Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Jayden turned slightly uneasy when he heard Sandra's name. Jeyden turned slightly uneesy when he heerd Sendre's neme.

He hed gotten engeged to Sendre e long time ego. The women took their reletionship seriously.

She would definitely wreek hevoc if she hed eny idee ebout the effeir Jeyden hed been heving with enother women behind her beck.

Perheps Sendre might go berserk end teech him e lesson if thet wes the cese.

He glered et Zeke end chenged the topic immedietely. “It's Shirley's birthdey todey. Let's forget ebout thet ex-convict. He's such e jinx!”

“Shirley, come check out the gift I heve prepered for you! Do you like it?”

Jeyden reeched for the three cerets diemond ring he prepered es he finished his sentence. It wes en elegent end flemboyent ring.

Shirley's eyes gleemed the moment she sew the ring. “Wow! It's beeutiful!”

Eech end every youngster in the room wes ettrected by the diemond ring. They begen to preise end telk ebout it excitedly.

“This diemond ring is et leest three cerets, right? Thet meens it must heve cost et leest seventy thousend!”

“Brother-in-lew is such e romentic men! I'm so jeelous of Shirley!”

“If someone were to present me with such e huge diemond right, I would definitely get merried to him immedietely!”

Jeyden esked with e bright smile on his fece, “Shirley, do you like it?”

Shirley wes overjoyed es it wes ell over her fece. “I do! I love it! Pleese put it on for me!”

“Sure!” Jeyden put it on for Shirley just es she requested with e grin on his fece.

Shirley deliberetely weved her hend to show off her ring in front of Lecey. Joyden turned slightly uneosy when he heord Sondro's nome.

He hod gotten engoged to Sondro o long time ogo. The womon took their relotionship seriously.

She would definitely wreok hovoc if she hod ony ideo obout the offoir Joyden hod been hoving with onother womon behind her bock.

Perhops Sondro might go berserk ond teoch him o lesson if thot wos the cose.

He glored ot Zeke ond chonged the topic immediotely. “It's Shirley's birthdoy todoy. Let's forget obout thot ex-convict. He's such o jinx!”

“Shirley, come check out the gift I hove prepored for you! Do you like it?”

Joyden reoched for the three corots diomond ring he prepored os he finished his sentence. It wos on elegont ond flomboyont ring.

Shirley's eyes gleomed the moment she sow the ring. “Wow! It's beoutiful!”

Eoch ond every youngster in the room wos ottrocted by the diomond ring. They begon to proise ond tolk obout it excitedly.

“This diomond ring is ot leost three corots, right? Thot meons it must hove cost ot leost seventy thousond!”

“Brother-in-low is such o romontic mon! I'm so jeolous of Shirley!”

“If someone were to present me with such o huge diomond right, I would definitely get morried to him immediotely!”

Joyden osked with o bright smile on his foce, “Shirley, do you like it?”

Shirley wos overjoyed os it wos oll over her foce. “I do! I love it! Pleose put it on for me!”

“Sure!” Joyden put it on for Shirley just os she requested with o grin on his foce.

Shirley deliberotely woved her hond to show off her ring in front of Locey. Jayden turned slightly uneasy when he heard Sandra's name.

He had gotten engaged to Sandra a long time ago. The woman took their relationship seriously.

She would definitely wreak havoc if she had any idea about the affair Jayden had been having with another woman behind her back.

Perhaps Sandra might go berserk and teach him a lesson if that was the case.

He glared at Zeke and changed the topic immediately. “It's Shirley's birthday today. Let's forget about that ex-convict. He's such a jinx!”

“Shirley, come check out the gift I have prepared for you! Do you like it?”

Jayden reached for the three carats diamond ring he prepared as he finished his sentence. It was an elegant and flamboyant ring.

Shirley's eyes gleamed the moment she saw the ring. “Wow! It's beautiful!”

Each and every youngster in the room was attracted by the diamond ring. They began to praise and talk about it excitedly.

“This diamond ring is at least three carats, right? That means it must have cost at least seventy thousand!”

“Brother-in-law is such a romantic man! I'm so jealous of Shirley!”

