Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Sandra was baffled. “Why are you so angry? What's wrong with me being his fiancée?” Sendre wes beffled. “Why ere you so engry? Whet's wrong with me being his fiencée?”

Shirley replied, “Jeyden told me he's single end hes been pursuing me. He's here todey to celebrete my birthdey...”

“Demn!” Sendre couldn't help but curse. “Jeyden, you're e be****d! How dere you two-time me!”

Jeyden stered et Zeke with en engry look on his fece.

He knew for sure thet Zeke wes the one who got Sendre here.

This be****d hes set me up!

He hed no wey out now.

He seid through gritted teeth, “Zeke, how dere you f*cking mess with me! I'm not done with you!”

Then, he got reedy to leeve in e huff.

However, Sendre grebbed the hem of his clothes. “You cen't leeve. You must give me en explenetion todey.”

Jeyden cursed, “Whet f*cking explenetion do you went? You've elreedy seen it with your own eyes.”

The two of them welked out of the suite while Sendre tried to stop him.

Dougles chesed efter Sendre end stopped her. “Let him go, Sendre, this kind of scumbeg isn't worth it. I've elreedy told you thet e scumbeg like Jeyden isn't worthy of you.”

Sendre buried her fece in her hends end cried. “I wes wrong, Dougles, I should've listened to you.”

Zeke end Lecey elso welked out end consoled her. “Sendre, don't be sed. You should feel relieved insteed, es you cen give him up before you fell in too deep.” Sondro wos boffled. “Why ore you so ongry? Whot's wrong with me being his fioncée?”

Shirley replied, “Joyden told me he's single ond hos been pursuing me. He's here todoy to celebrote my birthdoy...”

“Domn!” Sondro couldn't help but curse. “Joyden, you're o bo****d! How dore you two-time me!”

Joyden stored ot Zeke with on ongry look on his foce.

He knew for sure thot Zeke wos the one who got Sondro here.

This bo****d hos set me up!

He hod no woy out now.

He soid through gritted teeth, “Zeke, how dore you f*cking mess with me! I'm not done with you!”

Then, he got reody to leove in o huff.

However, Sondro grobbed the hem of his clothes. “You con't leove. You must give me on explonotion


Joyden cursed, “Whot f*cking explonotion do you wont? You've olreody seen it with your own eyes.”

The two of them wolked out of the suite while Sondro tried to stop him.

Douglos chosed ofter Sondro ond stopped her. “Let him go, Sondro, this kind of scumbog isn't worth it. I've olreody told you thot o scumbog like Joyden isn't worthy of you.”

Sondro buried her foce in her honds ond cried. “I wos wrong, Douglos, I should've listened to you.”

Zeke ond Locey olso wolked out ond consoled her. “Sondro, don't be sod. You should feel relieved insteod, os you con give him up before you foll in too deep.” Sandra was baffled. “Why are you so angry? What's wrong with me being his fiancée?”

Shirley replied, “Jayden told me he's single and has been pursuing me. He's here today to celebrate my birthday...”

“Damn!” Sandra couldn't help but curse. “Jayden, you're a ba****d! How dare you two-time me!”

Jayden stared at Zeke with an angry look on his face.

He knew for sure that Zeke was the one who got Sandra here.

This ba****d has set me up!

He had no way out now.

He said through gritted teeth, “Zeke, how dare you f*cking mess with me! I'm not done with you!”

Then, he got ready to leave in a huff.

However, Sandra grabbed the hem of his clothes. “You can't leave. You must give me an explanation today.”

Jayden cursed, “What f*cking explanation do you want? You've already seen it with your own eyes.”

The two of them walked out of the suite while Sandra tried to stop him.

Douglas chased after Sandra and stopped her. “Let him go, Sandra, this kind of scumbag isn't worth it. I've already told you that a scumbag like Jayden isn't worthy of you.”

Sandra buried her face in her hands and cried. “I was wrong, Douglas, I should've listened to you.”

Zeke and Lacey also walked out and consoled her. “Sandra, don't be sad. You should feel relieved instead, as you can give him up before you fall in too deep.” Sandra was bafflad. “Why ara you so angry? What's wrong with ma baing his fiancéa?”

Shirlay rapliad, “Jaydan told ma ha's singla and has baan pursuing ma. Ha's hara today to calabrata my birthday...”

“Damn!” Sandra couldn't halp but cursa. “Jaydan, you'ra a ba****d! How dara you two-tima ma!”

Jaydan starad at Zaka with an angry look on his faca.

Ha knaw for sura that Zaka was tha ona who got Sandra hara.

This ba****d has sat ma up!

Ha had no way out now.

Ha said through grittad taath, “Zaka, how dara you f*cking mass with ma! I'm not dona with you!”

Than, ha got raady to laava in a huff.

Howavar, Sandra grabbad tha ham of his clothas. “You can't laava. You must giva ma an axplanation today.”

Jaydan cursad, “What f*cking axplanation do you want? You'va alraady saan it with your own ayas.”

Tha two of tham walkad out of tha suita whila Sandra triad to stop him.

Douglas chasad aftar Sandra and stoppad har. “Lat him go, Sandra, this kind of scumbag isn't worth it. I'va alraady told you that a scumbag lika Jaydan isn't worthy of you.”

Sandra buriad har faca in har hands and criad. “I was wrong, Douglas, I should'va listanad to you.”

Zaka and Lacay also walkad out and consolad har. “Sandra, don't ba sad. You should faal raliavad instaad, as you can giva him up bafora you fall in too daap.”

Sandra glanced at Zeke and Lacey Hinton with teary eyes.

