Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 881

Chapter 881

Chapter 91 : The Proposal


After we settled in for a few days, I noticed that a lot of the villagers were gathering together and whispering about big plans.

I approached one of the groups while they were standing outside a bakery one afternoon.

“What's the big secret?" I asked.

They stopped talking immediately and gave me sheepish looks.

“Ummm… well…"

“Come on, guys, I know when something is going on. As the overseer of this village, it is my responsibility to handle any issues or problems that may arise. So, let me help you."

“Well, that's just it," one of them said, rubbing the back of his neck.

I arched an eyebrow at the others.

“It isn't that there's something wrong or that there's a problem."

“What's going on!?" I demanded.

“You were gone for so long that we thought it might be nice to have a celebration now that you're back.

So, we've been planning a welcome home feast for you."

I opened my mouth and then clamped it shut. It was hard to argue with that. My village didn't have endless resources but we did know how to throw a good party.

“Alright, I can get behind that plan. Why don't you host it in the packhouse garden? The weather is nice and the evenings are warm. There's more than enough space there and it is a beautiful setting," I suggested.

The three planners lit up excitedly.

“That's a great idea!"

They headed toward the packhouse to keep planning.

I went to the bedroom where Eliza was resting. She'd been doing that a lot. I was trying not to be worried about it but it was hard when she barely left our room anymore.

Standing in the doorway, I leaned my shoulder on the doorframe and watched her sleeping.

Her curly hair was scattered all over the place, covering her face and the pillow. Eliza hugged a pillow tightly, her mouth parted slightly as she slumbered. Every now and then, her face scrunched up and she hugged the pillow tighter.

Sighing, I went to the bed. I hooked her hair on my finger and pushed it out of her face.

“Eliza," I whispered. Leaning down, I kissed her soft, warm cheek.

She'd been eating a lot better since we got back to the village and the color and roundness had returned to her face.

“Mmm...." She mumbled and swatted at me with a limp wrist.

“Wake up…" I kissed her cheek again.

“What?" she whined, sitting up. Her eyes widened and then her face softened when she saw it was me. “Haven't you ever heard not to wake a sleeping pregnant woman?"

I chuckled. “I'll remember that for the future. The village is throwing a big welcome home feast tonight. I figured you'd want to have time to get dressed up."

“Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun." Eliza yawned and rubbed her eyes. “Yes, I need all the time I can get. I'm sure I have major bedhead!"

When she sat up, I covered my mouth to muffle my giggle. Several of her curls stuck out at funny angles.

“What?" she asked, crossing her arms.

“Nothing. I'll leave you to get ready. Dress up, tonight is going to be special." Sticking my hand in my pocket, I rolled a small object around that I'd been carrying around for a few days.

I blew her a kiss and left the room. As soon as the door clicked shut, I chuckled and sighed, shaking

my head.

Was it possible to love her anymore than I did? She was the perfect combination of wild, crazy, adorable, sexy, goofy, and smart.


When the sun set, the feast began.

The garden was entirely transformed. Several picnic tables had been set up with gorgeous flower centerpieces. String lights had been hung up around the garden giving it a fairy forest vibe and someone had gotten one of the fountains going again.

There were live musicians playing some mellow music and a space had been cleared for dancing.

All the food had been laid out on the picnic tables and villagers were already there nibbling and chatting.

I was really impressed with the way the feast had come together and it solidified my plans for that night.

Suddenly, the music stopped and everyone turned to look at the garden door. I turned my head to see what they were all looking at and gasped.

My heart hammered in my chest.

Eliza stood in the center of the doorway with Giselle and Scarlett on either side of her.

She wore an emerald green, tight fitting, sheath of a dress that hugged her from her torso, over her hips, and down her thighs, to just above her knees, revealing her long, toned legs.

The dress was low cut in the front, her cleavage popping out. The dress had long, dark green sleeves of lace.

My mother's golden necklace glinted on her neck in the low lighting.

As Eliza walked toward me, I felt like a little boy who'd seen a pretty girl for the first time. My hands shook and my heart galloped. I didn't even know what to say to her!

In the background, the music picked up again and people started talking.

I took Eliza's hands, and without a word, I led her onto the dancefloor. Pulling her close, I looped one arm around her hips and put my other hand on the back of her neck. I led her close to me and moved around the dancefloor.

“You look… amazing," I said, my mind too blank to think of anything else to say.

