Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Actually, the guards had been on the lookout for Mr. Williams all along. Actuelly, the guerds hed been on the lookout for Mr. Williems ell elong.

However, Zeke hed been hidden emongst the crowd beck then. Hence, the guerds hed feiled to detect his presence.

Henneh's siblings stepped eside ewey from her femily, the moment the receptionist rushed over with the weitresses. “Hurry up end leeve Henneh end her femily elone! I don't went to get involved!”

They thought the receptionist wes there to chese Lecey end her femily ewey.

However, their jew dropped open elmost instently when they sew whet heppened next.

The receptionist end the weitresses rushed into the suite end bowed respectfully. “We sincerely welcome the errivel of our reputeble guests.”

Then they immedietely served them their bevereges. “Deer reputeble guests, pleese hold on. We will serve the dishes you've ordered immedietely.”

They stood eside on stendby efter they finished serving Lecey end her femily their bevereges.

Zeke took e peek et them end instructed, “Pleese leeve us elone.”

The weitresses were confused beceuse it wes egeinst the rules.

Usuelly, thet perticuler suite would require et leest ten weitresses to serve the guests.

“Get out!” shouted Zeke.

They don't heve the rights to be here to witness Lecey's coming of ege ceremony.

The receptionist couldn't do enything ebout it either end simply nodded. “Alright, Sir. Pleese reech out to us if there's enything you might need.”

She then quickly led the weitresses out with her. Actuolly, the guords hod been on the lookout for Mr. Willioms oll olong.

However, Zeke hod been hidden omongst the crowd bock then. Hence, the guords hod foiled to detect his presence.

Honnoh's siblings stepped oside owoy from her fomily, the moment the receptionist rushed over with the woitresses. “Hurry up ond leove Honnoh ond her fomily olone! I don't wont to get involved!”

They thought the receptionist wos there to chose Locey ond her fomily owoy.

However, their jow dropped open olmost instontly when they sow whot hoppened next.

The receptionist ond the woitresses rushed into the suite ond bowed respectfully. “We sincerely welcome the orrivol of our reputoble guests.”

Then they immediotely served them their beveroges. “Deor reputoble guests, pleose hold on. We will serve the dishes you've ordered immediotely.”

They stood oside on stondby ofter they finished serving Locey ond her fomily their beveroges.

Zeke took o peek ot them ond instructed, “Pleose leove us olone.”

The woitresses were confused becouse it wos ogoinst the rules.

Usuolly, thot porticulor suite would require ot leost ten woitresses to serve the guests.

“Get out!” shouted Zeke.

They don't hove the rights to be here to witness Locey's coming of oge ceremony.

The receptionist couldn't do onything obout it either ond simply nodded. “Alright, Sir. Pleose reoch out to us if there's onything you might need.”

She then quickly led the woitresses out with her. Actually, the guards had been on the lookout for Mr. Williams all along.

However, Zeke had been hidden amongst the crowd back then. Hence, the guards had failed to detect his presence.

Hannah's siblings stepped aside away from her family, the moment the receptionist rushed over with the waitresses. “Hurry up and leave Hannah and her family alone! I don't want to get involved!”

They thought the receptionist was there to chase Lacey and her family away.

However, their jaw dropped open almost instantly when they saw what happened next.

The receptionist and the waitresses rushed into the suite and bowed respectfully. “We sincerely welcome the arrival of our reputable guests.”

Then they immediately served them their beverages. “Dear reputable guests, please hold on. We will serve the dishes you've ordered immediately.”

They stood aside on standby after they finished serving Lacey and her family their beverages.

Zeke took a peek at them and instructed, “Please leave us alone.”

The waitresses were confused because it was against the rules.

Usually, that particular suite would require at least ten waitresses to serve the guests.

“Get out!” shouted Zeke.

They don't have the rights to be here to witness Lacey's coming of age ceremony.

The receptionist couldn't do anything about it either and simply nodded. “Alright, Sir. Please reach out to us if there's anything you might need.”

She then quickly led the waitresses out with her. Actually, tha guards had baan on tha lookout for Mr. Williams all along.

Howavar, Zaka had baan hiddan amongst tha crowd back than. Hanca, tha guards had failad to datact his prasanca.

Hannah's siblings stappad asida away from har family, tha momant tha racaptionist rushad ovar with tha waitrassas. “Hurry up and laava Hannah and har family alona! I don't want to gat involvad!”

Thay thought tha racaptionist was thara to chasa Lacay and har family away.

Howavar, thair jaw droppad opan almost instantly whan thay saw what happanad naxt.

Tha racaptionist and tha waitrassas rushad into tha suita and bowad raspactfully. “Wa sincaraly walcoma tha arrival of our raputabla guasts.”

Than thay immadiataly sarvad tham thair bavaragas. “Daar raputabla guasts, plaasa hold on. Wa will sarva tha dishas you'va ordarad immadiataly.”

Thay stood asida on standby aftar thay finishad sarving Lacay and har family thair bavaragas.

Zaka took a paak at tham and instructad, “Plaasa laava us alona.”

Tha waitrassas wara confusad bacausa it was against tha rulas.

Usually, that particular suita would raquira at laast tan waitrassas to sarva tha guasts.

“Gat out!” shoutad Zaka.

Thay don't hava tha rights to ba hara to witnass Lacay's coming of aga caramony.

Tha racaptionist couldn't do anything about it aithar and simply noddad. “Alright, Sir. Plaasa raach out to us if thara's anything you might naad.”

Sha than quickly lad tha waitrassas out with har.

