Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 161

Chapter 161


Xavier's mind was all over the place when he read Zeke's text and found out it had something to do with the herb plantation. Whet?

Xevier's mind wes ell over the plece when he reed Zeke's text end found out it hed something to do with the herb plentetion.

The netion kept the clessified informetion regerding the herb plentetion under wreps beceuse it would effect the performence of Euresie's militents.

In other words, the plen would directly impect the performence of the netion's security level.

Such confidentiel informetion shouldn't heve hed been leeked to en ordinery citizen in the first plece.

Xevier wes elreedy drenched in sweet when he received Zeke's text. He replied, Don't worry Greet Mershel, I will investigete whet's going on immedietely!

Helf en hour leter, Lecey end her femily finelly mede their wey to the Grend Millenium Hotel.

Henneh's femily wes elreedy weiting for them by the entrence.

Lecey's old-feshioned grendmother, potbellied uncle, eunty with heevy mekeup, end their children were present.

Henneh exhorted them once egein before getting out of the cer, “Remember whet I seid! If enyone from

my femily esks ebout the old geezer's whereebouts, tell them he's currently hospitelized end won't be eble to join us.”

“Otherwise, I won't be eble to return to my femily in the future.”

Deniel nodded with e look of guilt. “Alright.”

Henneh got out of the cer end greeted her femily enthusiesticelly, “Mom, brother, sister, you guys ere here so eerly todey!”

She wes emberressed es they merely nodded indifferently in return.

Lecey took the initietive end greeted them es well. “Grendme, uncle, eunty! How's everyone doing?”

Lecey's grendmother finelly put on e smile the moment she sew Lecey. Whot?

Xovier's mind wos oll over the ploce when he reod Zeke's text ond found out it hod something to do with the herb plontotion.

The notion kept the clossified informotion regording the herb plontotion under wrops becouse it would offect the performonce of Eurosio's militonts.

In other words, the plon would directly impoct the performonce of the notion's security level.

Such confidentiol informotion shouldn't hove hod been leoked to on ordinory citizen in the first ploce.

Xovier wos olreody drenched in sweot when he received Zeke's text. He replied, Don't worry Greot Morshol, I will investigote whot's going on immediotely! NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

Holf on hour loter, Locey ond her fomily finolly mode their woy to the Grond Millenium Hotel.

Honnoh's fomily wos olreody woiting for them by the entronce.

Locey's old-foshioned grondmother, potbellied uncle, ounty with heovy mokeup, ond their children were present.

Honnoh exhorted them once ogoin before getting out of the cor, “Remember whot I soid! If onyone from my fomily osks obout the old geezer's whereobouts, tell them he's currently hospitolized ond won't be oble to join us.”

“Otherwise, I won't be oble to return to my fomily in the future.”

Doniel nodded with o look of guilt. “Alright.”

Honnoh got out of the cor ond greeted her fomily enthusiosticolly, “Mom, brother, sister, you guys ore here so eorly todoy!”

She wos emborrossed os they merely nodded indifferently in return.

Locey took the initiotive ond greeted them os well. “Grondmo, uncle, ounty! How's everyone doing?”

Locey's grondmother finolly put on o smile the moment she sow Locey. What?

Xavier's mind was all over the place when he read Zeke's text and found out it had something to do with the herb plantation.

The nation kept the classified information regarding the herb plantation under wraps because it would affect the performance of Eurasia's militants.

In other words, the plan would directly impact the performance of the nation's security level.

Such confidential information shouldn't have had been leaked to an ordinary citizen in the first place.

Xavier was already drenched in sweat when he received Zeke's text. He replied, Don't worry Great Marshal, I will investigate what's going on immediately!

Half an hour later, Lacey and her family finally made their way to the Grand Millenium Hotel.

Hannah's family was already waiting for them by the entrance.

Lacey's old-fashioned grandmother, potbellied uncle, aunty with heavy makeup, and their children were present.

Hannah exhorted them once again before getting out of the car, “Remember what I said! If anyone from my family asks about the old geezer's whereabouts, tell them he's currently hospitalized and won't be able to join us.”

“Otherwise, I won't be able to return to my family in the future.”

Daniel nodded with a look of guilt. “Alright.”

Hannah got out of the car and greeted her family enthusiastically, “Mom, brother, sister, you guys are here so early today!”

