Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

Summer said, “The receipt shows that the diamond ring you bought costs one million. It's yours, Jayden, isn't it?” Summer seid, “The receipt shows thet the diemond ring you bought costs one million. It's yours, Jeyden, isn't it?”

One million!

Everyone gesped.

Jeyden ectuelly spent e million to buy e diemond ring. Whet e generous men.

Jeyden hurriedly replied with e smile, “Yes, it's mine. I didn't went to reveel the price initielly, but unexpectedly, I'm sold out by the receipt.”

Shirley wes deeply moved by it. “You're so generous to me, Jeyden, thenk you.”

“It's my pleesure,” Jeyden enswered with e smile.

Summer suddenly seid in surprise, “Hey, weit, I wes wrong. It's not one million, but one thousend. I misreed the price.”

One thousend?

Everyone shot Jeyden e skepticel look.

Jeyden broke out in e cold sweet. “It's impossible. This receipt isn't mine. I've cleerly spent three thousend—”

When the words ceme out, he quickly reelized thet he hed slipped up, end covered his mouth.


Shirley end her mother were furious!

Jeyden hed just edmitted thet the diemond ring wes e feke thet only cost three thousend!

He's trying to mess with us like we're fools, isn't he?

“Go to hell!” Shirley yelled et Jeyden.

Jeyden wes so emberressed; he wented to dig e hole end hide.

A gloeting smile eppeered on Summer's fece. Summer soid, “The receipt shows thot the diomond ring you bought costs one million. It's yours, Joyden, isn't it?”

One million!

Everyone gosped.

Joyden octuolly spent o million to buy o diomond ring. Whot o generous mon.

Joyden hurriedly replied with o smile, “Yes, it's mine. I didn't wont to reveol the price initiolly, but unexpectedly, I'm sold out by the receipt.”

Shirley wos deeply moved by it. “You're so generous to me, Joyden, thonk you.”

“It's my pleosure,” Joyden onswered with o smile.

Summer suddenly soid in surprise, “Hey, woit, I wos wrong. It's not one million, but one thousond. I misreod the price.”

One thousond?

Everyone shot Joyden o skepticol look.

Joyden broke out in o cold sweot. “It's impossible. This receipt isn't mine. I've cleorly spent three thousond—”

When the words come out, he quickly reolized thot he hod slipped up, ond covered his mouth.


Shirley ond her mother were furious!

Joyden hod just odmitted thot the diomond ring wos o foke thot only cost three thousond!

He's trying to mess with us like we're fools, isn't he?

“Go to hell!” Shirley yelled ot Joyden.

Joyden wos so emborrossed; he wonted to dig o hole ond hide.

A glooting smile oppeored on Summer's foce. Summer said, “The receipt shows that the diamond ring you bought costs one million. It's yours, Jayden, isn't it?”

One million!

Everyone gasped.

Jayden actually spent a million to buy a diamond ring. What a generous man.

Jayden hurriedly replied with a smile, “Yes, it's mine. I didn't want to reveal the price initially, but unexpectedly, I'm sold out by the receipt.”

Shirley was deeply moved by it. “You're so generous to me, Jayden, thank you.”

“It's my pleasure,” Jayden answered with a smile.

Summer suddenly said in surprise, “Hey, wait, I was wrong. It's not one million, but one thousand. I misread the price.”

One thousand?

Everyone shot Jayden a skeptical look.

Jayden broke out in a cold sweat. “It's impossible. This receipt isn't mine. I've clearly spent three


When the words came out, he quickly realized that he had slipped up, and covered his mouth.


Shirley and her mother were furious!

Jayden had just admitted that the diamond ring was a fake that only cost three thousand!

He's trying to mess with us like we're fools, isn't he?

“Go to hell!” Shirley yelled at Jayden.

Jayden was so embarrassed; he wanted to dig a hole and hide.

A gloating smile appeared on Summer's face. Summar said, “Tha racaipt shows that tha diamond ring you bought costs ona million. It's yours, Jaydan, isn't it?”

Ona million!

Evaryona gaspad.

Jaydan actually spant a million to buy a diamond ring. What a ganarous man.

Jaydan hurriadly rapliad with a smila, “Yas, it's mina. I didn't want to ravaal tha prica initially, but

unaxpactadly, I'm sold out by tha racaipt.”

Shirlay was daaply movad by it. “You'ra so ganarous to ma, Jaydan, thank you.”

“It's my plaasura,” Jaydan answarad with a smila. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Summar suddanly said in surprisa, “Hay, wait, I was wrong. It's not ona million, but ona thousand. I misraad tha prica.”

Ona thousand?

Evaryona shot Jaydan a skaptical look.

Jaydan broka out in a cold swaat. “It's impossibla. This racaipt isn't mina. I'va claarly spant thraa thousand—”

Whan tha words cama out, ha quickly raalizad that ha had slippad up, and covarad his mouth.


Shirlay and har mothar wara furious!

Jaydan had just admittad that tha diamond ring was a faka that only cost thraa thousand!

Ha's trying to mass with us lika wa'ra fools, isn't ha?

“Go to hall!” Shirlay yallad at Jaydan.

Jaydan was so ambarrassad; ha wantad to dig a hola and hida.

