The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 21

Six months later….

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“You need to tighten form.” Thorin said for the third time today.

“How?” I huffed, I thought I was this entire time.

“Like this Solnyshko,” Thorin said, carefully putting his hands around my center and repositioning me.

“Are you ever going to tell me what that means?” I asked, playfully looking over my shoulder to him.

He chuckled before helping me draw my bow back, adjusting my position again, and flicking his head for me to pay attention. “Control breathing, aim, and release.” He whispered, letting go of me.

I took a few steadying breaths, focusing on the bullseye and releasing my arrow. To my utter amazement, it landed in the center of my target that sat nearly fifty yards away. “I did it!!” I exclaimed.

“Good job sunshine.” Thorin said proudly.

“Sunshine? I’m your sunshine?” I smiled softly.

Thorin scratched his chin, a slight blush creeping up on him. “Lets retrieve arrows.”

I hesitated a moment, before nodding and continuing with Throin. We have always had an unspoken something between us. But between his honorable spirit and my drama, we never explored what that something might be. There were plenty of times I thought about Thorin late at night, plenty of missed opportunities to see where things might take us. Especially in the past few months. Today was not going to be one of those days.

“Thorin…wait.” I said, reaching for his hand.

He stopped and took a half step towards me. “Solnyshko?” He asked.

“Thorin, I want you.” I practically pleaded.

“I think we are done with training today,” he said.

“Please, Thorin,” I purred.

A long, low growl rumbled through his chest. “If you don’t leave now-“

“I don’t want to leave Throin!” I bit out. “I want you.”

No sooner did the words leave my mouth did I feel myself being lifted off the ground and tossed over Thorins shoulder. I gasped in shock or excitement, I don’t know which. He took purposeful steps back to his tiny cabin, kicking open the door and slamming it shut behind him. He laid me down on his slightly lumpy bed, climbing overtop of me. I reached for his shirt but he stopped me, pinning my hands to the bed. His mouth met mine, slowing things down. He chuckled into me when my h**s started bucking, pleading for more.

“Slow down, Solnyshko, we have time.” He said in a gravelly voice.

I wined in protest but nodded and tried to relax. I wanted this so badly. Thorin took his time, peeling off one article of clothing at a time, and worshiping that part of my body, until I was completely bare beneath him.

“You’re overdressed.” I panted, sitting up on my elbows.

“It would appear that way.” He agreed, kicking off his boots first, then his flannel shirt, discarding everything onto the floor until he was standing before me in all his perfectly sculpted naked glory. Goddess, there were at least twenty raunchy thoughts that flew through my head at that moment.


Where do I begin? I wanted to climb him like a tree.


I know one limb I’m especially excited about climbing onto.


I stirred awake, my head throbbing. What the hell just happened? I opened my eyes, and was even more confused. I was at Thorin’s house. What?

“You took nasty hit.” He said, putting a cool cloth over my head.

And that’s when it came back to me. Today we were practicing hand to hand combat and I got cocky. Thorin warned me at least half a dozen times to fix my form so I didn’t leave him an opening. I let my guard down and it looked like Thorin got what would have been a kill shot. Thankfully, he was my trainer and not an actual enemy.

I was lying on his bed in just my sports bra and a pair of shorts. Thorin only had a pair of sweat pants on. He was cooking something amazing smelling. How long had I been out for?

“You were only out for short time. I make you food to replenish. We try again tomorrow.” He said, as if reading my mind.

I watched as he went back over to his stove, tending to whatever it was he was cooking. I suddenly felt very flustered, having such a sensual dream about Thorin. Dont get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind tasting his candy, it’s just a bit awkward waking up to the person you were having a wet dream about staring back at you without the slights clue.

“What are you making?” I asked, clearing my throat and slowly sitting up.


“Which is what exactly?” I asked.

“Eh…hearty soup.”

“It smells delicious.” I complimented.

“See for yourself.” He said, handing me a bright red bowl of soup.

I shamelessly devoured the borscht. It was quite good. I didn’t know Thorin could cook. But I guess he doesn’t have anyone else to take care of him, so he should technically know how to. I wondered if he ever had anyone special in his life, or if he does even now. We spend a lot of time together every day, but I don’t know much about his personal life. He doesn’t speak much of it, and I don’t press.

“Did you even have anyone special in your life?” I asked as we ate.

“Once. When I was young pup. Barley shifted. She was stunning woman, I was very fond of her.”

“What ever happened to her?”

“She was sent to kill me. So I killed her first.” He said, sipping the remainder of his borcht before heading back to the kitchen for a refill. “You want more?”

“No thank you.” I shook my head, taken back by his admission.

“My life wasn’t always simple.”

“Hey, I’m in no place to judge.” I laughed dryly. “I’m sorry that happened though.”

“Eh, probably for better.” He shrugged, taking a seat next to me again. “I am hard man to love.”

“Thats not true.” I frowned.

“Not many want a trained killer as their mate, Solnyshko. Too dangerous.”

“Their loss.” I sighed, using my spoon to move what was left of my food around the bowl. “Do you maybe want to grab dinner sometime?” I asked shyly.

“We are having dinner?” He asked, confused.

“No, I mean like a date. Do you want to go out on a date sometime?”

“Oh” he said, setting his spoon down that was already halfway to his mouth. “I should be one to ask.”

“Okay.” I said, my face flaming red in embarrassment. I knew this was a bad idea.

“Will you go on the date with me?” He asked, a smile creeping up on him.

“I would love that.” I nodded.

“It is settled then.” He smirked.

“Perfect. Do you have my phone? We can pick a date. I just want to check my calender first. My father has had me on a crazy schedule lately. I think he might actually let me be queen one day. He added a ton of diplomatic classes to my schedule. Jonas is actually the one teaching me since he almost has his Ph. D. now.”

Thorin nodded and handed me my phone from the table across the room. “It rang while you were asleep, I forget to mention.”

I unlocked my phone and saw the missed call, though I didn’t recognize the number. The area code wasn’t from around here either. Whoever it was left a voicemail though. I absentmindedly pulled up the voicemail and pressed play, putting the phone to my ear.

“Hey Kelly, this is King Derek…Just Derek…um councilman Howard gave me your number. He said you would be expecting my call. Um..anyway…maybe we could meet for lunch sometime soon? Or dinner I guess? Call me back…or text…if you want. Bye.”

Oh no…

I looked over to Thorin, who had obviously heard the message. Stupid werewolf hearing. Several months have passed since my father told me that I was put on a list for King Derek to choose from and I hadn’t heard anything. So why would I have thought it was him calling? And of all times, why did it have to be right now?

“You already have the boyfriend?” Throin frowned.

“No- Its not what you think…I was asked to be on a dating list for King Derek-“

“Dating list?” Thorin frowned.

“In case King Derek can’t find his mate, you see-“

“You are second choice?” He frowned even harder.

“Its complicated but I can explain-“

“Nyet.” He shook his head. “You committed to him first. We don’t have the date.”

“But Thorin-“All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.


Just when I thought things were getting easy.

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