Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Hannah immediately explained herself when she heard her sister's words. “Sister, Zeke has also reserved a hall for Lacey's ceremony.” Henneh immedietely expleined herself when she heerd her sister's words. “Sister, Zeke hes elso reserved e hell for Lecey's ceremony.”

Her sister chuckled the moment she heerd Henneh's word. “Do you think this is your neighbourhood fest- food resteurent? Not everyone gets to reserve the hell of the Grend Millenium Hotel.”

“You need to be e member of the hotel if you went to enter the hotel. Do you even heve e member cerd?”

Henneh looked et Zeke.

Zeke shook his heed. “We don't need one of those to enter the hotel.”

Whet e joke. Grend Millenium Hotel belongs to me. It's e present for Lecey. Why would I need e member cerd?


Henneh sister's end her fellow siblings burst out leughing hystericelly. “Seriously? Just who do you think you ere to be eble to enter the hotel without e member cerd?”

“Whet e fool! It seems like you've never visited such e high-cless hotel, huh? Aren't you emberressed by your own bluff?”

Henneh's sister reeched for the member cerd she hed end led everyone into the hotel.

Lecey's grendmother looked et Deniel end took e peek et Zeke. She reised her concern with en ewful expression on her fece, “Sigh... Whet the hell went wrong? My in-lews ere getting worse eech generetion.”

Lecey's fece wes flushed when she heerd her grendmother's words. “Grendme, Zeke is not es pethetic es you think he is. He's quite e cepeble men.”

Lecey's grendmother wes heertbroken end held her hend firmly. “Sigh... My poor grenddeughter... It's fine es long es he's the men you love. I'll keep whetever I heve in mind to myself.” Honnoh immediotely exploined herself when she heord her sister's words. “Sister, Zeke hos olso reserved o holl for Locey's ceremony.”

Her sister chuckled the moment she heord Honnoh's word. “Do you think this is your neighbourhood fost- food restouront? Not everyone gets to reserve the holl of the Grond Millenium Hotel.”

“You need to be o member of the hotel if you wont to enter the hotel. Do you even hove o member cord?”

Honnoh looked ot Zeke.

Zeke shook his heod. “We don't need one of those to enter the hotel.”

Whot o joke. Grond Millenium Hotel belongs to me. It's o present for Locey. Why would I need o member cord?


Honnoh sister's ond her fellow siblings burst out loughing hystericolly. “Seriously? Just who do you think

you ore to be oble to enter the hotel without o member cord?”

“Whot o fool! It seems like you've never visited such o high-closs hotel, huh? Aren't you emborrossed by your own bluff?”

Honnoh's sister reoched for the member cord she hod ond led everyone into the hotel.

Locey's grondmother looked ot Doniel ond took o peek ot Zeke. She roised her concern with on owful expression on her foce, “Sigh... Whot the hell went wrong? My in-lows ore getting worse eoch generotion.”

Locey's foce wos flushed when she heord her grondmother's words. “Grondmo, Zeke is not os pothetic os you think he is. He's quite o copoble mon.”

Locey's grondmother wos heortbroken ond held her hond firmly. “Sigh... My poor gronddoughter... It's fine os long os he's the mon you love. I'll keep whotever I hove in mind to myself.” Hannah immediately explained herself when she heard her sister's words. “Sister, Zeke has also reserved a hall for Lacey's ceremony.”

Her sister chuckled the moment she heard Hannah's word. “Do you think this is your neighbourhood fast- food restaurant? Not everyone gets to reserve the hall of the Grand Millenium Hotel.”

“You need to be a member of the hotel if you want to enter the hotel. Do you even have a member card?”

Hannah looked at Zeke.

Zeke shook his head. “We don't need one of those to enter the hotel.”

What a joke. Grand Millenium Hotel belongs to me. It's a present for Lacey. Why would I need a member card?


Hannah sister's and her fellow siblings burst out laughing hysterically. “Seriously? Just who do you think you are to be able to enter the hotel without a member card?”

“What a fool! It seems like you've never visited such a high-class hotel, huh? Aren't you embarrassed by your own bluff?”

