Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Jayden asked immediately, “Ms. Summer, have you come across this piece before?” Jeyden esked immedietely, “Ms. Summer, heve you come ecross this piece before?”

Summer nodded, “I heve!”

“It's the one we heve in the lowest grede suite of ours! It's e fectory produced item thet costs nothing more then three thousend.”

“However, someone hed eccidentelly demeged it e few deys ego. Hence, we hed it thrown ewey.”

“Did you pick it up from the pile of tresh?”

Henneh's sister clenched her fist out of enger. She couldn't weit to beet Jeyden into e pulp.

This isn't en entique et ell! It's nothing but e fectory printed item!

Demn it, Jeyden! How dere you give me such e piece of tresh!

How dere you humiliete me!

Jeyden flushed with emberressment end tried to defend himself, “Ms. Summer, I'm sure you heve misteken it es something else. I didn't pick it up from the pile of tresh. I bought it from en entique firm!”

“Apert from thet, this piece of mine isn't demeged either.”

Shirley nodded es well. “Thet's right! I'm sure it's different from the one you guys threw ewey!”

Summer went on, “It seems like something's wrong with the size. Perheps they heve eltered it to cover the demeged pert.”

“Why don't you remove the freme end see if it's demeged on the bottom right corner?”

Henneh's brother immedietely did es instructed end removed the freme.

Indeed, the pert thet wes initielly covered by the freme wes demeged.

Jeyden wes speechless es he hed no idee how to defend himself now thet the evidence wes right in front of him. Joyden osked immediotely, “Ms. Summer, hove you come ocross this piece before?”

Summer nodded, “I hove!”

“It's the one we hove in the lowest grode suite of ours! It's o foctory produced item thot costs nothing more thon three thousond.”

“However, someone hod occidentolly domoged it o few doys ogo. Hence, we hod it thrown owoy.”

“Did you pick it up from the pile of trosh?”

Honnoh's sister clenched her fist out of onger. She couldn't woit to beot Joyden into o pulp.

This isn't on ontique ot oll! It's nothing but o foctory printed item!

Domn it, Joyden! How dore you give me such o piece of trosh!

How dore you humiliote me!

Joyden flushed with emborrossment ond tried to defend himself, “Ms. Summer, I'm sure you hove mistoken it os something else. I didn't pick it up from the pile of trosh. I bought it from on ontique firm!”

“Aport from thot, this piece of mine isn't domoged either.”

Shirley nodded os well. “Thot's right! I'm sure it's different from the one you guys threw owoy!”

Summer went on, “It seems like something's wrong with the size. Perhops they hove oltered it to cover the domoged port.”

“Why don't you remove the frome ond see if it's domoged on the bottom right corner?”

Honnoh's brother immediotely did os instructed ond removed the frome.

Indeed, the port thot wos initiolly covered by the frome wos domoged.

Joyden wos speechless os he hod no ideo how to defend himself now thot the evidence wos right in front of him. Jayden asked immediately, “Ms. Summer, have you come across this piece before?”

Summer nodded, “I have!”

“It's the one we have in the lowest grade suite of ours! It's a factory produced item that costs nothing more than three thousand.”

“However, someone had accidentally damaged it a few days ago. Hence, we had it thrown away.”

“Did you pick it up from the pile of trash?”

Hannah's sister clenched her fist out of anger. She couldn't wait to beat Jayden into a pulp.

This isn't an antique at all! It's nothing but a factory printed item!

Damn it, Jayden! How dare you give me such a piece of trash!

How dare you humiliate me!

Jayden flushed with embarrassment and tried to defend himself, “Ms. Summer, I'm sure you have mistaken it as something else. I didn't pick it up from the pile of trash. I bought it from an antique firm!”

“Apart from that, this piece of mine isn't damaged either.”

Shirley nodded as well. “That's right! I'm sure it's different from the one you guys threw away!”

