The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 7 - Dream

Chapter 7 - Dream

Artemis looked around to see the familiar white room.

'Am I dreaming?' She questioned herself as she scanned the area, expecting for the bright light to

shine upon her and blind her eyes yet no light appeared.

Instantly the smell of iron pierced her nose. Traumatised from the last time she sensed blood, Artemis

jumped back swiftly scanning the ground for the rising blood and the hands to appear from the ground

and drag her down however, no matter how long she waited there was nothing.

She looked at her hands, after all the reason the crimson ocean build up last time was because of the

dripping blood on her hands.

Artemis panicked when her hands were stained in blood as droplets of blood splattered the white

floors. She looked at the ground feeling that this time it's going to happen but then again nothing

except for the splat patterned blood.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips.

"Guess God decided to go easy on me for now"

"sniff sniff* *weep. Weep" she was interrupted by a weeping of a woman.

Artemis span around, searching for the source of the cry but saw no one.

She walked endlessly in the never-ending white room with the trail of blood following behind her,

looking for the woman who was crying yet she could not spot her anywhere in this empty vast room of


In a swift, a light blinded Artemis. She squeezed her eyes, using her hand to shelter out the light. She

slowly widened her eyes making them adjusted by the bright light. She spotted an entrance at the far of

the white room, shining a white rectangular light from it.

Artemis was somehow attracted to the door, she had a feeling the door was calling to her, telling her to

walk in. Her gut told her to walk in however her mind refused it, terrified of what might be waiting on the

other side.

But then again, her feet seemed to have a mind of its own and started to move towards the entrance.

"*boohoo* *sniff sniff*" the crying was getting louder with each step towards the door.

"I wonder who's crying?"

When she reached the door, Artemis stretched her hand to touch the light that shone out from the door.

When her fingertips touched the light a hint of warmth ran up her skin.

'Does this door lead to outside' she wondered, tilting her head in curiosity.

she squinted her eyes to get a better look at the door but the light was vibrant and it burnt her eyes.

Artemis quickly covered her eyes stepping back as if she was looking up at the giant ball of hot lava in

the sky.

"****, it does lead to outside" she said with a low grunt.

The weeping was louder out there, making her curiosity wonder through her head. She desperately

wanted to know who was crying so goddamn loud.

Without a second thought she shut her eyes tightly and jumped through the door.

The was no sound when she landed on the green lushes' grass beneath her black high heeled boots.

The warm rays of the sun reflected against her skin warming the icy cool skin of Artemis.

She slowly opened her eyes to see the breath-taking garden filled with dozens of beautiful flowers

rowing from roses to blue hydrangea. There were green trees shaped as different animals like

flamingos, and horses. There was also a marble statue of a woman like the one of the Greek statues of

ancient Greece.

"It looks familiar. have I seen it somewhere before?" she tapped her chin, pondering over the thought

but her mind remained blank.

In frustration Artemis ruffled her long jet-black hair, messing it a little. "Shit".

"*wahahah*" the cry of the woman travelled in the wind that blew past Artemis.

"Seriously please just shut up. Your crying is getting on my nerves" She growled.

Artemis hated when people cried endlessly without a simple explanation especially kids that cried in

public. She was always tempted to strangle the kid and drop kick it a hundred metres in the sky in front

of the parents and walk away like she did the world a favour of getting rid a of another pest.

Artemis strolled through the beautiful garden of endless flowers with her fingertips stroking against the

petals as she walked leaving a trail of blood stains on the delicate petals. she stopped a few times to

smell their fresh fragrance. Even if it was a dream, it felt so real.

From the corner of her eyes she caught a figure in a white puffy dress sitting on the grass curled up like

a ball crying in her arms with her long silver hair dancing in the gentle breeze.

"*sniff sniff* *boohoo*" Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Artemis didn't want to console the crying woman but again her feet moved for her, slowly approached

the crying woman so she wouldn't get startled.

The woman slowly rose her head up and locked her familiar icy blue eyes with Artemis' ruby blood


Artemis had a feeling she seen her before. She felt like her presence was familiar to her but she was

unable to remember where or when she seen her however Artemis sensed that the crying woman was

someone she knew yet her mind was blocking her from remembering who.

"a maid is*sniff* forbidden to *sniff* enter mother's garden *sniff* without my *sniff sniff* permission" she

said under her cracking and trembling voice.