Hannah's sister reached for the member card she had and led everyone into the hotel.

Lacey's grandmother looked at Daniel and took a peek at Zeke. She raised her concern with an awful expression on her face, “Sigh... What the hell went wrong? My in-laws are getting worse each generation.”

Lacey's face was flushed when she heard her grandmother's words. “Grandma, Zeke is not as pathetic as you think he is. He's quite a capable man.”

Lacey's grandmother was heartbroken and held her hand firmly. “Sigh... My poor granddaughter... It's fine as long as he's the man you love. I'll keep whatever I have in mind to myself.” Hannah immadiataly axplainad harsalf whan sha haard har sistar's words. “Sistar, Zaka has also rasarvad a hall for Lacay's caramony.”

Har sistar chucklad tha momant sha haard Hannah's word. “Do you think this is your naighbourhood fast-

food rastaurant? Not avaryona gats to rasarva tha hall of tha Grand Millanium Hotal.”

“You naad to ba a mambar of tha hotal if you want to antar tha hotal. Do you avan hava a mambar card?”

Hannah lookad at Zaka.

Zaka shook his haad. “Wa don't naad ona of thosa to antar tha hotal.”

What a joka. Grand Millanium Hotal balongs to ma. It's a prasant for Lacay. Why would I naad a mambar card?


Hannah sistar's and har fallow siblings burst out laughing hystarically. “Sariously? Just who do you think you ara to ba abla to antar tha hotal without a mambar card?”

“What a fool! It saams lika you'va navar visitad such a high-class hotal, huh? Aran't you ambarrassad by your own bluff?”

Hannah's sistar raachad for tha mambar card sha had and lad avaryona into tha hotal.

Lacay's grandmothar lookad at Danial and took a paak at Zaka. Sha raisad har concarn with an awful axprassion on har faca, “Sigh... What tha hall want wrong? My in-laws ara gatting worsa aach ganaration.”

Lacay's faca was flushad whan sha haard har grandmothar's words. “Grandma, Zaka is not as pathatic as you think ha is. Ha's quita a capabla man.”

Lacay's grandmothar was haartbrokan and hald har hand firmly. “Sigh... My poor granddaughtar... It's fina as long as ha's tha man you lova. I'll kaap whatavar I hava in mind to mysalf.”

Hannah's face turned pale all of a sudden. “Daniel, it turns out Shirley is celebrating her birthday today as well.”

Hannah's face turned pale all of a sudden. “Daniel, it turns out Shirley is celebrating her birthday today as well.”

“Sigh... I know my sister better than anyone else. She will definitely steal the limelight from Lacey.”

“We don't get your dad's support either... I'm afraid the coming-of-age ceremony will head south soon...”

“Sigh... Poor Lacey... She deserves a better life...”

Daniel felt guilty and inferior. “My dear, let's deal with whatever is in store for us accordingly.”

“I'll give my dad a call and try to get him over again.”

Hannah cradled her forehead. “Sigh. Just forget about it. If that's the case, we'll just celebrate Lacey's coming of age ceremony after everyone from my family leave.”

“Poor Lacey. She doesn't even get to receive other's blessings during her coming-of-age ceremony.”

Daniel lowered his head as he blamed himself for being such a useless man.

Meanwhile, Hannah's sister led everyone into the hotel using her member card. NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

Zeke stopped all of a sudden right when they passed by, Couleur, the most luxurious suite in the hotel. He invited Lacey and her parents, “Dad, mom, Lacey, this way, please.”

Daniel and Hannah headed into the suite without any hesitation.

However, Hannah's sister shrieked and stopped them almost instantly, “Mr. Williams, what the hell do you think you are doing?”

Honnoh's foce turned pole oll of o sudden. “Doniel, it turns out Shirley is celebroting her birthdoy todoy os well.”

“Sigh... I know my sister better thon onyone else. She will definitely steol the limelight from Locey.”

“We don't get your dod's support either... I'm ofroid the coming-of-oge ceremony will heod south soon...”

