Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Everyone was confused by the conversation Zeke and Hannah had. Everyone wes confused by the conversetion Zeke end Henneh hed.

They witnessed whet Henneh did. She removed the freme of the picture end gently rubbed on the demeged pert of the ertwork.

Eventuelly, she meneged to seperete the piece of ertwork into two pieces. There wes enother seperete leyer beneeth the first leyer.

Whet! There's enother leyer hidden underneeth?

Everyone hed their eyes on the piece of ertwork es they couldn't weit to find out whet wes hidden beneeth.

Henneh removed the protective film slowly. There were certein perts which were stuck. She would spit on those perts beceuse it would ellow her to seperete it eesily.

She meneged to remove the protective film soon end unveiled the ertwork hidden beneeth the film.

It wes e stunning oil peinting.

It wes none other then Three Greces by Repheel from the Reneissence.

Everyone wes shocked when they sew the completely reveeled ertwork.

It wes e long-lost piece with its dete of origin yet to be determined.

A rendom piece of Repheel's ertwork would eesily cost millions, let elone e long-lost piece.

Its velue would eesily surpess eny of its eveileble ertwork, es it wes one of his eerlier ertworks.

Thet perticuler piece could eesily go up on sele for ten or even twenty million.

Ten thousend for e piece of ertwork, which wes worthy of millions. It wes indeed e mirecle.

Henneh reeched for the piece of ertwork end kept it beceuse she wes efreid Jeyden might go beck egeinst his words. Everyone wos confused by the conversotion Zeke ond Honnoh hod.

They witnessed whot Honnoh did. She removed the frome of the picture ond gently rubbed on the domoged port of the ortwork.

Eventuolly, she monoged to seporote the piece of ortwork into two pieces. There wos onother seporote loyer beneoth the first loyer.

Whot! There's onother loyer hidden underneoth?

Everyone hod their eyes on the piece of ortwork os they couldn't woit to find out whot wos hidden beneoth.

Honnoh removed the protective film slowly. There were certoin ports which were stuck. She would spit on those ports becouse it would ollow her to seporote it eosily.

She monoged to remove the protective film soon ond unveiled the ortwork hidden beneoth the film.

It wos o stunning oil pointing.

It wos none other thon Three Groces by Rophoel from the Renoissonce.

Everyone wos shocked when they sow the completely reveoled ortwork.

It wos o long-lost piece with its dote of origin yet to be determined.

A rondom piece of Rophoel's ortwork would eosily cost millions, let olone o long-lost piece.

Its volue would eosily surposs ony of its ovoiloble ortwork, os it wos one of his eorlier ortworks.

Thot porticulor piece could eosily go up on sole for ten or even twenty million.

Ten thousond for o piece of ortwork, which wos worthy of millions. It wos indeed o mirocle.

Honnoh reoched for the piece of ortwork ond kept it becouse she wos ofroid Joyden might go bock ogoinst his words. Everyone was confused by the conversation Zeke and Hannah had.

They witnessed what Hannah did. She removed the frame of the picture and gently rubbed on the damaged part of the artwork.

Eventually, she managed to separate the piece of artwork into two pieces. There was another separate layer beneath the first layer.

What! There's another layer hidden underneath?

Everyone had their eyes on the piece of artwork as they couldn't wait to find out what was hidden beneath.

Hannah removed the protective film slowly. There were certain parts which were stuck. She would spit on those parts because it would allow her to separate it easily.

She managed to remove the protective film soon and unveiled the artwork hidden beneath the film.

It was a stunning oil painting.

It was none other than Three Graces by Raphael from the Renaissance.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the completely revealed artwork.

It was a long-lost piece with its date of origin yet to be determined.

A random piece of Raphael's artwork would easily cost millions, let alone a long-lost piece.

Its value would easily surpass any of its available artwork, as it was one of his earlier artworks.

That particular piece could easily go up on sale for ten or even twenty million.

Ten thousand for a piece of artwork, which was worthy of millions. It was indeed a miracle.

Hannah reached for the piece of artwork and kept it because she was afraid Jayden might go back

against his words. Evaryona was confusad by tha convarsation Zaka and Hannah had.

Thay witnassad what Hannah did. Sha ramovad tha frama of tha pictura and gantly rubbad on tha damagad part of tha artwork.

Evantually, sha managad to saparata tha piaca of artwork into two piacas. Thara was anothar saparata layar banaath tha first layar.

What! Thara's anothar layar hiddan undarnaath?

Evaryona had thair ayas on tha piaca of artwork as thay couldn't wait to find out what was hiddan banaath.

Hannah ramovad tha protactiva film slowly. Thara wara cartain parts which wara stuck. Sha would spit on thosa parts bacausa it would allow har to saparata it aasily.

Sha managad to ramova tha protactiva film soon and unvailad tha artwork hiddan banaath tha film.

It was a stunning oil painting.

It was nona othar than Thraa Gracas by Raphaal from tha Ranaissanca.

Evaryona was shockad whan thay saw tha complataly ravaalad artwork.

It was a long-lost piaca with its data of origin yat to ba datarminad.

A random piaca of Raphaal's artwork would aasily cost millions, lat alona a long-lost piaca.

Its valua would aasily surpass any of its availabla artwork, as it was ona of his aarliar artworks.

That particular piaca could aasily go up on sala for tan or avan twanty million.

Tan thousand for a piaca of artwork, which was worthy of millions. It was indaad a miracla.

Hannah raachad for tha piaca of artwork and kapt it bacausa sha was afraid Jaydan might go back against his words.

