The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 8 - Annulment

Chapter 8 - Annulment

I stood in pure disgust of how many ugly dresses that lay on the bed for me to choose from.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Diana your taste in gowns is so bad that even Kim Kardashian left the


"My lady, his highness is waiting for your arrival" Stella said.

I rolled my eyes at her dumb statement. 'No shit sherlock. It's not like he came here to annual my

engagement or something'

I glanced back the pile of dresses waiting for me to choose. In second thoughts I should probably send

a letter then meet the prince face to face while wearing one of these balloon gowns. I already had

trouble walking in the last dress before. I looked like a disabled penguin walking in that thing if it is even

a dress. 'God, how do these ancient ladies walk in these tight overbearing dresses without falling? I

don't even want to get started on the tight corset' NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

I sighed. "**** this shit I'm going with this muffin dress"

"Darling why don't you play us the new melody you have been working on while we wait on your

sister's arrival"

Ariana was flustered by her mother's sudden words. She stole a quick glance from the prince who

gazed at her back in curiosity, his jet-black hair styled in a spiky mess making him look like a bad boy,

he wore navy blue tuxedo suit to match with his fierce golden eyes. Ariana blushed shyly, hiding her

face from the sudden embarrassment.

Ariana fiddled with the hem of her green sleeve. "M-mother I'm still in need of practice" she said shyly.

"It surely doesn't matter whether your playing is greater than the goddess Celia or worse than a child's

play" The prince said coldly, his golden eyes locking eyes with her green orbs.

"But whether you can play with the flow of your heart that matters"

A hint of hope enlightens her beating heart, his words may have been cold but with the right words it

could melt anyone's heart. Ariana smiled sweetly at him.

"Thank you, your highness very much for your words of encouragement"

Damon was stunned by her sweet smile he quickly looked away before he showed any warm emotions

to the family.

He cleared his throat. "It's a pleasure"

Alice and Marcus gave each other victorious looks. They did it. Diana's engagement was going to be

annulled and their daughter has warmed up to the prince. Soon Ariana will be the next empress of


Ariana stood up and walked towards the grand piano that stood in front of the room. She flattened the

back of her gown before she took a sit on the cushioned stool.

Ariana stole another glance at the handsome man that sat across the room with his leg crossed over

his other leg and sat there staring at her coldly waiting for her to start.

Ariana took a deep breath calming her racing her heart before she started to play.

With a push of a white and black key a sweet melody rung out. She fastened her pace playing the

melody of the song she choreographed. The beautiful sounds of the piano echoed the room creating a

soothing atmosphere.

Ariana played to her heart content ignoring the pleasing of her parents and the surprised prince which

she was trying to impress with her piano skills, something Ariana spent years learning to do as a noble


With the last key pressed and the sound of the melody faded a sudden slow clap was heard.

Everyone looked at each other to see who was clapping yet none were. They turned their heads to see

Diana standing in the doorway clapping slowly, her face was expressionless.

"Well, well. My sister plays quite well" she said coldly strolling her way to the couch without greeting the

prince or her parents.

The sight of her half sister made her whole body freeze not from surprise but from Diana's cold and

dominating aura, it wasn't like the same aura that Diana used to possess towards her.

"I see his Highness the crown Prince Damon has come for a visit today" She sat down at the end of the

room far away from them, her leg crossed and her head resting on the side of her knuckles with a

sinister grin across her face like she had an evil plan up her sleeve.

Damon stared at her expressionless, observing her strange and rude manner towards them.

She hadn't bothered to greet them a good morning and neither did Diana sit next to her beloved

fiancé and start to spout nonsense to the prince, clinging herself to him like a lost baby duck.

"I must apologise that I was unable to attend your sweet little birthday party" she battered her eyes,

Damon shot a killer glare assuming she would tremble but she didn't instead Diana shot the same icy

cold glare at him. Those eyes didn't hold the eyes of admire towards him but hatred and disgust.

Marcus saw this disrespectful behaviour and shot up from his sit. Fuming with anger he yelled at her

"Diana Glacies apologise to his royal highness immediately".

Artemis stared at him in disbelief. Who was he to tell her what to do?

"Sit back down Duke I have nothing to apologise for" she said calmly fiddling with the almond nail of

hers before shooting a glare at him. They were a loud gasp coming from Alice and Ariana. Everyone

was speechless even the cold prince himself.

"You dare speak to your father like that young lady" Alice hissed, slamming her fan on her palm.

Artemis yawned, stretching her hands in the air. Alice mouth twitched at the disrespect coming from her

step daughter.

"You must be joking Alice to call him my father" she placed a hand over the couch letting it rest. Alice

gripped her fan in anger. Never has Diana called her Alice, she would call her duchess or lady Alice but

never Alice. She would cower away when her father was in presence, and she would have the

sweetest and fake smile to charm the prince yet here she was acting like she owned the place with an

arrogant aura leaking from her.