Artemis' eye twitched from the sudden insult of the weeping woman. Crossing her hands and leaning

her hips to the side she spoke "Use that god damn eyes of yours properly and tell me if I look like a

maid" an irritated tone escaped her mouth.

The woman's icy blue eyes glared at her for a second. The two stared at each with crackling of thunder

running across each other's eyes.

Suddenly her eyes widened in realisation. "Your features." She pointed to Artemis' face who rose an


"I have never seen them before. Are you some sort of human mutant?"

Artemis nose wrinkled, offended by her words about her.

"Human mutant?" she echoed after the woman.


NEW RACE OF HUMANS" Artemis through a fit startling the woman.

Confusion was written all over the woman's beautiful face that was now smudged with black outliner.

"H-how d-dare you talk to the lady of Glacies like that" the woman stood up stomping her feet. An angry

cold chill came from the woman. Artemis arched her eyebrow observing how the woman tried to keep

an angry expression while her body trembled lightly.

Artemis narrowed her eyes at her. "Oh, and what are you going to do? Call your papa to arrest me"

arching her hip to the left.

The woman clenched her fist tightly until her knuckles went white and her face flushed red in fury but

out of nowhere her eyes dropped and she tugged her hands.

"No. Father won't care about trivial matters like this" the voice that slipped through her lips showed of

pain and sadness.

Artemis suddenly felt a hint of guilt for saying what she said earlier but she shrugged it off.

"In fact, father doesn't care about me at all." She plopped back on the grass, hugging her legs hidden

in her white dress that was stained with mud on the hems of the skirt.

"He never liked me since the day I came to this world. He threw me in the cold mansion with my sick

mother not caring about what we did or what happened to us."

Artemis rose an eyebrow in disbelief. What kind of cruel father would abandon his sick wife and

daughter like that. Her blood boiled at the thought of it and her killing instinct started to grow within her.

"Do you want me to kill him for you" Artemis accidentally blurted it out not caring who heard.

The woman looked at her off guard and puzzled by the sudden bold words Artemis spoke so


"No" those eyes turned into a wistful look again as it looked down at her feet.

"Why?" Artemis crossed her hands, puzzled. "If my father was like that, I would have stabbed him in

the heart for treating me and my mother like a pile of garbage"

The woman lifted her head and stared at the ruby eyes before giggling softly and gracefully like noble

woman. Artemis on the other was even more confused.

"It's because little sister and step mother would be upset and I don't want to take their happiness away

from them because of my selfish reasons" the woman smiled to herself as she played with the yellow

weed growing from the grass.

"Ugh." she rolled her eyes. "Such a doormat. I'm going to kill him and set you free from this miserable

life" Artemis turned her heels and stormed off towards the huge mansion.

The woman shot up from her spot. "Wait!" the woman grasped her hand but yelped when she saw the


Artemis looked at her wet palms covered in blood. She totally forgot about that.

"W-why are y-your hands s-stained w-with b-blood?" the silver haired woman stepped back, trembling

in fear.

"Are you an assassin sent by father to kill me?" tears started to form in the corner of hers, staggering

back a little.

"W-what? What no!"

The woman relaxed a little but she kept her guard up.

"But I am an assassin, that I can agree with" Artemis sighed shuffling her hair leaving a trace of blood.

Artemis glanced down at her hands that wasn't her colour but red "cursed with the blood of others

stained on my hands for the rest of my life" No matter how many times she tries to avoid it, her choices

would haunt her for the rest of her days until her last breath.

Diana showed pity for the mysterious woman standing in front of her with most alien looking attire she

had ever seen and with features so unordinary however something about her made her at ease. Even

with blood stained hands and a cold personality the woman seemed like she had suffered a lot through

her life just like she has.

Diana tared a piece of white cloth from her skirt and walked towards the woman.

She flinched, stepping back reaching her hand behind her.

"it's ok. I just want to wipe off the blood"

Artemis gave her a face palmed look. "Are you deaf or something because I clearly stated that I'm

cursed with these blood-stained hands"

The woman smiled warmly. "It's never a bad idea to try"

Artemis rolled her eyes. This woman was just stupid and annoying.

The woman stretched her hand out and gently held her hand then to softly stroked it clean.

Artemis' eyes widened in surprise when the blood started to soak in the white cloth, clearing her hands

from the red liquid revealing the light pink palm.

"see" the woman looked into red ruby eyes suddenly so mesmerised by the glittering of the red orbs

that was focused on her hands.

"No comment there" Artemis pulled her hand away unaware that woman was staring at her.

