The CEO’s Pet Cat

Chapter 59: The Smell of Conspiracy

Just see Riina leaning against the door with her arms around her chest, her eyes fixed on the woman lying on the bed, a painful expression on her face, then with her bag in her hand and elegant steps, she slowly approached the hospital bed, and when she saw Mia’s pale face lying there, she actually couldn’t help but slide two tears out of the corners of her eyes.

“What’s wrong with Miss Luo? How come she’s lying here? I remember she’s just unconscious, right?” Riina looked at the other three with a confused look on her face, “It’s not like Miss Luo has been passed out since that day until now!”

Wang Yuxin glanced at Lina’s sad expression, and a perfunctory smile appeared on her face, “Thank you for your concern, but it’s simply unexpected for Miss Lina to come to see Mia.”

Seemingly not realizing that Wang Yuxin was mocking herself, Li Na took out a handkerchief to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes and looked at Wang Yuxin sadly, “Miss Wang, I am truly sad for Miss Luo,”

With that she wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of her eyes with her handkerchief, using it as a cover for her mouth to curl into a vicious smirk, and at the sight of Mia’s tightly closed eyes, her heart rose with a feeling of pleasure she had never felt before.

Wang Yuxin looked at the unexpected guest coldly, and pointed her finger at the door of the ward unceremoniously, “Li Na, you really have thick skin, I think you won’t have any good intention to come to see Mia, you are not welcome here, you’d better leave!”

Riina wasn’t annoyed at all, she had only come here to check on Mia’s condition, and she was relieved to see that she was now no longer a threat to her, so whether she lived or died was of no concern to her.

“Since I’m not welcome, I’d better leave.” With that Riina was ready to turn and leave, but was stopped in her tracks by Liam Jun and Claude.

“Leena, where’s my brother?” Liam Jun stood up, his eyes locked on Leena’s carefully manicured eyes.

“Also, why did you know Mia was in this hospital?” Claude followed up with an icy query as well.

This hospital where Mia is staying is not the previous one, and if it wasn’t for deliberate research, it would never have known she was here, and more importantly …

Claude’s eyes instantly went dark and sharp, Lena actually knew Mia was pregnant too!

The barrage of questions caused a flash of panic in Riina’s eyes, her enchanting body leaning close to the door, an awkward smile on her face.

Damn it! The only one she’s dealing with is Mia. What are these two men doing?

Although she was already starting to panic, Riina held up a mask of calm self-possession and faced several people’s questions with a perfectly unbreakable smile, “What, are you guys doubting me?”

Liam Jun’s tall body slowly approached her, his cold, snowy eyes smashing into Riina’s face without mercy, a compelling aura pressing closer, “Now, please answer my question.”

Riina gritted her teeth and looked at Liam Jun’s cold face, forcing herself to calm down and raise a seemingly easy smile, “Who are you to make me answer your questions.”

“Qualification?” Wang Yuxin sneered, her sharp eyes shooting straight at Lina’s slightly flustered face.

“I’ve never heard of any qualifications needed to answer a question, and if you don’t answer it, you have something on your mind!”

“What ghosts can I have in my heart, I only came today to genuinely want to visit the injured Mia, I didn’t expect that, how can you guys doubt me.” Riina squeezed a few tears out of her eyes for sympathy purposes.

Claude seemed to notice something and his deep eyes instantly sharpened, “Injured? How did you know Mia was injured? Didn’t you just say you only knew she was unconscious?”

Realizing that she had said the wrong thing, Lina’s face suddenly paled, her eyes panicked as she looked at the door behind her. She couldn’t stay here anymore, she must get out of here as soon as possible, she moved towards the door without moving, her mouth kept coping, “That … ambulance was so loud and caused so much commotion, of course I know.”

Liam Jun looked at her with a cold, expressionless face, “Speaking of which, Lena you were there weren’t you?”

, Wang Yuxin looked coldly at the pale Li Na with her arms around her chest, “Miss Li Na, I finally know why you came to visit Mia.”

One thing is now certain, and that is that Leena is not connected to this chain of events.

Riina was about to speak but was interrupted by Claude’s frustrated determination, his icy eyes also looking at Riina standing in the doorway, pulling his phone out of his pants pocket, “I don’t mind calling Asher now if you want to talk about him.”

Riina’s face was even more flustered, more afraid to call Asher, it was obvious that the situation at hand was very bad for her and she should just get out of here before things fell apart.

Her eyes swept over to the three, a far-fetched smile pulling at the corners of her mouth, “Whatever you say, I have things to do, so I won’t be here with you fooling around.”