"DIANA" Duke yelled startling poor Ariana whose face was white as snow.

"You dare call her that, She is my wife and your duchess"

Artemis wasn't startled by his sudden yell, she only looked side to side like she always did in situations

like this. "She is nothing but a commoner you found on the street." She shuffled her silver locks

"Don't compare a slut to the former duchess of Aureum" She crossed her hands and waited for the


Ariana gasped and Alice dropped her fan, her mouth wide open in horror. The duke himself face turned

red like a tomato.

"How dare you call my wife a slut!"

Artemis ignored the duke and shifted her attention to Damon who stared at her bewildered and

speechless. He had no words to back the family neither did he seem like it was his place to interfere.

"You came here to annual the engagement I presume" Diana said interrupting the duke who was about

to say something.

The duke, duchess and Damon were dumbfounded by the sudden words Diana spoke. Damon himself

was more puzzled of her calm persona when he expected her to cry.

Ariana sat on the stool quietly witnessing the events that was appearing in front of her. Her hands

tightly gripping her skirt and trying to calm herself from lashing out her sister who dared to call her

mother a slut.

Artemis stared at the stupefied prince and looked at him impatiently "Your highness is that why you

came here" Artemis called out for him who was mind was not on earth but somewhere else.

He shifted his golden eyes to Diana who was waiting impatiently for his answer.

He stood up adjusting his navy-blue jacket totally shrugging off the sudden rude behaviour her earlier .

"Diana Glacies, I Crown Prince Damon Aurum of Aureum declare the annulment of our engagement"

Artemis let out a sigh of relief . 'Finally, the words I have been dying to hear from you since the day I

came into this novel'. She cried inside.

She stood up, patting down her skirt and then standing firmly locking her eyes with the prince making

sure he understands her determination and honesty. "I, Diana Glacies of Aureum accept your wishes,

your highness" she placed her hand on her heart gesturing she was being truthful.

Ariana and Alice gasped at her sudden acceptance of the annulment. Damon and Marcus stared at her

speechless. They thought she would have disagreed and thrown a tantrum nevertheless she was calm

and seemed like she waited for this for so long.

Damon inhaled. "Diana, I hope you don't go back on your word. If this may occur, I will single handedly

punish you for going back on your word" his cold domineering tone made Artemis scrunch her face in


'I never met someone as cunning and cocky as you.' Artemis clenched her fists. 'Do you think I will

return to you crying and begging you take me back. Your mistaken you son of a bitch.'

"No need to worry your highness I will keep my word as you will keep yours but please do not regret

your decision in the future because I'm not unfinished work that you can come back to whenever you

like" Artemis refused to bow at his presence.

Damon arched his thin sharp eyebrow up with a slight grin. "Diana your bold to assume I would return


Artemis wanted to gag at his cockiness while looking at him like he was stupid. "You think too highly of

yourself." she said lazily. "You should start looking yourself in the mirror you might need it to find your

lost ego".

A dark purple glow surrounded Damon, he held out a hand and a dark purple ball sparking lightning

formed in the midst of his palm. Everyone was frightened even his guards that stood behind him

stepped back however Artemis stood firmly without any fear. She dealt with hundreds of bullets and

explosions fired at her, a cage full of tigers, torture, missions so dangerous she nearly lost her life and

God's wrath and this puny scene didn't scare her at all.

"You dare to speak to a prince like that, do you wish death upon you" his hissed, golden eyes darting at


"I went through hell and back to be where I am now. Your threats are nothing but child's words" she

said in lazily manner.

Marcus slashed his hand, pointing a finger at her with a distasteful look in his eyes "You despicable

woman. I knew you were a devil the day you came to this world. Guards arrest her and take her to the

cold dungeons." he ordered the Glacies knights. "Don't let her see daylight until she learns her


The guards shuffled their way towards Diana and as they were about to grab hold of her, she glanced

at them with an icy cold glare strucking them to freeze in fear. "I like to see you weaklings try" She

smirked and cracked her knuckles. Artemis was ready to beat them to a palt.

"She's just a weak woman, grab her."

Artemis shifted her gaze towards Marcus "I may be a woman but don't underestimate me, Marcus. You

don't know who I am? Or what I have been through"

Marcus clenched his teeth and growled at her. "Don't to speak to me so boldly wench. I am the duke

and I hold more power than you ever think. Guards arrest her"

Ariana trembled in fear with tears flowing down her cheeks. "Shhh, darling its ok your mothers got you"

Alice hugged her terrified daughter, stroking her brown hair to assure her she was safe in her arms.

Artemis swatted the hands of the guards.

"From this day on, I, Diana Glacies shall be no more." she swatted her hand.

"From today I am Diana who belongs to no house and by the end of the week you shall never see me

roaming this awful and foul mansion"

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