Artemis looked at her confused, she turned her gaze away then back at her. "Could you stop staring

me. Your giving me the total creeps"

"u-uh sorry" she blushed from embarrassment. "it's just your eyes are very pretty" she placed a lock of

her silver hair behind one ear.

Artemis looked at her in superstition, narrowing her eyes at the woman.

"Thanks, I guess" she wiped her hand down her black top.

"So, tell me why were you crying?" Artemis crossed her hands.

The woman looked down at her fiddling feet which she kicked the ground.

"When I feel, I come here to cry out my problems" her voice was rather shy and reserved like she was


"You sure you don't want me to assassinate your whole family especially your so-called father" Artemis

brought back the suggestion just in case the woman had changed her mind.

"No" she may have looked like she didn't want it however Artemis sensed she wanted her to kill them.

She is an assassin and she dealt with a whole lot of people similar to her.

"it's my fiancé crown prince".

Artemis rose an eyebrow. 'So, it's love. Huh. Tch love. Always has to be love. Love is just a waste of

time and space with nothing but hate and betrayal as a result' Artemis gritted her teeth hating the word

love as it reminded her of Itami and his betrayal.

"Do you want me to kill him and spike his head then hang it on his castle for the whole world to see it.

Would that satisfy you lady?"


"Then what?" Artemis felt impatient with the slow minded woman who was wasting her time with her

slow talk and decision making.

She was hesitant. "it doesn't matter. I'm useless anyway" she sat back down.

"yes you actually really are" Artemis agreed not caring if the woman felt hurt by the honesty of her.

Artemis sighed and turned around to where she came from and started walking back.

If the woman didn't want her to kill her family then there was no reason her to stay any longer.

"C-can...c-can you save me"

Artemis stopped in her tracks and span around to see the woman crying again but this time her tears

was not crystal blue but blood red.

"Save you from what?" Artemis stepped back. The flowers around her started to wither away turning

into a dry brown shrivelled up flower. The sky became a blood red and the grass started to blacken.

Artemis stepped back in horror remembering the bony hands.

"Diana" she unintentionally blurted it out.

Diana turned her head as a crack of bone was heard.

Artemis yelped back seeing how Diana's beautiful face was now shrewd and horrid like a corpse.

Instead of her icy blue eyes the pupils and iris was white. Her skin was a light tint of grey with her dry

lips hued of blue. Her face was covered in blood as it dripped down her forehead. She looked like a

dead corpse bride.

A low raspy voice spoke from those dry blue eyes. "My death".

Artemis let out an ear piercing scream.

"My lady, My lady"

Artemis shot up from her bed, brows dripping with cold sweat and her body felt hot as if she was boiled


"My lady it was just a nightmare".

Artemis looked straight into those fake brown eyes of Lilly. She let out an angry huff because the first

thing she sees in the morning are those eyes of hers. Artemis swatted her hand away, startling Lilly in


"Get me a cup of water please" she ordered. Lilly was stunned, standing there and staring at her

master with her shocked and bewildered expression.

"Don't make me ask twice Lilly" Artemis hissed, shooting a glare frightening the meak brown haired


"Yes, my lady" She bowed, quickly walking off.

Artemis placed a hand on her pounding head, feeling how hot the skin was.

"what the hell was that all about?" she mumbled. Those dead eyes still vivid in her memory. She

looked to the side where the glass doors of the balcony was reflecting the sun light in.

"I need some air" she swung her legs out of her blanket and bed then to stumbled her way to the

balcony. When she opened the door, a light morning breeze brushed past her enlightening her. She

inhaled the sudden fresh air making her forget the horrid dead face of Diana.

"It was a just a nightmare" she mumbled to herself.

"Oddly I can't remember what the dream was about" she scratched her head trying to remember what

she talked with Diana while she walked to the gates of the balcony then to lean on it.

She glanced at the garden below her balcony. Looking at it now, it didn't catch her breath like in her

dream, it just reminded her of the withering flowers from her dream last night.

Instantly her eyes saw a carriage from affair entering the golden gates of the duke's mansion.

It looked so luxurious with golden parts all around, marble like doors and white horses attached it

leading it closer and closer.

Artemis icy blues eyes saw the flag that flowed upon the carriage. A golden phoenix.

A smirk crossed her face, realising who it was.

"Looks like the prince decided to show up. Good. Saves me the time of writing the letter." She leaned

on her palm.

"Diana watch how I annul your engagement with your Prince charming."

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