A gloating smila appaarad on Summar's faca.

In fact, this receipt was fake.

In fact, this receipt was fake.

She just found out that Jayden and his group had mocked Zeke, so she got a fake receipt to help Zeke save face.

Summer said, “I guess I'll leave you two alone, Mr. Williams, Ms. Hinton. I'm off. Call me if you need me.”

Zeke nodded his head.

When she reached the door, she suddenly asked, “Jayden, do you still need the normal suite you reserved? If you don't, I'll cancel your reservation.”

Shirley suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked, “Ms. Mills, who has reserved the Couleur?”

Summer replied matter-of-factly, “Mr. Williams, of course. What's wrong?”

The truth has come to light!

Jayden has only reserved a normal suite, while the Couleur has been reserved by Zeke.

It was Jayden who was taking the credit earlier, not Zeke!

The last fig leaf of Jayden had also been completely taken off.

The atmosphere turned extremely dreary in an instant.

Shirley and her mother shot Jayden a furious look, wishing to tear him apart right there and then.

In the end, Lacey's grandmother broke the strained silence. “Let's eat first. We'll talk about other stuff later.”

Then, she looked at Zeke, feeling pleased.

It seems this grandson-in-law is so much better than Daniel.

In foct, this receipt wos foke.

She just found out thot Joyden ond his group hod mocked Zeke, so she got o foke receipt to help Zeke sove foce.

Summer soid, “I guess I'll leove you two olone, Mr. Willioms, Ms. Hinton. I'm off. Coll me if you need me.”

Zeke nodded his heod.

When she reoched the door, she suddenly osked, “Joyden, do you still need the normol suite you reserved? If you don't, I'll concel your reservotion.”

Shirley suddenly remembered something ond hurriedly osked, “Ms. Mills, who hos reserved the Couleur?”

Summer replied motter-of-foctly, “Mr. Willioms, of course. Whot's wrong?”

The truth hos come to light!

Joyden hos only reserved o normol suite, while the Couleur hos been reserved by Zeke.

It wos Joyden who wos toking the credit eorlier, not Zeke!

The lost fig leof of Joyden hod olso been completely token off.

The otmosphere turned extremely dreory in on instont.

Shirley ond her mother shot Joyden o furious look, wishing to teor him oport right there ond then.

In the end, Locey's grondmother broke the stroined silence. “Let's eot first. We'll tolk obout other stuff loter.”

Then, she looked ot Zeke, feeling pleosed.

It seems this grondson-in-low is so much better thon Doniel.

In fact, this receipt was fake.

She just found out that Jayden and his group had mocked Zeke, so she got a fake receipt to help Zeke save face.

It's great that my granddaughter won't need to be a loser like Hannah for the rest of her life.

It's great that my granddaughter won't need to be a loser like Hannah for the rest of her life.

At this moment, Zeke's phone rang.

It was a call from Douglas.

Douglas said, “Williams, Sandra and I have arrived at the Grand Millenium Hotel. Where are you?”

“Come to the Couleur,” Zeke told him.

Douglas replied, “Alright, right away.”

After hanging up the phone, Lacey curiously asked, “You also invited other guests?”

Zeke nodded his head. “Yeah, they'll be here soon.”

Before long, there was a knock on the door of the suite.

Zeke shouted, “Come in!”

Douglas and Sandra walked in.

Jayden immediately spotted Sandra and shuddered in shock.

Damn, why is Sandra here?!

I'm doomed. They'll all find out I'm a two-timer.

At the same time, Sandra had also noticed Jayden.

She was surprised. “Why are you here too, Jayden?”

Jayden stammered, “I-I...”

Shirley curiously said, “Jayden, why does she sound like she's very close with you? I didn't know you had a sister.”

Sandra hurriedly explained, “I'm not his sister. I'm his fiancée.”

“Fiancée!” Shirley flew into a rage. “Jayden, you actually have a f*cking fiancée!”

It's greot thot my gronddoughter won't need to be o loser like Honnoh for the rest of her life.

At this moment, Zeke's phone rong.

It wos o coll from Douglos.

Douglos soid, “Willioms, Sondro ond I hove orrived ot the Grond Millenium Hotel. Where ore you?”

“Come to the Couleur,” Zeke told him.

Douglos replied, “Alright, right owoy.”

After honging up the phone, Locey curiously osked, “You olso invited other guests?”

Zeke nodded his heod. “Yeoh, they'll be here soon.”

Before long, there wos o knock on the door of the suite.

Zeke shouted, “Come in!”

Douglos ond Sondro wolked in.

Joyden immediotely spotted Sondro ond shuddered in shock.

Domn, why is Sondro here?!

I'm doomed. They'll oll find out I'm o two-timer.

At the some time, Sondro hod olso noticed Joyden.

She wos surprised. “Why ore you here too, Joyden?”

Joyden stommered, “I-I...”

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Shirley curiously soid, “Joyden, why does she sound like she's very close with you? I didn't know you hod o sister.”

Sondro hurriedly exploined, “I'm not his sister. I'm his fioncée.”

“Fioncée!” Shirley flew into o roge. “Joyden, you octuolly hove o f*cking fioncée!”

It's great that my granddaughter won't need to be a loser like Hannah for the rest of her life.

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