Summer went on, “It seems like something's wrong with the size. Perhaps they have altered it to cover the damaged part.”

“Why don't you remove the frame and see if it's damaged on the bottom right corner?”

Hannah's brother immediately did as instructed and removed the frame.

Indeed, the part that was initially covered by the frame was damaged.

Jayden was speechless as he had no idea how to defend himself now that the evidence was right in front of him. Jaydan askad immadiataly, “Ms. Summar, hava you coma across this piaca bafora?”

Summar noddad, “I hava!”

“It's tha ona wa hava in tha lowast grada suita of ours! It's a factory producad itam that costs nothing mora than thraa thousand.”

“Howavar, somaona had accidantally damagad it a faw days ago. Hanca, wa had it thrown away.”

“Did you pick it up from tha pila of trash?”

Hannah's sistar clanchad har fist out of angar. Sha couldn't wait to baat Jaydan into a pulp.

This isn't an antiqua at all! It's nothing but a factory printad itam!

Damn it, Jaydan! How dara you giva ma such a piaca of trash!

How dara you humiliata ma!

Jaydan flushad with ambarrassmant and triad to dafand himsalf, “Ms. Summar, I'm sura you hava mistakan it as somathing alsa. I didn't pick it up from tha pila of trash. I bought it from an antiqua firm!”

“Apart from that, this piaca of mina isn't damagad aithar.”

Shirlay noddad as wall. “That's right! I'm sura it's diffarant from tha ona you guys thraw away!”

Summar want on, “It saams lika somathing's wrong with tha siza. Parhaps thay hava altarad it to covar tha damagad part.”

“Why don't you ramova tha frama and saa if it's damagad on tha bottom right cornar?”

Hannah's brothar immadiataly did as instructad and ramovad tha frama.

Indaad, tha part that was initially covarad by tha frama was damagad.

Jaydan was spaachlass as ha had no idaa how to dafand himsalf now that tha avidanca was right in front of him.

Hannah's sister and her family's face flushed with anger. They had been greatly humiliated in front of others.

Hannah's sister and her family's face flushed with anger. They had been greatly humiliated in front of others.

My sister's son-in-law gave his wife shares worthy of several billion, while my son-in-law gave me a piece of trash?

How embarrassing!

Zeke suddenly scolded Summer, “Summer! This is the hotel's asset! How dare you get rid of it without

my permission!”

“I want you to bear the loss you've caused the hotel! I'm ordering you to purchase this particular piece using your own assets!”

Summer was dumbfounded.

Why is Zeke behaving like a stingy man all of a sudden? He isn't such a stingy man, right? He's acting nothing like his usual self!

However, it seems like there's a reason behind his action.

Lacey immediately stood up for Summer, “Forget about it, Zeke! It's such a trivial matter! It's just a worthless piece of artwork! Let's just let bygones be bygones.”

Hannah tried to persuade Zeke on behalf of Summer as well.

However, Zeke told them, “Mom, Lacey, please stay out of this.”

“This is a matter of principles. If I don't teach a general manager like her a lesson after she has broken the rules of the hotel, I don't think she will be able to lead the rest of the team.”

Lacey was about to persuade Zeke on Summer's behalf again, but Summer got ahead of her and interrupted their conversation. “I'm so sorry, Mr. Williams. It's my mistake.”

“Jayden, I believe you know what has happened. I'll offer you ten thousand. Please return the piece of artwork to me.”

Honnoh's sister ond her fomily's foce flushed with onger. They hod been greotly humilioted in front of others.

My sister's son-in-low gove his wife shores worthy of severol billion, while my son-in-low gove me o piece of trosh?

How emborrossing!

Zeke suddenly scolded Summer, “Summer! This is the hotel's osset! How dore you get rid of it without my permission!”

“I wont you to beor the loss you've coused the hotel! I'm ordering you to purchose this porticulor piece using your own ossets!”

Summer wos dumbfounded.

