Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 880

Chapter 880

Chapter 90 : A Paradox


“You were right, Miriam wants us to get married," I said to Eliza, looping my arm through hers.

We walked through the main street of the pack village, arm in arm.

“I told you so."

“Yes. By now, I should know to trust you." I kissed her cheek quickly.

Even though she was tired a lot, I tried to make sure she got out for a walk every day. It was good for the baby.

“Have you thought about it at all?" I asked.

Eliza creased her brow and tilted her head slightly in an adorable, thoughtful look.

I turned toward her and cupped her cheek. She leaned into my touch and I I traced my thumb along her bottom lip.

“You mean, have I thought about us getting married?" she clarified, lifting her big, bright orbs to look me straight in the eye.

I nodded. “Yeah. Like what kind of ceremony you'd want?"

“Trust me, Jared, every girl has thought about what her wedding would be like." She giggled, a sound that was music to my ears.

“Well, how did you imagine your wedding?"

“Nothing too outrageous. I like the idea of it being simple but elegant. You know, tasteful."

“I can agree with simplicity." I nodded. “What about guests. Did you imagine a wedding with 250 guests?"

Eliza scoffed and rolled her eyes. She started walking again and pulled me along, our arms still looped together.

“No. Nothing like that."

“Well, how would you feel about getting married without family present?"

Eliza's eyes fell to the sidewalk. She remained silent, shrugging.

It didn't seem like she liked that idea but she didn't outright disagree. It wasn't like I had anything against family being there but I didn't have much family… and none that I was close to.

“Can you show me the rest of the pack village?" She looked at me with pleading, hopeful eyes.

I knew it was Eliza's way of changing the subject.

“Sure. We just walked the main street, but over this way, there are a lot of residential homes."

I pulled Eliza down one of the neighborhood streets and showed her the homes.

We walked by several homes and buildings that were a little shabby, missing exterior paint and had sagging rooves.

“There's still a lot of work to be done to get this village up to working order." I sighed.

I brought Eliza to a small park with a little pond and some ducks swimming around.

“I'd really like to fix this park up, make it larger, get a playground for kids put in. Some areas still need running water and electricity."

“I forget that some places in the Dark Realm are kind of behind the times," Eliza said. She went to the pond and crouched down, flicking the water's surface. Light flickered off the locket on the surface of the water.

“Education is a major problem here, too. I'd like to establish a formal education system for my people."

Eliza turned back to me and smiled. She stood up and came to me, taking my hands.

“You have some beautiful dreams for this place. I'd like to be a part of that."

“You will be." I hooked my finger under her chin.

“You know, the Alpha King and Luna Queen could help."

“Eliza…" I put my hands on her shoulders. “My pack has always and will always take care of itself. I'm not going to be running to the king and queen for anything… ever."

I saw the light fade from her eyes. There was an argument on her lips but instead of speaking, she sighed and slouched forward slightly.

“Are you feeling okay?" I asked, hugging her to my chest.

“Just a little tired…"

“Let's get you back to the pack house." I supported her with an arm around her shoulders and we went back to the pack house.

I knew how badly Eliza wanted me to get to know my brother. Her recommendation for asking the king for help probably had more to do with opening communication between me and the king than anything.

I did appreciate her efforts and I felt bad for being harsh. Especially seeing how easily she was still getting fatigued.

We got back to the pack house and I got Eliza some food and water, putting it on the bedside table for her. She laid down without any hesitation. I got her a blanket and spread it over her.

By the time I left, Eliza's eyes were closed and her breathing had evened out.

It was hard to tell what was bringing her out more, the pregnancy or the curse.

A few doors down from the bedroom, I ran into Archer.

“I heard you were back." He nodded at me.

“Yeah, I've got some stories for you."

“Oh, like how you came home with a brand-new ball and chain?" he teased with a smirk. “Maybe it will tether you down long enough to stick around for a bit."

Grinning, I shook my head. “Careful, you're talking about the mother of my child."

Archer winked.

I hadn't been mad when I found out that Eliza had told people she was pregnant. The only reason I had agreed with her idea to keep it a secret was because it was something she wanted. It didn't matter to me either way, so I'd let her make the decision.

“Speaking of Eliza, she made an interesting suggestion."