Eliza's cheeks turned red and she hugged me, resting her head on my chest.

“You said tonight was special."

“And it is."

“Why's that?" she tilted her head up to look at me.

“You'll see."

We danced until the song ended and I led Eliza off the dancefloor. I got her some water and myself some wine. I tapped a fork against my wine glass, making a ting, ting sound, until everyone in the garden was looking at me.

“Thank you everyone, for throwing this welcome home feast. It is such an honor to be among such honorable shifters."

I raised my wine glass and drank. Everyone else cheered and drank.

“Now, since you all got together and planned this feast for me, I decided to do something for you in return. From now on, we aren't just a village, we are a pack. Tonight, I declare us all members of the Midnight Sun pack!"

The garden filled with cheers. Everyone clapped and drank and started partying again.

When I looked at Eliza, her eyes were wide and glassy.

“Why didn't you tell me this was what you were planning?" She grabbed my hand and squeezed.

“Because, it is only the first surprise. We are now a pack, and a pack needs a Luna."

“What?" She gasped.

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the ring I'd been carrying around since I found out she was pregnant. It was one of the last things I purchased in the Light Realm before we left because I wanted

her to have a little piece of home.

Dropping down on my knee, I took Eliza's hand and held the ring up.

It was a platinum banded ring with Moon Goddess symbols etched into the band. The center stone was an opalescent moonstone that reflected shimmering rainbow colors in different lighting. There was a ring of smaller diamonds around the center stone and outside the ring, two more, smaller moonstones on each side of the band. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.


“Eliza, if you'll have me, I'd like you to be my Luna and my wife. I want us to be a real family." I touched her stomach with my free hand.

Eliza covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes wide. I could see the ring reflected in her eyes and there was no doubt in my mind that she was happy and excited.

“Yes… of course, I will marry you!"

Grinning foolishly, I jumped up and slid the ring on her finger. I grabbed Eliza's face and kissed her hard on the lips.

Breathing heavily, she pulled back. Her eyes shifted to the side and she smiled shyly, stepping away.

I looked over and realized everyone in the garden was watching us.


“Congratulations!" someone yelled.

The entire garden erupted in happy cheers and clapping. The music picked up again, a much happier, faster melody and everyone started dancing and celebrating.

I held my hand out to Eliza. “May I have this dance, my beautiful fiancé?"

Her cheeks turned a dark shade of crimson and she took my hand. I pulled her to the dancefloor and spun her around.

All night, we danced and laughed, enjoying the feast and the festivities.

As the fun wound down, Elize hooked her arm through mine.

“I'm getting a little tired. I think I'm going to head upstairs."

“Mmm. It is getting late, why don't I join you?" I smirked and bounced my eyebrows.

Eliza giggled. “If you think you can catch me."

She took off into the crowd, disappearing.

Growling, I hurried after her.

Eliza was in the bedroom when I caught up to her. Her back to me, I could see the line of her spine with the low cut back of her dress. She pulled the pins out of her hair and shook her head, her curls dancing

around her neck.

I put my arms around her and hugged her from behind. I kissed her neck and her shoulder with warm, slow kisses, pressing my tongue against her skin.

Eliza shuddered and leaned against me.

I hooked my fingers into her sleeves of her dress and pulled them down her arms. The dress was so tight, it clung to her curves. I bunched the fabric up in my fists and pulled the dress all the way down.

Gasping, Eliza turned to me. She cupped my cheeks in her hands and kissed me hard on the lips.

I felt the cool, smooth metal of her new engagement ring and my abdomen tightened, my arousal becoming more urgent.

Eliza's fingers unbuttoned my shirt in a flurry and she pushed it off my shoulders. She hugged me close, her supple breasts pressing against my chest.

I grabbed her hips and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around me and I carried her to the bed. I lay her down, running my hands up and down her sides.

She trembled and moaned against my touch.

My c**k ached in my pants and I let go over her just long enough to push my pants down. I knelt on the bed, hovering over her. Leaning in, I kissed Eliza's lips, then nipped and sucked at her neck.

She moaned and gasped, tightening her arms around my neck. Eliza rolled her body against mine and

I felt every inch of her smooth, warm, soft skin.

Grunting, I gripped her hips and pushed my way into her scorching, wet insides. Eliza's p***y clenched around my throbbing c**k and I nearly lost it!

Holding her close, I kissed her sweetly and made love to her all night long.

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