The CEO’s Pet Cat

Chapter 58: The child is gone

With the three men waiting anxiously, the ambulance finally roared in, and the three men carried Mia to the car, where they then got in and sped off in the direction of the hospital.

Asher, who was sitting in the car as the ambulance passed through the parking lot, wrinkled one thick brow, “What’s going on and why is there an ambulance?”

The driver glanced outside at the crowded entrance to the building, “President, do you need me to go down and ask?”

Asher thought for a moment and looked in the direction of the ambulance, “No, drive.”

The car moved slowly forward, and as Asher’s car crossed paths with the ambulance, his heart jerked with pain that almost choked him, and he couldn’t help but withdraw his tie with one hand, gasping for air.

What the hell is going on?

“President, do we need to go to the hospital.” Seeing Asher’s abnormalities in the rearview mirror, the driver asked with concern.

Asher fought back the sudden pain, gritting his teeth and waving his hand at the driver, relieving the pain coming from his chest for a while before it lowered considerably.

He’d been so distracted the last few days, always feeling like something was going to happen, but what could it be?

Perhaps, he was overthinking it? But, for some reason, Mia’s figure came to his mind …

Instead, the emergency vehicle crossed and missed Asher’s car before weaving quickly down the tarmac, a siren beeping hard against the hearts of several people.

Once Mia is carried out of the ambulance, Liam Jun himself steps in and calls the dean out, unceremoniously ordering him to wake Mia up or face the consequences.

Naturally, the dean didn’t dare to slow down and ordered in a panic to prepare for the operation, and there was a flurry of chaos in the hospital, the sound of nurses running, doctors gathering towards the operating room, and Mia was soon wheeled into the operating room with a red light on outside.

The three men sat on a bench outside the emergency room, anxiously waiting, but each with their own thoughts.

Liam Jun’s face was grim, long gone from its usual sunny brightness, and the stony aura around him could almost suffocate anyone. The moment he saw Mia roll down the stairs, he realized how much Mia meant to him.

Instead, Claude’s heart was filled with guilt, his mind constantly recalling the scene that made his heart palpitate. If he hadn’t been so insistent, Mia wouldn’t have had the accident, right, and it was his fault for causing it.

Wang Yuxin kept hovering in front of the emergency room and finally stared at Claude viciously, grabbing him by the collar, “Claude, how’s that? Now you’re satisfied, right! You don’t believe Asher is that kind of person, and it turns out he is! If anything happens to Mia, I won’t let you guys off the hook!”

“I know I was wrong, I did this to Mia , I did this to Mia.” Claude didn’t resist in the slightest, just mumbled.

Wang Yuxin let go of Claude fiercely and glared at Liam Jun again indignantly, “And you! None of you Jun family members are good! I’ll keep a record of this account!”

Seeing Liam Jun’s face become even more gloomy, Wang Yuxin grunted coldly and started hovering outside the emergency room again with anxiety and unease.

The main thing now, should be to wait for Mia to come to her senses.

Asher’s cold face came to mind, and Claude’s eyes grew deeper, and the palms of his hands hanging in the chair slowly clenched into iron fists.

He didn’t want to believe Asher would do this even now, but the facts were in front of him and he couldn’t afford to disbelieve them.

Just as they were waiting anxiously, the door to the emergency room suddenly opened and a nurse came out looking nervous, Wang Yuxin immediately went up to her, “How is Mia’s condition now!”

“The patient is bleeding profusely and is still being resuscitated, urgent A blood now.” The nurse said quickly as she glanced at them.

“Type A blood? I’m type A. Draw my blood.” Liam Jun hurriedly rolled up his own sleeve.

“Then you come with me.” After giving him a look, the nurse walked quickly towards the end of the corridor.

Liam Jun didn’t hesitate for a moment and sprinted after the nurse. As long as he could save Mia, he would do whatever he was told to do.

“Perhaps, not all of the Jun family are as cold-blooded and heartless as Asher.” Wang Yuxin looked at Liam Jun’s back and said thoughtfully.

“But something like this seems like it would be worse.” Claude looked at Liam Jun’s back, words unspoken.

A full three hours had passed by the time Mia was wheeled out of the emergency room, and the dean himself arranged for Mia to be admitted to the advanced intensive care unit.

The three men gathered around the hospital bed and looked worriedly at Mia, whose eyes were tightly closed.

Liam Jun grabbed Mia’s somewhat cold fingers and gently stroked them to his face, his eyes gentle as water.

Mia’s bloodless face looked even paler, long lashes covering her eyelids, hair hanging lifelessly on either side of her ears.

