Her Brother, Her Mate

Their Human, Her Mates Chapter 47

Hadley POV

I smirked, hearing my mates howling outside the open window. “You’re screwed. So, totally screwed.”

“Shut up you b***h,” Zeki kicks me while I’m down, still lying sideways on the ground, tied to the damn chair. My already bruised ribs crack in my chest, making me scream.

They felt that. I know my mates are feeling my pain, because they start snarling and growling so ferociously, goosebumps rise up on my clammy skin.

“s**t! s**t, s**t, s**t! How the hell are we supposed to defeat Gemini twins, father? What are we going to do now?”

Fadel was backing up from the window, his face full of freight. He snaps his head in my direction, sneering, “Her! They want her. Use her as a shield. They won’t harm us if her life is in danger. Hurry, son, and get her out of those restraints.”

Zeki curses, pulling a knife out of his pocket and quickly cutting through the rope, nicking my arm in the process and making me cry as b***d starts trickling down my wrist. He grips me by the hair and yanks me up to my feet, my ribs screaming at me in protest at the sudden, jerky movement.

“I don’t have time to f**k you, but this will help for now.” His words confuse me, until his mouth comes down forcefully on mine, violent and demanding, his tongue pushing its way into my resisting mouth. He’s trying to get more power. He’s using me to siphon magic. I’m not going to let him.

I open my mouth slightly, giving him room to shove his tongue all the way inside, then I bite down as hard as I can, using all the strength I have left. He screams and cries around the action, pushing and pulling at my face to try to get me to stop, but I clamp down, locking my jaw, refusing to let go as I feel the muscle tearing, his b***d pooling in my mouth. I have to fight the urge to gag and vomit.

He punches me in the side, his fist connecting with my broken ribs. I jerked back with the pain, tearing his tongue off in the process, spitting it on the ground as I cried out.

“YOU b***h! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SON!?” Fadel yelled, coming to help Zeki where he was struggling and whimpering, his hand clamped over his mouth. “YOU f*****g w***e! HOW….HOW DARE YOU!”

“He should learn to keep his extremities to himself,” I choked out.

“You!….” Fadel raises his hand, his hand glowing a murky dark, almost blackness, like the moon when it’s eclipsed, as if it was once supposed to shine bright, but the vibrance in his magic had been snuffed out, consumed by darkness instead.

Before he could fully release his energy, my father ran, throwing himself in front of me, blocking the oncoming blast. Surprise and fear rushed over me, dropping to my knees, seeing the burnt, sizzling flesh on my father’s chest, his clothes scorched and burning away, tears started streaming down my face. He has been a shitty father for the last few years, but he is still my dad. He took the blast to save me.

He is still breathing, but it’s ragged and labored, his face contorted in so much pain.

“You fool! You-”

Fadel’s words were cut off as the front door was knocked off its hinges, falling to the ground right behind Fadel’s feet. He jumps in surprise, turning to the oncoming threat, but he doesn’t move fast enough as a beautiful, vicious gray wolf lunges for him, grabbing hold of his raised hand and tearing it off his body with a twist of his head and a sickening snap.

Zeki is still struggling, slouched on the floor in front of me and my dying father, gripping his discarded tongue in one hand, his other raised in front of him, a brown glow emanating faintly from his palm. It’s not enough power to do much. The blast doesn’t even faze the second gray wolf who is snarling, stalking his way toward his target, hair raised, drool foaming and dropping from his exposed fangs.

The wolf’s blue eyes glowed, a brilliant icy blue emanating from them. Zeki whimpers and cries, his voice strangled from the loss of his tongue and the b***d filling and overflowing from his mouth. His raised hand shakes, then slowly turns at an odd angle, reaching for the knife left on the ground after Zeki freed me from my restraints. He sobs, lifting the knife in the air, gripping it unnaturally in his fist. Then, he brings the blade down, stabbing it into his thigh, a terrorizing scream filling the small room. The wolf, my mate, continuing to pace around him, forcing Zeki to stab himself over and over again using his magic. It’s magnificent to watch, but also so terrifying. The last place he stabs, bringing the blade in with so much force, is his crotch. The small blade dives in between Zeki’s legs, cutting and sinking into the part of Zeki’s body he has used to ruin countless girl’s lives.