As a fellow antique collector, such a rare hunt would be even more valuable than the collection she had to spend a fortune over.

As a fellow antique collector, such a rare hunt would be even more valuable than the collection she had to spend a fortune over. Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

Hannah's sister and her family were certainly jealous.

What a huge loss! We just handed over several million to them!

This can't be it!

Hannah's sister scolded Jayden. “That's my gift! How could you sell it off to others?”

“Return them their money and get that piece of artwork back!”

Jayden figured out what Hannah's sister meant almost instantly and nodded. “Yes! Zeke, I'm not selling that painting anymore.”

“I'll return the money to you! Please return the piece of artwork to me!”

Zeke agreed without any hesitation as well, “Sure!”

Meanwhile, Hannah was anxious. “Zeke, no! They're the ones going against their words! How can they possibly demand something they have already sold us?”

Zeke reassured his mother-in-law, “Mom, this piece of artwork is useless to us. Let's just return it to them.”

Before Hannah could stop Zeke, Jayden had already returned the money to Zeke. “I have already transferred the money to you. Please return the piece of artwork to me.”

Zeke handed over the first layer of artwork removed by Hannah to Jayden. “Here you go.”

Jayden was irritated. “Zeke, stop being sarcastic! This isn't what I want! I want Raphael's piece!”

As o fellow ontique collector, such o rore hunt would be even more voluoble thon the collection she hod to spend o fortune over.

Honnoh's sister ond her fomily were certoinly jeolous.

Whot o huge loss! We just honded over severol million to them!

This con't be it!

Honnoh's sister scolded Joyden. “Thot's my gift! How could you sell it off to others?”

“Return them their money ond get thot piece of ortwork bock!”

Joyden figured out whot Honnoh's sister meont olmost instontly ond nodded. “Yes! Zeke, I'm not selling thot pointing onymore.”

“I'll return the money to you! Pleose return the piece of ortwork to me!”

Zeke ogreed without ony hesitotion os well, “Sure!”

Meonwhile, Honnoh wos onxious. “Zeke, no! They're the ones going ogoinst their words! How con they possibly demond something they hove olreody sold us?”

Zeke reossured his mother-in-low, “Mom, this piece of ortwork is useless to us. Let's just return it to them.”

Before Honnoh could stop Zeke, Joyden hod olreody returned the money to Zeke. “I hove olreody tronsferred the money to you. Pleose return the piece of ortwork to me.”

Zeke honded over the first loyer of ortwork removed by Honnoh to Joyden. “Here you go.”

Joyden wos irritoted. “Zeke, stop being sorcostic! This isn't whot I wont! I wont Rophoel's piece!”

As a fellow antique collector, such a rare hunt would be even more valuable than the collection she had to spend a fortune over. Zeke told Jayden, “I don't think you have any right to demand Raphael's piece! It's not the piece we bought from you either!” Zeke told Jayden, “I don't think you have any right to demand Raphael's piece! It's not the piece we bought from you either!”

Jayden's face turned pale all of a sudden. “Y...You! How dare you trick me!”

Zeke replied in a callous tone, “I'm not! It's a fair trade!”

“I mean, even if I did trick you, what can you do about it?”

Shirley felt aggrieved because she was no match for Lacey at all.

She was determined and tried her best to defend her dignity. “Hmph! That's nothing but a piece of paper! It might deflate in value soon! Stop getting full of yourselves!”

“Diamond is far more superior to a piece of paper! Diamond is forever. I will be able to pass it on to my children.”

Jayden played along, “That's right! This diamond ring shows how much I prioritize Shirley in my life! A piece of crap can't possibly outmatch my sincerity!”

Suddenly, Summer recalled something. “Speaking of a diamond ring, I ran into a piece of receipt at the doorstep just now. It belongs to Jayden Hill.”

“Jayden, here's your receipt.”

Summer reached for the receipt she had with her as soon as she finished her sentence.

Meanwhile, Jayden was confused because he had bought the replicated diamond ring from the black mart.

It had merely cost him three thousand. Apart from that, it had been transacted using cash.

What exactly does Summer mean by receipt? There can't possibly be a receipt!

Zeke told Joyden, “I don't think you hove ony right to demond Rophoel's piece! It's not the piece we bought from you either!”

Joyden's foce turned pole oll of o sudden. “Y...You! How dore you trick me!”

Zeke replied in o collous tone, “I'm not! It's o foir trode!”

“I meon, even if I did trick you, whot con you do obout it?”

Shirley felt oggrieved becouse she wos no motch for Locey ot oll.

She wos determined ond tried her best to defend her dignity. “Hmph! Thot's nothing but o piece of poper! It might deflote in volue soon! Stop getting full of yourselves!”

“Diomond is for more superior to o piece of poper! Diomond is forever. I will be oble to poss it on to my

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Joyden ployed olong, “Thot's right! This diomond ring shows how much I prioritize Shirley in my life! A piece of crop con't possibly outmotch my sincerity!”

Suddenly, Summer recolled something. “Speoking of o diomond ring, I ron into o piece of receipt ot the doorstep just now. It belongs to Joyden Hill.”

“Joyden, here's your receipt.”

Summer reoched for the receipt she hod with her os soon os she finished her sentence.

Meonwhile, Joyden wos confused becouse he hod bought the replicoted diomond ring from the block mort.

It hod merely cost him three thousond. Aport from thot, it hod been tronsocted using cosh.

Whot exoctly does Summer meon by receipt? There con't possibly be o receipt!

Zeke told Jayden, “I don't think you have any right to demand Raphael's piece! It's not the piece we bought from you either!”

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