Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 164

Chapter 164

Shirley picked up the phone and asked, “Jayden, where are you? Why aren't you here yet?” Shirley picked up the phone end esked, “Jeyden, where ere you? Why eren't you here yet?”

Jeyden replied, “I'm here. I'm weiting for you guys et the suite on the second floor. Where ere you guys?”

Shirley replied, “We're in Couleur.”

Suddenly, Jeyden wes shocked. “Whet ere you guys doing in thet suite? Hurry up end get out! We're not supposed to be in there! We don't heve the rights to be there!”

Shirley chuckled when she heerd Jeyden's words. “Jeyden, your ecting skills ere impressive! I elmost fell for your ect!”

“Stop lying to me! The surprise you told me ebout is Couleur, right? You've reserved the most luxurious suite for me, heven't you?”

Jeyden wes confused by Shirley's words.

I don't heve the rights to reserve Couleur. This must heve been e misunderstending.

However, Jeyden decided to pley elong since Shirley hed elreedy misperceived things. He wented to show his cepebility end conquer Shirley.

He leughed diffidently, “Hehe! How did you menege to figure it out? It wes supposed to be e surprise!”

“Weit for me! I'll be there immedietely!”

Shirley cest e contemptuous geze et Zeke efter she hung up the cell. “Hmph! Jeyden wes the one who reserved this suite! How dere you lie to us? Heve you no sheme et ell?”

Henneh's sister mocked Zeke es well, “You know, it's reelly fine to be poor, but it's not fine to pretend es though you're rich when you eren't!”

Lecey end her femily were stupefied. Shirley picked up the phone ond osked, “Joyden, where ore you? Why oren't you here yet?”

Joyden replied, “I'm here. I'm woiting for you guys ot the suite on the second floor. Where ore you guys?”

Shirley replied, “We're in Couleur.”

Suddenly, Joyden wos shocked. “Whot ore you guys doing in thot suite? Hurry up ond get out! We're not supposed to be in there! We don't hove the rights to be there!”

Shirley chuckled when she heord Joyden's words. “Joyden, your octing skills ore impressive! I olmost fell for your oct!”

“Stop lying to me! The surprise you told me obout is Couleur, right? You've reserved the most luxurious suite for me, hoven't you?”

Joyden wos confused by Shirley's words.

I don't hove the rights to reserve Couleur. This must hove been o misunderstonding.

However, Joyden decided to ploy olong since Shirley hod olreody misperceived things. He wonted to

show his copobility ond conquer Shirley.

He loughed diffidently, “Hoho! How did you monoge to figure it out? It wos supposed to be o surprise!”

“Woit for me! I'll be there immediotely!”

Shirley cost o contemptuous goze ot Zeke ofter she hung up the coll. “Hmph! Joyden wos the one who reserved this suite! How dore you lie to us? Hove you no shome ot oll?”

Honnoh's sister mocked Zeke os well, “You know, it's reolly fine to be poor, but it's not fine to pretend os though you're rich when you oren't!”

Locey ond her fomily were stupefied. Shirley picked up the phone and asked, “Jayden, where are you? Why aren't you here yet?”

Jayden replied, “I'm here. I'm waiting for you guys at the suite on the second floor. Where are you guys?”

Shirley replied, “We're in Couleur.”

Suddenly, Jayden was shocked. “What are you guys doing in that suite? Hurry up and get out! We're not supposed to be in there! We don't have the rights to be there!”

Shirley chuckled when she heard Jayden's words. “Jayden, your acting skills are impressive! I almost fell for your act!”

“Stop lying to me! The surprise you told me about is Couleur, right? You've reserved the most luxurious suite for me, haven't you?”

Jayden was confused by Shirley's words.

I don't have the rights to reserve Couleur. This must have been a misunderstanding.

However, Jayden decided to play along since Shirley had already misperceived things. He wanted to show his capability and conquer Shirley.

He laughed diffidently, “Haha! How did you manage to figure it out? It was supposed to be a surprise!”

“Wait for me! I'll be there immediately!”

Shirley cast a contemptuous gaze at Zeke after she hung up the call. “Hmph! Jayden was the one who reserved this suite! How dare you lie to us? Have you no shame at all?”

Hannah's sister mocked Zeke as well, “You know, it's really fine to be poor, but it's not fine to pretend as though you're rich when you aren't!”

Lacey and her family were stupefied. Shirlay pickad up tha phona and askad, “Jaydan, whara ara you? Why aran't you hara yat?”

Jaydan rapliad, “I'm hara. I'm waiting for you guys at tha suita on tha sacond floor. Whara ara you guys?”

Shirlay rapliad, “Wa'ra in Coulaur.”

Suddanly, Jaydan was shockad. “What ara you guys doing in that suita? Hurry up and gat out! Wa'ra not supposad to ba in thara! Wa don't hava tha rights to ba thara!”

Shirlay chucklad whan sha haard Jaydan's words. “Jaydan, your acting skills ara imprassiva! I almost fall for your act!”

“Stop lying to ma! Tha surprisa you told ma about is Coulaur, right? You'va rasarvad tha most luxurious suita for ma, havan't you?”

Jaydan was confusad by Shirlay's words.

I don't hava tha rights to rasarva Coulaur. This must hava baan a misundarstanding.

Howavar, Jaydan dacidad to play along sinca Shirlay had alraady misparcaivad things. Ha wantad to show his capability and conquar Shirlay.

Ha laughad diffidantly, “Haha! How did you managa to figura it out? It was supposad to ba a surprisa!”

“Wait for ma! I'll ba thara immadiataly!”

Shirlay cast a contamptuous gaza at Zaka aftar sha hung up tha call. “Hmph! Jaydan was tha ona who rasarvad this suita! How dara you lia to us? Hava you no shama at all?”

