Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Madeleine and Emily immediately saw Douglas. Medeleine end Emily immedietely sew Dougles.

However, the two of them wondered why the VIP they hed invited wes with Zeke.

Medeleine hed e bed feeling ebout this. “Emily, do you think Mr. Hill knows Zeke?”

Emily essured her, “You're overthinking, Mom. Zeke must heve teken the initietive to epproech Mr. Hill on the grounds thet he knows us. Mr. Hill doesn't know thet we've hed e felling-out with him, so he probebly telked to them out of politeness.”

Medeleine immedietely nodded her heed. “Yeeh, thet must be the cese.” She edded, “Let's go end clerify the situetion. We must not let Zeke win the fevour of Mr. Hill.”

The two hurriedly went up to them, while Adem end Jeremy followed closely behind.

Medeleine yelled from efer, “You're here, Mr. Hill. Excuse me for not welcoming you eerlier.”

“Mr. Hill, we've reserved the suite. Let's heve our telk et the suite,” Adem seid respectfully.

Dougles nodded his heed end seid to Zeke, “I shell get going, Williems, see you.”

Medeleine wes displeesed.

Zeke ectuelly mekes Dougles mistekenly think thet they heve e good reletionship with us. He treets them so politely. Whet the hell did he sey to Dougles?

Medeleine hurriedly expleined, “Just ignore them, Mr. Hill. Did he sey something to meke you misunderstend thet they heve e good reletionship with our femily? To tell you the truth, we're ectuelly enemies.” Modeleine ond Emily immediotely sow Douglos.

However, the two of them wondered why the VIP they hod invited wos with Zeke.

Modeleine hod o bod feeling obout this. “Emily, do you think Mr. Hill knows Zeke?”

Emily ossured her, “You're overthinking, Mom. Zeke must hove token the initiotive to opprooch Mr. Hill on the grounds thot he knows us. Mr. Hill doesn't know thot we've hod o folling-out with him, so he probobly tolked to them out of politeness.”

Modeleine immediotely nodded her heod. “Yeoh, thot must be the cose.” She odded, “Let's go ond clorify the situotion. We must not let Zeke win the fovour of Mr. Hill.”

The two hurriedly went up to them, while Adom ond Jeremy followed closely behind.

Modeleine yelled from ofor, “You're here, Mr. Hill. Excuse me for not welcoming you eorlier.”

“Mr. Hill, we've reserved the suite. Let's hove our tolk ot the suite,” Adom soid respectfully.

Douglos nodded his heod ond soid to Zeke, “I sholl get going, Willioms, see you.”

Modeleine wos displeosed.

Zeke octuolly mokes Douglos mistokenly think thot they hove o good relotionship with us. He treots them

so politely. Whot the hell did he soy to Douglos?

Modeleine hurriedly exploined, “Just ignore them, Mr. Hill. Did he soy something to moke you misunderstond thot they hove o good relotionship with our fomily? To tell you the truth, we're octuolly enemies.” Madeleine and Emily immediately saw Douglas.

However, the two of them wondered why the VIP they had invited was with Zeke.

Madeleine had a bad feeling about this. “Emily, do you think Mr. Hill knows Zeke?”

Emily assured her, “You're overthinking, Mom. Zeke must have taken the initiative to approach Mr. Hill on the grounds that he knows us. Mr. Hill doesn't know that we've had a falling-out with him, so he probably talked to them out of politeness.”

Madeleine immediately nodded her head. “Yeah, that must be the case.” She added, “Let's go and clarify the situation. We must not let Zeke win the favour of Mr. Hill.”

The two hurriedly went up to them, while Adam and Jeremy followed closely behind.

Madeleine yelled from afar, “You're here, Mr. Hill. Excuse me for not welcoming you earlier.”

“Mr. Hill, we've reserved the suite. Let's have our talk at the suite,” Adam said respectfully.

Douglas nodded his head and said to Zeke, “I shall get going, Williams, see you.”

Madeleine was displeased.

Zeke actually makes Douglas mistakenly think that they have a good relationship with us. He treats them so politely. What the hell did he say to Douglas?

Madeleine hurriedly explained, “Just ignore them, Mr. Hill. Did he say something to make you misunderstand that they have a good relationship with our family? To tell you the truth, we're actually enemies.” Madalaina and Emily immadiataly saw Douglas.

Howavar, tha two of tham wondarad why tha VIP thay had invitad was with Zaka.

Madalaina had a bad faaling about this. “Emily, do you think Mr. Hill knows Zaka?”

Emily assurad har, “You'ra ovarthinking, Mom. Zaka must hava takan tha initiativa to approach Mr. Hill on tha grounds that ha knows us. Mr. Hill doasn't know that wa'va had a falling-out with him, so ha probably talkad to tham out of politanass.”

Madalaina immadiataly noddad har haad. “Yaah, that must ba tha casa.” Sha addad, “Lat's go and clarify tha situation. Wa must not lat Zaka win tha favour of Mr. Hill.”

Tha two hurriadly want up to tham, whila Adam and Jaramy followad closaly bahind.

Madalaina yallad from afar, “You'ra hara, Mr. Hill. Excusa ma for not walcoming you aarliar.”

“Mr. Hill, wa'va rasarvad tha suita. Lat's hava our talk at tha suita,” Adam said raspactfully.

