Her Brother, Her Mate

Their Human, Her Mates Chapter 46

Mark POV

“I f*****g lost her,” Mitch has his head in his hands, sitting in a chair in the conference room of the resort.

“You couldn’t have known,” Mom was rubbing his back sympathetically, “You heard what Jenny said and saw what they put her through.”

Jenny was kidnapped by Hadley’s ex-fiance yesterday, held overnight while the sick f**k got information out of her about Hadley and us, and then she was used to blackmail Hadley into leaving the resort. Them luring her outside and taking her happened in a matter of 30 seconds. There really was nothing Mitch could have done. Hadley probably didn’t expect to actually be taken from us that easily either.

We went back and watched the security footage, and she seemed taken by surprise when the silver car pulled up and grabbed her. Jenny was shoved out of the driver’s seat door just seconds later when the car sped off.

Mom called an ambulance and the police that were sent were our people, keeping the chaos contained to just the supernatural community knowing the truth about what happened. Jennie is in the hospital now, being treated for the torture she endured and was being watched over by Lilly until she is okay enough to go home.

Before she was taken away in the ambulance, our dad had us take her memories for the last 24 hours and place them in a crystal so she would not have any recollection of what she endured or any of our kind; and so we could review her memories and see if we could find anything useful to help us find our mate.

Her memories are hazy, at first, clearly drugged. Then, they become full of fear and agony while she is being questioned and used. It’s f*****g disgusting and I pray Hadley doesn’t suffer anything like this before we find her. They better not lay a f*****g finger on her, not one f*****g hair on her beautiful head.

We couldn’t find any clue as to where they were staying, but wherever it was, it wasn’t nice as far as accommodations are concerned. Looked like a shack or hole in the wall, a s**t hole. Not enough information to peg down where to start looking for her. There are a million places like it on the outskirts of the city.

We have a group of werewolves here with our brother sent to aid us, and Parker and Carli are working on blocking off all ways out of the city. Carli had Melody request for the water around Miami to be guarded by the merfolk. There is no way out of this city without our kind being aware.

Now, we just need to figure out how to find Hadley before it’s too late.

“Do you boys feel your bond again yet?” Dad asked us, looking through the crystal again at Jenny’s memories.

I shook my head at the same time as Mitch. I still can’t feel anything. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. If they started doing to her what they did to Jenny, we would feel it, whether she was awake or not. I don’t want her to experience that.

“Location spell it is. Go get Hadley’s hair brush or toothbrush, something with her DNA on it,” he tells Mitch. Mitch quickly pushes out of his chair, striding quickly out of the room to go retrieve it. “Mark, while he’s doing that, circulate your magic through the gemini bond between you both. Your power should grow stronger with each circuit. Location spells are draining. You’re going to need to power up as much as possible because one of you will have to hold the spell until we find her.”

“Maybe this will help,” a silky voice cooed from the open conference door, Lady Delilah walking in and joining us, a vial of her dark, murky b***d resting in her outstretched hand, offering it to me. “Vincent called me. I told young Mitchel if he ever needed help, I would be there. Here, take my b***d and siphon the magic from it. And this,” Lady Delilah pulls another vial full of b***d out of her cleavage, “Is from Aisling.”

Dad is gaping at the generous gifts. With these, we will be unstoppable, no matter what we face or how long we have to use magic.

Mitch gets back with Hadley’s brush, putting it in my father’s hand. We each drink half of each vial of b***d, ignoring the metallic taste and thick texture, then dad pulls two hairs from Hadley’s brush, tying one around each of our thumbs.

“Like I showed you, pull on your magic, bring it to the surface, and let it direct you on what to do.”

We waste no time, closing our eyes and focusing on the essence of our mate still lingering on her fallen hair. Our eyes glow around our closed lids, our hands heating as the magic flows through our bodies, between one another. It’s easy. So easy. I don’t know why our dad was stressing out about this or saying it would take too much energy. This feels like nothing.

