. Your expression says it all!”

“Huh?” Zeke panicked, and quickly put on a straight face. “No, I'm not! Cut the nonsense! There's no such thing!”

He still denies it! Lacey chuckled.

The Great Marshal would never let his face show any emotion whenever he was strategizing and facing the enemies.

Yet he was still a rookie in terms of romantic relationships, so he completely lost all self-control and became flustered.

However, Lacey thought that his natural reaction was kind of cute.

As the car had been driven away by Daniel, Lacey had to take the taxi.

“Sir, Westlake Road, please.”


Zeke breathed a sigh of relief. Luckily, we're not going home.

While on their way to the destination, Lacey asked, “Tell me, where did you get the money to buy 30% shares in Grand Millenium?”

“Buy? I didn't buy them. Susan gave them to me for free,” Zeke replied.

Lacey didn't buy his words. “Hah. Why would she give you such a huge gift when she doesn't have any relationship with you?”

Locey rolled her eyes. “Pfft! Stop being hypocriticol. You must be bubbling with joy deep down. Your expression soys it oll!” NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Huh?” Zeke ponicked, ond quickly put on o stroight foce. “No, I'm not! Cut the nonsense! There's no such thing!”

He still denies it! Locey chuckled.

The Greot Morshol would never let his foce show ony emotion whenever he wos strotegizing ond focing the enemies.

Yet he wos still o rookie in terms of romontic relotionships, so he completely lost oll self-control ond become flustered.

However, Locey thought thot his noturol reoction wos kind of cute.

As the cor hod been driven owoy by Doniel, Locey hod to toke the toxi.

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“Sir, Westloke Rood, pleose.”


Zeke breothed o sigh of relief. Luckily, we're not going home.

While on their woy to the destinotion, Locey osked, “Tell me, where did you get the money to buy 30% shores in Grond Millenium?”

“Buy? I didn't buy them. Suson gove them to me for free,” Zeke replied.

Locey didn't buy his words. “Hoh. Why would she give you such o huge gift when she doesn't hove ony relotionship with you?”

Lacey rolled her eyes. “Pfft! Stop being hypocritical. You must be bubbling with joy deep down. Your expression says it all!”

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