The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1777

Chapter 1777

Bella leaned back slightly, an indifferent, cold smile dancing on her lips. "You cried to Chairman Thompson that you're broke, and since you're his only brother, he used his personal savings to cover that $50 million for you. Because of this, Chairman Thompson even had a stroke from the anger you caused, which led to the company's turmoil today.

"The loss in KS Group's stock prices and Chairman Thompson's medical and hospitalization fees could add up to at least $10 billion. Since it's not your direct responsibility, I won't hold you to it. However, you must pay for the $50 million you embezzled. It's only right to repay the debt you owe. It's a rule and also a moral obligation."

All of the shareholders' shocked gazes focused on Cameron's stiffened face, which was almost contorted.

Even Rodriguez, who spoke up for him just now, did not dare say a word.

"The money has been covered. Even if it was my brother who paid for it, it was still covered!" Cameron's eyes bulged angrily. "This matter has passed. Bringing up this old matter now is nothing but a personal vendetta!"

"Who said that this matter has passed?" Bella's eyes darkened, and she slammed her palm on the table, causing the others to jump in fright. "What you did was wrong, so there's no way I will allow you to rashly cover it up."Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Cameron paled, fear growing in his heart.

Steven looked at Bella with admiration on the side, feeling a surge of satisfaction.

"KS Group is a listed company, not your personal bank, allowing you to withdraw money whenever you want."

Bella's eagle-like eyes stared at Cameron. She was merely sitting there, but her demeanor was regal and commanding. The people looking upon her could not help but feel the instinct to submit to her.

"If I don't punish you, it would be unfair to the other shareholders. Besides, if you had a taste of victory and thought you could get away with this, you might cause a loss of billions of dollars next time, creating a catastrophic disaster. At that time, it'd be too late for anyone to regret it. Therefore, you must repay this money yourself."

Seeing that the situation was disadvantageous to him, Cameron resorted to shamelessness. "Even if you want me to pay, I can't take out so much money right away! Do you want me to sell my house and land? Do you want me and your cousin to sleep on the streets?!"

Cameron's plan was to stall for time and then contact Wyatt immediately after the meeting to complain about Bella.

No matter how much Wyatt doted on his daughter, he only had one brother after all. As long as he played the sympathy card, Wyatt would definitely protect him.

Unexpectedly, Bella raised her voice slightly at this moment. "Mr. Lovett, take out the document and let Mr. Cameron have a look." "Yes, Ms. Bella."

Steven walked to Cameron and threw the document before him.

Cameron flipped through the document in surprise, his mouth immediately hanging open in shock.

"I've listed out all of the assets under your name, Mr. Cameron."

Bella said casually, "You've opened two restaurants in Savrow, ten beauty salons in Hatchbay and Savrow, and a few properties in Meridan and Inalia. These are all your assets. If you sell those two properties and the beauty salons, it will cover the $50 million."

"Bella... You!" Cameron's sight turned black with anger.

Did she want him to go bankrupt?!

"I'll give you half a month to deal with this. If you don't, I will seek a court notice for legal enforcement." Bella's lips curled up disdainfully. "At that time, the issue of tax evasion by your restaurants and beauty salons might not be a secret anymore."

The crowd was impressed. Cameron's scandal brought some drama into their boring lives.

Cameron's shoulders trembled. Looking at the paper in his hands, he felt his head spin.

Bella had done thorough preparation and investigated him meticulously before cornering him this time.

Her sword left the sheath, leaving him no way to retaliate.

Another director could not help asking, "Ms. Bella, didn't you just say that there are two more important matters?"

"The next issue also concerns Mr. Cameron."

Bella smiled, her determined voice echoing in the air. "In today's meeting, I will take the lead to propose the removal of Cameron Thompson from the board of directors and his position as vice chairman."

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