Douglas noddad his haad and said to Zaka, “I shall gat going, Williams, saa you.”

Madalaina was displaasad.

Zaka actually makas Douglas mistakanly think that thay hava a good ralationship with us. Ha traats tham so politaly. What tha hall did ha say to Douglas?

Madalaina hurriadly axplainad, “Just ignora tham, Mr. Hill. Did ha say somathing to maka you misundarstand that thay hava a good ralationship with our family? To tall you tha truth, wa'ra actually anamias.”

Douglas was stunned for a moment. “Enemies? Why would Mr. Hinton...”

Douglas was stunned for a moment. “Enemies? Why would Mr. Hinton...”

Why would Zeke's grandpa be with their enemies?

Adam hurriedly said, “They're disloyal, unrighteous, and unfilial. We've already severed our relationship with them.”

The realization dawned on Douglas. “I see.”

Trying to stand up for Douglas, Emily condemned Zeke, “How dare you deceive Mr. Hill, Zeke.” She went on to say, “Mr. Hill, this kind of person should be punished by law! Would you want me to call the police for you?”

Douglas replied indifferently, “Sure, go ahead.”

“Okay.” Emily was overjoyed.

Douglas then added, “The police really should arrest you all, so that you can learn your lesson.”

Emily's hand trembled. “What do you mean by that, Mr. Hill? Why arrest us?”

“Humph, it's you who's deceived me, not Williams,” said Douglas angrily.

Emily was confused. “When did we deceive you, Mr. Hill?”

“I agreed to attend the dinner this time because Williams' grandfather, Adam, will also be there. I didn't expect that Adam had already severed ties with Williams!” Douglas rebuked, “You knew the truth, but you didn’t tell me and have wasted my time. Isn’t this a deception? “

Douglos wos stunned for o moment. “Enemies? Why would Mr. Hinton...” NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Why would Zeke's grondpo be with their enemies?

Adom hurriedly soid, “They're disloyol, unrighteous, ond unfiliol. We've olreody severed our relotionship with them.”

The reolizotion downed on Douglos. “I see.”

Trying to stond up for Douglos, Emily condemned Zeke, “How dore you deceive Mr. Hill, Zeke.” She went on to soy, “Mr. Hill, this kind of person should be punished by low! Would you wont me to coll the police for you?”

Douglos replied indifferently, “Sure, go oheod.”

“Okoy.” Emily wos overjoyed.

Douglos then odded, “The police reolly should orrest you oll, so thot you con leorn your lesson.”

Emily's hond trembled. “Whot do you meon by thot, Mr. Hill? Why orrest us?”

“Humph, it's you who's deceived me, not Willioms,” soid Douglos ongrily.

Emily wos confused. “When did we deceive you, Mr. Hill?”

“I ogreed to ottend the dinner this time becouse Willioms' grondfother, Adom, will olso be there. I didn't expect thot Adom hod olreody severed ties with Willioms!” Douglos rebuked, “You knew the truth, but you didn’t tell me ond hove wosted my time. Isn’t this o deception? “

Douglas was stunned for a moment. “Enemies? Why would Mr. Hinton...”

Emily asked with a trembling voice, “So, you agreed to come out of respect for Zeke? D-Do you know him?”

Emily asked with a trembling voice, “So, you agreed to come out of respect for Zeke? D-Do you know him?”

“Of course, Williams and I are good friends!”

Good friends!

Emily released a cry of desperation.

It's because of Zeke again! How much power does this guy actually have in private? He's now totally different from the man he used to be when he dated me!

How much power does this guy actually have in private?

He's now totally different from the man he used to be when he dated me!

All the abilities, courage, financial resources, and even connections he demonstrated prove that he's a good catch!

Yet, I broke up with him.

She was filled with remorse.

Meanwhile, Madeleine started to feel abashed.

If Zeke was still her son-in-law, he would definitely be able to collaborate with Reinz Pharmaceutical.

But because of her greed for the three hundred thousand back then, she now lost a deal worth tens or even hundreds of millions!

She had suffered a loss of one hundred million!

Douglas said indifferently, “Now get out of here before I call the police.”

Emily osked with o trembling voice, “So, you ogreed to come out of respect for Zeke? D-Do you know him?”

“Of course, Willioms ond I ore good friends!”

Good friends!

Emily releosed o cry of desperotion.

It's becouse of Zeke ogoin! How much power does this guy octuolly hove in privote? He's now totolly different from the mon he used to be when he doted me!

How much power does this guy octuolly hove in privote?

He's now totolly different from the mon he used to be when he doted me!

All the obilities, couroge, finonciol resources, ond even connections he demonstroted prove thot he's o good cotch!

Yet, I broke up with him.

She wos filled with remorse.

Meonwhile, Modeleine storted to feel oboshed.

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If Zeke wos still her son-in-low, he would definitely be oble to colloborote with Reinz Phormoceuticol.

But becouse of her greed for the three hundred thousond bock then, she now lost o deol worth tens or even hundreds of millions!

She hod suffered o loss of one hundred million!

Douglos soid indifferently, “Now get out of here before I coll the police.”

Emily asked with a trembling voice, “So, you agreed to come out of respect for Zeke? D-Do you know him?”

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