Her Brother, Her Mate

Their Human, Her Mates Chapter 48

Mitch POV

Mark and I hold the flames for hours, our magic diving into the burning house, coating the two men’s internal organs, prolonging their pain as long as f*****g possible. The outside of their bodies burned, while their insides were left totally healthy and intact, forcing b***d to continue pumping through their bodies, keeping their minds awake and focused, so they were overcome by total torture and agony.

It wasn’t until Hadley started to whimper, our focus turning to her, that we noticed she was having a hard time enduring the raging fire’s heat, and listening to the despicable father and son’s torturous screams for so long. We released our hold on their inner bodies, letting the fire consume them in a matter of minutes, our flames dying out slowly after we were sure their bodies were nothing but ash.

As our magic retracted back into us, it brought with it the vitality and power that was residing in the two men, increasing our magic even more. With Delilah’s and Queen Aisling’s b***d absorbed in us, and the added magic of having a seer as a mate, and gaining power from killing these two men and Suzie, our bodies were buzzing, almost vibrating from the overflow of magic.

“Geez, remind me never to piss you guys off,” Parker mutters, tossing us each a pair of athletic shorts.

Carli smirked at him, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, “Hey, babe. Remember that one time, like, I don’t know, ten years ago when you beat the s**t out of them in front of all the warriors in our pack?”

I want to laugh. I do remember that, and I know Mark does too. Having Hadley, I know why he did it, but I can’t help but play into the little game Carli is trying to start with her mate.

“I do remember,” Parker glares at her, “I also remember why I did that. Do you? I can remind you if you forgot,” he then looked at us, raising his eyebrow at my glowing hands. I was just about to burn the clothes off his body. He knew something was up, but didn’t seem fazed. He smiles slightly then looks down at my curious mate, “Hadley, want me to tell you a story about the first time I went to Bloodlust?”

“NOO!!” Mark and I lunged for Hadley at the same time, pulling her from where she was standing next to Parker, shielding her with our bodies from his view, like that was going to stop her from hearing him.

Parker starts laughing whole-heartedly, then picks Carli up and tosses her over his shoulder, slapping her a*s when she tries to protest. “Clean this mess up, you guys. I have business to take care of with our dear Luna.” “And you try that freaky magic s**t with me, I got weeks worth of surveillance footage and endless stories that I’m sure your mate would love to hear. All about your past endeavors. Keep that in mind.”

“Yes, Alpha,” Mark and I grumble back through the mindlink.

“What happened at Bloodlust? That’s Simone and Vincent’s club, right?” Hadley asks, sheltered between us in our arms.

“Absolutely nothing,” Mark lies, earning him a sour look from our feisty mate.

“Nothing serious. We were on a mission, that’s all.” I tried to cover for our asses.

“A mission to be man whores?” Hadley glares between us, then pushes us off her. “Clean this mess up, jerks,” She starts walking off towards the car I set her father in. I put him in a deep sleep when I healed him, but it still makes me uneasy to have her so close to that man as she gets in the front passenger seat, clearly upset about what Parker said.

“s**t, we will never be able to kick his a*s,” Mark muttered.

“f*****g Carli, man. She always gets us in trouble.”

“We should stop playing into it,” Mark glares as Parker and Carli drive off in their car, Carli’s head dipping up and down over Parker’s lap.

“We get the cold shoulder, and Parker’s getting road head,” I huff, turning towards what’s left of the shack, embers and small flames being snuffed out by warriors’ feet. Matt uses a literal broom and dustpan he pulled out of who knows where, sweeping the ashes of Fadel and Zeki up, dumping them in the swamp for nature to take care of. I feel bad for the wildlife he just tainted with their remains.

“Let’s get our mate home,” I sighed, knowing Matt would take care of things here for us.

Hadley POV

Mark and Mitchel tried to get me to speak with them the whole way home. Honestly, I’m not surprised or mad about what Parker said, I’m just numb and tired from the grueling day I had. That was a lot to endure. Almost too much.