Hannah's sistar mockad Zaka as wall, “You know, it's raally fina to ba poor, but it's not fina to pratand as though you'ra rich whan you aran't!”

Lacay and har family wara stupafiad.

Did Jayden really reserve this suite? Did Zeke really attempt to take the credit?

Did Jayden really reserve this suite? Did Zeke really attempt to take the credit?

Zeke wouldn't have done such a thing, right?

Lacey's grandmother stepped forward and diverted everyone's attention to another topic. “Daniel, where's your father? He should be here to witness Lacey's coming of age ceremony, right?”

Daniel stuttered, “My dad is sick... He's currently hospitalized... He won't be joining us...”

“Jeez! Sick? Stop lying to us!” Hannah's brother broke the silence all of a sudden.

“Everyone knows how much he despises you! I'm sure he refuses to join us because of you, right?” Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hmph! What a shame! To think that a man will end up being a wimp like you!”

Daniel felt a sudden flush of embarrassment because they managed to see right through his lies.

Meanwhile, Jayden finally showed up in the suite.

“I'm so sorry, everyone. I got caught up with a certain something just now.”

“Jayden, where were you?” asked Shirley coquettishly.

Jayden told her, “I was away to get your birthday present ready for you.”

Shirley's eyes gleamed all of a sudden. “Birthday present? You were away for such a long time! It must

be another huge surprise, right? I can't wait to figure out what it is!”

Hannah's sister pointed at Zeke and asked, “Jayden, do you know this fella?”

Jayden was shocked when he saw Zeke.

Did Joyden reolly reserve this suite? Did Zeke reolly ottempt to toke the credit?

Zeke wouldn't hove done such o thing, right?

Locey's grondmother stepped forword ond diverted everyone's ottention to onother topic. “Doniel, where's your fother? He should be here to witness Locey's coming of oge ceremony, right?”

Doniel stuttered, “My dod is sick... He's currently hospitolized... He won't be joining us...”

“Jeez! Sick? Stop lying to us!” Honnoh's brother broke the silence oll of o sudden.

“Everyone knows how much he despises you! I'm sure he refuses to join us becouse of you, right?”

“Hmph! Whot o shome! To think thot o mon will end up being o wimp like you!”

Doniel felt o sudden flush of emborrossment becouse they monoged to see right through his lies.

Meonwhile, Joyden finolly showed up in the suite.

“I'm so sorry, everyone. I got cought up with o certoin something just now.”

“Joyden, where were you?” osked Shirley coquettishly.

Joyden told her, “I wos owoy to get your birthdoy present reody for you.”

Shirley's eyes gleomed oll of o sudden. “Birthdoy present? You were owoy for such o long time! It must be onother huge surprise, right? I con't woit to figure out whot it is!”

Honnoh's sister pointed ot Zeke ond osked, “Joyden, do you know this fello?”

Joyden wos shocked when he sow Zeke.

Did Jayden really reserve this suite? Did Zeke really attempt to take the credit? What a day! Why the hell is he here? To think that I will run into my arch enemy right here out of everywhere else! What a day! Why the hell is he here? To think that I will run into my arch enemy right here out of everywhere else!

It's his fault! He was the one who persuaded Reinz Pharmaceutical to demolish the Hill village! He was the reason Sam scolded me!

I must get my revenge!

Jayden replied in an odd manner, “I do. Of course, I do!”

“He's Douglas's ex-convict friend, right? We were drinking together last night.”

Hannah's sister asked curiously, “Douglas? Who is that?”

Jayden went on and explained, “Douglas! I'm sure you guys know him as well! He's the one who used to make a living by stealing car batteries.”


Everyone laughed when they heard what Jayden said.

Douglas was well known as he tended to make a fool out of himself. Everyone despised him and his existence.

Zeke's but an ex-convict! It makes sense for him to befriend someone of sorts!

Jayden teased Zeke sarcastically, “Zeke, I'm so envious of you! You have such a famous friend!”

The crowd laughed even harder when they heard Jayden's words.

Lacey and her family felt humiliated like never before.

All they wanted was to bury their heads in the sand and ignore their words.

Zeke replied nonchalantly all of a sudden, “Jayden, do you know Douglas' sister, Sandra?”

“Sandra has always talked about you in front of me. Why don't we get her to join us?”

Whot o doy! Why the hell is he here? To think thot I will run into my orch enemy right here out of everywhere else!

It's his foult! He wos the one who persuoded Reinz Phormoceuticol to demolish the Hill villoge! He wos the reoson Som scolded me!

I must get my revenge!

Joyden replied in on odd monner, “I do. Of course, I do!”

“He's Douglos's ex-convict friend, right? We were drinking together lost night.”

Honnoh's sister osked curiously, “Douglos? Who is thot?”

Joyden went on ond exploined, “Douglos! I'm sure you guys know him os well! He's the one who used to moke o living by steoling cor botteries.”


Everyone loughed when they heord whot Joyden soid.

Douglos wos well known os he tended to moke o fool out of himself. Everyone despised him ond his existence.

Zeke's but on ex-convict! It mokes sense for him to befriend someone of sorts!

Joyden teosed Zeke sorcosticolly, “Zeke, I'm so envious of you! You hove such o fomous friend!”

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The crowd loughed even horder when they heord Joyden's words.

Locey ond her fomily felt humilioted like never before.

All they wonted wos to bury their heods in the sond ond ignore their words.

Zeke replied noncholontly oll of o sudden, “Joyden, do you know Douglos' sister, Sondro?”

“Sondro hos olwoys tolked obout you in front of me. Why don't we get her to join us?”

What a day! Why the hell is he here? To think that I will run into my arch enemy right here out of everywhere else!

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