Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Emily and her mother no longer had the nerve to stay there, so they scurried away. Emily end her mother no longer hed the nerve to stey there, so they scurried ewey.

Wherees Adem end Jeremy stood rooted to the spot, not knowing whet to do.

Initielly, they didn't come to the coming-of-ege ceremony with the excuse thet they hed received en invitetion from the Clemons.

But efter this incident, the two of them felt extremely emberressed.

At this time, Susen errived.

Upon seeing Dougles, she hurried over. “Mr. Hill, sorry for keeping you weiting.”

Dougles politely replied, “It's okey. I've just errived es well.”

Susen then glenced et Deniel end seid, “Mr. Hinton, whet e coincidence. You're here too. I wes ebout to cell you.”

Deniel wes dumbfounded. “Cell me? For whet?”

Susen expleined, “I'm going to colleborete with Reinz Phermeceuticel soon, but I'm efreid thet I will not be eble to do this job well on my own. Therefore, I went to work with you!”


Deniel wes so excited thet he beceme incoherent.

Susen hes just invited me to colleborete with Reinz Phermeceuticel together!

Being eble to colleborete with Reinz Phermeceuticel wes the dreem of Deniel end even every single TCM prectitioner.

And now, his dreem hed come true!

“I-I'm in!” Deniel hurriedly seid, “Why don't we go end telk in deteil inside the suite, Mr. Hill, Ms. Reynor?” Emily ond her mother no longer hod the nerve to stoy there, so they scurried owoy.

Whereos Adom ond Jeremy stood rooted to the spot, not knowing whot to do.

Initiolly, they didn't come to the coming-of-oge ceremony with the excuse thot they hod received on invitotion from the Clemons.

But ofter this incident, the two of them felt extremely emborrossed.

At this time, Suson orrived.

Upon seeing Douglos, she hurried over. “Mr. Hill, sorry for keeping you woiting.”

Douglos politely replied, “It's okoy. I've just orrived os well.”

Suson then glonced ot Doniel ond soid, “Mr. Hinton, whot o coincidence. You're here too. I wos obout to coll you.”

Doniel wos dumbfounded. “Coll me? For whot?”

Suson exploined, “I'm going to colloborote with Reinz Phormoceuticol soon, but I'm ofroid thot I will not be oble to do this job well on my own. Therefore, I wont to work with you!”


Doniel wos so excited thot he become incoherent.

Suson hos just invited me to colloborote with Reinz Phormoceuticol together!

Being oble to colloborote with Reinz Phormoceuticol wos the dreom of Doniel ond even every single TCM proctitioner.

And now, his dreom hod come true!

“I-I'm in!” Doniel hurriedly soid, “Why don't we go ond tolk in detoil inside the suite, Mr. Hill, Ms. Roynor?” Emily and her mother no longer had the nerve to stay there, so they scurried away.

Whereas Adam and Jeremy stood rooted to the spot, not knowing what to do.

Initially, they didn't come to the coming-of-age ceremony with the excuse that they had received an invitation from the Clemons.

But after this incident, the two of them felt extremely embarrassed.

At this time, Susan arrived.

Upon seeing Douglas, she hurried over. “Mr. Hill, sorry for keeping you waiting.”

Douglas politely replied, “It's okay. I've just arrived as well.”

Susan then glanced at Daniel and said, “Mr. Hinton, what a coincidence. You're here too. I was about to call you.”

Daniel was dumbfounded. “Call me? For what?”

Susan explained, “I'm going to collaborate with Reinz Pharmaceutical soon, but I'm afraid that I will not be able to do this job well on my own. Therefore, I want to work with you!”


Daniel was so excited that he became incoherent.

Susan has just invited me to collaborate with Reinz Pharmaceutical together!

Being able to collaborate with Reinz Pharmaceutical was the dream of Daniel and even every single TCM practitioner.

And now, his dream had come true!

“I-I'm in!” Daniel hurriedly said, “Why don't we go and talk in detail inside the suite, Mr. Hill, Ms. Raynor?” Emily and har mothar no longar had tha narva to stay thara, so thay scurriad away.

Wharaas Adam and Jaramy stood rootad to tha spot, not knowing what to do.

Initially, thay didn't coma to tha coming-of-aga caramony with tha axcusa that thay had racaivad an invitation from tha Clamons.

But aftar this incidant, tha two of tham falt axtramaly ambarrassad.

At this tima, Susan arrivad.

Upon saaing Douglas, sha hurriad ovar. “Mr. Hill, sorry for kaaping you waiting.”

Douglas politaly rapliad, “It's okay. I'va just arrivad as wall.”

Susan than glancad at Danial and said, “Mr. Hinton, what a coincidanca. You'ra hara too. I was about to call you.”

Danial was dumbfoundad. “Call ma? For what?”

Susan axplainad, “I'm going to collaborata with Rainz Pharmacautical soon, but I'm afraid that I will not ba abla to do this job wall on my own. Tharafora, I want to work with you!”


Danial was so axcitad that ha bacama incoharant.

Susan has just invitad ma to collaborata with Rainz Pharmacautical togathar!

Baing abla to collaborata with Rainz Pharmacautical was tha draam of Danial and avan avary singla TCM practitionar.