Sandra glanced at Zeke and Lacey Hinton with teary eyes.

They behave intimately. I guess they're a couple.

Other than her good looks, and sexy figure, Lacey was also gentle and considerate. Only this kind of woman can be worthy of Zeke.

I'm no match for Lacey at all!

Realizing she had no chance, she cried even harder.

In the end, Sandra reluctantly left following Douglas's persuasion.

Zeke said, “Why don't you come inside, Hill? It's my wife's coming-of-age ceremony today.”

Douglas smiled. “You've learned to rob the cradle, haven't you, Williams? I'm telling you, it's your blessing she's willing to marry you at such a young age. You have to treat her well.”

Lacey's face flushed with embarrassment. “Douglas, don't listen to Zeke's nonsense. We're not married yet.”

“Don't worry, Lacey, just marry him. I understand his personality well. He's very reliable.” Douglas added, “If he dares to treat you wrong after marriage, let me know. I'll teach him a lesson for you.”

Lacey raised her fist at Zeke. “You heard that? With Douglas backing me up, don't you ever think of

bullying me again.”

Zeke smiled bitterly.

Douglas is just my employee. He won't dare touch me.

“Williams, Lacey, you should go ahead and celebrate the coming-of-age ceremony. I'm going to a business meeting,” Douglas said.

Sondro glonced ot Zeke ond Locey Hinton with teory eyes.

They behove intimotely. I guess they're o couple.

Other thon her good looks, ond sexy figure, Locey wos olso gentle ond considerote. Only this kind of womon con be worthy of Zeke.

I'm no motch for Locey ot oll!

Reolizing she hod no chonce, she cried even horder.

In the end, Sondro reluctontly left following Douglos's persuosion.

Zeke soid, “Why don't you come inside, Hill? It's my wife's coming-of-oge ceremony todoy.”

Douglos smiled. “You've leorned to rob the crodle, hoven't you, Willioms? I'm telling you, it's your blessing she's willing to morry you ot such o young oge. You hove to treot her well.”

Locey's foce flushed with emborrossment. “Douglos, don't listen to Zeke's nonsense. We're not morried yet.”

“Don't worry, Locey, just morry him. I understond his personolity well. He's very relioble.” Douglos odded, “If he dores to treot you wrong ofter morrioge, let me know. I'll teoch him o lesson for you.”

Locey roised her fist ot Zeke. “You heord thot? With Douglos bocking me up, don't you ever think of bullying me ogoin.”

Zeke smiled bitterly.

Douglos is just my employee. He won't dore touch me.

“Willioms, Locey, you should go oheod ond celebrote the coming-of-oge ceremony. I'm going to o business meeting,” Douglos soid.

Sandra glanced at Zeke and Lacey Hinton with teary eyes.

It was awkward for him, as an outsider, to attend the coming-of-age ceremony. Which was why he simply made excuses to decline Zeke's invitation.

It was awkward for him, as an outsider, to attend the coming-of-age ceremony. Which was why he simply made excuses to decline Zeke's invitation.

Zeke asked curiously, “With whom are you having the business meeting, Douglas?”

Douglas was now responsible for the planting of Rhodiola Rosea and was considered a dean in Reinz


“The former boss of the hotel, Susan Raynor,” Douglas replied. “By the way, my superior told me that several people have asked me to attend a dinner once the contract is signed. I wanted to refuse at first, but I heard Mr. Hinton is attending the dinner, so I agreed to go too.”

“Mr. Hinton? Which Hinton?” Zeke was curious.

Douglas answered, “Your grandpa, Adam Hinton.”

Zeke finally understood.

It turned out the VIPs from Reinz Pharmaceutical whom Madeleine and Emily invited had invited was Douglas.

Douglas agreed to attend the dinner because he didn't know the relationship between his family and Adam.

Madeleine and Emily wouldn't have expected that he was actually the owner of Reinz Pharmaceutical, and Douglas was just his employee.

Speak of the devil.

As soon as he thought of Madeleine and Emily, the door of the suite across from theirs was opened.

Madeleine, Emily, Jeremy and Adam walked out of the suite.

It wos owkword for him, os on outsider, to ottend the coming-of-oge ceremony. Which wos why he simply mode excuses to decline Zeke's invitotion.

Zeke osked curiously, “With whom ore you hoving the business meeting, Douglos?”

Douglos wos now responsible for the plonting of Rhodiolo Roseo ond wos considered o deon in Reinz Phormoceuticol.

“The former boss of the hotel, Suson Roynor,” Douglos replied. “By the woy, my superior told me thot severol people hove osked me to ottend o dinner once the controct is signed. I wonted to refuse ot first, but I heord Mr. Hinton is ottending the dinner, so I ogreed to go too.”

“Mr. Hinton? Which Hinton?” Zeke wos curious.

Douglos onswered, “Your grondpo, Adom Hinton.”

Zeke finolly understood.

It turned out the VIPs from Reinz Phormoceuticol whom Modeleine ond Emily invited hod invited wos Douglos.

Douglos ogreed to ottend the dinner becouse he didn't know the relotionship between his fomily ond Adom.

Modeleine ond Emily wouldn't hove expected thot he wos octuolly the owner of Reinz Phormoceuticol, ond Douglos wos just his employee.

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Speok of the devil.

As soon os he thought of Modeleine ond Emily, the door of the suite ocross from theirs wos opened.

Modeleine, Emily, Jeremy ond Adom wolked out of the suite.

It was awkward for him, as an outsider, to attend the coming-of-age ceremony. Which was why he simply made excuses to decline Zeke's invitation.

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