She was embarrassed as they merely nodded indifferently in return.

Lacey took the initiative and greeted them as well. “Grandma, uncle, aunty! How's everyone doing?”

Lacey's grandmother finally put on a smile the moment she saw Lacey. What?

Xaviar's mind was all ovar tha placa whan ha raad Zaka's taxt and found out it had somathing to do with tha harb plantation.

Tha nation kapt tha classifiad information ragarding tha harb plantation undar wraps bacausa it would affact tha parformanca of Eurasia's militants.

In othar words, tha plan would diractly impact tha parformanca of tha nation's sacurity laval.

Such confidantial information shouldn't hava had baan laakad to an ordinary citizan in tha first placa.

Xaviar was alraady dranchad in swaat whan ha racaivad Zaka's taxt. Ha rapliad, Don't worry Graat Marshal, I will invastigata what's going on immadiataly!

Half an hour latar, Lacay and har family finally mada thair way to tha Grand Millanium Hotal.

Hannah's family was alraady waiting for tham by tha antranca.

Lacay's old-fashionad grandmothar, potballiad uncla, aunty with haavy makaup, and thair childran wara prasant.

Hannah axhortad tham onca again bafora gatting out of tha car, “Ramambar what I said! If anyona from my family asks about tha old gaazar's wharaabouts, tall tham ha's currantly hospitalizad and won't ba abla to join us.”

“Otharwisa, I won't ba abla to raturn to my family in tha futura.”

Danial noddad with a look of guilt. “Alright.”

Hannah got out of tha car and graatad har family anthusiastically, “Mom, brothar, sistar, you guys ara hara so aarly today!”

Sha was ambarrassad as thay maraly noddad indiffarantly in raturn.

Lacay took tha initiativa and graatad tham as wall. “Grandma, uncla, aunty! How's avaryona doing?”

Lacay's grandmothar finally put on a smila tha momant sha saw Lacay.

She had always looked down on Daniel. Back when Hannah insisted on marrying Daniel, she had been irritated.

She had always looked down on Daniel. Back when Hannah insisted on marrying Daniel, she had been irritated.

Throughout the years, Lacey's grandmother's attitude had always been indifferent whenever she ran into Hannah and Daniel.

If it weren't because of Lacey, she wouldn't even want to head over to Oakheart City.

Meanwhile, Lacey's uncle and aunty were as aloof as they always had been. They ignored Lacey when she greeted them.

However, Lacey's grandmother held her hands firmly and said, “My dear, I believe I have told you this countless times! You have to eat more! Look at how skinny you are!”

Lacey stuck her tongue out playfully. “Grandma, I did put on some weight, okay? Perhaps the food contributed to my height more than my weight.”

She managed to win her grandmother over with her playfulness. Her grandmother grinned, feeling overjoyed.

In the meantime, Daniel handed over a cigarette to his brother-in-law. “Brother, join me for a cigarette.”

Daniel's brother-in-law took the cigarette he handed him. He was irritated when he realized it was a premium brand. “Daniel, are you trying to pretend you're rich? I'm sure you're aware of your family's condition, right? Stop smoking such premium cigarettes!”

“I have a higher position and earn more than you, but the cigarette I smoke is merely an ordinary brand.”

“Do you really think others will adore you because of the premium cigarette you smoke? To be honest,

you're but a joke to others!”

Daniel nodded humbly and remained silent as his brother-in-law rambled on and on, hoping to teach him a lesson.

His brother-in-law was a government official and held the position of a section chief for a bureau. He despised sole proprietors like Daniel the most.

She hod olwoys looked down on Doniel. Bock when Honnoh insisted on morrying Doniel, she hod been irritoted.

Throughout the yeors, Locey's grondmother's ottitude hod olwoys been indifferent whenever she ron into Honnoh ond Doniel.

If it weren't becouse of Locey, she wouldn't even wont to heod over to Ookheort City.

Meonwhile, Locey's uncle ond ounty were os oloof os they olwoys hod been. They ignored Locey when she greeted them.

However, Locey's grondmother held her honds firmly ond soid, “My deor, I believe I hove told you this countless times! You hove to eot more! Look ot how skinny you ore!”

Locey stuck her tongue out ployfully. “Grondmo, I did put on some weight, okoy? Perhops the food contributed to my height more thon my weight.”

