Scarred Alphas

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

Colt’s lips slide down my back leaving flutters of warm kisses. His hands caress my shivering skin, one up my hips and the other down my thighs. His hard member

slides in and out slowly

inside of me. He has been

gentle the last couple of


I bend down further, resting my face on the edge of the

mattress while I keep my

legs grounded on the floor as

Colt makes love to me. It is

the most comfortable

position for the size I am now. Only one more month to go for me to pop. I do

miss our wild raw s*x but it

is too tiring for me right now

and too hard.

Colt straightens up and puts a hand on my back as he speeds up just a little.

“There. Just like that.” I whisper.

I have been horny like crazy and he indulges me every time. Many times he doesn’t

even finish, just does it for

1. me.

“You like that?”

“Yeah. Don’t stop!”

“I won’t.”

He does as I say and continues at the same speed and rhythm until my body finally feels relief.

“Mh…feeling better?” He lets

me go then turns and lies

down on the bed.

“Yeah. Much better.”

He lies down with a smile

and hugs me. “Cranky


I laugh and then groan. “I don’t want to be Alpha


“Then don’t. Take a day off.

I’ll handle it.”

“Thank you. I’ll just stay in all day and watch TV.”

“No, you won’t.”

I giggle. He knows me so


It’s been a few months now

since Warrick officially made me and Colt Alpha’s of the pack. Colt and I work together just great. Hardly we ever disagree. We are in

tune and want the same for

the pack. He is my best

friend and I could not

imagine being anyone else.

It is like we were really made

for each other which is weird

cause we were not fated

mates but it feels like we

were meant to be. I love this

man more than almost

anything in this world.

I touch my belly.

Almost anything…

I did not know if I ever

would start feeling that

maternal instinct but after

seeing my baby grow inside

of me, how could I not? He is

as much of my whole life as Colt is. He…my baby boy, Logan James. I really wish that James would approve, I am sure he would.

After that horrible night, Oliver was sent to his family

who told us they had been looking everywhere for him. The last I heard from them,

they concluded their hunt

and Oliver was killed. It

wasn’t pretty either.


brother–surprisingly agreed

to take over the Blood River

Pack. After witnessing what

Ezra did with the pack, he didn’t want something like that to happen again, and so he grew some balls and became the Alpha. He was

the first of our official allies.

Most packs are still afraid of us but we are working on building strong alliances and no more unfair punishments in this pack. I make sure of that. I want everyone to be happy and live a good life. That is my goal for this pack.

I open my eyes and see that Colt has already gotten


“Did I fall asleep?”

He laughs. “Yes. I ran you a

hot bath. Do you want

breakfast in bed?”

get up with a big smile. “No. I’ll go downstairs.”

He kisses me and then kisses

my belly before he leaves.

“Remember, we have dinner

tonight.” He says.

“Yes sir, I’ll be ready.” I blow

him a kiss and head to take

my relaxing bath.

As I lie in the tub, I feel the small kicks on my belly. Smiling, I put my hand and

feel him. He is itching to get out. He is so strong. He made it through so much. All that fighting back at that pit and the fight that came after. He is going to be so strong, just

like me and Colt.

After a nice bath, I head

downstairs where I find

Kanda and Serge. They act like newlyweds, feeding each

other. If I didn’t think it was

cute, I’d probably gag like Dash is doing behind their


I didn’t know that Serge had lost his mate a long time ago.

So naturally, after Kanda’s endless pursuit of him—the girl can be exhausting— he gave in. They are now mates and I am so happy for them.

Victor and Garret also

seemed relieved by this. I

don’t think they are

equipped to handle a strong

woman like her but Serge is obviously up for the task.

I sit next to Dash who gives

me his killer smile. “The

walking pimple is ready to pop!”

“Eww! Why do you have to

say it like that?!”

He laughs. “I don’t know. I

don’t think before I speak.”