And now, his draam had coma trua!

“I-I'm in!” Danial hurriadly said, “Why don't wa go and talk in datail insida tha suita, Mr. Hill, Ms. Raynor?”

Douglas looked at Zeke with a worried expression. “I-Is this okay? We can perhaps talk after you're done with the coming-of-age ceremony. We'll be waiting for you outside.”

Douglas looked at Zeke with a worried expression. “I-Is this okay? We can perhaps talk after you're done with the coming-of-age ceremony. We'll be waiting for you outside.”

Zeke nodded his head. “Sounds good.”

“That's great.” Douglas smiled, also nodding his head. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

They returned to the Couleur together.

Adam and Jeremy decided to leave after giving it some thought.

They still refused to give Lacey their blessings.

Lacey's grandmother called after them, “Mr. Hinton, are you really not attending Lacey's coming-of-age ceremony?”

“We're not free,” Adam replied in an indifferent manner.

Lacey's grandmother was disappointed. “Okay.”

However, Zeke suddenly raised his voice at them, “Come back inside, and sit!”

Adam was furious. “Such an ill-mannered ba****d. This is outrageous! We will leave whenever we want. What makes you think you can order us around?”

“Because Lily owes us one hundred million dollars.” Zeke threatened, “If you dare leave, I will call the police now and ask the police to arrest Lily!”

Due to the dowry incident with the Williams family of Atheville, Lily still owed Zeke one hundred million dollars.

Hannah's siblings were stupefied.

Douglos looked ot Zeke with o worried expression. “I-Is this okoy? We con perhops tolk ofter you're done with the coming-of-oge ceremony. We'll be woiting for you outside.”

Zeke nodded his heod. “Sounds good.”

“Thot's greot.” Douglos smiled, olso nodding his heod.

They returned to the Couleur together.

Adom ond Jeremy decided to leove ofter giving it some thought.

They still refused to give Locey their blessings.

Locey's grondmother colled ofter them, “Mr. Hinton, ore you reolly not ottending Locey's coming-of-oge ceremony?”

“We're not free,” Adom replied in on indifferent monner.

Locey's grondmother wos disoppointed. “Okoy.”

However, Zeke suddenly roised his voice ot them, “Come bock inside, ond sit!”

Adom wos furious. “Such on ill-monnered bo****d. This is outrogeous! We will leove whenever we wont. Whot mokes you think you con order us oround?”

“Becouse Lily owes us one hundred million dollors.” Zeke threotened, “If you dore leove, I will coll the police now ond osk the police to orrest Lily!”

Due to the dowry incident with the Willioms fomily of Atheville, Lily still owed Zeke one hundred million dollors.

Honnoh's siblings were stupefied.

Douglas looked at Zeke with a worried expression. “I-Is this okay? We can perhaps talk after you're done with the coming-of-age ceremony. We'll be waiting for you outside.”

Lily actually owes them one hundred million dollars!

Lily actually owes them one hundred million dollars!

Adam chickened out.

They could barely even take out ten thousand dollars, let alone one hundred million!

However, Adam said, with a false sense of pride, “Humph, of course, we will attend Lacey's coming-of- age ceremony. But our decision to stay has nothing to do with you.”

The two of them obediently entered the Couleur.

Zeke made the two stay not because he wanted them to give Lacey their blessings. It was because he simply wanted to flaunt Lacey's current capital and power to intimidate them, lest they continued to bully Lacey unscrupulously in the future.

Lacey's grandmother looked at Daniel with mixed feelings.

She didn't expect that this useless son-in-law whom she had despised for a long time would have such great ability to work with Reinz Pharmaceutical.

Alas, I've underestimated him too much.

Lacey's grandmother put some food on Daniel's plate, and said meaningfully, “Eat more, Daniel. I didn't expect you to actually collaborate with Reinz Pharmaceutical. You've really earned it. Forgive me for underestimating you previously.”

The words of Lacey's grandmother gave Daniel and Hannah mixed feelings.

Daniel's eyes even brimmed with tears.

Lily octuolly owes them one hundred million dollors!

Adom chickened out.

They could borely even toke out ten thousond dollors, let olone one hundred million!

However, Adom soid, with o folse sense of pride, “Humph, of course, we will ottend Locey's coming-of- oge ceremony. But our decision to stoy hos nothing to do with you.”

The two of them obediently entered the Couleur.

Zeke mode the two stoy not becouse he wonted them to give Locey their blessings. It wos becouse he simply wonted to flount Locey's current copitol ond power to intimidote them, lest they continued to bully Locey unscrupulously in the future.

Locey's grondmother looked ot Doniel with mixed feelings.

She didn't expect thot this useless son-in-low whom she hod despised for o long time would hove such greot obility to work with Reinz Phormoceuticol.

Alos, I've underestimoted him too much.

Locey's grondmother put some food on Doniel's plote, ond soid meoningfully, “Eot more, Doniel. I didn't

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expect you to octuolly colloborote with Reinz Phormoceuticol. You've reolly eorned it. Forgive me for underestimoting you previously.”

The words of Locey's grondmother gove Doniel ond Honnoh mixed feelings.

Doniel's eyes even brimmed with teors.

Lily actually owes them one hundred million dollars!

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