He gently stroked her stunning but pale face with his hand, she was so asleep, as if she would never wake up. Liam Jun’s heart inexplicably flashed with a trace of panic, secretly said: Mia, you wake up quickly, this time I will not be dissatisfied with you treating me as a big brother, as long as you wake up …

Claude looked at Mia’s unruffled face, guilt leapt onto his handsome face, “Mia, I know I’m wrong now, I shouldn’t have had to drag you to Asher, it’s my fault you’re like this. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to …”

“Not on purpose? I think you did it on purpose!” Wang Yuxin still hadn’t forgiven Claude, and seemed to be working against him at every turn, and she would always bite the dust whenever he opened his mouth to speak.

Claude glanced at Wang Yuxin, whose eyes were red and swollen, his head slowly dropping, all this mistake was caused by him, what qualifications did he have to speak?

“Liam Jun, you go back and tell Asher that his purpose has been achieved, Mia will stay out of his life from now on, and ask him to stop pestering Mia, and don’t forget that he is a man with a fiancée!” Wang Yuxin let Claude go and said to Liam Jun again in an icy tone.

She had decided that as soon as Mia woke up, she would take Mia and leave this place of right and wrong.

Liam Jun didn’t say anything, and Claude didn’t speak again, and Wang Yuxin gave them a hard stare and stopped talking.

The ward was quiet, terribly silent even.

The attending doctor came in with trepidation and trepidation, finally breaking the awful silence.

“Doctor, how is her condition now?” Seeing the doctor come in, Wang Yuxin anxiously asked about Mia’s condition. The baby was bound to be gone, what was important now was Mia’s physical condition.

“This madam’s condition is not too promising, the heavy bleeding from the miscarriage has made her already weak body even weaker, so she needs to be properly toned.” The doctor glanced at Mia, who was still conscious on the bed, and asked again abruptly, “Excuse me, did this lady have some kind of accident when she was a child?”

“Doctor, is there something wrong with Mia’s body?” Wang Yuxin asked him uncertainly.

The doctor looked at the three of them and said carefully, “According to this lady’s current condition, because her body is already weak and the miscarriage has caused a lot of damage to her body, and from my experience she had an accident as a child, she should have injured her pelvis as well as the inside of her abdomen, and there was already a risk of infertility at that time. ”

“What!” Wang Yuxin’s eyes were round and shocked as she looked at the doctor, wanting to confirm once more the correctness of his aforementioned statement.

Claude, on the other hand, stared at the doctor with a grim look on his face, his bony joints slightly white from the force of his grip, as if the doctor would not hesitate to step forward and punch him if he said something that upset him.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Liam Jun, on the other hand, looked at the pale Mia with pity, one hand clenched into a fist.

“This lady’s condition is really quite unpromising, even with the conditioning it will take a long time, and …” the doctor was still hesitating and was considering whether to give the rest of his words away.

“And what?” Wang Yuxin still couldn’t sink her teeth into it.

Claude patted her back gently, indicating for her to not be so impatient.

The doctor swept a few people with trepidation, “This lady had a hard time getting pregnant this time only to miscarry again, it really did a lot of damage to her, and according to her current health condition, I’m afraid it will be difficult for her to get pregnant again.”

At the doctor’s words, the ward was silent and awfully still.

“She, when will she wake up?” Asher realized then that his throat was so dry he could barely speak.

“Uh … that depends on the patient’s own consciousness, and if she doesn’t want to wake up and face this, well, there’s nothing that can be done about it.” The doctor looked cautiously at the three men’s suddenly changing faces.

“What do you mean there’s nothing you can do! Aren’t you a doctor! Since you’re a doctor, it’s your job to fix her up! Let her wake up!” Wang Yuxin rushed to the doctor’s front and glared at him viciously, “You’re actually giving me the idea that there’s no way out now?! What do you mean by that!”

“Uh … I mean …,” the doctor swallowed, but didn’t know how to explain.

“Just don’t give the doctor a hard time, he’s doing his best too.” Claude and Liam Jun hurriedly pulled Wang Yuxin away, fearing that she would get into trouble with the doctor again.

Knowing how bad she must be feeling right now, how could they not?

After the doctor left, the ward was once again plunged into a silent atmosphere, all three of them looking at the woman lying on the bed in silence, inwardly praying for her to wake up quickly.

After an unknown amount of time, a shrill voice suddenly broke this silence, and all three eyes twisted to look, and when they saw the woman who appeared in the doorway, Wang Yuxin’s eyes instantly changed color.

Because in the doorway stood, instead, Lena.

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