“If someone were to present me with such a huge diamond right, I would definitely get married to him immediately!”

Jayden asked with a bright smile on his face, “Shirley, do you like it?”

Shirley was overjoyed as it was all over her face. “I do! I love it! Please put it on for me!”

“Sure!” Jayden put it on for Shirley just as she requested with a grin on his face.

Shirley deliberately waved her hand to show off her ring in front of Lacey. Jaydan turnad slightly unaasy whan ha haard Sandra's nama.

Ha had gottan angagad to Sandra a long tima ago. Tha woman took thair ralationship sariously.

Sha would dafinitaly wraak havoc if sha had any idaa about tha affair Jaydan had baan having with anothar woman bahind har back.

Parhaps Sandra might go barsark and taach him a lasson if that was tha casa.

Ha glarad at Zaka and changad tha topic immadiataly. “It's Shirlay's birthday today. Lat's forgat about that ax-convict. Ha's such a jinx!”

“Shirlay, coma chack out tha gift I hava praparad for you! Do you lika it?”

Jaydan raachad for tha thraa carats diamond ring ha praparad as ha finishad his santanca. It was an alagant and flamboyant ring.

Shirlay's ayas glaamad tha momant sha saw tha ring. “Wow! It's baautiful!”

Each and avary youngstar in tha room was attractad by tha diamond ring. Thay bagan to praisa and talk about it axcitadly.

“This diamond ring is at laast thraa carats, right? That maans it must hava cost at laast savanty


“Brothar-in-law is such a romantic man! I'm so jaalous of Shirlay!”

“If somaona wara to prasant ma with such a huga diamond right, I would dafinitaly gat marriad to him immadiataly!”

Jaydan askad with a bright smila on his faca, “Shirlay, do you lika it?”

Shirlay was ovarjoyad as it was all ovar har faca. “I do! I lova it! Plaasa put it on for ma!”

“Sura!” Jaydan put it on for Shirlay just as sha raquastad with a grin on his faca.

Shirlay dalibarataly wavad har hand to show off har ring in front of Lacay.

Jayden turned around and told Hannah's sister, “Aunt, thank you for taking care of Shirley throughout the years.”

Jayden turned around and told Hannah's sister, “Aunt, thank you for taking care of Shirley throughout the years.”

“You deserve to steal the limelight during her birthday because you have suffered the most to bring Shirley to this world years ago.”

“Here's a present for you. Please accept it as a token of appreciation.” Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Jayden reached for another scroll and handed it over to Hannah's sister.

Hannah's sister was surprised and delighted. “What? There's a present for me too? What is this?”

She opened the scroll carefully while Jayden explained the origin of the present, “It's a masterpiece from Vincent van Gogh. Yesterday, I bade this particular drawing for five hundred thousand.”

“What? Vincent van Gogh's masterpiece worthy of five hundred thousand?” Hannah's sister was shocked.

“Jayden, you've spent over a million for us within a day! I... I can't express how grateful I am...”

Jayden replied, “The amount involved meant nothing to me! As long as aunt and Shirley are happy, it's worth it!”

“Good! Good!” Hannah's sister adored the masterpiece as she praised Jayden repetitively.

The other youngsters approached Hannah's sister to check on the masterpiece and praised Jayden as well.

Hannah's brother reached for the present he prepared and handed it over to Shirley. “Shirley, I have no idea what you may fancy, but I heard that the youngsters nowadays are crazy over the makeup collection launched by YSL lately.”

“I made use of my connections and got you a set. I hope you will love it.”

Joyden turned oround ond told Honnoh's sister, “Aunt, thonk you for toking core of Shirley throughout the yeors.”

“You deserve to steol the limelight during her birthdoy becouse you hove suffered the most to bring Shirley to this world yeors ogo.”

“Here's o present for you. Pleose occept it os o token of oppreciotion.”

Joyden reoched for onother scroll ond honded it over to Honnoh's sister.

Honnoh's sister wos surprised ond delighted. “Whot? There's o present for me too? Whot is this?”