“Do you see that?” Mitch asks me through the mind link as a picture flickers behind my eyelids. Hadley. It’s Hadley.

“Yes,” I replied, watching as she was being tied to a chair in the same shack that Jenny’s memories pictured. The younger man who is handling her, restraining her to the chair, is the main culprit in Jenny’s memories. Zeki, my dad called him. The a*****e ex-fiance. The soon-to-be dead ex-fiance. His fingers brushed down her unconscious face, a fierce growl tearing out of both me and my brother as we watched in the magical vision.

“Did you check the main road, Zachary?” an older man said from the other side of the room.

“It is blocked too. We should have taken our chances at the airport. There were not that many wolves there. Now we’re stuck in this disgusting shed on the reserve, surrounded by gators and being eaten alive by mosquitoes.”

“It was your blunder and mishandling of your wife that led to this.”

The picture shifts slightly, and I realize that I can manipulate the image to see it at different angles. I can see a swamp out the window, the horizon darkening as the sun sets and twilight comes. They said they were in the reserve. I can feel my magic pulling me in that direction, and from Mitch’s reaction, I know he can feel the same.

“The reserve. We need to head to the reserve.”

I ran out the door with Mitch, racing through the lobby and out to the SUVs Matt brought with him and his men.

“The reserve. We need to go to the reserve,” I tell Matt as Mitch jumps in the driver’s seat. I got into the passenger side, and Matt rushed into the back seat, mind linking with the other warriors where we were heading as Mitch started to drive.

I try to maintain the vision of my mate, watching as Hadley’s father discusses possible escape routes with the other old man, who I am guessing is Fadel. It’s only the three of them with Hadley. Zeki continued to study Hadley, brushing the hair out of her face, checking out the marks on either side of her neck and sneering at the scars. That’s right, b***h. She’s ours.

I growl when he pulls at the front of her shirt, looking down at her chest. He licks his lips, and my claws extend into my leg, where I am clenching my knee, trying to fight the urge to shift. Mitch is struggling too, but when Zeki releases her shirt, takes a step back to circle her, observing her from all around, then walks away and sits on the single bed, our wolves recede.

After a few minutes, Hadley began to wake up. I watch as Zeki starts taunting her as she struggles to open her eyes. I can feel the stirring in our bond now that she’s awake. I can feel her fear and anxiety, and then her disgust when she looks at her ex-fiance.

When the old man walks over and backhands her, I’m done. I can’t do the car ride. I have to shift. My wolf is almost breaking through watching as the old f**k screams at and barates Hadley. Mitch is snarling as he pulls over to the side of the road. We’re in a less populated area outside the reserve now. Shifting isn’t an issue, and that’s a good thing because I can’t restrain myself any longer.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

My beast tears through my skin, as Mitch’s does his. We’re both gray wolves, with the same icy blue eyes. Matt shifts with us, ordering Daryl to take the car and listen through the mind link to where to go. Mitch and I don’t have time for that. We don’t have time to make sure the other wolves can keep up with us. We have one goal, and nothing else. Get to our mate.

Fadel, the fat, old f**k, just kicked Hadley in the stomach, and we can feel it through the bond. Hatred and fury filled me. This man was going to die, and soon. We can hear the old man telling Hadley’s father what he planned on doing with her. No f*****g way were they going to abuse our mate. No way were they even going to even live past today with those intentions towards the most perfect and pure woman. Our woman. Not with our f*****g mate.

Our wolves race through the swampy marsh, the pull through the magic drawing us toward our mate. She’s close. So close, I can almost smell her now.

Matt lets out a howl, signaling the others as the worn-down shack comes into view. She’s in there. I let go of the spell, knowing we no longer needed it. She’s there, in that shack, waiting for us, fully confident that we would be there any moment to save her. She knows we will never give up. She has full confidence that we were going to find her and avenge all the wrongs that these horrible men had done.

Hold on, sugar. We are almost there.

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