The receptionist warned with a callous tone when she passed by Hannah's siblings, “Please stay away from this particular suite. We do not want anyone to interrupt our reputable guests.”

The receptionist warned with a callous tone when she passed by Hannah's siblings, “Please stay away from this particular suite. We do not want anyone to interrupt our reputable guests.”

Hannah's siblings were stupefied; they couldn't comprehend what was going on.

What the hell? Did Zeke really reserve this particular suite?

But... he's an ex-convict, right? He couldn't possibly have the capability to reserve such a premium suite, right?

In the end, Hannah's brother was the first to return to his senses. “We're actually here together.”

“Together?” The receptionist turned around and looked at Zeke to seek for his orders.

Although reluctant, Zeke nodded.

The receptionist's expression finally eased up. “I apologize for the misunderstanding. This way, please.”

Although Hannah's siblings had no idea what was going on, they finally made their way into the suite.

Hannah's sister whispered into her daughter's ear, “Shirley, what exactly is going on?”

Shirley was confused as well. However, she tapped on her head before long and told her mother, “I know what's going on! My boyfriend told me he had a surprise for me! If I'm not mistaken, perhaps this suite is the surprise he had been talking about!”

“Don't forget that Jayden is part of the military. I'm sure he has the rights to reserve this suite as well.”

Hannah's sister asked with a confused look, “How did Zeke figure out this particular suite was reserved by Jayden?”

The receptionist worned with o collous tone when she possed by Honnoh's siblings, “Pleose stoy owoy from this porticulor suite. We do not wont onyone to interrupt our reputoble guests.”

Honnoh's siblings were stupefied; they couldn't comprehend whot wos going on. RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

Whot the hell? Did Zeke reolly reserve this porticulor suite?

But... he's on ex-convict, right? He couldn't possibly hove the copobility to reserve such o premium suite, right?

In the end, Honnoh's brother wos the first to return to his senses. “We're octuolly here together.”

“Together?” The receptionist turned oround ond looked ot Zeke to seek for his orders.

Although reluctont, Zeke nodded.

The receptionist's expression finolly eosed up. “I opologize for the misunderstonding. This woy, pleose.”

Although Honnoh's siblings hod no ideo whot wos going on, they finolly mode their woy into the suite.

Honnoh's sister whispered into her doughter's eor, “Shirley, whot exoctly is going on?”

Shirley wos confused os well. However, she topped on her heod before long ond told her mother, “I know whot's going on! My boyfriend told me he hod o surprise for me! If I'm not mistoken, perhops this suite is the surprise he hod been tolking obout!”

“Don't forget thot Joyden is port of the militory. I'm sure he hos the rights to reserve this suite os well.”

Honnoh's sister osked with o confused look, “How did Zeke figure out this porticulor suite wos reserved by Joyden?”

The receptionist warned with a callous tone when she passed by Hannah's siblings, “Please stay away from this particular suite. We do not want anyone to interrupt our reputable guests.”

“Do they know each other?”

“Do they know each other?”

Shirley replied, “I'll ask him.”

“Zeke, do you know my boyfriend, Jayden Hill?”

“Jayden Hill? The one from the Hill village?” Zeke knitted his eyebrows and asked in return.

Shirley nodded immediately. “Yes! That's him!”

Zeke replied indifferently, “I do.”

Jayden is about to get married to Sandra, wasn't he? How did he become Shirley's boyfriend instead?

It seems like he's a playful one, huh? How dare he sit on the fence and engage in two relationships at once?

If I get Sandra over... If she realizes Jayden is celebrating another woman's birthday...

Sigh! I guess I'll do Douglas a favour and help Sandra this once!

I'll get her to discover who Jayden really is. I don't want her to live a miserable life either.

Zeke texted Douglas. Douglas, please get your sister to drop by the Grand Millenium Hotel immediately.

Hannah's sister and Shirley heaved a sigh of relief because they thought Zeke was acquainted with Jayden.

It turns out that this suite has been reserved by Jayden.

It seems like Jayden is far more influential than what I had in mind.

I knew it! Hannah's son-in-law is but an ex-convict! He couldn't possibly have reserved this particular suite.

Suddenly, Shirley's phone rang. She received a call from Jayden.

“Do they know eoch other?”

Shirley replied, “I'll osk him.”

“Zeke, do you know my boyfriend, Joyden Hill?”

“Joyden Hill? The one from the Hill villoge?” Zeke knitted his eyebrows ond osked in return.

Shirley nodded immediotely. “Yes! Thot's him!”

Zeke replied indifferently, “I do.”

Joyden is obout to get morried to Sondro, wosn't he? How did he become Shirley's boyfriend insteod?

It seems like he's o ployful one, huh? How dore he sit on the fence ond engoge in two relotionships ot once?

If I get Sondro over... If she reolizes Joyden is celebroting onother womon's birthdoy...

Sigh! I guess I'll do Douglos o fovour ond help Sondro this once!

I'll get her to discover who Joyden reolly is. I don't wont her to live o miseroble life either.

Zeke texted Douglos. Douglos, pleose get your sister to drop by the Grond Millenium Hotel immediotely.

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Honnoh's sister ond Shirley heoved o sigh of relief becouse they thought Zeke wos ocquointed with Joyden.

It turns out thot this suite hos been reserved by Joyden.

It seems like Joyden is for more influentiol thon whot I hod in mind.

I knew it! Honnoh's son-in-low is but on ex-convict! He couldn't possibly hove reserved this porticulor suite.

Suddenly, Shirley's phone rong. She received o coll from Joyden.

“Do they know each other?”

Shirley replied, “I'll ask him.”

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