“How are you feeling?” He


“I am feeling good today. Heavy.”

“Good, good. My godchild must grow strong.”

I roll my eyes. “That is not sticking. We werewolves

don’t do godparents and all


“Fine fine, but I will be his


“Obviously. You are like a

brother to Colt.”

His cheeks swell when his

lips curve to a huge smile. I

can tell that made him feel

good. But I am not lying.

Colt thinks of him as a

brother and he is Colt’s Beta. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Since Colt and I are both

Alphas of the pack, we

figured that it would be interesting to each have our

own betas. Mine is Kanda.

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t have creepy twins.” He says as he eats. “That would have

been a nightmare. How are

those two doing by the way?”

Miles and Bryn went back to

their pack once Kaecy took


“Colt says they are doing good. Shit-” I hiss at the painful kick Logan just gave me. I cross my legs feeling like I am going to pee

myself. That was definitely my bladder.

Suddenly, Dash gets up and

freaks out. “Oh GOD! Are

you okay? Are you having the baby!”


“Are you sure!?”

I start laughing seeing the panic on his face. His face

turns red and he sits back

down as everyone else around the table also laughs.

“Dash, you are so cute. I can’t wait to see you when you find your mate.”

I don’t think he could turn

any more red but he does. If the lights would be turned off right now, he would glow.

I pat his shoulder and laugh all the way out of the dining

room. I walk outside to a

beautiful day. The sun shines

bright, the birds sing

beautiful melodies, the

flowers bloom their brightest

and butterflies are


I don’t think I have ever

been this happy to be alive…I

don’t think I have ever been

this happy.

“Ouch!” I hold my belly. He kicked me again. I never knew it would be this painful to get kicked by a tiny little thing inside of me.

Thankfully it wasn’t my

bladder this time.

I spot Dad in the distance with Lotus and Poppy. Just where the reforming camp

used to stand now there is a

small golf area in its place where they all tend to spend

their time.

“Don’t you get bored of losing?” I ask Father as I walk up to them.

“When I had this built, I

didn’t know that Poppy

would be so good at it.” He


He looks just as before all his injuries. He is not one

hundred percent well yet but

he is much better. Almost

looks good as new. He stands strong, fights well, and still

has that Alpha presence. I

am glad he is returning to himself again.

“My dear, maybe you should

be sitting. That belly is looking low.” Lotus says.

Taking a deep breath and

putting my hand on my

lower back, I nod.

“He has been kicking like

crazy today.”

Lotus moves a chair closer to

1. me. “Mh, have the doctor see

you. He said the baby was going to be big so he might

just want to come out


I nod. “I’ll do that.”

“Have you had any pain? Any discomfort?” Poppy asks.

“No, but I have been feeling constipated, to be honest.”

“Wow, too much detail.” Dad says, hitting the ball that

misses the hole which is just inches away.

“It’s just poop, Dad, and you are bad at this game. Why do you even like it?”

“You can like something and

not be good at it!”

“Fine fine.”

I spend my whole morning

with them basking in the

beautiful weather. It is


In the afternoon I go see the doctor with Colt by my side.

The doctor tells me that

everything is good and to

just rest. I do exactly that until it’s time for my dinner with Colt. I am already getting ready when he

arrives to also get ready.

“Do you like this?” I show off

my dress. It is a long white

satin dress, flowy and soft.

“Love it!”

“Good answer.”

When we are done, we head

downstairs where he leads

me outside to the garden.

“Aww, this is gorgeous.”

There are flowers scattered

all over the ground and


“And I did it myself.” He says

looking proud.

“Well, I love it. You did


He leads me to the table

where he pulls out the chair

for me to sit.

He sits in front of me but the

table is small so he can easily

reach out to me and touch

1. me.

“I really wanted to take you out to dinner.” He says.

“I know but it’s just that I have not been feeling well lately. I rather stay close to


He nods. “It’s okay. Anything you want. Once the baby is

here, we can go if you want.”