Archer and I started walking downstairs to the living area. “She said I should reach out to the palace for help to get the village up to date."

“Why is that interesting?" he arched an eyebrow at me.

“I've tried to live my life without turning to my rich brother for help. I feel like it has made me… stronger, and better as a leader, but if it is for the sake of the whole village…"

“So, the only reason you don't want to ask is because the Alpha King is your brother?" Archer clarified.

I shrugged. There was a certain sense of accomplishment I gained from doing things on my own, with my own strength, my own resources, and my own abilities. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

I'd always felt like that. It seemed like cheating to me to ask someone more powerful and more well off for help, especially when that person would have to help out of family obligation.

“Jared, let me ask you this. If the Alpha King wasn't your brother, would you feel the same about taking his aid?"

“I want what is best for the pack."

“And isn't the best thing for the pack getting the village up to date as quickly as possible?"

“Yes. But is the right way to go about it in a manner that will leave us beholden to someone else?

“Would you be beholden to the Alpha King? He is your brother…"

I crossed my arms and sighed. “It is a complicated paradox. He might feel obligated to help because we are related, whether he wants to or not. If he doesn't want to help, then he could use that as leverage against us later. But I doubt he will outright say he doesn't want to help. So, upfront, it could seem like a good deal until he calls in the favor later."

“I see what you mean… do you really think that the Alpha King and Luna Queen are that malicious? I always thought they were kind and benevolent."

I rubbed the back of my neck and thought about what Archer said. He did make some good points about my brother being a good person.

There was nothing he'd ever done to make me think that he wasn't a good person.

Was I letting my own pride and biases towards a man I didn't know cloud my judgement?

If I really wanted what was best for the pack, shouldn't I just swallow my pride and do what was needed for their wellbeing?

Sighing, I bowed my head.

It was strange to me to think that asking for help for a quick and easy fix was the “right" thing to do. I'd lived my life thinking that it was hard work, commitment, and determination that paid off.

But what was family for, if not helping?

“Look, Jared, the king and queen are your family. What you want to do with that is up to you," Archer said, shrugging one shoulder. “But the truth is, if they are as noble as they appear, they should want to help the packs in their kingdom."

“You're saying that they'd help any pack, regardless of family ties?"

“That's my thinking. Blood shouldn't matter when it comes to good leadership."

“That doesn't change the fact that the pack village would be indebted to the crown," I pointed out.

“But if the king and queen are noble and simply helping their people as good leaders, you wouldn't be indebted to them."

I nodded slowly. Reaching out, I clapped Archer on the shoulder.


He made good points and gave me a lot to think about.

I headed back to my room. Eliza was still sleeping soundly, her arm thrown over her eyes. I went to her side and pulled the blanket further up her body, keeping her warm.

My balcony had some of the best views of the village. I went out on the balcony. The afternoon sun was warm and bright, the sky a gorgeous powder blue. There wasn't a cloud anywhere in sight.

Leaning my elbows on the balcony rail, I looked at the village spread out around the mansion.

If I didn't ask for my brother's help, my village would go years without modern updates that would increase their wellbeing and overall comfort. I'd continue to have a non-existent relationship with my brother, either.

On the flip side, if I did reach out to him, Eliza would be happy. The village would be updated and my pack would be happy. And I'd get the chance to see what kind of man my brother really was.

When thinking about it like that, the pros definitely outweighed the cons.

But I still had to worry about long-term effects of what a deal with the king would mean.

Eliza believed that he was a good man that wouldn't hold this kind of thing over my head.

Archer seemed to believe it too.

Perhaps I'd let my animosity toward royalty and palace life color my thoughts and opinions of my brother.

There was another problem I was contending with too… was I ready to reach out to my brother and attempt a relationship?

Was that really what was holding me back?

Of course, I wanted what was best for the pack. But I didn't know if I was ready to connect with my family on that level.

Getting to know Theo and Ciana had been enough of a shock and they were more distant relations.

My heart ached suddenly and I stood up, clasping my hands over my heart. My lungs heaved as I breathed heavily.

Eliza was right. There was a part of me that longed to meet my family and connect with them. And maybe then, the emptiness inside would feel less consuming.

It was time to reach out to the palace and my brother.

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