With that said, he hurried away from the ward without a backward glance.

Watching Lena fall away, Claude and Liam Jun looked at each other, it seemed that there really was something else going on with all of this.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.

In the past three days, Mia has not shown any signs of waking up, which makes the three of them extremely anxious. On this day, Claude could not come to the hospital because of business, Liam Jun and Wang Yuyuan Peasant were at Mia’s bedside as usual.

Mia, in a coma, felt like she was swept in by a black vortex, the endless darkness made her feel panic, loneliness surrounded her, no one came to save her, it was so cold and scary, why didn’t anyone come to save her?

Was she back to life in the orphanage? No, she doesn’t want to go back to those days of being bullied, she doesn’t want to!

“No … no!” Mia, who had been lying quietly in her hospital bed, whispered to herself, her brow furrowed, her eyes rolling rapidly, her body covered in cold sweat, looking like she was caught in a nightmare.

“Mia , you’re awake?” Liam Jun and Wang Yuxin pounced to the bedside together, their excitement overflowing.

Mia’s eyes were still tightly closed, but her brow was furrowed and her hands were clutching the sheets in a very painful manner.

Who’s calling her? The voice was so familiar, it was Asher? No way, how could that cold and heartless man come to see her? She wanted so badly to open her eyes to see, but her eyelids were so heavy, she was so tired and wanted to sleep.

“Mia , wake up, stop sleeping, if you keep sleeping like this, we won’t know what to do.” Liam Jun reached out his hand and tenderly smoothed her tightly furrowed brow together, looking at Mia with a deeper affection.

Wang Yuxin gently ruffled the hair on her forehead for Mia, looked tenderly at Mia’s slightly pained face, and whispered to Liam Jun, “Mia must be in a lot of pain right now, I think she’s thinking of the time when she was a child in the orphanage, the past that hurt her to the core.”

Liam Jun didn’t turn around, but the gaze he looked at Mia was soft and full of pity. This little woman, what had she been through!

Mia’s movements were becoming more and more violent, at first her hands were still slightly trembling, but then they had become waving in the air as if she was driving away something that scared her: no, she didn’t want to lose her baby, it belonged to her, her baby! Everyone who wanted to hurt her baby, get out of the way!

Fearing that she might hurt herself, Liam Jun hurriedly confined her hands and said softly, “Mia , wake up, wake up, you’re just having a bad dream, just a bad dream!”

Wang Yuxin also looked at Mia with a nervous face, not even daring to blink her eyes.

“No, Asher …,” Mia moaned in pain, but still didn’t open her eyes.

Her head hurt, there was so much arguing, and she wanted to sleep.

Fingers subconsciously brushing her forehead, Mia finally opened her eyes and let out a feeble moan, “That hurts …”

“Mia, you’re awake?” Liam Jun was ecstatic to see Mia finally open her eyes.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Wang Yuxin also pounced over, her eyes full of tears of excitement and happiness, “Mia, you guy, you almost didn’t scare me to death!”

Mia’s confused eyes were fixed on the two people in front of her, reflecting Liam Jun’s haggard but still handsome face and Wang Yuxin’s face full of excitement, Mia snapped her eyes shut and then snapped them open again, the doubt in her eyes still remained.

“Mia, it’s good to be awake, we were all worried about you, it’s good that you’re awake.” Liam Jun looked at her fondly, heartbreakingly caressing her still pale face, his eyes filled with tenderness.

But Mia’s eyes were still very confused, still staring at him with a strange look in them.

Seeing the confused look in her eyes, Liam Jun’s heart rose with a strong feeling of unease and said hurriedly, “Mia, don’t you remember me? I’m Liam Jun!”

Mia’s eyes are so strange, he’s afraid of her like this, as if she treats him as a stranger. Liam Jun jolts, did Wen Xiaoyao hurt her brain when she rolled down the stairs?

“Mia, do you …” Wang Yuxin looked at Mia carefully and asked tentatively, “Do you still know me?”

Mia didn’t look quite right now, her eyes dull and confused, especially the way she looked at Liam Jun, which seemed to be laced with doubt and uncertainty.

“Xin Xin.” Mia twisted her head and cracked a weak smile at Wang Yuxin.

“You remember me, fortunately you still remember me.” Wang Yuxin stepped forward and gave Mia a big hug, the tears in her eyes finally unable to stop slipping down.

“What are you talking about? How could I not remember you.” Mia looked suspiciously at Wang Yuxin who was lying on her shoulder with a hint of pout in her tone.

“So, do you know him?” Wang Yuxin straightened up from Mia’s shoulder and pointed carefully at Liam Jun, who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

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