“Yes. I’d love that.”

“And how is my little man

doing?” He puts a hand on my stomach.

“Kicking up a storm all day.”

He laughs and then looks at

my dress again. “You really

do look beautiful.”

“I do?”

He nods.

“Beautiful enough to eat?” I


He laughs. “Is that what you

are craving?”


“Well then, I guess it’s time I had my appetizer.” He

mischievously smiles while he starts to slide down.

“What can I get you my lady?” Dash suddenly stands

next to us in a black suit. He has a little notepad in his


I laugh. Colt probably put

him up to this.

“Come back in twenty

minutes. I am having a meal right now.” Colt says slipping

under the tablecloth.

Dash immediately turns around and sprints away muttering. “Why the f**k did I agree to this shit?!”

I laugh hard until I feel Colt’s hand travel up my leg, softly caressing, bringing tingles to my body.

This man spoils me and gives me whatever I want

and crave.

He lifts one of my legs up and puts it over his shoulder while he pushes my other

leg apart. Soon I am feeling

the blissful sensations of his

tongue on my opening.

“Uh…oh that feels so good.” I


He gives a moaning grunt that vibrates through my


I close my eyes and lean my head back letting bliss take me. His tongue dances

around and his lips at times

kiss and take my intimate

lips in his, sucking.

He told Dash to give us

twenty minutes but it only

takes five minutes for me to

see stars. My hands shake trying to grab at his hair but my belly gets in the way so

instead he intertwines his finger with mine as I ride

this wonderful feeling down with a moan. I take deep

breaths as he comes out of

the covers of the table with a big smile.

I smile too and am about to

kiss him. When his lips are

almost on mine, I lean back

and stare at him.

“What?” He asks, confused at

my sudden pause.


stomach suddenly hurts. It feels like someone took my

abdomen and twisted it till it couldn’t twist anymore. I put

my hands around my belly

and it feels so hard to the


“What is it?!” He panics.

“I…I don’t know.” I now feel

my body relax. “It’s gone


He looks at me like he is

confused, scared, and doesn’t

know what to do or say.

“Is…is the baby coming?” He


I stare at him for a few long

seconds. “I think it is.”

I swear that I arrive at the

doctor in a blink of an eye. The man lifted me up and

ran to the pack clinic only to be told that they were early

contractions so no need to


Colt is still panicking, even four hours in. Besides Colt,

Lotus and Poppy are here with me helping me through

it all.

Twelve hours in it is

excruciating. I don’t

understand how so many

women can have more than

one birth, it is the most

painful thing I have ever experienced in my life and I haven’t given birth yet. These are just the


Thirteen hours now and I

am finally there. I am screaming and pushing. I

want to curse at everyone

here who are giving me

mixed signals.

“Push! Breath! Hold it!” Make

up your damn mind! I can’t

do it all at the same time!

Then Colt is holding my

hand but he doesn’t seem to

realize how much strength he is using. You’d think it would be the other way

around. I have never seen

him so pale before either but he is holding in there.

Lotus and Poppy however are smiling and cheering,

looking at my vagina. I just want to punch the smile off of their faces even though all

I can do is breathe and


Finally, there is a sudden cry that takes my breath away. It

is the most beautiful sound I

have ever heard and I start

crying. I lift my hands up urging them to give me my baby and they immediately do. He lies n*ked on my bare

chest. The most beautiful

thing I have ever seen in my

entire life and now I know.

Now I know why women are willing to go through this. This feeling right here…I’d do it all over again for him.

The moment he touches my skin he stops crying and opens his green eyes. I touch his tiny little hand and he

immediately clings to my


Lauren…look at my son.

Look at how beautiful he is.

I can almost feel her as if she

was next to me. I can see her

in my head smiling and telling me how proud she is with James by her side.

Colt wraps his arms around both of us engulfing us in a hug. I have never felt so

much love as I do now.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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