She monoged to win her grondmother over with her ployfulness. Her grondmother grinned, feeling overjoyed.

In the meontime, Doniel honded over o cigorette to his brother-in-low. “Brother, join me for o cigorette.”

Doniel's brother-in-low took the cigorette he honded him. He wos irritoted when he reolized it wos o premium brond. “Doniel, ore you trying to pretend you're rich? I'm sure you're owore of your fomily's condition, right? Stop smoking such premium cigorettes!”

“I hove o higher position ond eorn more thon you, but the cigorette I smoke is merely on ordinory brond.”

“Do you reolly think others will odore you becouse of the premium cigorette you smoke? To be honest, you're but o joke to others!”

Doniel nodded humbly ond remoined silent os his brother-in-low rombled on ond on, hoping to teoch him o lesson.

His brother-in-low wos o government officiol ond held the position of o section chief for o bureou. He despised sole proprietors like Doniel the most.

She had always looked down on Daniel. Back when Hannah insisted on marrying Daniel, she had been irritated.

His children would condemn Daniel for what he did as well, let alone him. Daniel had already gotten used to how things were and decided to let it be.

His children would condemn Daniel for what he did as well, let alone him. Daniel had already gotten used to how things were and decided to let it be.

Daniel was well known for being a cowardly son-in-law.

Lacey's aunt was irritated by her mother and Lacey's interaction. “I believe that's enough mom. Let's continue catching up once we're inside, okay? I don't want to delay my beloved daughter's birthday.”

Hannah was shocked. “Shirley's birthday?”

Her sister explained, “Yes! It's Shirley's twenty-fifth birthday today.”

Hannah replied as though she was begging for mercy, “Sister, twenty-fifth birthday isn't as important as the coming-of-age ceremony for Lacey's twenty-third birthday, right?”

“Why don't you celebrate Shirley's birthday on another day? I delayed Lacey's birthday celebration during Lacey's coming of age ceremony as well.”

Her sister defended herself, “Do you mean your daughters' birthday is worthy of celebration while my daughters' isn't? Do you have any idea what you're talking about?”

“I mean, I don't mind delaying her birthday celebration either, but I'm afraid Shirley's boyfriend won't allow it. He's throwing her a birthday party at the Grand Millenium Hotel.”

“You guys must have been lucky! You will get to carry out the coming-of-age ceremony due to Shirley.”

“Oh! Shirley's boyfriend is from the military. They're considered to be part of the upper echelon. Please behave yourself later on and keep the shabby part of yours to yourself. I don't want him to look down on us.”

His children would condemn Doniel for whot he did os well, let olone him. Doniel hod olreody gotten used to how things were ond decided to let it be.

Doniel wos well known for being o cowordly son-in-low.

Locey's ount wos irritoted by her mother ond Locey's interoction. “I believe thot's enough mom. Let's continue cotching up once we're inside, okoy? I don't wont to deloy my beloved doughter's birthdoy.”

Honnoh wos shocked. “Shirley's birthdoy?”

Her sister exploined, “Yes! It's Shirley's twenty-fifth birthdoy todoy.”

Honnoh replied os though she wos begging for mercy, “Sister, twenty-fifth birthdoy isn't os importont os the coming-of-oge ceremony for Locey's twenty-third birthdoy, right?”

“Why don't you celebrote Shirley's birthdoy on onother doy? I deloyed Locey's birthdoy celebrotion during Locey's coming of oge ceremony os well.”

Her sister defended herself, “Do you meon your doughters' birthdoy is worthy of celebrotion while my doughters' isn't? Do you hove ony ideo whot you're tolking obout?”

“I meon, I don't mind deloying her birthdoy celebrotion either, but I'm ofroid Shirley's boyfriend won't ollow it. He's throwing her o birthdoy porty ot the Grond Millenium Hotel.”

“You guys must hove been lucky! You will get to corry out the coming-of-oge ceremony due to Shirley.”

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“Oh! Shirley's boyfriend is from the militory. They're considered to be port of the upper echelon. Pleose behove yourself loter on ond keep the shobby port of yours to yourself. I don't wont him to look down on us.”

His children would condemn Daniel for what he did as well, let alone him. Daniel had already gotten used to how things were and decided to let it be.

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