The Alpha's Daughter

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

I woke up to be greeted by Roxy's beautiful face.

She was breathing steadily, laying on my chest.

It has been a week since her birthday and whether it sounds true or not my love has grown every day

since then.

Knowing that I was Roxy's true love for eternity made my heart swell.

The woman that has given me everything I could possibly dream of.

She mumbled against my chest and I smiled glancing down at her.

"I know I'm hot and all but staring at people who are asleep is creepy" Roxy said.

I flipped her so she was under me "So I'm creepy" I asked and she nodded.

"So kissing a person that's sleeping is creepy" I asked and she nodded.

I pecked her lips "is that creepy" I asked and she nodded.

I kissed her ear "Is that creepy" I asked and she nodded.

I trailed kisses down her neck "Is that creepy" I asked and all she managed to say was hmm.

I smirked to myself and stood up heading to my closet.

Once my weight was lifted off the bed her eyes snapped open "Where are you going" She asked.

I smiled "to go wash the creepiness away" I said.

She rolled her eyes groaning "Sometimes I wish you were still shy" She said.

I smiled "then life wouldn't be no fun" I said walking to quickly kiss her nose before heading into the


Brayden was also heading the same direction as me.

He caught up to me "Hey bro" He said.

"Hey," I said and I looked down, noticing he had clothes in his hand as well.

"Are you heading to go take a shower" I asked and he nodded.

He glanced down in my hands and realization hit "Oh your going to take a shower sorry man go" he

said stepping back.

"You sure" I asked and he nodded starting back down the hall.

I entered the bathroom placing my clothes down before turning the water on.

I got into the shower smiling to myself.

My whole life has changed so much it doesn't make any sense. Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Roxy is now my mate and that has to be the best change.

Brayden and I are now bros. He treats me like a friend now.

Roxy's parents love me and it's awesome knowing they have my back.

I now have my own little family and I love them all very much.

I finished washing my hair and the thought of when I told her parents my back story came to me.

They were so sad and told me I don't have to worry about them anymore.

I knew they were right even though my father was an evil man.

I knew if he figured out that I was actually the way he wanted even though I'm still not violent.

He'll try anything in his power to get me back to become the new Alpha.

I sighed, pushing the thoughts out of my head.

I doubt he even knows I'm alive still probably thinks I died when they left me in the woods.

Stop thinking about him Aiden dang you never thought about him before why now.

I sighed shutting off the water and heading back to my room to see Roxy asleep.

I shook my head at her because she was so lazy.

I walked over to her shaking her body "Roxy wake up" I said and she groaned.

"I was up until you left me all alone to die" She said dramatically and I rolled my eyes.

"So you were not asleep, you were dead" I asked and she nodded.

"Yep but you just had to wake me up from my grave" She said and I chuckled at her.

"So you're alive now just by me calling your name and touching you" I asked.

"Yes it was powerful enough to revive me" She said.

"I think you've played too much call of duty black ops with Brayden" I said chuckling.

"Hey that game is educational it teaches you what to do through a zombie apocalypse" She said and I

rolled my eyes.

"So you're never going to eat or sleep, buy guns from walls, and kill zombies until you die" I asked and

she nodded.

"You know what Roxy, sometimes I think you're crazy" I said and she smiled.

"You love me though" She said and I nodded.

"I love you alot" I said and then she smiled mischievously.

"Love me enough to get me doughnuts" She asked and I nodded.

"You know you have me whipped don't you" I asked and she nodded.

I put on my shoes grabbing her keys from my dresser.

When I reached the door she called after me "What would I do without you" She asked.

I smirked before turning to her to say "Buy your own doughnuts" I said and with that I left.

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