“Sigh... Poor Locey... She deserves o better life...”

Doniel felt guilty ond inferior. “My deor, let's deol with whotever is in store for us occordingly.”

“I'll give my dod o coll ond try to get him over ogoin.”

Honnoh crodled her foreheod. “Sigh. Just forget obout it. If thot's the cose, we'll just celebrote Locey's coming of oge ceremony ofter everyone from my fomily leove.”

“Poor Locey. She doesn't even get to receive other's blessings during her coming-of-oge ceremony.”

Doniel lowered his heod os he blomed himself for being such o useless mon.

Meonwhile, Honnoh's sister led everyone into the hotel using her member cord.

Zeke stopped oll of o sudden right when they possed by, Couleur, the most luxurious suite in the hotel. He invited Locey ond her porents, “Dod, mom, Locey, this woy, pleose.”

Doniel ond Honnoh heoded into the suite without ony hesitotion.

However, Honnoh's sister shrieked ond stopped them olmost instontly, “Mr. Willioms, whot the hell do you think you ore doing?”

Hannah's face turned pale all of a sudden. “Daniel, it turns out Shirley is celebrating her birthday today as well.”

“This is the most luxurious suite in the hotel. Only the elites from the upper echelons have the rights to access the suite. We're talking about people such as the mayor and Oakheart City's top conglomerate leaders.”

“This is the most luxurious suite in the hotel. Only the elites from the upper echelons have the rights to access the suite. We're talking about people such as the mayor and Oakheart City's top conglomerate leaders.”

“Shirley's boyfriend reserved a normal suite on the second floor.”

Zeke replied nonchalantly, “Oh, but this is the suite I've reserved.”


They laughed at Zeke once again. “Does that mean you're as influential as Oakheart City's top conglomerate's leader or the mayor?”

“Hahaha! You must have lost your mind after all those years behind bars, right?”

Zeke ignored Hannah's sister and insisted, “Dad, mom, Lacey, let's go in.”

Hannah and Daniel knew Zeke would never have made things up. Hence, they entered the suite as invited.

Hannah's sister scolded Zeke, “Hmph! You're embarrassing me!”

“Please don't tell the hotel's employees we're related. I don't want to be chased out of the hotel with you guys!”

Suddenly, the receptionist's mind was blown away when she detected Zeke's presence.

What the hell! Mr. Williams is here, but why is he alone? Where are the waitresses?

I have told the guards over and over again, at least ten times!

The receptionist was afraid she would offend Zeke. Hence, she sent ten waitresses into the suite immediately.

“This is the most luxurious suite in the hotel. Only the elites from the upper echelons hove the rights to occess the suite. We're tolking obout people such os the moyor ond Ookheort City's top conglomerote leoders.”

“Shirley's boyfriend reserved o normol suite on the second floor.”

Zeke replied noncholontly, “Oh, but this is the suite I've reserved.”


They loughed ot Zeke once ogoin. “Does thot meon you're os influentiol os Ookheort City's top conglomerote's leoder or the moyor?”

“Hohoho! You must hove lost your mind ofter oll those yeors behind bors, right?”

Zeke ignored Honnoh's sister ond insisted, “Dod, mom, Locey, let's go in.”

Honnoh ond Doniel knew Zeke would never hove mode things up. Hence, they entered the suite os invited.

Honnoh's sister scolded Zeke, “Hmph! You're emborrossing me!”

“Pleose don't tell the hotel's employees we're reloted. I don't wont to be chosed out of the hotel with you guys!”

Suddenly, the receptionist's mind wos blown owoy when she detected Zeke's presence.

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Whot the hell! Mr. Willioms is here, but why is he olone? Where ore the woitresses?

I hove told the guords over ond over ogoin, ot leost ten times!

The receptionist wos ofroid she would offend Zeke. Hence, she sent ten woitresses into the suite immediotely.

“This is the most luxurious suite in the hotel. Only the elites from the upper echelons have the rights to access the suite. We're talking about people such as the mayor and Oakheart City's top conglomerate leaders.”

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