I watch in satisfaction as Zeki thrashes and struggles until he finally passes out. The wolf, who I instinctively know is Mitchel somehow, bites through both of his wrists, twisting and jerking his head, ridding him of the ability to use magic. I have a feeling that he and Mark have a more sinister plan for his death.

Mark, the other gray wolf, has already torn off Fadel’s hands. Fadel is sobbing and howling, begging for his pathetic life. Mark is hopping around the man, using Fadel’s torn hands to rein blow after blow to Fadel’s body, his icy magic floating the appendages in the air, bringing them down with an unnatural force to pound into the wailing man.

Mitchel sniffs Zeki, making sure he is down for the count, then turns his attention to my father who is struggling to breathe on the ground in front of me.

“He saved me,” I cried out, scared that Mitchel was going to hurt my father more than he was already hurting. “He took the blast when Fadel tried to hurt me.”

Mitchel snorts, his snout sniffing the wound on my father’s chest, assessing the damage that had been done to him.

“He’s still my father,” I cried, looking down at the man, his face lying in my lap.

Mitchel nuzzles his snout against my face, licking my cheek. The sound of snapping and popping startles me as Mitchel shifts back into his human form. Naked and covered in sweat.

“I’ll save him, Hadley, but he will be placed in Parker’s or Delilah’s prison until we figure out what to do with him. He may be your father, and he may have saved you this time, but we watched as he stood back and allowed those two sick f***s to hurt you. He allowed them to hurt Safarah and your mother for years. One good deed can’t fix a lifetime of bad ones.”Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

I nodded, looking down at my father, knowing what Mitchel said was true. Mitchel goes to his knees, cups my face and k****s me, a k**s full of love and relief that I’m alive and safe with him. Before he heals my father, he rests his warm, glowing hands on my side, healing my ribs. My breathing becomes more natural again, the stabbing, throbbing pain all but forgotten.

Mitchel presses his hands against my father’s chest, the glow almost blinding as he restores the skin to its healthy state, the burn marks fading to nothing. My father’s breathing became even and steady, his face relaxing. He looks like he is just sleeping now.

Mark had Fadel in a broken and bruised heap on the floor, bringing the floating hands down on the back of Fadel’s head, knocking him out cold. He shifts back to normal, walking towards me, drops to the floor and pulls me into his lap, hugging me tightly, and I’m so grateful Mitchel has already healed me. This would have been unbearable a minute ago.

“We were so f*****g scared, Hadley. What the hell were you thinking!? Why would you willingly go outside and meet them, letting them take you?! Why didn’t you call Mitch?!”

“Bro, she can’t breathe with you hugging her like that,” Mitchel says, kneeling behind me.

Mark ignores his brother, continuing to squeeze the life out of me, burying his face in my neck.

“Don’t you ever f*****g do that s**t to us again. Don’t you ever! I don’t care who the hell is being threatened, or what the circumstances are. Don’t risk your life for anyone else ever again.”

“I couldn’t let them kill Jenny,” I squeaked out.

Mark just growled, letting up his hold enough to sit back and look at me. Mitchel brushes the bloody hair out of my hair, over my shoulder and starts kissing his mark on my neck. “I’m so sorry I didn’t protect you, baby. I’m so sorry.”

I combed my fingers through his hair, guilt eating at me, “I’m sorry for not calling for you. I reacted before I could think. I’m sorry. I should have gotten you. I’m sorry, Mitchel.”

His tears are running over my shoulder, his face buried in my nape as I continue to soothe him as best I can with my other mate holding me, running my fingers through Mitchel’s hair over and over again.

“Hate to break up this little love fest, but this one is waking up,” a man, a little bit taller and bulkier than Mitchel and Mark, but with similar facial features says, poking his foot at Zeki who is moaning on the floor. The new man cringes and whistles seeing the knife lodged in Zeki’s crotch. I blushed, looking away from the naked man.