Mark pulls the Escalade up outside some elaborate gallery-looking building, with white marble and modern finishes. Mitchel gets out of the backseat, then comes around to get my father where he is still lying on the other side, slumped against the door.

“What is he doing?” I asked Mark as Mitchel walked inside the building with my father over his shoulder.

“Dropping your father off in Lady Delilah’s cells.” He reaches over and grabs my hand. “Are you still mad at us?”

I sighed, then shook my head, “I’m just tired and want to take a shower and brush my teeth twenty times.”

He growls deeply at that, “That f*****g prick. We should have kept his a*s burning for days.”

I cringe thinking about that. It was the most disgusting thing I had ever witnessed. They deserved it, but it still makes me uneasy to think about it.

“How’s Jenny?” I asked to change the subject, and because I was truly worried about the girl. She may not like me, but I still didn’t wish her any harm.

“Okay. Lilly just mind linked us and said she’s better now and went home with her mom. We took her memories so she thinks she was drugged and passed out for the whole thing. She won’t remember any details. When we found you, Parker had the police report modified to say that the men who took and hurt her were found and killed in gang activity.”

I nod, knowing that’s for the best.

Mark saw the small cut on my arm from when Zeki nicked me with the knife. I had almost forgotten all about it. It doesn’t really hurt. Just stings a little as he pokes at it. His hands glow slightly, then the wound is quickly gone, along with the sting.

When Mitchel was done, we drove back to the resort in mostly silence. I’m too tired and worn out to keep up a conversation. Vivian was crying and gushing over all three of us as we went in.

“You okay?” Micah asked me gently as Vivian started yelling at Mitchel and Mark for racing out of the resort so fast. Her and Micah were left behind, worried about what was happening, until Matt did the weird mindlink thing to let them know we were alright.

“I’m fine. Just tired and wanting a shower.”

He gives me a quick hug, then goes to help calm Vivian, who has now started to cry as she curses at her sons in the middle of the lobby. Ignorant guests were watching, openly gawking and staring at the family, but they didn’t seem to notice. I can’t even imagine what we all look like right now, the boys wearing nothing but shorts, and me a total mess, covered in Zeki’s b***d.

“Hadley, I’m so glad you are alright,” Mama hugged me to her, running her hands over my face and looking me up and down, “I was so worried when Vivian came to get me and told me what happened. Did they hurt you?”

I smiled sadly at her. The small amount of pain I endured from them is nothing compared to what this woman went through for me over the last 25 years. “I’m fine. Just tired.”

She nods her head, then k****s my cheeks, “Get some rest. We can talk in the morning.”

Mitchel, Mark and I rode up to our floor, all three of us exhausted and ready to just pass out. I would love to just fall into our bed to go straight to sleep, but I desperately need a shower and to clean out my mouth. It feels disgusting from the lingering b***d in my teeth.

I strip the second we walk into the suite, my clothes falling to the ground like breadcrumbs leading to our bedroom. I turn on the shower and grab my toothbrush and toothpaste before getting in. I’m going to multitask so I can get to bed faster.

The third or fourth time brushing my teeth, Mitchel comes into the bathroom, kicking off his shorts and stepping in the shower with me. He washes my hair while I finish brushing my teeth. Mark came in soon after, joining us under the warm spray of water, washing off the hardships we had to endure that day.

Once clean, they just hold me between them, resting their faces against their marks while I relish the feeling of being safe in their arms.

“I love you. Both of you,” I murmured, “Thank you for saving me.”

“Always,” Mark whispered.

“Forever,” Mitchel presses his lips to his mark, igniting a need inside me. I’m so tired, so mentally and physically exhausted, but I need them. I need both of them.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Let’s go to bed,” I tell them, knowing they can smell my arousal by the way they g***n slightly, their chests vibrating against my naked body. “I need you.”

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