You Are My Mr Right

Chapter 958: I Have a Question for You

He leaned against the door, hands lazily in his pockets, the sunlight outside casting a golden halo over him and Luna, like a dreamy unreal scene.

He walked over and hugged Luna.

Afraid that this moment was a dream, fearing that everything would disappear when he wakes up.

Luna stiffened for a moment, suppressing the fear in her heart, smiling at him, “What’s wrong with you? I’m changing Star’s diaper, I can’t do it with you hugging me like this, let me go.”

Orion refused, holding her tighter.

“Don’t struggle, let me hold you for a while,” he tightened his arms around her, holding her tightly, “Luna.”

“Hmm?” Luna looked up.

Orion smiled, “I feel like I’m not dreaming, I can hear your voice, feel your breath.”

Luna said, “Are you still drunk and not awake?”

Orion pouted, resting his chin on her shoulder, “I’m awake, fully awake. Just now watching you and Star, I suddenly felt happy, what I have now makes all the past seem unworthy.”

Luna lowered her gaze, scenes of the past playing in her mind.

Seeming distant, yet feeling like it happened just yesterday.

Thoughts like a dream.

Luna told him word by word, “You’re not dreaming, and neither am I. We- are indeed together.”

Orion hugged her greedily, “Let’s live like this for a lifetime.”

Luna looked outside the window.

She also hoped for such a simple lifetime.

Star blinked, not crying or fussing, as if she knew how precious this moment was.

After a while, Star fell asleep.

Luna changed her diaper.

Orion stood in front of the table, looking at her, “Can I open it?”

Luna said, “Why are you so curious?”

Orion chuckled.

He was just curious about what Freya had given her.

Just wanted to know.

Luna said, “Go ahead.”

With her consent, Orion immediately opened the box.

It was two sets of couple silk pajamas.

The bright red satin shimmered softly.

Smooth as milk to the touch.

He said, “I thought it would be money, didn’t expect me to be so shallow.”

Luna said, “Did you lose money in there?”

Orion laughed, looking at Luna, “I wish I had a lot of money, buy everything you like for you.”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“I don’t have such big ambitions, as long as I can be with Star- and you, I can live any kind of day.”

She looked at Star tenderly, affectionate in her eyes.

Orion believed her words.

If Luna was a money-loving woman, she wouldn’t have been with Yang Ming beforehand.

If she was after money, she would have looked for a tycoon or clung to him.

After all, he was a wealthy man.

Freya and Luna were the same.

They had their own thoughts, their own ideas, they knew what they wanted.

Such independent women were liked by people.

The wedding arrived as scheduled!

Red silk hung, joyous characters pasted, colorful balloons, even the air was filled with joy!

Luna sat in the dressing room, a professional makeup artist creating her look.

Today, she was the most beautiful woman.

Freya accompanied her.

Kai blinked his big round eyes, “Aunt Luna is so beautiful today.”

Luna looked at him in the mirror, “Kai, you have such a sweet mouth.”

Kai said seriously, “I mean it.”

Luna looked at him, eyes full of smiles.

“Where’s Morton? Will you bring Kai later, Morton?”

Freya said, “He’s small, always running around, I asked Elijah to take care of him.”

He’s obedient here, Kai also obediently accompanying him.

If it were Morton, he would have run out long ago.

It’s easier to take care of older kids.

Luna said, “Kai is growing up.”

Kai patted his chest proudly, “Of course, Mom says I’m the big brother of our group.”

“Our group?” Luna didn’t understand, Kai explained to her, “Mom said Morton should call me a big brother, Aunt’s baby should call me a big brother, and Star should also call me a big brother. All the babies should call me a big brother. Am I the big brother now?”

Luna suddenly realized, “Yes, Kai is the big brother.”

Kai took on the role for himself, “Aunt Luna, I will take care of Star in the future. When she goes to school, I will protect her. I want to be her superhero.”

Luna smiled, “Okay.”

Freya teased Luna, “Are you really willing to let Star be protected by our Kai? Aren’t you afraid he’ll run away with her?”

“Let him run away, it’s better than letting someone else take her.” Luna also laughed.

She said it as a joke, but she also thought like that.

At least Kai knows his roots and can’t bully Star.

If she finds a stranger.

She’ll have to worry about it.

“Mom, what are you guys talking about?” Kai waved to Freya, calling her to him.

Freya walked over and pulled him, “Be careful, Auntie has a baby in her belly, forgot?”

“Sacha, where are you? It was hard to find you. What are you talking so happily about?” Sacha was bored, couldn’t find Freya, asked around and found out she was here.

Freya walked over to help her, “How did you come up? I’m embarrassed by your painstaking kindness.”

“You’ve had signs of miscarriage before, be careful, don’t be careless, try to move less.” Freya explained.

Sacha nodded, “I understand.”

Freya helped her sit on the sofa.

She looked at Luna, amazed, “The bride is so beautiful today, Orion will surely be grinning from ear to ear.”

Luna politely smiled back.

Sacha sat down and waved at Kai, “Come to Auntie, I have a question for you.”

Kai jumped into her arms.

Freya frowned and pulled him, “Be careful, Auntie has a baby in her belly, you forgot?”

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