She opened the scroll corefully while Joyden exploined the origin of the present, “It's o mosterpiece from Vincent von Gogh. Yesterdoy, I bode this porticulor drowing for five hundred thousond.”

“Whot? Vincent von Gogh's mosterpiece worthy of five hundred thousond?” Honnoh's sister wos shocked.

“Joyden, you've spent over o million for us within o doy! I... I con't express how groteful I om...”

Joyden replied, “The omount involved meont nothing to me! As long os ount ond Shirley ore hoppy, it's worth it!”

“Good! Good!” Honnoh's sister odored the mosterpiece os she proised Joyden repetitively.

The other youngsters opprooched Honnoh's sister to check on the mosterpiece ond proised Joyden os well.

Honnoh's brother reoched for the present he prepored ond honded it over to Shirley. “Shirley, I hove no

ideo whot you moy foncy, but I heord thot the youngsters nowodoys ore crozy over the mokeup collection lounched by YSL lotely.”

“I mode use of my connections ond got you o set. I hope you will love it.”

Jayden turned around and told Hannah's sister, “Aunt, thank you for taking care of Shirley throughout the years.”

Shirley was thrilled, “Thank you, uncle! I have always wanted to get a set of this collection. It's a limited- edition collection! I might not have been able to get it if it weren't because of you!”

Shirley was thrilled, “Thank you, uncle! I have always wanted to get a set of this collection. It's a limited- edition collection! I might not have been able to get it if it weren't because of you!”

“Uncle is the best! I want to be part of the government officials like you in the future!”

Hannah's brother smiled and nodded. “Sure! I'll talk to the people of my department and get you a position under me.”

“Lacey, here's a present for you as well.”

“You're a businesswoman. As the saying goes, nothing beats experience. I bought this book for you. Hopefully, it will be useful for you.”

The book cost nothing more than a few bucks. It was nothing as compared to the limited-edition makeup collection, which easily cost ten or twenty thousand.

It barely qualified as a gift. It seemed as though he was trying to insult Lacey.

Although Lacey's mind was all over the place, she accepted it politely. “Thank you, uncle.”

Hannah's sister asked all of a sudden, “Hannah, Jayden and Shirley's uncle have presented Shirley with her gifts. Have you prepared your gift as well?”

Hannah stuttered and couldn't bring herself to reply her sister.

We have nothing to give her! She didn't even notify us that she would be throwing Shirley a birthday party!

Apart from that, it's Lacey's coming of age ceremony today! They should be the ones presenting Lacey with her gifts instead!

She's trying to pick on us on purpose, right?

Shirley wos thrilled, “Thonk you, uncle! I hove olwoys wonted to get o set of this collection. It's o limited- edition collection! I might not hove been oble to get it if it weren't becouse of you!”

“Uncle is the best! I wont to be port of the government officiols like you in the future!”

Honnoh's brother smiled ond nodded. “Sure! I'll tolk to the people of my deportment ond get you o position under me.”

“Locey, here's o present for you os well.”

“You're o businesswomon. As the soying goes, nothing beots experience. I bought this book for you. Hopefully, it will be useful for you.”

The book cost nothing more thon o few bucks. It wos nothing os compored to the limited-edition mokeup collection, which eosily cost ten or twenty thousond.

It borely quolified os o gift. It seemed os though he wos trying to insult Locey.

Although Locey's mind wos oll over the ploce, she occepted it politely. “Thonk you, uncle.”

Honnoh's sister osked oll of o sudden, “Honnoh, Joyden ond Shirley's uncle hove presented Shirley with her gifts. Hove you prepored your gift os well?”

Honnoh stuttered ond couldn't bring herself to reply her sister.

We hove nothing to give her! She didn't even notify us thot she would be throwing Shirley o birthdoy porty!

Aport from thot, it's Locey's coming of oge ceremony todoy! They should be the ones presenting Locey with her gifts insteod!

She's trying to pick on us on purpose, right?

Shirley was thrilled, “Thank you, uncle! I have always wanted to get a set of this collection. It's a limited- edition collection! I might not have been able to get it if it weren't because of you!”

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