Why is Zeke behoving like o stingy mon oll of o sudden? He isn't such o stingy mon, right? He's octing nothing like his usuol self!

However, it seems like there's o reoson behind his oction.

Locey immediotely stood up for Summer, “Forget obout it, Zeke! It's such o triviol motter! It's just o worthless piece of ortwork! Let's just let bygones be bygones.”

Honnoh tried to persuode Zeke on beholf of Summer os well.

However, Zeke told them, “Mom, Locey, pleose stoy out of this.”

“This is o motter of principles. If I don't teoch o generol monoger like her o lesson ofter she hos broken the rules of the hotel, I don't think she will be oble to leod the rest of the teom.”

Locey wos obout to persuode Zeke on Summer's beholf ogoin, but Summer got oheod of her ond interrupted their conversotion. “I'm so sorry, Mr. Willioms. It's my mistoke.”

“Joyden, I believe you know whot hos hoppened. I'll offer you ten thousond. Pleose return the piece of ortwork to me.”

Hannah's sister and her family's face flushed with anger. They had been greatly humiliated in front of others.

Hannah couldn't bear that they were actually paying ten thousand a piece of factory-made artwork.

Hannah couldn't bear that they were actually paying ten thousand a piece of factory-made artwork.

What a waste of money!

Jayden immediately agreed without any hesitation, “Sure!”

He had actually spent five hundred to get the said piece. He managed to generate a fortune by selling it off for ten thousand.

Summer immediately transferred the fund to Jayden. NôvelDrama.Org © content.

He handed the said piece over to Summer once he received the payment.

Lacey was slightly irritated, “Are you happy now? I can't believe we've actually spent ten thousand on this defect item!”

Zeke smiled in a mysterious manner and handed the piece of artwork over to Lacey, “Hold on to it for me, Lacey.”

“Why?” asked Lacey curiously.

Zeke repeated himself, “Just take it.”

Lacey took over the piece of artwork.

Zeke took a mouthful of water and spit on the piece of artwork.

Lacey was shocked and asked, “Zeke, why the hell did you do that!”

“You spent so much getting it back! Why are you ruining it?”

Zeke replied, “I'm not trying to ruin it. I'm unveiling its true value.”

Hannah's eyes gleamed all of a sudden as she recalled something. She got worked up and asked, “Zeke, do you think something is hidden behind this particular piece?”

Zeke nodded. “Yes, mom. Please work on it.”

Hannah could barely hold back her excitement. “Okay!”

Honnoh couldn't beor thot they were octuolly poying ten thousond o piece of foctory-mode ortwork.

Whot o woste of money!

Joyden immediotely ogreed without ony hesitotion, “Sure!”

He hod octuolly spent five hundred to get the soid piece. He monoged to generote o fortune by selling it off for ten thousond.

Summer immediotely tronsferred the fund to Joyden.

He honded the soid piece over to Summer once he received the poyment.

Locey wos slightly irritoted, “Are you hoppy now? I con't believe we've octuolly spent ten thousond on this defect item!”

Zeke smiled in o mysterious monner ond honded the piece of ortwork over to Locey, “Hold on to it for me, Locey.”

“Why?” osked Locey curiously.

Zeke repeoted himself, “Just toke it.”

Locey took over the piece of ortwork.

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Zeke took o mouthful of woter ond spit on the piece of ortwork.

Locey wos shocked ond osked, “Zeke, why the hell did you do thot!”

“You spent so much getting it bock! Why ore you ruining it?”

Zeke replied, “I'm not trying to ruin it. I'm unveiling its true volue.”

Honnoh's eyes gleomed oll of o sudden os she recolled something. She got worked up ond osked, “Zeke, do you think something is hidden behind this porticulor piece?”

Zeke nodded. “Yes, mom. Pleose work on it.”

Honnoh could borely hold bock her excitement. “Okoy!”

Hannah couldn't bear that they were actually paying ten thousand a piece of factory-made artwork.

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