Mitchel looks up and growls, “Let’s get her out of here. Carry her and I’ll get the piece of s**t father.”

Mark lifts me in his arms, carrying me out of the shack, his strong arms molding me against his naked chest. Mitchel picks up my father, tosses him over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes, and follows us out.

Outside, all around the shack, there are bulking, towering men everywhere, crowding around a couple of black Hummers and Escalades. Is it a requirement for werewolf men to be insanely attractive and built of solid muscle? I feel like they could make a killing opening up Chip N Dale like strip clubs in the city. If I didn’t already have 2 of my own, this would almost be too much for my heart to take.

A super-tall man walked over to us with shaggy blonde hair. He is easily the biggest man out of the bunch. He’s got an air about him that screams ‘AUTHORITY’ or ‘LEADER’. He must be Parker, the alpha of their pack. A woman was walking beside him. Her auburn hair is in a high ponytail, and she is in just a sports bra and tiny little shorts, her abs rivaling Mitchel and Mark’s. She looks intimidating, but she is smiling at me, her face showing nothing but kindness. She tossed a pair of basketball shorts to the other man that was in the shack with us.

“Here, Matt. Don’t want to scare your new sister-in-law the first time you meet her.”

“Don’t want to make her feel bad for Lilly, knowing Lilly had to settle for the less blessed of the three of us,” Mitchel laughs, setting my father into the backseat of one of the cars. His hands glow as he touches my father’s wrists, binding them together with a glowing blue ring of magic. My father is still passed out, but Michel probably wants to take some precautions to ensure he doesn’t become a threat when he does wake up.

“f**k you, dipshit. Lilly knows she’s got the best.”

“Keep telling yourself that,” Mark chuckles, setting me on my feet. “You okay to stand, sugar? Mitchel and I have one last thing to take care of.”

I nod. He k****s me briefly, then looks at Mitchel. He nodded at him in understanding.

The woman came up next to me, “I got her, boys. Go take care of your shit.” She puts an arm around me, smiling. She is so much taller than me, several inches at least. “I’m Carli. You’re Hadley, right? Mark was bragging about how beautiful you were all through training, the distracted little s**t. I can see why, though. Even covered in b***d, you’re gorgeous.”

“Thank you?” I looked at her like she was crazy. She is quite gorgeous herself. I feel like a disgusting mess, Zeki’s b***d still wet on the front of my shirt and drying, flaking off on my chin.

“It was f*****g funny as hell watching him and Daryl almost get in a damn fight because the d**k said Hillary looked like a wet f*****g mop compared to you,” Carli throws her head back laughing. She may be gorgeous, but jeez, her mouth. She would make a sailor blush.

“Do you two know what you’re doing,” the tall, intimidating guy asks, coming to stand on the other side of me. I feel like I’m standing between two body-building models. Looking up at the man, he had dark brown eyes that came down slightly in the corners, giving him a sultry look on his chiseled face.

“Yep,” Mitchel calls back, his and his brother’s asses on full display still as they stand stark naked in front of the shack. No one is paying attention to the fact that they are naked, like it’s completely normal. The other guy, Matt, who I just figured out is their brother, is nailing a sheet of plywood over the hole where the door used to be, while another man nails 2 boards over the window, blocking the only other way out of the shack.

Mitchel’s hands start to glow, then Marks, blue fire building in their palms, growing and growing as an icy hue consumes their entire bodies.

“Keep it contained. I don’t want to deal with more s**t from the mayor tonight about disturbing the peace if it gets out of hand,” tall, blonde and sexy yells out to them.

“Yes, Alpha,” both my mates said at the same time.

The fire shoots from their hands, engulfing the entire run-down building, lighting it up in blue flames. The heat is almost unbearable, but they maintain control, keeping the fire contained to just the shack.

Screaming, heart-wrenching screaming fills the night air along with the sounds of the fire raging strongly. Zeki and his father, trapped inside without the use of magic, burn alive in the inferno. My mate’s showed no mercy and no remorse, holding the fire until it consumes everything inside and the screaming dies out with the last of the flames.

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