The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 20


“Hey dad…you wanted to see us?” I asked.

Kylie was with me, she seemed on edge. It wasn’t often that she got called to the principal’s office, so to speak about something important like this. Whatever this was.

“Yes, please have a seat girls.” He said, shutting the door behind us.

Okay, now I’m on edge. He generally has an open-door policy. A closed door meant whatever this was was big.

“Is everything okay?” Kylie asked, fear in her voice.

“Great actually.” He nodded, taking a seat across from us. “I had a meeting with the council a few days ago and there is something I would like to discuss with both of you.”

“Alright.” I said, crossing my arms and legs. “Shoot.”

“King Derek needs to choose a mate in the next year or so, council’s orders. He expressed his concern about picking a mate, saying he didn’t have much time to do so. Councilman Howard approached me after the meeting and said he was going to compose a list of prospects for King Derek to choose from, on the off chance that he couldn’t find someone suitable on his own.”

“So you put us on that list?” I asked with raised brows. Kylie looked like she wanted to throw up.

“No. Councilman Howard simply wanted to know if you were interested. I told him I would get back to him. This is completely up to you two. However, I would like one of you to give him a shot, but, I will only give him one name. I do not find it proper for both of you to pursue the same mate.”

“So, we are basically a backup plan?” I asked, unamused.

“It could be a chance to unite our kingdoms.” He said firmly. “King Derek also seems like an honorable man.”

“If we refuse?” I asked.

“Its a lost opportunity.” He shrugged.

“When do you need an answer?”

“One week,” he said firmly.

“Okay…we will get back to you.” I nodded, looking over to Kylie, flicking my head towards the door.

We walked out together. I was about to ask Kylie a question when she yanked me into a coat room, shoving me into a vacuum and a few old coats, slamming the door shut and flicking on the light.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“I can’t be his mate!” Kylie cried, terror in her eyes.

“Okay.” I nodded slowly. “You don’t have to. But maybe tell me why you are freaking out so much?”

“I found my mate.” She whispered.

“Thats good news, right?” I asked, looking at her unmarked neck. Things must not have gone too smoothly. “What’s his name?”

“Her name is Jocelyn.”

“Oh!” I said, a bit taken back. “I didn’t know you were-“

“I didn’t either.” She shook her head. “But after I met her, everything just felt so right. She is so amazing Kelly.”

“So why haven’t you marked each other? Why haven’t we met her yet?” I asked.

“How many wolves do you know who are gay?” She scoffed, wiping away a few tears. “Especially a princess! Dad is going to flip!”

“Listen, there isn’t anything that you can throw at dad that is worse than what I have already.” I chuckled, making her half laugh, half sob. “All any of us what is for you to be happy.” I smiled.

“Thanks Kelly.” She sniffled and nodded.

“Of course.” I said, pulling her in for a hug. “I’ll go tell dad to put my name down right now.”

“But…what about you becoming queen? If you and King Derek become mates, what happens?”

“I honestly don’t know. I don’t know if dad will even let me take over as queen at this point. Possibly becoming King Dereks’ mate might just be the closest I come to the throne.” I shrugged.

“I don’t want to be queen.” She shook her head. “And we both know Kelsey will have a nervous breakdown the first day if she ever becomes queen.”

“Ha! Your probably right.” I snorted. “Dont worry yourself over it. The future of the kingdom is in dad’s hands right now. When he decides what his next move is, then we can worry.”

“Kelsey was right, you do always know the right things to say.” She took a steadying breath.

“Oh yeah? Well then, listen to this, I think you should invite Jocelyn to dinner tonight.”

“Yeah?” She gulped.

“Yes. And I will handle any nay-sayers, so don’t you worry.”

“Thanks Kelly.” She hugged me.

“You welcome, now go fix your face and pick out something cute for dinner tonight. I will see you then.”

She nodded and went on her way. I, on the other hand, took a deep breath and went back to my father’s office. I walked right in, shutting the door behind me.

“Kelly?” My father asked.

“Kylie found her mate.” I blurted out. “So she won’t be put on the council’s dating list.” I said firmly. “I need to know what is going to happen in my future before I willingly put my name down to potentially become some strangers queen.”

“I haven’t come to a decision yet.” He shook his head, gently tossing his pen on the desk. “But I think it would be smart of you to pursue this relationship.”

“Why?” I asked, fighting the hiss that was about to escape.

“King Derek is a very nice man. He could offer you a bright future. A fresh start.”

“Becoming queen, here in this kingdom could do that too,” I said firmly. “Who else would you replace me with? Kelsey who cries at everything? Or Kylie, who couldn’t be any less interested in it if she tried?”

He let out a deep breath, obviously trying to keep his temper under control. “If you became King Dereks queen, perhaps we could talk about merging our kingdoms.”

“Merging them?” I frowned. I never thought about that.

“I would be open to it.” He nodded. “Honestly Kelly, I just need to know that you aren’t going to have a relapse. I need to know that these medications won’t make you sick again and Keres won’t go on another rampage. The only thing that is going to prove that to me is time. You can try to convince me all you want, but really I just need to see that things don’t change. And if they do, you need someone by your side to hold you accountable.”

“I don’t need a man in order to rule. So how long will it take to convince you I am better? Months? Years? A lifetime?” I scoffed. “What about mom? How long are you going to continue to put her in second place in your life? Plus, I am twenty-seven dad, the council might just force your hand if you don’t decide quickly enough. Is that how you want to go out?”

“I will let the council know that you have decided to give King Derek a shot. You are dismissed.” He said, shutting down our conversation.

I growled and stormed out, beyond angry. I went out and took Gracie for a run before coming back to shower and get ready for dinner. I didn’t spare my father a glance, but acted pleasant to everyone else. I told Kylie I would be there for her tonight, and I didn’t want to break that promise.

“Kylie, who is your friend?” Our mother asked as she and Jocelyn approached.

She took a deep breath before clearing her throat, looking at me for approval before beginning. I gave her a small nod of encouragement and she began.

“Everyone, I would like you to meet my fated mate, Jocelyn.”

Even the crickets were quiet. Silence fell throughout the room, everyone looking between each other and the couple with shock on their faces. When no one said anything, I rolled my eyes, standing to my feet.

“Congratulations!” I smiled, rounding the table and giving them both a hug. “Its so good to finally meet you.”

“How exciting!” Kelsey jumped right in. “How did you two meet?” She asked.

The brief tension in the room soon disappeared, especially once we realized how funny Jocelyn was. We needed someone funny in the house. Our father seemed a bit put off, he was always very old-fashioned, but my mother took to her quickly, saying she was happy to have another daughter. Kylie was breathing again and had the brightest smile on her face. I had never seen her so happy before. She mouthed ‘thank you’ to me halfway through dinner and I winked back, giving her foot a light kick under the table. I was so relieved that my sisters were able to find their fated mates. They deserved it. I don’t know what the moon goddess had planned for me, but hopefully it was something good.

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